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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14414730 No.14414730 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss the VSingers (virtual singers) of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

Previous: >>14323046

Quick VSinger primer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

Upcoming Lives
12/3-12/10: VIRTUAFREAK https://virtuafreak.zaiko.io/_item/344820
12/11: MaiR 2nd One-Man Live https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/448148
12/11: Sanrio V-Fes in Sanrio Puroland https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/211211-12-sanrioVfes
12/11-12/12: Pmaru-sama Peace Parade https://pmarusama.com/peaceparade/
12/12 - Hachi x Boogey 2 Man Live https://twitter.com/_BOOGEY_VOXX_/status/1459838534538256390 (embed)
12/17: KMNZ 1st ONEMAN LIVE https://fanbeats.jp/projects/220
12/18: ViANKiE 1st one-man LIVE 「INSPIRATION」 https://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/news/166554/
12/18: Nina Saotome 1st Anniversary "Main Story START!" https://twitter.com/NinanininVT/status/1464232030351331332 (embed)
12/18-12/19: Virtual Unit Fes. VILLS vol.3 https://v-clan.spwn.jp/events/21121814-vills
12/21: Kanade MiMi 3rd Anniversary Live [YouTube] 【歌枠】YouTubeくんがぐるり申したからアカペラに切り替えた歌枠【#奏みみ生放送】 (embed)
12/25: MaRiNaSu 3rd Anniversary Live 「デュナミス」 https://twitter.com/MarinasuChannel/status/1455873229134786567 (embed)
12/25: Entas Christmas https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/event/show/detail/01yx1bxah7121.html
12/26: HOLOSTARS 1st ACT "JOURNEY to FIND STARS!!" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21122602-engholostarslive
12/28: TUBEOUT!FES -2021 WINTER- https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21122801-TOFES
12/29: enogu one-man Live 2021 Winter -雲外蒼天- https://enogu-official.com/20211007/
12/29: koko 1st ONE-MAN LIVE 「PLAYER」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10129
12/29: Virtual Music Award 2021 https://twitter.com/VMA2020_12_28/status/1440269577833811968 (embed)
12/30: Shinkai Fes 2021 https://twitter.com/Else_PJblue/status/1455127528054538242 (embed)
12/30: Suzuna Nagihara 1st Solo Live「Okeanos」https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/_item/344856
1/22: Tokino Sora Theatrical Cover Live『Role:Play」 https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22012202-lvroleplay
1/22-1/23: Nijisanji 4th Anniversary Live "Fantasia" https://event.nijisanji.app/4thanniv_fantasia/
1/28: MINATO AQUA One-Man Live 2022 "Aqua Iro in WonderLand" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22012802-engaquawnd
2/19: VALIS 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE「転生デパーチャー」https://twitter.com/VALIS_Official/status/1463102225602199554?s=20 (embed)
2/26: Kizuna AI The Last Live "hello.world 2022" https://twitter.com/KizunaAIinc/status/1467111606631170048?s=20 (embed)
3/19-3/20: hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish https://hololivesuperexpo.hololivepro.com/

>> No.14417418
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Man, I sure love dead hours

>> No.14418708

I recently got curious about Kizuna AI, and went to look for her singing. Did she never do any utawaku streams or are those just not on Youtube anymore?

>> No.14419063

used to follow her in the early days. kinda stopped around 2018. vtubers didn't really stream much back then. one of her limitation was that she had to be in studio for the mocap. she did stream games but no utawaku as far as i remember. only "live" singing is from her concerts.

>> No.14419204

She did have a couple of them on mildom.

>> No.14419516

she sounds so different from what i remember of her

>> No.14419537

Thanks, wouldn't have thought to check there.

>> No.14420156


>> No.14420222
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wanted to fix some of the upcoming live links but last thread died faster than i thought it would...
here's the SPWN for MaiR's 2nd live
and HACHI x Boogey ZAN link

>> No.14420603

It happens in a few hours, if someone is interested.

>> No.14420706
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>> No.14421187

Speaking of events happening in few hours the Virtual Song Stream Relay Winter Festival is starting in 5 of them or so
First day starting stream
Second day starting stream
Each day should take about 9 hours and be composed of 30 minute utawakus

>> No.14421730

Can't edit for Nina's Anniversary stream. Finally some great western singing..

>> No.14421791


Here's a vsinger that youtube randomly recommended to me. She's small but not bad.

>> No.14424708
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>> No.14424834

If 300 viewers is small I don't know what the supposed average live viewership is supposed to be.
>but not bad
Yeah, at least not Kizuner bad >>14418708 baiting

>> No.14426408

Milky Queen unarchived

>> No.14427510

glad to see you’re still around, anon

>> No.14429343

Translated version of the 2021 VTuber Music Awards results. We already knew the popular vote was all NijiHolo, but at least the sponsor top 5 are more varied.

>> No.14434335

Ichika playing on recorder

>> No.14434475

What's anons favorite song from the top 30? Personally really dig this

>> No.14434902

Probably Andromeda, I really like the change up of a more downtempo song with Sui's energy.

>> No.14435945

arguably not the best performance singing wise but i like the song.

>> No.14436466

More like Niji and Suisei. The awards is a complete farce this year.

>> No.14436747

Not my favorite song from Iinchou's album (tossup between Fuyuukan UFO and Hikaru Chizu for that), but Mitoraji Galactica is by far the most musically interesting thing on that list

>> No.14437030

I’m surprised Fuyuukan UFO didn’t get in, I thought it was the best song in the album.

>> No.14438214

the judges' choices are much more interesting, but thems the breaks for voting

>> No.14439306

Still gonna wait for the version without nijiholo

>> No.14439831
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Day 1 is starting!

>> No.14441138

Towa doing an unarchived https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApPQ4OUeHkg

>> No.14441267
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Oh, one of organizers made summary with images for first day

>> No.14441591

In general dude was pretty good, does better at more energetic songs tho
Suzumio Ira is singing now!

>> No.14443229

Man, her model is laggy but she's good at getting audience to cheer on her by egging them on which is pretty underrated skill for chuubas, singing itself is fine too
Also Hanao Mizuki is starting!

>> No.14443860
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Timetable for winter Tubeout Fes is out.

>> No.14444267
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Bunch of EN chuubas doing free concert on Twitch
I recognize at least three of them as actual singers so it shouldn't be painful to watch
Starts in 7 and half hours, 3PM CET

>> No.14444369

Athena is pretty good, who're the other two you recognize?

>> No.14444524

NTA, i only recognize fisky, athena and lumi out of the group.
lumi's singing is decent. fisky... i dunno only know him from dokomi appearance.

>> No.14444533

Fuyumi and Lumi, Lumi the wolf did a concert during Digikomi(the one with only Kiara) and Fuyumi the bird has original and sang with Athena before

>> No.14444712

Kukimaru Tohma now!

>> No.14446078

She sounds like she's packing more testosterone than most men I know, good growls too, mumbles a bit too much tho
I dig it
Also it's turn for Hack U!

>> No.14446251

Can't stop looping Arcadia and Yasashii Sekai

>> No.14446316

>Sharing your part of relay with next person

>> No.14446553

Expanded results also got published finally.

A quick glance shows what I already suspected in that the mid tier artists like Hachi and MZM, as well as Holos like Watame and Mori, placed lower then you might expect because of vote splitting with them releasing multiple tracks. Suisei managing to place as high as she did despite this handicap really goes to show how much of a star she is, pardon the pun. I'm surprised to not see much Kami studio this year, though they might have had the vote splitting issue as well, and also surprised to see the NijiEN branch songs placing as well.

>> No.14446593

>Duet has good audio balancing
>It goes to hell the second she goes solo

>> No.14446935

らびあんろーず - はあちゃま1分クッキング


>> No.14447269

Nice to see some enogu songs in there.

>> No.14447530

Nothing too special in my opinion but she can shout nicely even if her mic isn't up to scratch, name is good for shitposting too
Also Yui is up now!

>> No.14448609

Free part of Pmaru-sama's concert starting.

>> No.14448616

Peace Parade is on

>> No.14448688

Pretty standard singing, I like her but not enough to subscribe, even if she sings Welcome to Japari Park but it's a close thing now, they managed to keep true to spirit of the song which is kinda rare, I recommend checking out semi-final song of this part at least
Now it's time for what I think is MV showcase
After it will be short zatsudan about first part of concert
In general it's hour long piss break unless you want to check out trailers for MVs or know Japanese
After these two will be over it will be Tukisaki Nei's turn!

>> No.14449357

I hope the full Peace Parade concert gets uploaded. What was shown was ultra cute.

>> No.14450141
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>> No.14450218

Chihane singing

>> No.14450467

And now Nei is live!

>> No.14451326

Man, she started hard and only went harder without even glancing at the brakes, she can not only make good setlist but also pull off performing it and keep hype up, she would do great in concert setting
Also next up is Sumeragi Lilie!

>> No.14451492

lilie singing stream VSSRWF

>> No.14452181

She sounds good. Is she the best of this event or is anyone else like her?

>> No.14452223

I felt like listening to a medley with the rapid song switching every few lines, voice a bit too high for me though
Model is pretty cool though
Next up: Amane Utashiro!

>> No.14452380

>Part of relay
>Sets chat to sub only mode
I liked Tohma but she could use some more polish

>> No.14452405

I enjoyed deep voice oni earlier, but it's purely a subjective taste thing since I'm not super focused on the stream.

>> No.14452987

Anyone here watching the Sanrio event?

>> No.14453092

nayuta cover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1121Gzfp5eM

>> No.14453132

Dude sounds somewhat generic but I was away for most of his stream so don't take my word on it
Next up is Milina Harugashumi!

>> No.14453189


>> No.14453853

She sounds like she didn't clear her nose once in last six years but outside of that she makes for fine BGM
Next up is Otoo Kouga!

>> No.14454604

Dude plays guitar and ability to provide instrumentals by yourself is always a plus, singing isn't amazing but it's still pretty good
Also I have felling that the scrolling comments were something provided to chuubas for this stream, most of them didn't use them beforehand
Next singer is Akatsuki HiGURE!

>> No.14455310

Canna singing

>> No.14455357

Pretty good setlist, shame about no song lasting longer than a minute though presentation makes up for it somewhat, when it comes to singing she pulls off every song even not if in particularly inspired way, all around she's pretty good
Next bearer of the relay is Imari Natsumi!

>> No.14456370

Man, this is pretty pleasant voice, She does really well with slower songs!
Next up is Tsukishiro Kokuto!

>> No.14457265
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Watame Night Fever #69 starting soon~

>> No.14457436

Sugoi, dude is pretty good at rap and in general too, heavy on robotic voice but great outside of that
Next up: Touri Ame!

>> No.14457805

You wouldn't want to miss Akari Ishikari's broadcast given the title she used for this one, she's live right now!

>> No.14458309

I like her covers but her utawakus could be better.

>> No.14458580

Man, she's pretty good
Also something funny I noticed, these guys are getting up to 200+ subs from this relay and yet somehow the numbers haven't reached 100 once
Truly a mystery for ages ain't it?
Also today's finalist is up now, Yumemiututu!

>> No.14458834

People drop in and out once they know how good someone is.

>> No.14460105

Utenhiyori https://youtu.be/mXCgPIu6W_g
Sis claire https://youtu.be/Soj51_Ykpc0

>> No.14460329

Top 2 and 3 vsingers here lads, Ai chan is 1st!

>> No.14460822

Don't see her mention here

>> No.14461474

Dogma is unironically good though.

>> No.14463041

Shion Lee singing and WakuV shilling.

>> No.14464513

Anon, since you watched the entire thing, any recommends from this?

>> No.14465810

Yuka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5qzaU_P_8U

>> No.14465813

Qu chan https://youtu.be/Fr-nOwohSyw

>> No.14467928


>> No.14468643

都会えぬ is singing now

>> No.14469729

Tohma, Hanao, Nei and Kouga
Also it's only halfway over

>> No.14469799

Awayuki singing

>> No.14470424

It's nice but I feel that it's lacking something...

>> No.14472937

Ayame's 3d live is tomorrow right?

>> No.14476299
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>> No.14483391

Interesting interview with Hachi on the eve of her concert. Mentions how she got started and some plans for the future amongst other things.


>> No.14483878

Amiya unarchived idol karaoke

>> No.14490509
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>> No.14494412
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Aoi from prism's unarchived vocaloid karaoke

>> No.14497417
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Tonight's the night! Stage looks fucking dope as a modification of the same one that Hachi used for her solo Live, and that hopefully means it'll be the same production team since they did a good job with hers.


>> No.14498197

Awayuki singing!

>> No.14500864
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VSSRWF day 2 will start soon, first up will be Elysha Ray Garcia!
Also someone finally made playlists for it!
Day 1:
Day 2:

>> No.14502057

I didn't catch it, but if there are any good songs / clips from it, tell me

>> No.14503256
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 初吹音さき- sobune saki - saxophone vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sobune Saki 2nd Anniversary Live ”3D JAZZ PLACE"


A JP indie saxophonist

>> No.14504174
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Interesting collab.

>> No.14504824


>> No.14505386

Snow Halation


>> No.14507400

Elysha Ray Garcia starting off day 2 of VSSRWF!

>> No.14508480

Seems fine but nothing particularly noteworthy outside of stages stand out to me
Also seems that she knows some English
Next up: Shiyna Neu!

>> No.14509920

She has nice voice and can use it, the sudden duet segments were pretty great as well, theatrics in general are well above average
Now it's time for Toto Azuma!

>> No.14510297

Did the relay provide these OBS setups for them, or did they all agree to make them or something? The stage backgrounds have pretty consistent across everyone that I've checked out and pretty fucking cool.

>> No.14510519

I am pretty sure there was some sharing of resources there, I barely seen niconico styled chat flying in background on youtube before this relay and they all got pretty good thumbnails as examples

>> No.14510796

So I guess 2nd day of Peace Parade isn't getting streamed?

>> No.14511179

Can sing hard but really needs mic that can handle it, she also has radio show if you guys are into things like that
Nagame Resina is next!

>> No.14512225

Dude is pretty good and has interesting playlist
Tsutsumi Kakeru now!

>> No.14513524

I am having problems distinguishing dudes from girls... Either way nice voice and singing but nothing I would call memorable
Kanti You is last one before the hour long piss break!

>> No.14513549

I dunno why it's unlisted, especially since Hiabana went through the effort of timestamping the video herself with chapters, but she did a singing stream tonight.


>> No.14514468

La Vie en Rose singing stream

>> No.14514672

High quality guitar singing, subbed to her? now
Next up is another MV showcase and zatsudan about previous segments before next person is up

>> No.14515282

柚羽まくら singing stream

>> No.14515781

Piero is singing!

>> No.14516596

Maria is singing now

>> No.14516600

And the break ends with MALBELL!

>> No.14517441

Good range, I don't hear any problems, setlist was great and she sang cat song even! Would recommend

>> No.14518059

Man, she's pretty cool, maintained high energy from start to finish
I except her to lose voice within next two years due to excessive shouting
Next up is Ageha Kocho

>> No.14518609


Hachi x Boogey Live. Doors are open, starts in 7 minutes, and free part will go on for whoever knows how long,

>> No.14518682

Very interesting choice of songs.

>> No.14518771

Nice mature voice, can hype up and involve the viewers, I feel that she knows some English too
Cigarette is next!

>> No.14518850

>Hachi is actually taller then Ci
>both dance like absolute dorks

Good chreography for the parts where they're not just being hype men, though the bitrate is suffering.

>> No.14518900

I am more worried about the dude being barely taller than AZKi
Also cameraman apparently believes that the faster the cuts the better camerawork is

>> No.14518920

Fra's got probably half to a full head on AZKi since Hachi is only up to AZKi's chin.

>> No.14518956

That’s what all cameramen think, whatever concert I watch, there is always some fuckery going on.

>> No.14518994

This isn't as bad as Vesperbell's, at least. At least they're trying to stay focused on who's singing/ talking

>> No.14518998
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>> No.14519082

HACHI is so cute.

>> No.14519110
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>> No.14519164

>still can't find her a headset she doesn't have to adjust every 30 seconds

Wonder if that's because she's so tiny.

>> No.14519236
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_49_00 ], take=[ 2021-12-12 11.49.25 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14519247

I hope some kind anon will share.

>> No.14519295

I'll put up the archive in a couple of days if nothing else, but they're not normally available right after and they might want to rerender to clean up the bitrate.

>> No.14519509

Man, if she wasn't singing in toilet it would be way better, her voice is great and the setlist played to her strengths
Follow up is by Tobanai Turara!

>> No.14519559

AZKi 画面の中の君が好き mv https://youtu.be/7ZAeFUmGx4Y

>> No.14519643
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some shots from MaiR's live yesterday

>> No.14519673
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>> No.14519746
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>> No.14519765

Updated link for MiMi's 3rd anniversary live.

>> No.14519776
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>> No.14519870
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band and crew

>> No.14519937

Another teaser, on Boogey's channel this time for their section.


>> No.14520164

I have strange felling that both chuubas and their audiences in this relay were missing doing barrages of comments on screen
I think I can understand why, this shit is pretty much as close as you can get to actually cheering in person
>Going full robot for vocaloid songs
>As medley at that
S-sugoi... he even changes the type of robot based on song...
I would love to go him as hard as he can without robo voice, he can also build up hype really well
YOSHIKA is up next, according to Turara she's a super ultra cute idol! She seems relatively popular as well based on population of waiting room!

>> No.14520276
File: 486 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_31_11 ], take=[ 2021-12-12 12.32.05 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some QUALITY

>> No.14520307

Quality bee bullying.

>> No.14520349
File: 722 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[ 00_04_25 ], take=[ 2021-12-12 12.34.17 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, she's having duet with Otonuma

>> No.14520385

are they using the same stage as hachi's first live? it looks really similar.

>> No.14520422
File: 619 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_36_33 ], take=[ 2021-12-12 12.37.51 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice statue showcase segment

>> No.14520423

Yea, they added some elements and Boogey's name, but it's the same octagon stage.

>> No.14520458

So that's why she's an idol...

>> No.14520591

WTF!????AAAAAA I MISSED THIS!! Please anon share if you have the recording later onegai!! Im outside for some emergencies

>> No.14520607
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>> No.14520943

Yeah, she's high performance VSinger and it shows, shittons of karaokes in archives too so subscribing to her is a good choice if you want more people for listening to
Next up is Femme Fatale!

>> No.14521032

Shame she didn't sing aquaria or use her normal voice and went full cutesy idol as usual, but I guess the relay audience wants exactly that.

>> No.14521138


Short Mirea singing since her throat apparently isn't fully recovered yet.

>> No.14521964

Voice isn't exactly what I excepted with this name but it fits well enough and isn't bad, the setlist was good
Ihi Majinai as the third from the end!

>> No.14523043
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God damn, that was great. 52hz Whale as the encore really just sealed a wonderful show.

>> No.14523402

Man, she's good, way better than what I excepted, based on subs she gained I'm not only one
Yuga is the semi-finalist!

>> No.14523514
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Sorri I don't watch jews.

>> No.14523757
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_05_26 ], take=[ 2021-12-12 14.05.54 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I joined giant chuba relay and all i got was this lousy shirt

>> No.14523933

Yugacchi is cute, but at times has no streams for a month or two.

>> No.14524010

Man, AZKi is not letting up on the heavy songs even moving into her new route. Tone of it completely fits with her struggles that she's been tweeting about.

>> No.14524507

>These dates
At least there's this

>> No.14524545

Pretty amazing all around!
Now time for organizer and last part of relay, Otonuma!

>> No.14524936
File: 56 KB, 356x367, chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This chat
Sugoi, where did he find these people

>> No.14525265

From what I can gather from twitter, she plans to get back to it in January and has another outfit nearly finished.
But yeah, going dark soon after channel monetisation is stupid.

>> No.14525675
File: 57 KB, 500x500, Edo Lena, vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edo Lena is just asking for design feedback


>> No.14525734

Does it matter if she's gonna abandon the design (and us) for big corpo

>> No.14525755
File: 481 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[ 00_35_05 ], take=[ 2021-12-12 15.04.27 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VSSRVF is now over!
Have you guys found anyone you liked?

>> No.14525861

Don't know I just woke up. Anyone a must watch that we missed since you seemed to have the energy to click multiple links from start to finish?

>> No.14527280

I should listen to Genzuki more, this is really nice

>> No.14528101

He is pretty good. https://youtu.be/_TjG_-wqL-Q

>> No.14529443

Madoboshi Chiru

>> No.14530180

Who are your S-tier VSingers?

>> No.14530447

Joucho, Levi, Melissa, Hachi, Chima, and Rim for JP. Ema from Dustcell too if she counts. Ninaninin, Enna, Shiki, and Mousey for EN.

>> No.14530912

Yuka Nagase, *namirin / IRyS, Ai chan, Kaf, Watame, Chima, Suzuka Stella, Utenhiyori, Awayuki, Sister Claire, Mori Calliope, Hien Madoka, Cocoa Domyoji v2.
They're pretty much the ones at the absolute top, performing consistently and their minor differences in skill varies only because of negligible factors such as the last time they took a cold drink, the temperature & humidity and the last time they had sex to boost performance and motivation. Ignore the schizo haters you can't be wrong with any of them.

>> No.14531099

Oh yea, Nagase is great too and has top tier tastes with all the Etsuko Yakushimaru she covers, I'd add her to my list here >>14530447

Sister Claire and Ai-chan are in the Mito category for me, where they make fantastic original songs, especially Claire's Denonbu stuff, but their actual live singing isn't too great.
