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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14394176 No.14394176 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, since threads outside dedicated generals are filled with nothing but bait and shitposting, how about a suggestion to turn this board into entirely General threads only? This seems the only way to prevent falseflaggers and tribal shitposters shitting up the board.

>> No.14394238

You should've asked this elsewhere like in /int/ or /4ccg/ than here, let the other boards think of it from their pov

>> No.14394291

I'm not sure there's enough movement for that

>> No.14394317

You can turn this board however you want but if mods won't enforce the rules its useless. All mods needed to do is delete duplicate threads and threads with off topic images. I really dont mind anti threads like they do in 5ch if the shitposters and tribalfags can keep their autism in there, but like the number threads, they'll leak eventually and the lax with moderation here doesn't help.

>> No.14394529

I'm not sure they care enough about that. I want to ask /qa/, then I remember it's a wojack shitposting board and mods already locked it
Eventually most of anons here getting tired of the same shit over and over again. Shitposting can be contained in one thread like anon below you suggest
>You can turn this board however you want but if mods won't enforce the rules its useless. All mods needed to do is delete duplicate threads and threads with off topic images
That's why I suggest to make this board Generals only since they can easily spot and clean the non-general threads since it will be considered bait and shitpost.

>> No.14394612

a thread died for this

>> No.14394648

>One shitpost/bait thread died
Nice. I'll keep bumping this.

>> No.14394780

I have been saying this for months now. The slow generals keep dying because retards NEED to have 10 new shitty threads made per hour about how X is a failure or whatever, and there is scum that love talking about the same 3 or 4 dumb gossip topics every day.
There absolutely is. Several generals have had to merge talents just to have enough traffic to stay alive in the sea of garbage that is the general.
Not to mention that most thread are just thinly veiled off-topic garbage. Just excuses to post about x topic while using vtuber reaction images. Or even worse, just excuses to post shit that goes against >>1.

>> No.14394919

Thank you anon. Is there anyway for this suggestion to be heard by the mods? I don't know their IRC

>> No.14395068


>> No.14395108

Jodido gringo pelotudo

>> No.14395303

There's a link to it on the feedback page.

>> No.14395549

Generals should just fuck off

>> No.14395591

Thanks anon

Seethe shitposters

>> No.14395662

>muh safe space general

>> No.14395699

And shitposting and bait contributes nothing

>> No.14395841

Some people want to talk about the vtuber they enjoy on the vtuber board instead of just talking about the hottest e-celeb drama about people they hate. The scum that populate the garbage threads are the ones that should fuck off.
In fact, let's look at the catalog right now.
Not crosslinking this one since it is explicitly against >>1
Dumb inconsequential shit that will die without getting to 10 replies
Spoonfeeding thread that would get deleted in an instant in a board with decent moderation like /a/
The same topic about coco that has been talked about for thousands of times already.
Thread without even a proper topic, made by mistake.
Twitter cap thread, garbage.
Could have been just a reply to a preexisting thread.
Also could have just been a reply to another thread.
stupid tribalfag low effort thread.
10th thread about this with the same quote taken out of context.
Drama threads, but at least there is some discussion in it. Still, could have been discussed in the niji general.
Garbage, AND just a thinly veiled excuse to talk about off-topic stuff.
Low effort thread, could have been a reply to a general
Also pointless.
Also pointless.
Alright thread, but still could have been talked about in the vtuber's own general.
Excuse to talk about the game, not about vtubers at all.
Also pointless.
Also useless.
Could have been a reply to the Fubuki general.
Could have just been a reply to the hololive general
Just an excuse to post about pegging, thinly veiled off-topic thread.

And this is not even all of it, i got tired halfway through.

>> No.14395971

Hiromoot allowed one meta post per board so this thread is within rules. I'm all for generals only since most of the content is produced within the generals. Maybe we could have an anti general where everyone can get their daily dose of rrats?

>> No.14396031

We need mods and a containment board for holobronies

>> No.14396141

>could have been discussed in the niji general
>niji general
lmao even
I mean it. That thread is just linking streams and bait.

>> No.14396199

Then a janny should be looking at it. Did none of the people who frequent that thread apply to become one a few months ago?
That's a bad moderation problem.

>> No.14396235

I agree with your reasoning, however I must ask how that would work if for example a thread were to be made for a specific, cross-company collab? Should that instead be posted in a general? And which one?

>> No.14396278

I think >>14395549 point being if you want to do that why don't go to fb or reddit or discord for their >>14395662 ? If you want to do that basic shilling, why the need to do it in a containment board like what /vt/?

>> No.14396319

That's how the nijfags like it since before /vt/. Just like how holofags allow almost anything in global

>> No.14396374

That's retarded. 4chan is not supposed to just be /b/, the main point is having an anonymous imageboard, not a lack of enforced rules and widespread shitposting

>> No.14396379

An anti thread would by definition not even be allowed, since it would be a thread where most of the posts would fall under rule 3a, and just like it happens on 5ch, it would be used to organize raids on the other threads.
None of those other platforms are imageboards. And talking about the vtuber you like or their ongoing streams with other people that are also watching the ongoing stream isn't "shilling" or a "safe space", it's wanting on-topic discussion.

>> No.14396555

People would post in both. Just like what already happens right now for normal collab between two tubers that have individual generals here, the fans of tuber x talk about it on their general and the fans of tuber y talks about it on their general.

>> No.14397348

Originally I would suggest the creation of /vtg/ as a separated general only board with /vt/ as the main shitposting board, resembling /v/ and /vg/.

>> No.14397782

More boards aren't going to solve the problem of /a/'s rejects escaping 2hu containment, jannies just have to do their fucking jobs

>> No.14397928
File: 483 KB, 1125x958, 7CD6402E-1D5B-4BD1-BE7D-ED9BD4619A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falseflaggers and tribal shitposters are a third of the fun my cat nigga

>> No.14397975

Yeah that's what I thought. That's why I also suggest on turning this board into Generals only to make jannies job easier. They have no excuse to be lazy anymore if this succeeds.

>> No.14397984

This is already a relatively well moderated board for its popularity.

>> No.14398762

What's the fun of seeing the same shit all over again? Just keep it in one rrat/anti thread.

>> No.14399682

Range-banning Indonesia and the Philippines would improve board quality tenfold

>> No.14399970

It's not discussed in the niji general because look at what "discussing" it invites. Some generals lack activity because the users don't respond to bait at all.

>> No.14400600

>look at what "discussing" it invites

>> No.14400709

Shitposting and rrats. They actually did talk about it in the Niji thread on /jp/ and it lasted only a handful of posts vs. the numerous threads it has on this board. The only time the niji male thread talked about it was just to comment that the price was pretty high.

>> No.14400831

i don't understand. How will discussing about someone applying to be a janny will bring shitposting and rrats?

>> No.14401088

Not talking about the janny thing it's about why people don't bother discussing somethings in their designated generals. They're useless most of the time since anons don't want certain types of discussion.

>> No.14402358

Yes, generals are shit.

>> No.14402414

/v/ part 2 lets go

>> No.14403441

I don't understand this kind of mentality. Anon prefer to discuss this shit outside general where it will inevitably bombarded by shitposts and rrats rather than inside general where they are at least safe with some correct info?

>> No.14405552 [DELETED] 


>> No.14406523


>> No.14406611

You did your besht

>> No.14408899


>> No.14409244

/vt/ needs a new board exclusively for generals, just like /v/ has. And then /jp/ can purge vtubers for good, as there's no reason to have vtuber generals outside of the vtuber generals board.

>> No.14409284

It would vastly improve the board but mods rarely even delete duplicate threads, never mind low quality drama bait garbage. Report and ignore is all you can do unfortunately.

>> No.14410916

Yes, exactly. Check kson's thread. Most people don't want to talk about the nux collab at all.

>> No.14415668

Okay, great. Problem solved!
>kiara hate general
>nijisanji are shit general
>fuck males general
>fuck X general
Your idea is fundamentally flawed.
You can't rule yourself out of shitposters, you REQUIRE active moderation.
Trust me, I'd love this, but it won't work. I already hide 50-70 threads on this shithole as it is. I just hid 30 odd there since I last refreshed 2 FUCKING HOURS AGO.

>> No.14416249
File: 246 KB, 512x512, 1610068753926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this entire fucking board

western vtubers are a mistake and i genuinely wish death to the pinoys who used 4chan

>> No.14416421

hiding threads just lets them fester, SEAchama is only making them out of some schizo desire to not let global hit 1500

>> No.14416602

That's the reason? God fucking dammit

>> No.14417281

The ones discussing outside generals are not necessarily the same posters as the ones in general. For the Nijimale general, none of the fujo artists got hit since they don't even post Niji in dlsite in the first place, so the drama is pretty much irrelevant there.

>> No.14418397


Literally, harassing is violated the vt rule 3:
/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers
1.All images and discussion should pertain to virtual YouTubers ("VTubers").
2.All VTuber discussion should pertain directly to their streams and content. Off-topic and 'IRL' discussion will be deleted.

>> Singling out individual VTubers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated. Do not stalk or harass any VTubers.

>> No.14418747
File: 822 KB, 500x344, 1635775130548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bait and shitposting are the only reasons I come to this board.
Oh and the funny images too.
Generals are just too stale and cirlcejerky.

>> No.14420239

I'm new to the board, and the only reason I come here is for the bait and shitposting.

>> No.14420453
File: 160 KB, 500x500, 1635930209949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14420863
File: 1.02 MB, 962x540, 1634969550438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This seems the only way to prevent falseflaggers and tribal shitposters shitting up the board.
Like. seems like.

And it won't fix shit. Do you even frequent any generals or splits or do you just wander into the catalog when hlgg hits 1500? I can't think of a single general I visit that doesn't have at LEAST one dedicated falseflagger/schizo/tribal shitposter, pic very much related.

>> No.14421147

>I can't think of a single general I visit that doesn't have at LEAST one dedicated falseflagger/schizo/tribal shitposter, pic very much related.
The difference is that people in the generals ignore them

>> No.14421150

Duck threads are fine.

>> No.14421293
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, BIRD[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5gw0ah.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. She's too pure for shitflingers.

>> No.14423121

At least people that frequent generals WANT a clean thread so they actually report shit so that moderation can actually know that there is fuckery going on. The people that post in those loose threads don't give a single fuck, and only make moderation more difficult.

>> No.14423412

I visit 2 generals which only see drive-by shitposting every 1-2 threads. Not posting which generals because I know some seanigger will immediately try to rectify that.

>> No.14424849

>safe space generals allow schizos to ferment
>when they see a bait thread related to their "oshi" they freak out
>solution is to create a safe space board
weak posters create hard times

>> No.14427082

im from reddit so idk waht a general is but the shitposting is so based and red pilled please do not remove it

>> No.14435624

You're right and I'm not afraid to bump your thread in agreement

>> No.14441606

bumping too

>> No.14441949

The problem is that the rrat is getting fucking repetitive. Just contain it in one anti/rrat/shitpost thread if you like to barf out the same shit over and over again until you get burned out.
