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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14350589 No.14350589 [Reply] [Original]

Another stream? She must feel really threatened by the orca

>> No.14350656 [DELETED] 

or maybe her BF is actually giving her some time off now

>> No.14350714

Jamal has debts to pay to the yakuza, prease undastando

>> No.14350749

Nah, she wanted to take views from Mori.

>> No.14350751

Rent is due

>> No.14350793

This has to be a glitch in the matrix. This is a signal we aren't living reality anymore.

>> No.14350835

Condoms ran out

>> No.14350878


>> No.14350907

It's December and her birthday is coming. She'll milk Nakirigimi dry regardleas if there was a Gen 6 or not.

>> No.14350928

She sings like shit

>> No.14350953

Full cope

>> No.14351029

This is just sad.
Her voice is really degrading. Maybe her illness is real.

>> No.14351040

She does actually, now i really do believe her son story

>> No.14351060

Yikes. This is bad. Better than Choco.

>> No.14351089

Deepthroating as much cock as she does will do that to you.

>> No.14351115
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>> No.14351138

She just wants people to think she's back for real until her birthday is over

>> No.14351143

Lmao members only chat

>> No.14351224

cry about it bitch

>> No.14351285

it's not?

>> No.14351311

It's subs only.

>> No.14351338

The absolute state of global antis

>> No.14351356

Wait until she kills Mel. Then you'll see some shit.

>> No.14351459

Smh, all this time off and she barely knows the lyrics of the songs she's singing.

>> No.14351478

Seggs or not?

>> No.14351637

Running out of birth control again.

>> No.14351688

She's so good at being entertaining. Truly she is the best streamer in hololive. The only girl that comes close to her is Aqua.

>> No.14351733

Hai im 1 of the nakirigumi

>> No.14351851

Please dont shit talk ojou

>> No.14351986

Do elevens hate her as much as we do, or did chinks move away from Fubuki?

>> No.14352009

I wish other holos were as good at making people obsessed with them as Ayame. I've never met a Holo who could do nothing for 2 months and still have everyone think about her 24/7.

>> No.14352036

I'm overdosing on Nakirium!

>> No.14352157

me too friend

>> No.14352165
File: 406 KB, 489x561, 1638301136178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayame doesn't stream
>Ayame streams

>> No.14352478

I remember that at the start of the year, EOPs got really confused when Ayame mentioned that she got nasty comments on her clips, that's because they were pretty much only present in the JP community. Then, a few months later, /vt/ was created and a few threads were talked about how Ayame got a lot of money without streaming much. That's pretty much all it took for anons to hate her
If you ever want a lot of (You)s, just post Ayame images in an anti thread without saying anything. Anons will seethe at you endlessly while calling you a white knight. That's because they don't actually hate Ayame, they just hate the idea of a woman getting a lot of money from simps, and Ayame fits the bill perfectly with her low-frequency streaming schedule

>> No.14352924

I dropped Ayame for Chloe anyway, she's just better version in every way

>> No.14352947

even Ayamefriend too...

>> No.14353007

>Then, a few months later, /vt/ was created and a few threads were talked about how Ayame got a lot of money without streaming much.
Ayame was hated for that way before /vt/ newfriend

>> No.14353209

please don't talk about thread personalities outside of your containment thread

>> No.14353263

unironically these threads would be better if everyone typed like that

>> No.14353304

>Siphoning money from the gachikois so they don't give it to Chloe
Sasuga Ayame

>> No.14353417
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I hope she's back with a more consistent schedule, even if she only streams once or twice a week

>> No.14353521

She wasn't hated, but used as a meme. It seemed funny to imagine that the girl who didn't stream much was secretly an anon constantly shitposting online

>> No.14353563


>> No.14353654
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Let me hope, I'm making an attempt at being less cynical

>> No.14353720

I'm sure all the ayame is a whore posters were just joking and the narratives about enjou kosai were merely ironic

>> No.14353731

Sure anon, all these people calling her a whore were just joking, and the frequent posts about her league account and possible enjou account were just a joke

>> No.14353797

Shitposting aside, the past two months were unusual even for Ayame. Usually she's only gone for 1 or 2 weeks, so she'll probably be more active again for a few months now.

>> No.14353888

What's an enjou account

>> No.14353910

She had a complete mental break so that's why she took two months off. Okayu helped her out a whole bunch during said time so I'll always be grateful to that fat cat.

>> No.14353963

Enjou is short for enjou kosai, which roughly translated to "compensated dating". Quoting Wikipedia:

> Enjo-kōsai (援助交際, literally, enjo, "aid or support", kousai "congress, intercourse, intermingling", shortened form enkō 援交) is a type of transactional relationship. It is the Japanese language term for the practice of older men giving money and/or luxury gifts to attractive young women for sexual favors. The female participants range from school girls (or JK business) to housewives. The term is often translated as "compensated dating" or "subsidized dating".

There were rumors at some point that Ayame did this and had an account on an enjou website/app. It was often posted with the LoL account, through an imgur link in /hlg/

>> No.14354003

If she can stream regularly for an entire month I will believe.

>> No.14354069

>Usually she's only gone for 1 or 2 weeks
Her usual pattern was something like lots of streams at the start of the month, a few in the middle and disappearing for the last 10 days

>> No.14354123

I used to hate Ayame, I still hate her but I would also pay money to eat her poop or watch her get fucked by her boyfriend. There's something about her that's not natural

>> No.14354162
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>> No.14354167

Just a rumour but plausible. At least one indie 3D idol has been caught doing deriheru on the side.

>> No.14354205
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Schizo salt incoming

>> No.14354274

Every girl had moments where the hate for them ramped up. For Ayame, that was when /jp/ was going wild about a supposed boyfriend and because she didn't appear in Miko's comeback stream. Other than that, she was treated the same way as other girls, with a few schizos, like the others had

>> No.14354357

Imagine thinking someone has a genuine reason to hate Ayame instead of seething about the amount of money she makes.
Imagine believing /vt rrats

>> No.14354399

I have no idea how plausible it is, my point was just that there were plenty of Ayame haters before /vt/

>Other than that, she was treated the same way as other girls, with a few schizos, like the others had
No, she was one of the "high profile" targets. You heard about her every thread, like Pekora or Suisei (both of those had falseflaggers which didn't help)

Again, lots of people hated her way before /vt/. If you weren't here you can't really understand, unless you're willing to go through a few months of /hlg/ archive

>> No.14354462

what happened to her? she sings like a lethargic.

>> No.14354488

>have mental breakdown when she doesn't stream
>have mental breakdown when she does stream
NEVER pander to 4chan

>> No.14354596
File: 744 KB, 1280x720, 1618536272518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says she literally had throat inflammation
>/vt/ says she's lying
>shows proof that she did indeed have throat problems
>/vt/ says it's because she swallowed too much cum

>> No.14354649

Wow, her voice really sounds used

She could have said she had throat inflammation 2 months ago, she didn't, which is why people called it a convenient lie

>> No.14354658

It's not like /jp rrats are any better than /vt rrats, honestly. Point is, she has tons of people who love her and shower her with money while she streams very little compared to others, and schizos just can't stand it. And of course, what better zero effort rrat to make than calling her a whore?

>> No.14354775

>She could have said she had throat inflammation 2 months ago, she didn't
She kind of did.

>> No.14354799

>Point is, she has tons of people who love her and shower her with money while she streams very little compared to others, and schizos just can't stand it.
That's a bit reductive, some people don't like her because she doesn't put as much effort as other Holos, some people don't like her because she ignores her fans

>And of course, what better zero effort rrat to make than calling her a whore?
The enjou/LoL compilation was probably one of the highest effort rrat. People call Holo whores for a reason. Towa had the male in voice chat, Rushia had the masketta man, Matsuri had The Hand

24 October was 1 month into her "break" though

>> No.14354832
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Based psycho. I kneel.

>> No.14354895

She did retard

>> No.14354945

Her enjou kosai narratives and whoreposting was way way before Miko's return

>> No.14354957

Good for her, I'd much rather she have all that money than her schizo cuck fanbase

>> No.14354981

She did, just everyone here is EOP and believes rrats.

>> No.14354987

God I wish I was Ayame

>> No.14355002

>It's not like /jp rrats are any better than /vt rrats
/jp/ narratives were just 5ch narratives, and 5ch at least understands the language and stalks them constantly so they're automatically better than vt narratives

>> No.14355071

>doesn't stream
wow fuck ayame
wow fuck ayame

the fuck do you want

>> No.14355127

i want her to sit on my face

>> No.14355203

>the fuck do you want

>> No.14355210

Stream consistently and not just when she needs money

>> No.14355213

I want to sex her

>> No.14355238

dumb eop nigger. kill yourself

>> No.14355260

I like how no one links anything else than a tweet that was made a month too late

>> No.14355341

/jp/ doesn't know Japanese though

>> No.14355412

There were more (still few) people that knew japanese back then and they simply translated dumb 5ch narratives into english, ayame's had a lot more evidence than the others

>> No.14355479

<That's a bit reductive, some people don't like her because she doesn't put as much effort as other Holos, some people don't like her because she ignores her fans
I didn't say everyone likes her, only that she has a very large and loyal fanbase despite all of that, and that is the reason why people who would otherwise merely dislike her turn into antis
<The enjou/LoL compilation was probably one of the highest effort rrat.
Can you tell me where can i find that? I like reading rrats that are actually well made. Still, what i was referring to was the beginning of Ayame hate, where the schizos quickly had to come up with something, not when someone actually decided to put effort into it
<Towa had the male in voice chat, Rushia had the masketta man, Matsuri had The Hand
Those are excuses, not reasons. People were calling them whores long before that. Now they're just searching for incidents no normal person would pay any attention to, and use them to fuel their rrats, they are in no way the reason for the rrats existing in the first place

>> No.14355538

No, bary anyone on /jp/ can actually understand Japanese; almost all of them are LARPing

>> No.14355570

>5ch schizos are even more autistic than 4chan ones
>somehow, this makes their rrats more believable

>> No.14355576
File: 493 KB, 482x526, 1611087087106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayame can't read english so she couldn't says Eating Mike Tyson's Ass

>> No.14355593

What do you mean a month too late? She had her anniversary stream at the start of October and was still doing streams after that.

>> No.14355608

>/jp/ narratives were just 5ch narratives,

no, eop nigger vermin

>> No.14355694
File: 607 KB, 824x790, 1614063631926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know that all evidence is pulled straight out of a thread literally titled the Hololive Anti-Thread and a lot of it is altered truth mixed in with blatant falsities right? Even that site you all love to use is user based.

>> No.14355711


>> No.14355960


>> No.14355993

She could, she remembered that this guy's name is not to be read

>> No.14356033

So? Ayame's lol playtime isn't fabricated, being an anti doesn't mean everything you say is false

>> No.14356136
File: 279 KB, 664x559, 1624661065425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally no proof that it's her account and said account has even reported being used when she did a once in a blue moon guerilla stream during December in 2020.

>> No.14356192

>There is literally no proof that it's her account
Straight up denying reality

>> No.14356217


>> No.14356235

Hoshischizos are always right bro

>> No.14356236

>I didn't say everyone likes her, only that she has a very large and loyal fanbase despite all of that, and that is the reason why people who would otherwise merely dislike her turn into antis
No, she had her antis even before her large and loyal fanbase

>Can you tell me where can i find that?
Look for imgur links in the /hlg/ archive

>Those are excuses, not reasons. People were calling them whores long before that
For matsuri maybe, Towa and Rushia not so much

>Now they're just searching for incidents no normal person would pay any attention to, and use them to fuel their rrats
Vtubers fans aren't normal, and if you saw the amount of dislikes on Matsuri's videos after the hand, you would know that regular fans pay attention too

>> No.14356246
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>The proof they have is that the account's name got changed as soon as reported
>Also blatantly ignores the part where said account was playing a match when Ayame was having a guerilla stream.
Unless Ayame's the ultimate multi-tasker, I don't see how it's possible for her to play the game while also streaming.

>> No.14356268
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>and was still doing streams after that.
Why would you lie like that?

>> No.14356297

It's a good rule of thumb, honestly

>> No.14356362

Not saying it's her account but how hard would it be to ask someone to play it when you stream to fabricate evidence of the opposite? Not that hard

If it's a talking stream it's pretty easy, the hard part would be to not react to the game

>> No.14356413
File: 188 KB, 428x391, 1602859718020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chloe sings
>retards praising her singing like the second coming of christ
>ayame sings similarly as good if not better than her
>retards being vocal connoisseur all of a sudden

>> No.14356432

>If it's a talking stream it's pretty easy, the hard part would be to not react to the game
You are vastly overestimating how easy it is to talk with chat consistently while playing a game like LoL.
If you listened to this stream Ayame's singing has taken a huge plummet, she could barely hit the notes she used to.

>> No.14356485

>You are vastly overestimating how easy it is to talk with chat consistently while playing a game like LoL.
I'm not, I spent hours playing that game while in vocal chat with friends. But I know that some people can't help but react loudly to everything that happens in games, rage, etc, so for those people, it might be hard

>> No.14356527

>I spent hours playing that game while in vocal chat with friends
That is not even REMOTELY the same and you know it.

>> No.14356596

As doing a stream? It is if it's a talking stream, except you react to text instead of voice. She could also have been AFK the whole game for all we know, I doubt anyone here has a screen of her score. Or it could be just a shitty game because she wasn't focused. But doing the two at the same time is absolutely possible

>> No.14356614
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>> No.14356627

>schizo's angry when she doesn't stream
>same guy is angry when she streams
how does ayame keep winning

>> No.14356637

>she could barely hit the notes
You know Chloe is guilty of this too but i don't see these fags bitching and moaning this hard.

>> No.14356692

Ayame used to be able to hit these notes, but she sounded completely off key for nearly half of the karaoke songs. Chloe has trouble hitting notes yes but at least she keeps the melodies. Ayame was completely fucked in this regard. Compare this karaoke to the one she had before the break and you'll notice the difference.

>> No.14356718


>> No.14356805

Chloe is gen 6, she debuted less than a month ago. Ayame has been doing this for more than 3 years with frequent voice lessons. Most holos really improved during their time in Hololive. At least that's pretty definitive proof that she wasn't lying about throat inflammation

>> No.14357350

Ayame I want to eat your poop onegai! https://files.catbox.moe/2j4d8r.jpg

>> No.14357553


>> No.14357681

she's burning herself out...

>> No.14358181

I just like chaos

>> No.14358243

if you keep posting this I'll start posting like this genuinely

>> No.14358414
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All that matters is that FBK and Mio are there for her.

>> No.14361542

OH. MY. GOSH ANON-KUN. Did you see what Ayame did today? That gurl is ratcheeeeeet~

>> No.14362016

Did everyone forget about Ayame's stomach sickness?

>> No.14362264

It was just an infection

>> No.14362382

D-Does no one remembers about the Ayame on the toilet posts?

>> No.14363393

It wasnt funny

>> No.14366180

>Nene has depression
>Shion is streaming and happy
>Triangle finally went officially public about her BPD
>Ayame streaming
>Myth new outfits before 2022
>YouTube about to shoah unarchieved karaoke streams
>Gen 6 was the most hype thing since Myth
>NijiEN actually starting to incline
>Kizuna Ai indefinite hiatus
>Kson collabed with a couple of hot, beautiful, busy ASMR streamers

It's like December hit and everything just went off the fucking rails.

>> No.14366393

Oh fuck, link enjou account please

>> No.14366425

After her bday stream you won't see her until new year cause she'll be busy grinding on top of me.

>> No.14366625

Monkey paw/timeline switch, it happens a lot

>> No.14372100
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As someone who was in /jp/ even before Gen 5 debut, a lot of the topics were:

The Great Touhou War
Pekora, or any of the top of Hololive, but Pekor takes the cake.
Roomate posting
Posting lewd of whoever was streaming
not actually a lot of shitposting until Aloe.
>Hololive English is a MYTH!

Contrary to popular belief, a lot of posters didn't know a lot of JP and after Aloe there was a shitton more of EOP's despite that the EN announcement would still be a week away.
Some of Pekora's clips got viral and that was followed by Korone, FBK, Coco's astronomical growth in popularity. Among others of course.

And of course, after EN debut, there was a lot of doxxing and Ame had not one, but two shakeouts. The crack in the wall one, and when she called everyone a "walking wallet."
Her debut was pretty trash but the WHOLE BOARD had such a hateboner for Kiara from the start for obvious reasons as I loathe lesbians myself.

>> No.14372284

>even before Gen 5 debut
I was here before ID 1

>Contrary to popular belief, a lot of posters didn't know a lot of JP
Who actually thinks that people knew japanese? There were a few people that sometimes translated but 95% of the thread knew only "ohayo" and "arigato"

>Her debut was pretty trash but the WHOLE BOARD had such a hateboner for Kiara from the start for obvious reasons as I loathe lesbians myself.
Ame's debut was trash, Kiara's personality was offensive

>> No.14372459

I was watching Hololive, and didn't know they had a general on /jp/ since I frequent /a/.
Some clippers posted there, and like many others, I was begging for more Pekora clips.
I mean, can you blame Kiara though, who wouldn't want to slobber all over Pekora the moment you found out she was your coworker.
Kiara worked through a lot of her flaws, and she's a total stream monster, but I'm not a strong enough person to watch her.

>> No.14372643

>I mean, can you blame Kiara though
I can, and she probably also blamed herself, since as you said she improved herself

>> No.14372725

Welcome to /vt/

>> No.14373580

She need simp bucks to throw a big orgy Christmas party, you don't know anything

>> No.14373726

>WHOLE BOARD had such a hateboner for Kiara from the start for obvious reasons as I loathe lesbians myself.
May i know what those reasons where? Don't tell me everyone hated her just for being a lesbian

>> No.14380908

>uses the money to turn normal men into cucks, growing the cuck population
>cucks then go out and vote
brilliant plan

>> No.14383473

I heard some of you filthy eops bullied her?
Listen, I don't mind her streaming once a month because I only care to watch vtubers once a monh. When people used to post her lol game time and shit at least they didn't use it to harass her. Go back to your holoens.

>> No.14383789

Fuck Ayame

>> No.14383812
File: 180 KB, 389x339, 1635773975447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have already donated the USD equivalent of 2500 dollars to her this year.

>> No.14383859

>doesn't bother to do her 'ayame' voice for several months
>forgets how

Many such cases


She's terrified of Chloe.

>> No.14383897

Yes most people hate it when people receive money merely for existing. Most people hate simps too.

>> No.14383943
File: 224 KB, 615x544, 1636230249531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she can make half a million a year just by playing videogames on stream
>she chooses EK instead

>> No.14384005

I want you to suffer.

>> No.14384042

The past 2 weeks have been nothing but anti-Sakamata threads to the point where people forgot about Ayame until HAISHIN happened.

>> No.14384312

I want the Orca and the Lapras to gangrape Ayame so hard she’ll have to beg for money. Nakiricucks keeping her afloat tho. Fucking cucks.

>> No.14386519

She's had 4Chan antis for years from other boards

>> No.14389348

I've been here for almost 15 fucking years and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
I went on /a/, /ic/, /fit/, /v/, /vg/, /3/, and never heard of her once.

>> No.14389588

The rrat is that Kiara was a seagull/on /cgl/ in the past and all the femanons that frequent /cgl/ now comprise a large portion of her antis on /vt/ and /jp/ out of butthurt for those times she mogged them.

>> No.14393370


>> No.14396542

Isn't this good news though? She's actually streaming more

>> No.14396734

Schizos are also tsudere but with a hint (alot) of autism.
They hate her for not streaming, and hate her for streaming. and then hate her some more cuz they think she has BF. but deep down, they just wished someone would go trick other men and use the money to support their failing/non existence e-sport career just like she did her imaginary bf.

>> No.14398561

Crack in the wall?

>> No.14399016

The way of life. When something can just annihilate you there's two options: Accept your end or fight back and struggle for survival.

It seems the lazy, slutty and arrogant oni found her virtue. Orca-sama no okagede~

>> No.14399177

We Edens Zero now. Will Yagoo turn to want to destroy all non virtual life or something?

Who did the leap?

>> No.14399852

Do we have names? I know smurfs are a thing but most people have their cards tied to their accounts so we could have names confirmed.

>> No.14400912

EK is her true passion.
Streaming is just her hobby, at best.
