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14269949 No.14269949 [Reply] [Original]

The video became private shortly after saying Taiwan and the distribution was over. Hololive lacked education. I made the same mistake. I just graduated from Kiryu Coco a few months ago.


>> No.14270365


The archive is currently private

>> No.14270427

now send this to the chinks

>> No.14270561

Is she stupid?

>> No.14270878

ROFL, I honestly don't understand it. Mao has been dead for over 45 years and his inner circle are gone. They are only ones who had any real beef with Republic of China-Kuomintang.
Unironically, Mao if we alive today would purge like 90% of the current CCP (who are only communist in name but in practice are really just an oligarchy/emerging technocracy)

>> No.14271132

I seriously hope nothing happens. She doesn’t deserve to get shitted by zhangs.

>> No.14271393

I'm subscribed now

>> No.14271434 [DELETED] 
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.14271527

She's not american unlike Coco, nothing will happen

>> No.14271608
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>> No.14271640

Chinks hate japs more than americans

>> No.14271660
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> cocochi is back!

>> No.14271681

Bugmen are quite exceptional at maintaining grudges

>> No.14271743

Are FGO holos simply destined to be cursed?

>> No.14271747

Nothing will happen, Coco only got so much shit from Zhangs because she showed Taiwan as a separate country from China in YouTube analytics. Simply saying Taiwan is not enough to trigger the Zhangs

>> No.14271858

I'm getting too old to be arguing about this political nonsense.

>> No.14271999

You underestimate how fragile zhangs can be

>> No.14272017

Why is she bandaging her boobs

>> No.14272117
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Can we agree that bugs need to be stamped out wherever and whenever possible?

>> No.14272137

Xi is trying to be the second coming of Mao.

>> No.14272364

Mao would personally shoot Xi in the face for perverting his communist vision.

>> No.14272390
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Imma beat up who shit to my oshi nin nin gozaru im talking to you stupid zhangs

>> No.14272439

Chinks want to be Americans, their hatred of America comes from severe cope/envy.

>> No.14272468

go fuck yourself you stupid fucking cunt

>> No.14272507

Whatever you say, pig man!!! China will win forever!!!!

>> No.14272518

You really underestimate (overestimate?) them.
I wonder about that. Jinping's dad was purged from the party and he himself had to be re-educated for a good decade, I wonder how much of that actually stuck.

>> No.14272544

CCP thanks you for your service. Here is your 100 social credits.

>> No.14272556

I remember this image from before and someone was acting like Flare was involved in acts of wanton sexual degeneracy, but then it was nothing.

>> No.14272570

Well, she didnt explicitly say or suggest Taiwan is a country, so she'll be fine.

Btw, Taiwan is a country, fuck the CCP

>> No.14272572

Oh no no no no, I will personally break Zhangs hands if they dare touch my oshi.

>> No.14272604

fucking no not like this

>> No.14272613

>has probably only cared about politics since 2020, 2016 at the earliest
>"ugh, can we just, like, go back to when politics were boring"
>probably also thinks the government should LEGALIZE WEED and repay his university denbts

>> No.14272638

Nothing will happen to her. Haachama was first to mention Taiwan but Coco got most of the shit because she's American, and was pretty much taunting their fragile egos.

Just mentioning Taiwan won't trigger them. They don't even have a stake in Hololive anymore.

>> No.14272728

You know that both chammers and coco got suspended, right? Hopefully this turns out to be a nothingburger but with chinks anything is possible.

>> No.14272757

Why do you guys want to make this a thing?

>> No.14272766

Please no, she's my third favorite on her generation.
Please don't do this.

>> No.14272811

That's the part china wants to be. They want to be the winners.

>> No.14272828

Haachama didn't have her hashtags and chat hijacked, Zhangs hardly touched her, Coco was public enemy #1.

>> No.14272869

end your life faggot

>> No.14272880

Cover here
Should we make her apology

>> No.14272913

And the zhangs mostly gave up harassing kson after a while since they are commie comrades. They are illogical but have short memories.

>> No.14272941

Only reason Coco had so many antis is because she is a whore

>> No.14272966

No, give her some new mascot buddies and make them chinese comfort women

>> No.14273061

what a stupid fucking thread

>> No.14273069
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Cease this inane faggotry at once.

>> No.14273119

Also because Hololive actually had stakes in China at that point between a whole branch and collab stuff, now they are essentially blacklisted from the CN market so this type of shit should never affect them again.

>> No.14273177
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>Newfag don't know how to call op a faggot without bumping the thread
Eat shit, Mainland slave.

>> No.14273205

you retards are freaking out over nothing. if they were truly offended they would've attacked already.

>> No.14273253

I hope this is true.
I have been traumatized.
I will learn Chinese only to go on Chinese websites and bully bugs into killing themselves.

>> No.14273514


>> No.14273886
File: 2.31 MB, 1280x720, 1626810860882.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bastardi, iou areh a bàndàn andi a bigue fool.
Dis is unaceptable... I will make a call to the CCP to do the apropriate meazures in this situation.
You will note be forgiven.
China numbah #1
By the way, why would ever an chinese person be here? Isn't the great firewall a thing? What could they possibly gain from coming here?

>> No.14274324

>By the way, why would ever an chinese person be here? Isn't the great firewall a thing? What could they possibly gain from coming here?
CCP hired shills are a thing. make argurument onrine to make chynah rook gooh. many soshall cwedit scoh for yew.

>> No.14274565

Taiwan daishouri!!!

>> No.14274744

Maybe it's privated for another reason. You don't know if it's because she said Taiwan. Now stop spreading it around

>> No.14275361

Kill yourself, dirty chinks.

>> No.14275466
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>> No.14275633

fucking snowflake chinks, it's the name of a fucking country for fucks sake!! ANYONE could have made the same "mistake".

>> No.14275737

you would think after the taiwan incident, all talents and future talents would have been forced to tread carefully on chink related things. People feared the holoEN branch was going to be full of twitch egirl shit with american politics mixed in before their debuts and surprisingly they've always managed to avoid making things political, likely due to strict managers breathing down their necks, I would have thought it was the same with holoJP.

>> No.14276066

Nah it's planned anon don't worry

>> No.14276436

You stupid fuck, it's all about geopolitics.

>> No.14276537

The island is call the province of Taiwan to chinese people
This is a nothing burger

>> No.14276736

>Totally a newfag

>> No.14276796

You guys realize Holos acknowledge the taiwan buses for their birthdays/anniversaries on twitter right
Looks like the dramanigger discord is in effect again

>> No.14276992


>> No.14277361

Bro, Gura got a vod edited because a Taiwanese flag was on the leaderboards. She did not mention it or acknowledge it at all.

>> No.14277512

Why do they even care what the Chinese think? They pulled out of China completely and generally pretend it doesn't exist (de-zhangified Nene, Baelz pretends she doesn't know the language). They're not getting their Genshin permissions back; why give a fuck if she says "Taiwan"

>> No.14277852

If someone's gonna attract their attention it's actually you dramanigger. Though last time they were pretty delighted bcs Aqua actually mistakenly mentioned her birthday bus in Taiwan as located in "Chuugoku/China", even Taiwan bros weren't actually that angry tho

>> No.14278814

Taiwanese are good human unlike chinks

>> No.14280927

It's not Cover that I'm worried about, it's Iroha herself. She's new and pretty much the least inexperienced out of her genmates. The last thing that I wanted right now is seeing her get discouraged because these subhuman chinks spam her chat or Twitter.

>> No.14281022

This and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. Gen4 was a mistake, they're all sluts.

>> No.14281032

It's time we begin the conversation about Yellow Fragility.

>> No.14281092

Iroha lookin kinda Peng Shuai in OP

>> No.14281126

Yeah, mine.

>> No.14281140

Don't you guys know?
>he does it for free

There are bugs outside mainland as well.

>> No.14281523

YAB was edited out.

>> No.14281607
File: 161 KB, 1018x1024, 1629660225479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't ask your viewers where they're from without the possibility of stepping on a political landmine
The world is a weird place

>> No.14281675

It's just Hololive thing. Other people can mention Taiwan just fine.

>> No.14282686

SEAniggers who wanna be Chinks.
Careful about them.

>> No.14283105

Go back to discord

>> No.14287701

That's Jiang Zemin you fucking ignoramus.
none of you faggots know about the complex interplay of powers happening within China.
Xi's "bad" actions are almost always against mega corporations owned by Zemin and fucking up USA (Tencent/Alibaba/Bytedance etc).
It's insane just how far from reality the wumaos have groomed the average american from.

>> No.14288118

Why is Cover still terrified of triggering China when they have no chinese branch and no revenue from China anymore?

>> No.14288203

China is still incredibly powerful globally and they can very easily sabotage potential events and sponsorships by letting them know that if they work with Hololive the Chinese grand market is closed to them forever.
