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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14122476 No.14122476 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kizuna Ai really taking a break so she can find a better way to shill NFTs? Really?

>> No.14122537

yes she is backing the latest innovations in #NFAmeT

>> No.14122544

No. Don't believe shitty Twitter smear campaigns.

>> No.14122557

Management lost everything in the last rug pull, please andastand

>> No.14122574

By her words here it seems that she isn't interested in NFTs specifically but up and coming tech that's similar to it. Could be bad, could be good. We'll see.

>> No.14122756

No, she’s pregnant with my child and simply needs to take maternity leave.

>> No.14124190

Her company has literally pushed NFTs of her.
It's all part of the Techbro pyramid scheme.

>> No.14124310

Gotta love how they look down on their viewers with that writing.
They just assume we don't know what they are talking about but surely it is totally fun :-)

>> No.14124347

You got a source to that? I don't remember seeing any NFTs of her. Not that I'd doubt it.

>> No.14124441

why are twitter trannies and 2views trying to cancel her now?

>> No.14124550

Look who's talking, Aifag...

>> No.14124572

Post your link.

>> No.14124688

Be Japanese.

>> No.14124961

I'm not a VTuber, just a hater.

>> No.14125118
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This was announced back during her concert at the start of this year

>> No.14125212

No, she has a habit of mentioning trending technology stuff. She's been doing it since her very first video.

She's talked about smart speakers and face recognition before but it doesn't mean she wants to spy on you.

>> No.14125350

Explain >>14125118

>> No.14125393
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Must suck for Ame to see one of the Four Kings of vtubing reduced to shilling NFTs.

>> No.14125436

Wrong chuuba. It's Ai.

>> No.14125525

they are changing her seiyuu
thats what she meant by upgrade

>> No.14125575

One of the other 4 kings is doing gay porn now, so it could be worse.

>> No.14125582

Isn't her company massively in debt? Not surprised that they are desperate enough to resort to shilling NFTs.

>> No.14125832

>Indefinite hiatus
Her company is going to milk her brand as long as investors get duped by the 2.9M subs and first vtuber stick. The VA will probably leave but they can still use all of the resources piled up over the years like songs and shit. Imagine if instead of graduating, Coco is on a hiatus where Cover will still be releasing merch and other promotions without streaming. This really looks scummy to me.

>> No.14126047

I'd rather do gay porn than shill fucking nfts

>> No.14127892

That's not a future announcement, her NFTs are already out there. They're just not the usual overpriced image files, they're overpriced skins for VR avatars.

But AI mentioning those has absolutely nothing to do with her break. I mean, it makes zero sense from a common sense perspective to begin with.

Like I said before, technology is just part of what she is. If there's something new she will talk about it.
Take this video of her talking about 5G as an example.

>> No.14128081

You don't care, you never watch her, you only know her by her name, you parasite. Go back watching holoen and never coma back pretending you care about her.

>> No.14129202

Why would Ame care?

>> No.14131586

I used to rule the world
Simps would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning, I sleep alone
Shill the scams I used to own

>> No.14131708

damn right. at least you can get off instead of being a parasite

>> No.14131936
File: 351 KB, 1505x2125, 1620052227665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black company you work for wants you to shill NFTs
>consciousness started to kick in, especially after that OtakuCoin bullshit
>tell Activ8 you're feeling guilty about scamming people
>they lol at you
>use the last bits of integrity and threaten to quit if they keep push for it
>they lol at you, tell you they'll replace you with Kizuna Ai 2.0
>decide to quit
Is what I rrat happened.

>> No.14132021


>> No.14132036

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in Hololive's eyes
Listen as the simps would sing
Now the old king is dead, long live the king
One minute I held the subs
Next the sharks were closed on me
And I discovered that my channel stood
Upon pillars of scams and pillars of chinks

>> No.14132571

Which one is doing that?

>> No.14132616

>itt nocoiner seethe
you love to see it

>> No.14132939


>> No.14134614

This is too plausible.
Ai wanted to quit (for whatever reason, maybe even just to move on) and Activ8 knew they couldn't just replace her since that blew the fuck up last time.
So they hiatus over with a cover of "upgrades."
And when she returns any changes to her personality or voice can be handwaved as part of the update.
Unrelated: is there doxx on Ai?

>> No.14135062

her VA has been public information for over a year and a half. Please lurk for 1000 more years before ever posting again.

>> No.14135129

She's taking a well deserved break

>> No.14135259

That being said, her real voice is a mystery. If she chooses to reincarnate (or has to because she doesn't have enough connections in the VA business) and uses a different voice, there is no way for us to track her.

>> No.14135402
File: 41 KB, 624x506, nfts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2view trannies are already turning on her.

>> No.14135412

Chinese lover is shilling chinese scam. Nothing more deep than that

>> No.14135627


>> No.14135833

why do troons hate nfts? like they can become any gender they want but can't accept pic transactions
it's so weird

>> No.14137200

AI doesn't have a VA but a voice provider, but she is open about supporting her. She even tweeted on her main account regarding the news and she'll keep working while AI sleeps.

>> No.14137249

anon are you really going to support NFTs now because troons hate them?

>> No.14137315

anything to own the libs

>> No.14137326

>She's talked about smart speakers and face recognition before but it doesn't mean she wants to spy on you.
I wouldn't be so quick to trust an AI, anon.

>> No.14137407

Not him, and I don't really give a shit about NFTs, but I do agree that it's super weird just how vehemently lefty troons hate them. I don't understand the level of hate they espouse toward NFTs.

>> No.14137458

>muh enviroment
or some shit like that, because apparently electricity is bad now when in can be used for anything else than recharging their electric car and vibrator.

>> No.14137491

it might be their connection to crypto, lefties and troons seethe on the daily that they can't get the same control over them like they have over payment processors.

>> No.14137530

From what I've seen it's less that lefty troons hate nfts and more that most people on twitter are lefty troons and twitter hates nfts.

>> No.14137556
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>replaced VA rrat still isn't dead
>let's add a new lie to spread around
I am so tired.
I genuinely don't even understand WHY. She's not political. She's not offensive. She hasn't done anything wrong, and yet the hate she gets is beyond anything most other vtubers get while doing so much worse. Why even? What is the point of spreading so much misinformation? She's a good girl who works hard and has always done her best.

>> No.14137565

They buy into the government propaganda that it's the citizens' fault for using electricity and not the governments' fault for pushing nuclear power plants. But then again they also hate nuclear because they don't care about actual results and prefer to just get social media headpats for parroting the latest corporate-government talking point.

>> No.14137627

Explain the lie

>> No.14137637

I'm not even a fan of hers or even watched anything of hers, and i still know what is what.

>> No.14137671

>taking a break so she can find a better way to shill NFTs
She's taking a break because she's been working non-stop for five years.

>> No.14137703

So to counter one lie you just lie more?

>> No.14137743

Explain the lie.

>> No.14137781

People like to hate on popular things to set themselves apart from the crowd.
She was the first and, so, was a easy target to be focused on.

This is the consequence of 'individualism'. Everybody wants to stand out, yet can only do it by copying others who have already stood out.

>> No.14137795

>She's taking a break
>because she's been working non-stop for five years
is your headcanon

>> No.14137825

>to find a better way to shill NFTs
is a deliberate and malicious misinterpretation of what was said.

>> No.14137841

she died and her corpse got molested
it's sad but that's how it looked like when they used her "body" to shill NFT

>> No.14137963

Thank you for demonstrating the point I just made but it wasn't necessary.

>> No.14138007

>goverments fault
>not capitalists fault
lmao americans are so fucking dumb

>> No.14138133

No the chinks are killing her to turn her into a NFTs.

>> No.14138154

I feel like I'm being gaslight because now people on Twitter are saying she was never replaced, that was just a rumor. But I remember her having a very sudden retirement party stream, and then they tried to pass off 4 different people as her. What the fuck? Did they covertly bring her back and pretend that didn't happen?

>> No.14138372

Yes, there were four different versions of Ai. No, they were not supposed to replace her, they were supposed to take over doing video content for her while the actual AI was busy with concerts and the like. The reason why the replacement thing got around is because on debut all four clones used the same model and tried their best to act like the original Ai would, while the original VA was silent because of the aforementioned concert preparations, and upd8 explained exactly none of this until it was way too late.

>> No.14138392

Don't you have a breadline to stand in?

>> No.14138462

Is it not the government's job to actively promote infrastructure improvements and find ways to strongly encourage their production if not directly fund them for the good of the population? Plus you have places like Germany where the government literally forced all their nuclear power plants closed and had them replaced with fossil fuel power plants, will you blame capitalists for that as well? I find it funny that you think my stance is somehow a stereotypical ignorant American one when in reality everyone I discuss this with in real life calls my ideas socialist and anti-capitalist because I support the government intervening. But if the government isn't supposed to help with things like pushing toward more nuclear power or other large-scale national infrastructure improvements then what the fuck is the government for at all?

>> No.14138543

You are not being gaslit, you're just retarded. There was never a retirement party stream. She was never gone. They had two clones who made some content while the OG was working on bigger projects, which were later marked with a # and * hair clip. They later got their own names, models, and channels. One of them graduated, the other is still around but went on hiatus. There is also a chink knockoff who has always been a separate entity with her own channel and barely ever interacts with the original.

>> No.14138576

this is the ideological end game of /pol/, supporting blatant pyramid schemes because trannies hate them
lmao go ask /biz/ about NFTs, they'll shit on you too. fucking BIZ will.
go sell your house to buy links to monkey pngs you fucking boomer

>> No.14138700


Whats Actually happening is people know that right wing leaning people are gullible idiots who will eat up anything if you say "tranny leftists hate this" so there is a campaign going on to paint any dismissal of nfts as a leftist thing so that they can get right leaning people to buy in and scam them out of money.
That's literally all that's happening. Anytime u see someone bring up the idea that leftists hate nfts, it's because they want idiots to think they can own the libs by investing in it. No one actually thinks nfts are useful except the idiots getting scammed

>> No.14138729

I know and it is the funniest fucking thing. Look at the thread's IP count. It's likely the same 1-2 people posting over and over again.

>> No.14138862

desu I'm just pointing out that a lot of the people hating on kizuna ai for doing nft are also trannies. It's less about the nft itself and more that I'll take an excuse to request they 41% themselves because they insulted my oshi.

>> No.14138965


Did Ai get bought out by a shady Chinese company around that time? That's what I remember starting all of this in the first place.

>> No.14139226

That didn't happen either. Chinks bought the rights to make their own chinese knockoff ai, but she had her own VA, own channel, same model but with different clothes, and a different name. The two practically never interacted. Only time I saw her was during one skit and two occasions where they sang together over the course of two or more years.

>> No.14139337

That's based I love NFTs now

>> No.14139347

>Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
>I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
>The evil that men do lives after them;
>The good is oft interred with their bones;

>> No.14139418

A reminder of what the faggots of upd8 lost in their incompetence
>Love-chan and Aipii
>Animare to 774 inc
>Nobuhime to Cover
>Shibuya HAL
Someone in upd8 / Kizuna AI inc. thought the following were a good idea
>Letting the trash fire of the VA scandal go on
>Putting Love and Aipii on a separate channel so they can rot and die
>Business with China
>Collab with vwhores
This "sleep" won't change anything. Ai's content will be ruined as always by the faggots of the production team

>> No.14139520

no, it's maternity leave

>> No.14139668

So trying to see if anyone bough her KAT token. But so far I've only seen it worth $0. Is she still setting it up for her NFTs?

>> No.14140138

If you're talking about this (https://www.kizunabsc.com/)), it looks like it's some rando using her name for a coin.

>> No.14142293

Actually just noticed that "new fun things" in the English TL can be abbreviated to "NFT". Ai-chan doing some wordplay here?

>> No.14144751

Makes you appreciate Cover/ANYCOLOR, despite their retarded moves, they've never gone full black company.

>> No.14148908

she was always a fad vtuber, an early adopter, but not an important player

long live cover

>> No.14151847

She should just become a professional seiyuu at this point. Everyone already knows who she is. She's popular enough to the point where she can overcome the fact that every anime she's been a part of has been a giant flop.
The whole Kizuna Ai craze has long since ended. She should really just move on now for the sake of her own career.

>> No.14151943

>the fact that every anime she's been a part of has been a giant flop.
Aren't 90% of modern anime flops? (due to heavy competition)

>> No.14153595

Yes, but some are worse flops than others. Normally it's not really a big deal for most seiyuu. For example, Ayaneru has been a part of some bad flops, but she's voiced enough popular characters in popular anime, to the point where she will always score in the top of most seiyuu rankings. The flops don't really detract from a seiyuu's popularity, but it's the amount of popular roles that really boost them.
In Nozomin's case, she has only ever voiced minor background characters. her biggest role was just a supporting character in Granbelm. She hasn't landed a single popular role in a single popular anime. Normally, this would pretty much be the end for any seiyuu who's been in the industry for over 5 years, but Nozomi has gotten a huge following through her work as Kizuna Ai. If she decided to jump ship, she could go back to being a seiyuu and she would have a good chance at landing big roles. I'm sure plenty of agencies would be happy to hire the personality behind Kizuna Ai, and plenty of otaku would love to see her live.
The Kizuna Ai project was really a huge opportunity for her to advance her career. She's already reached her peak as a vtuber, so now is her best chance to really move on. If she stays on youtube as a waning internet personality, people will eventually lose interest in her all together.

>> No.14154400

Perhaps, but she did fight pretty hard to gain control of the Kizuna Ai project. Maybe she finds value in the VTuber concept and, due to Ai being the progenitor, feels the need to push it to new frontiers (something that needs to be done anyways because having the VTuber concept being stuck as animated avatar streamers is such a waste).

>> No.14161921

Imagine my shock.

>> No.14166040

Kizuna Ai will have to innovate. One way or another.

>> No.14169261


>> No.14169308


>> No.14171924

Thread reeks of new, she's always been somewhat of a media panel for trends in her main channel

>> No.14172434

vtubers are far too oversaturated now. They should just let it end like Kaguya Luna. She might find value in it, and I don't blame her for that, but it would really be in her best interest to move on from Active8 at this point

>> No.14172528

don't care i hope this chink whore dies in fire

>> No.14174453

Honestly, these past two days has just increased my hatred towards nu-fans in the VTuber fanbase. Just tired of all the bullshit that keeps getting spread by them.

>> No.14174693
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