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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 85 KB, 703x666, FFyrLWlXsAg1Uq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14087238 No.14087238 [Reply] [Original]

So I see in many Kizuna Ai threads that it's ok to not feel remorse for her for selling NFTs in the future but did you know that where Hololive is gonna head to? Take a good look at these links and ask yourself which NFT you're buying first!

>> No.14087270


>> No.14087469

Yagoo is unironically doing the smart thing of investing quietly behind the scenes until NFTs are socially accepted , making bank off of rich gachikois once VTubers sell personalized unique NFTs.

>> No.14087570

oh god ready the pitchforks

>> No.14087603

god i hate this money laundering scheme so fucking much they're even worse than shitcoiners

>> No.14087642

Nah, Holofags will fully embrace it and claim NFT was always good. The people against it will be drowned out and it will be business as usual on this board.

>> No.14087802

he built the company by pandering to chinks , paying shills in news sites, abusing youtube tags and evading copyright laws of course he would jump headfirst into the next shady fad

>> No.14087848


I mean, using NFT for stuff like limited collectible cards and digital idol memorabilia is such an obvious idea I'd be more surprised if that didn't happen soon. They just need to fully control the network and (possibly) make it so that the bigger whale can always grab someone's NFT by paying double the current value, and it'll start literally printing money.

>> No.14087875

Stop deflecting away from the fact that Kizuna Ai talked about NFTs when she announced her graduation.
Nigger if, and that’s a big if, Hololive start shilling NFTs everyone will shit on them too.

>> No.14087934

I too hate money let's go get our pitchforks ready

>> No.14088000

Oh no!
They're making their own crypto currency to make money!
Anyway, I have to go back to managing my portfolio for monday buying.

>> No.14088206

Yagoo felt for the NFT meme... no...

>> No.14088243

Gamebu will be with them!

>> No.14088274

all the japs are getting into NFTs this isn't surprising

>> No.14088358

This, japanese artists are seeing big flows of cash in nfts, i expect them to get into them more and more

>> No.14088479

>sell retired designs as NFT
Might as well, He's not doing anything with the hitomi chris design or anything with the Chinese designs or kakage older concepts

>> No.14089617

the "cash flow" is just money laundering, a lot of money is flowing, but almost all of that money is controlled by a very select few people

>> No.14089734

https://twitter.com/IHayato/status/1456574661420933124 not according to him lol

>> No.14089771

Eh, they're just doing a repeat of what western artists went through because the same old scammers realized they could do it again with an audience that didn't speak English.
Westerners reacting with "WOW THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER" without explaining makes it a bit worse, but I've been seeing more and more JP artists posting articles actually explaining the problems and, probably more importantly, going "All these artists keep getting hacked by NFT people, so I'm starting to trust it less".
It won't go away completely, but it'll go down HARD when it starts going down, same as western artists.

>> No.14089829

I think there was a nijisanji artists that got hacked by NFT scams lol

>> No.14089924

https://twitter.com/IHatoya/status/1465174583783276544 there was some crypto scammer arrested in Japan some times ago who made 2 million yen

>> No.14089948

nah its uiha mama

>> No.14090018

Yeah, the problem with it being unregulated is that for every 10 legit projects there are 1000 scams, so you end up with guys like this >>14089924 and artists that end up getting scammed.

>> No.14090023

fuck japs I hope the NFT people scam them for all they are worth

>> No.14090333

>Everyone will shit on them
Only people in this tiny bubble of a board will and only for a week tops. Holobronies WILL hop onto the bandwagon with a tiny percentage that just leaves silently. Consumerism is their one and only god. Yes people are laughing about how Ame is mocking NFTs as we speak, but they will gobble it up as soon as it becomes a reality. Mark my words.

>> No.14090431

Ame about to be graduated for shitting on NFTs.

>> No.14090548

NFT bad because uhh it just is ok? I don't even know what a blockchain is btw

>> No.14090624
File: 749 KB, 1313x838, NFATs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Holobronies aren't hypocrites who can make fun of it while also fully embracing it.
This looks liek satire, but it's the near future. As depressing as it is.

>> No.14090709

Hololive will never, ever use NFTs
They are literally a device for laundering Chinese money
Hololive doesn't have Chinese money

>> No.14090757

ame knows more than we know

>> No.14090830

>never, ever
Put a goldface.jpg with that and I believe you

>> No.14090916

doomposting thread #13462314

>> No.14091142

Most of the people who go all-in on crypto and NFTs don't know what blockchain is either. It's an investment industry that thrives on ignorance of hobbyists.

>> No.14091373

Agreed bro. NFT le bad. Right click save image etc

>> No.14091687

It's a modern ponzi scheme. People don't buy crypto, NFTs or "rare" game cartridges to use them. They only buy them to sell for profit. Not realising the vast majority of investors will lose their investment or thinking they're smarter than the rest. Only people who are running this and a hand full of billion dollar investors will turn a profit by robbing the other 99%. Nothing about this is ground breaking and it will collapse soon or later.

>> No.14091697

Sorry you're part of a pyramid scheme bro, but you don't have to defend it no matter how much you lost. You won't make it back regardless.

>> No.14091720

To le moon xd
Financial illiteracy is the big scammer market right now
NFTs are laundering Chinese money, there is no market, there are no other uses
Hololive has no Chinese money to launder
Expect nijisanji to go in on nft tho

>> No.14091916

I love this imaginary world you've created where being anti-blockchain is the leddit position, as if that site isn't trying to do blockchain integration right this fucking minute along with twitter and discord.

>> No.14091934

Yagoo is a business guy. No one should be surprised that he's keeping a watchful eye on business trends. Cover probably want to jump in on the trend but given several of their own EN chuubas have mocked it and there is western skepticism about it, they're probably gonna hold off until when, or if, it becomes more socially "accepted" to do it.

>> No.14092035

Feel free to guess what 4chan is getting ad revenue from too

>> No.14092063

>nft good because uhh.... decentralized write-only excel sheet that wastes a lot of electricity

>> No.14092161
File: 180 KB, 838x350, Hmmm-379287276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, there are ads for even worse things on here.

>> No.14092173

Uhh it's an access server not an excel sheet get owned NFTchads win again

>> No.14092267

Here, look at that pretty pyramid

>> No.14092283

god i hope the retarded facebook reject boomers from /pol/ click on these ads and blow 100% of their retirements on this shit

>> No.14092342

An incoming response will call you a 'seething no-coiner', proving the point. The richfags I can understand since it's their money laundering scheme, but the people shilling this crap on here feel like the equivalent of a dude who makes a grand at the casino and then LARPs as a gambling magnate.

>> No.14092383

>site integration is the same as advertising please take me seriously I know what I'm taking about

>> No.14092390

They probably do
I saw an ad that said 2.1 million bitcoinc 7.7 billion people, do we need to do the math?
Anyone with a basic understanding of finances or the ability to know when they're being scammed has avoided NFTs and buttcoin after the first explosion

>> No.14092420

We'll see! I'm membered to like 10 Holos and if Cover actually gets into NFTs I will unmember every single one. (Same for the 2434s if Anycolor does it)

>> No.14092449
File: 102 KB, 567x593, B88F7C6D-68C7-4030-A8E4-577AAB380EC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is called “conditioning” We are being persuaded into accepting the idea of Hololive NFTs. This is a psyop from the upper management of cover. Don’t fall for it.

>> No.14092487

I dont get why many people cry about NFT nobody forces you to buy it

>> No.14092521

It's not the Ame thread bro...

>> No.14092528

>why are people pointing and laughing at retards doing retarded shit? nobody's forcing you to do retarded shit

>> No.14092871

>why are people pointing and laughing at retards doing retarded shit?
That its rude anon

>> No.14092953


Buying a NFT is like buying a expensive receipt at a museum that points to a painting. You don't own the painting. You can't sell or even touch the painting, and if the museum closes down at any point, your expensive receipt points to nothing. Anyone can view and enjoy the painting as much as the person who owns the receipt. Also, the person selling you this receipt doesn't actually have to be the owner of the painting, and anyone can print this receipt for cheap.

>> No.14093005

in case of hololive it can actually work. Cover can literally evade taxes

>> No.14093235

Honestly, its free money.

I dont shame hololive for getting involved.
You saw how much money people were paying for the pekora piss wine bottle.

A hololive minted NFT of some artwork, could get millions.
A fuckin monkey, and pixel zombies sell for 20 million.

Imagine a pekora nft, only 1 made. It would fetch a million easy. and anyone who wanted the hololive exclusive pekora nft would have to buy it of the owner.

millions that cover desperately needs. that could buy 10 3D live studios, and they could put two in every country they have girls working. ID, EN.

I think they should've done it ages ago, now it looks desperate instead of hip and fresh.

>> No.14093268

Here's Ame again doing a parody so when Holofes 3 announces the real deal, everyone can say Ame predicted it again!

>> No.14094515

>Honestly, its free money.
except for all of the controversy it could generate. 95% of crypto activity is just people doing unethical and illegal shit through a loophole.

>> No.14094903

It's free money in the same way that gambling is 'free money'. If you don't already have connections, you are not going to make it in NFT. you're essentially gambling on someone buying the NFT you bought/minted for higher than what it took to make it

>> No.14095207

He is probably just monitoring them for the time and investing on the down low. Shilling by ecelebs is currently cancerous but when it comes to metaverse, NFT might have some utility. Though I'm not sure it will be "big" like people act so they can make a quick buck

>> No.14095417

*saves your shitty overpriced pixels for free*
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.14095567

Its free money for whoever sells NFTs, minting a NFT is very cheap, and you can make the buyer cover the cost for minting.

>> No.14096221

hence why it makes so much sense for him to do it for the vtubers. He will make mad money, Anykara will copy it and it will be the death of vtubing

>> No.14096407

yes, to whoever gets the pekora nft.

It cost marginally nothing to create, so hololive just pockets a fat million dollars and all they have to commision is one of their artists contacts to draw a nice artwork

Cover cant even afford to make a 3D studio in America for the girls to work in. An NFT would buy 10 of those, and theyd still have a few million to pocket.

controversy is made regardless. being associated with crypto is not as bad as it is made to see. many companies are holding crypto, and payment systems are being integrated with crypto now.

Making a eth NFT, could bring massive profits that hololive desperately needs to get to the next level.

>> No.14096426

Idk if it is desperate right now. More like careful observing. Cover most likely is gonna utilize it for stuff like metaverse models so they can have ownership.

>> No.14096493

>Cover cant even afford to make a 3D studio in America
Ultra Copium

>> No.14096572

na, desperate. NFTs have 0 purpose other than hype.

theyre being exposed for what they are. an overhyped investment vehicle shadily used to spoof trades to give them inflated value til a greater fool actually pays the fake price and is stuff with a useless jpeg, hoping a bigger idiot will buy his of him.

If metaverse ever pops off, its not now, or even in the next year. But 5 years down the line, maybe.

>> No.14096651

>crypto bull run over
>/biz/ in shambles
>anime egirls start shilling NFTs

I hope Amelia was invested in dogecoin and lost all her money.

>> No.14096673

No I mean it counts as a sort of copyright for art or models you make, except without relying on a government agency to prove it is actually yours. Like when someone makes an image then uploads it online, people use watermarks or other means to say "this is mine". NFT can be like that in the metaverse to say "this object is our intellectual property." The scam with NFT currently is that a lot are shilling it and overhyping.

>> No.14096917

>No I mean it counts as a sort of copyright
no it doesn't. all it does is give you a receipt from the creator saying you paid for it. it has zero legal bearing; it can't stop other people from copying or profiting off it without actual copyright protection.

>> No.14096999

I didn't explain it right. You are more right on that. But it still counts as the original receipt and perhaps later on it can have real merit. Or not, could just fall to nothingness quickly. I'm trying to see it more from their view as developers for meta

>> No.14097096

yes i understand what an NFT is, but right now its just a proof of concept. nothing about it is business.

it would be retarded to choose a defi coin to pin whatver the metaverse will be.

and even then, thats if the metaverse will be decentralise, which is a massive cope by cryptobros. people almost always trust companies to take care of their data, especially if that company, like facebook, is also running the metaworld they live on.

imagine making nfts on a defi protocol that isnt even used anymore come the time the metaverse is happening.
the market is incredibly speculative right now, and honestly as imaginary as fanfiction you could say. complete BS.

>> No.14097201

Good point, it really could end up just run by companies that hoard data. But isn't that more reason to want to seek the alternative? Bitcoin was a joke for quite some time too until it grew. Not saying that means nft will have success but is it wrong to test around in it?

>> No.14097233

yes correct.

its even worst. you have to hope that whatever company runs the metaverse decides to even use a crypto coins blockchain instead of their own secure servers to check whether the items or property you own are yours.

>> No.14097306

Damn nvm nta but the other faggot here who argued in favor, im retard

>> No.14097402

people will seek an alternative, but it will be an opensource one (if a project of that capital can even be possible)

but the main companies will never offer one. desu, it would actually be better since companies who run the metaverse could be contacted to settle disputes, unlike in crypto, where trades or scams, are final, and theres no authority to run or seek help from.

people would much rather leave valuables with the powerful who could protect or recompensate.

>> No.14097422


Since Ame ''leaked HoloX'' I think this was her way to leak her discontent with the possible new Holo NFT. Hence why her stream shitting on them was called out by manager

>> No.14097450

>controversy is made regardless
controversy costs money to manage. that's why Cover bends over backwards to avoid it. dissolving the entire CN branch was a huge investment down the drain.

and NFTs aren't nearly as profitable as your implying (if you aren't deliberately scamming people). a lot of it is just empty market manipulation. even the latest big NFT transaction news turned out to be a wash trade. which shouldn't be surprising to anyone that knows basic finance and didn't snort the crypto cult hype. an industry made specifically to side step market regulations is going to have to re learn all the lessons the stock market did when they made those regulations.

>> No.14097915

good points, but I still stand that
1) it would not be anywhere near bad publicity like the CN branch. itd be a little crypto artwork sale.
2)even if they dont make the same profitablity as the popular nfts, I still think the money they have to gain would be x1000 more than whatever the cost was to mint and commision the art.
3)it would be a great test to see the appetite for hololive nfts. if they release a single one, and it actually grows or trades for actual millions, it proves a 2nd one could be more profitable.

4)nfts dont have to be trashy like thsoe ugly ass monkeys and lions. hololive could bring some class to the emerging tech.

they could do a charity or donation pot, and give the nft simply as a prize to the top donator, and other less exclusive prizes like physical merch to the next 100.
this tiny promotion will help them wet their feet to test the waters for hololive nfts.

it would be the larger waste to have never entered the market that they, a company that sells nothing but virtual images to people, are perfectly aligned with

>> No.14098177

i want to buy pregnant towa

>> No.14098966

oh no no no no bros...

>> No.14099375


Bad PR can permanently damage a company, especially if they rely on their brand to be profitable. CN is a extreme example, but look at how they can't interact with anything remotely related to china now. The only way to survive bad PR as a company is to minimize the damage done, or try to get the consumer to not notice your brand on your product. Creating controversy for money is like chopping off your leg for a quick buck.

>> No.14100578

>itd be a little crypto artwork sale.
not even close. people don't buy NFT because they want the art, people buy NFT because they're effectively lottery tickets.
the controversy would be associating with and shilling a vehicle for gambling to literal children. the entire industry is built on a business model of making gambling look like not gambling to laymen and the law. worse case scenario Hololive finds itself in the middle of the next loot box fiasco.

>> No.14101160

Every person with half a brain understood what was coming when they announced their weird open world "game". It's a typical metaverse game where you buy virtual real estate and NFTs.

>> No.14101916

>typical metaverse game where you buy virtual real estate and NFTs.
I still don't understand why any company would add NFTs to their game besides the hype that comes with it. The entire point of NFTs are that they are decentralized, but the making it only usable in a game defeats the whole purpose of them.

>> No.14102910

Japan doesn't have the same seething hatred for NFTs that the West does. It might be a joke now, but if Cover wanted quick cash they very easily could release their own NFTs and make massive bank. The Japanese audience wouldn't care, and the West could cancel them but I doubt most people are going to drop their oshi over corporate decisions.

How exactly are they decentralized when somebody has to initially make them first and then release them to the public? When the bored apes and stonetoss made their NFTs, where did the money from the very first buyers go? Just nowhere? Also big corpos are never going to let you "own" things; I'm sure they'll easily find loopholes.

>> No.14103945

>How exactly are they decentralized when somebody has to initially make them first and then release them to the public?
Its decentralized because the data of the receipt and verification is stored and checked in a blockchain, but a game dev could just do the same thing on their own server instead of spending extra resources minting and adding NFTs to their game.

>When the bored apes and stonetoss made their NFTs, where did the money from the very first buyers go? Just nowhere?

The money goes to whoever minted the NFT, and is most likely the only person to ever make money from this scam.

>> No.14104585

They're going to try to force this shit into whatever they can and make everything even shittier than it already is. Companies like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sega, Electronic Arts, and Capcom are already announced that they're trying to come up with ideas to integrate nfts into their games and squeeze every penny they can out of people who just want to play games. Just imagine the stupid csgo skin economy, but now every game has it. It must be stomped out early before the infection spreads. Everyone laughed off the horse armor in Oblivion and now paying $10 for a single cosmetic item in a game is normal.

>> No.14104882
File: 433 KB, 800x450, hololive_cv_roster_header_cv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont have any use for these avatars anymore. Some Chinese company would pay a lot for the NFT

>> No.14105223

>and anyone can print this receipt for cheap
No, they can't. You can make your own NFT off of the same meme monkey image, it won't be the same NFT. That's the whole point.

>> No.14105289

God, this is going to be the new lootbox, isn't it

>> No.14105747

Correct, the NFT would be different, but they will both be pointing to the same meme monkey image, and the only difference being that the first NFT and the new one would be the fact that it was minted first. The person who bought the NFT still doesn't own the meme monkey image, just the NFT that points to it.

>> No.14106340

How can you people be so retarded holy shit.
It's just a token made off of some piece of data. The tokens are not replicable, you can use the same data but you can't make the same token, and you can verify which one is the first.
People want to own that shit for the same reason why collectors like to pay millions for random garbage. A bunch of millionares and celebrities have bought those expensive NFTs just for bragging rights. You can claim you are the one who owns the "Mori fart mp3 NFT".
Even if you don't understand it, the fact that you are not using this opportunity to make the easiest money in the world is proof that you are ngmi. Keep crying about how NFT is for idiots while us /biz/chads make 100x selling hashes of memes.

>> No.14107018

>People want to own that shit
You don't own anything. There's no law to enforce any kind of regulation, there's no mechanism to avoid manipulating the file. You're buying lies so you can sell the same lies to someone and make profit from it. This entire thing is a textbook scam.

>> No.14107356

>People want to own that shit for the same reason why collectors like to pay millions for random garbage
people pay millions for garbage so they can write it off their taxes and they brag about it to increase it's value. very few actually care.

>> No.14107367

I mean, I guess you're right that the token itself isn't centralized, but the important part is it may as well be when all the initial money goes to one entity anyways. The hard part is convincing people to buy from you first, which is why there's so much wash trading going around.

You're correct, and in their current form in which all this shit does is point to shitty lions and monkeys, NFTs are pretty worthless. Thing is in the hypothetical future in which having that token may give you special perks or whatever, like say in Hololive's MMO game, it'll be very easy to tell who actually has proof of ownership and who right click saved. Right now though it's just a vehicle for scams and money laundering.

>> No.14107790

Anyone who hates NFTs is a redditor sjw and doesn't belong here.

>> No.14107844

>say in Hololive's MMO game, it'll be very easy to tell who actually has proof of ownership and who right click saved
But why does this have to be in a NFT? why can't they just save this data on their own private server just like how csgo skin ownership works?

>> No.14108401

Congrats anon, you realized the scam. The technology isn't actually novel or interesting in the slightest. *Technically* the only reason I can think of is that if this data were stored on the blockchain then it would never go down ever, whereas servers could go down or be breached so that data could be potentially lost.
The real reason is that you can overprice NFTs to hell in this current market by convincing some loser that he can make money by selling it to some other loser. Same reason why CSGO knives and TF2 hats are so stupid expensive.

>> No.14109653

aaaaany alternative is better than nft...

>> No.14109961

Public shiting on NFT in her channel is the most based of any VT.

>> No.14111358

Redpill me on nft what the hell is it and why does twitter hate it?

>> No.14111473

jpeg meme coins

>> No.14111985



>> No.14112093

The entire premise against an NFT in this post is wrong. NFTs are store in the blockchain, they're not centralized and it's practically impossible for them to disappear.

>> No.14112212

There's literally nothing wrong with it. It's just manufactured outrage for schizos so they have a reason to hate something

>> No.14112225

me: scammed, up 300k from flipping 3 projects and cashing out, still holding a couple

you, not scammed and inteligent enought o see through the lies that nft is just a jpeg: broke

>> No.14112295

Yes, the receipt in that post is decentralized and impossible for them to disappear, but it doesn't change the fact that you only own the receipt, and the original painting is still not yours. The image that the NFT points to is not stored in a blockchain.

>> No.14112362

Typical anti-crypto environmentalism + it's being a pyramid scheme (also like all crypto) + artists being scammed, having NFTs made without their permission, or hacked by NFT bros who then use their accounts to advertise NFTs.

>> No.14112571

By the time Hololive is using NFTs, they won't be called NFTs anymore. Japan isn't retarded like Western twitter mobs when it comes to new tech

>> No.14112620

It literally just means non-fungible token (it's unique). There's nothing wrong with it and most hate against it is from media outlets owned by hedgefunds and banks mad at crypto for attempting to put an end to their garbage financial system

>> No.14112992

>Fuckhuge energy costs which immediately alienates anyone with environmentalist concerns
>A perfect medium for money laundering, pyramid schemes, and wash trading (buying your own shit at massively inflated prices with anonymous accounts/friends then selling it off to real buyers at a "discount")
>Artists get their art plagiarized and sold without their consent
>All the purported uses of them already existed in one form or another

>> No.14113287

Some kind of digital proof-of-ownership system that instead of being government-involved, its by an AI overlord of math. If you convince people that certain numbers are special, they'll be willing to spend their crypto on it.
>why does twitter hate it?
Same way they shit on Cuphead and Doom Eternal. They just need to git gud but to be fair, this stuff is quite disruptive.

>> No.14113351

>All the purported uses of them already existed in one form or another
Fundamentally this is the problem beyond anything else. The idea of NFTs is basically just the Nth repackaging of the concept of storing a record of transactions on the blockchain.

The problem is 99% of the people 'investing' in this have exactly 0 idea how the blockchain works (there's posts in this very thread unironically implying images are stored there), and 0 knowledge of how the concept of smart contract tokens already got blown the fuck out re - crypto coins, since, surprise, two parties drawing up a contract can exchange and record encrypted digital signatures without involving some middleman third party's shitcoin.

>> No.14113405

The NFT thing scares me because it's an obvious scam but at the same time it seems like people can really make money off of it if they're paying attention.

It feels like the feeling I had when I laughed at my cousin buying a million dogecoins for twenty bucks BTC back in the day.

>> No.14113459

If I wanted to money launder, wouldn't I pick something less retarded and overt?

>> No.14113571

They don't know what a blockchain is, and that it's public. It's pointless to argue against someone that doesn't even have a clue what they're arguing against.

>> No.14113629

Hiro is probably the shadiest and scummiest admin out of all those sites and actually is reviled by the Japanese internet for being a scammer. If anyone is jumping on the NFT train it'll be him.

>> No.14113733

Its kind of like laundering money via art auctions, but less effort because you don't need to set up the auction, and you can easily claim that this "art" is worth millions while you need to bribe/hire a art appraiser in a irl auction.

>> No.14113784

When it comes to shitcoins and crypto scams, getting upset that somebody won a bet that was retarded on its face is pointless. It's gambling. It'd be like buying 40 lottery tickets because you heard your neighbor bought one and won.

Which, mind, is not the same as discrediting the idea of crypto itself.

>> No.14113818

>Its kind of like laundering money via art auctions
It's not. You can literally trace where the money is going via block explorer you stupid nigger. Go back to twitter where you can stay poor

>> No.14113921

>but at the same time it seems like people can really make money off of it if they're paying attention.
people CAN make money off of pyramid schemes or whatever other scam. the problem is that money comes form people thinking the same thing. and there's no reliable way of know which side of that transaction you'll be on other than being on the inside and running the scam yourself.

>> No.14113958

> getting upset that somebody won a bet that was retarded on its face is pointless.
I'm not upset at them, dont' get me wrong. I'm upset at myself for thinking it was pointless.
I'm still a nocoiner and I wonder why I don't at least try. It seems like the potential for making money consistently is there if you watch it like a /biz/ neet.
At the same time you're right, it is just a big gamble.

>> No.14114033

it kind of baffles me how we got NFT's from an internet that said fuck you to the RIAA and MPAA for aggressively going after everyday people over copyright disputes in the 00's. WE'RE ON A BOARD FOR VTUBERS WHO CONSTANTLY GET FUCKED BY COPYRIGHT FFS. Yet people think it'd be such a novel idea to implement a digital copyright ledger that is more expensive to maintain than the existing copyright system and contributes nothing to society besides potentially making the world a worse place if it achieves widespread use.

The only people who actually support this system are speculators and political opportunists who stand to benefit from a world where you can't even post memes on 4chan without paying a royalty fee to the random rich tech bro who bought the rights to the meme. It's literally just real estate speculation in a digital era, nothing about this is novel or revolutionary or interesting. All the same economic problems society is facing are just being repeated in a digital marketplace and the retards on /biz/ think they'll somehow be the ones to benefit from it.

>> No.14114035

>called out by manager

>> No.14114076

>thinking /biz/ makes money

>> No.14114122

>muh ponzi scheme
Wealth is created by crypto farming and people can retire their money whenever they want to, there's no wealth creation in a ponzi scheme

>> No.14114203

Trust me you don't wanna bother
Every one of my friends who gambles on stocks and crypto goes through a cycle of making a couple K randomly and then blowing it all investing in other coins/stocks that end up tanking a few days later

>> No.14114372

If you want to get into crypto then the only "safe" strat is the tried and true method is buying and holding, but even then this is still largely unexplored, unregulated territory, and nobody actually knows what the hell is going to happen, especially considering how hot environmental issues are in politics. Basically it's like a more volatile stock market.
NFTs in particular literally are a pyramid scheme because one entity creates a bunch of shitty picrew lions and monkeys, all the initial money gets funneled to them, and anyone who bought in now requires new buyers to sell to so of course they're going to shill their shit aggressively. Anyone who's making money literally is scamming and praying for suckers to dump their bags on.

>> No.14114374

I'm not saying art can't be/isn't used to launder money either but I've seen this analogy come up a lot recently especially with regards to NTFs and, ngl, it does feel like this analogy gets signal boosted a lot because a lot of people just can't understand post-modern art more than any sort of truth about money laundering

(again not saying it doesn't happen but the inability to accept the validity of a movement also seems to be a recurring factor)

>> No.14114416

>baffles me how we got NFT's
because it makes money for greedy techbros

>> No.14114460

>it is just a big gamble
Only if you are a gambler and not an investor. You're not supposed to look at your investments until years later down the road. Crypto is exactly like the Internet when it first came out, full of scammers and malware. Boomers would be duped by the handsome faces on TV and shit on it because old media knew its true potential and couldn't handle adapting to new tech (and went out of business eventually). It was only a decade later where the diverse of the applications of the internet became apparent. Same with crypto and its ability to make smart contracts, store data (the only way YouTube's monopoly will end) and defi.

>> No.14114468

you're a retard if you actually believe this

>> No.14114646

this doesn't apply for actual artist profiting out of their fame, so as I see it the more legit sellers get into it the faster it will reglate itself

>> No.14114680

None of that really relates to NFT's or cryptocurrencies though. As a technology it pretty much only exists to benefit already rich people.
Nobody is coming up with technologies to defeat Youtube's monopoly or defeat the copyright system through decentralized systems. Or at least those technologies like IPFS and Peertube get very little press and virtually no hype from the crypto/blockchain techbros on /biz/ because there's no way to monetize it as a get rich quick scheme.

You might get some real discussion about the value of blockchain on /g/ but 90% of the people hyping crypto just use it for sci-fi and pop-tech arguments and have little to no technical knowledge.

>> No.14114792

Yes, you can trace the money and see that the dirty money transferred to some random wallet that has absolutely no connections with the person/group that bought the art.

>> No.14114808

>None of that really relates to NFT's or cryptocurrencies though. As a technology it pretty much only exists to benefit already rich people.
I don't need to read the rest. You clearly have no fucking clue what a smart contract or blockchain is so why do you bother to have an opinion on it?

>> No.14114813

Literally the only way for you to make money off this shit, is to actually distribute NFTs.
Thats why all the major corpos are in on it, because it's 100% a safe gamble preying on FOMO idiots that missed out on bitcoin/eth, and the fresh blood from the GME shit, so they're willing to pay a ridiculous minting cost to "not miss out".
But in reality, all it ends up being is another shit coin held to the whims of whatever celebrity vomits it out.
So yeah, if you want to print money, literally just distribute this garbage and rugpull the nerds.

>> No.14114855

People describe cryptocurrencies as pyramid schemes, but it's not the most accurate analogy. In a pyramid scheme, only a few at the very top can profit, but for these invented currencies and asset, it's more like a line. Even if it crashes, the majority of participants can profit, at the expense of a huge losses of a few at the end. And that's assuming that it's a bubble and that it'll end. For some of the more established cryptos, there's some chance that it'll never end, that it will continue to have value in the future because it's actually useful to them. Then in this case, unlike the previous example, it's not a zero-sum game.

>> No.14114925

Basically you invest on stolen picture and bid it until $1000
Once you have it you cant exchange it to cash, it's basically cryptocurrency but without the revenue

>> No.14114957

>absolutely no connections
It is much easier than you think to find out about a person because of side channels. Also, that money will ALWAYS be traced, including any potential "fencers" that take that dirty money. You cannot escape a ledger that records anything that cannot be manipulated. It's either a fencer or an exchange where you'll definitely leave yourself vulnerable to getting your info exposed.

>> No.14115074

Grudgepost me when the Evolved Apes creator gets caught.

>> No.14115117


>> No.14115126

The reason why YouTube has no competitors is because of storage space. It costs money to store things. With blockchain, you can store terabytes of data on it because of miners and store it for literal pennies. There are storage coins like Siacoin that are already capitalizing on this concept.

>> No.14115272

You had 12 years. This one was the most blessed.

>> No.14115483

It's hilarious thinking about how Kiara will be richer than everyone in this thread combined because she actually owns some bitcoin kek

>> No.14115522

it's not exactly a pyramid scheme as they're a fairly specific form of scam. crypto doesn't fall any of the older categories but the end result is the same.
>Even if it crashes, the majority of participants can profit
wrong. crypto is effectively a zero sum game, one persons profit is somebody else's loses. it never ending doesn't change that. and there's no basis to believe the current crop of crypto will become useful in a way that will make it a viable financial asset outside of speculation.
and if it does crash the result would be the vast majority of owners going into the red. like with every other market crash.

>> No.14115546

That's the point though there's actual uses for blockchain and similar technologies to decentralize the internet and get around Youtube's massive storage costs for hosting video or streaming content. You could develop a totally peer to peer solution for livestreamers to distribute their content and it'd be totally revolutionary for allowing you to stream literally anything totally anonymously all the while being able to accept donations anonymously and have 0 involvement with advertisers or any maintenance or upkeep costs. That kind of thing could actually change the world and would destroy Youtube's monopoly.

But instead the crypto bros can only look at it as some speculative get rich quick scheme with 0 technical knowledge and their only economic knowledge coming from /r/wallstreetbets and /biz/. There's some legit cryptos like Monero that care a lot about privacy but the vast majority are just speculative investments and NFT's are a fucking scam.

>> No.14115795

>the crypto bros can only look at it as some speculative get rich quick scheme with 0 technical knowledge
The Fed printed lots of money during 2020 to fix low spending during the pandemic and this led to everyone having more money to spend on assets -> inflating prices FAST -> valuations divorced from reality inviting speculators -> lots of newfags from /biz/.

But that has nothing to do with the technology. The technology that gets adoption is here to stay no matter how many seething nocoiners there are on twitter and plebbit. Also, NFT just means non-fungible token. There's a lot of use cases for digital proof of ownership on the blockchain which all involve storing things digitally and guaranteeing non-fungibility. None of us own our games online but if they were NFTs you could re-sell them. GameStop is one company currently working to setup a marketplace like this.

>> No.14115922

That just sounds like.....now?

>> No.14116258

People buy art because its a movable asset that grows in value. Think about it, you own a a famous painting, it's small and fits in a small suitcase and is worth 10 millon. How many other small things like that, worth 10 millon can you have? It holds value, it even grows in value, its portable. Its why rich people like it, you think they like all those stupid random paintings. You think a rich person spends millions because they think its just a cute painting.

>> No.14116307

>the fact that you are not using this opportunity to make the easiest money in the world is proof that you are ngmi
Some people have morals and an ethical code you absolute jew

>> No.14116371

Peer to peer Internet would never work. Look up ATM networks.
On paper better than Internet in every way. But not profitable and not corporation-friendly.
No tracking, difficult to bill, power lies in the user rather than service provider.
No legislation would ever allow something that disrupts the data/telecom economy to much to exist.

>> No.14116733

Yeah, that's the technology I'm more interested in and follow more closely because it sticks closer to the values of a free and open internet that is free of government oversight.
Even if they try to outlaw p2p systems there are ways to get around it and because there's no huge datacenters that can be raided it becomes actually impossible to shut down. Look at how China cracked down on crypto miners and started aggressively raiding the large mining groups or forcing them to submit to government oversight. You can't do that in a truly decentralized system and that's why p2p has way more value as a technology, albeit one that would benefit a lot from being combined with blockchain to distribute content. But because there's no way to get rich quick off it there's no smoothbrains aggressively promoting it on plebbit and 4chan.

If the current era of zoomer tech jews grew up in the 00's we never would've had 100% free private trackers distributing all that great stuff to the world. Instead technology would've stopped at subscription-based Usenet groups and direct download sites that required a premium Megaupload subscription.

>> No.14116768

>You don't own anything
underachieving morons everywhere, woudl you say a digital card has no value in a game because one day the game may close servers?

>> No.14116916

>Right click
>Save image
Good thing I do not give a single shit about a special little token that tells me it's "the original". Digital collectables can never and will never be the same as physical because digital and physical media are two completely different ball parks. NFTs are stupid for the same reason the "You wouldn't download a car" piracy ads are fucking stupid.

>> No.14117082

Technically the right click save isn't that much of a gotcha because once there are actual perks to proving you own NFTs, it'll be very easy to see who actually owns it. It's like taking a picture of someone else's membership card and claiming it's yours. Now I'm not saying that actually matters right now, but once it's more than shitty monkey art it might have a purpose.

>> No.14117144

Economics is a big part of crypto. The creator of Bitcoin, Nakamoto, was very knowledgeable of game theory and used incentives to create the revolutionary system known as "Nakamoto Consensus" or just Bitcoin consensus to make a system that incentivizes miners to secure the network and report transactions on the blockchain. If it's not getting promoted, it's because the technology probably has no value to anyone unfortunately. But if it solves a problem worth solving, it will be adopted eventually. You just need to increase your timeframe on these things. Technologies don't get adopted overnight, it takes decades. Gaming companies that create MMOs would slobber at the thought of storing data for free, and being able to port that data to other games via digital proof of ownership. The growth of the metaverse and crypto is intertwined.

>> No.14117205

At that point legislators will force a hard reset of the NFT networks because they want to get their piece of the pie before the public has access to it.
NFTfags don't realize just how powerless they really are even if they try to position themselves on the side of the oligarchs by promoting this digital copyright system.

>> No.14117220

Well not free, but very VERY cheap. For VR universes, storage is gonna be a very big deal with all the customization possibilities

>> No.14117253

I agree, by the time this shit is actually useful it will look absolutely nothing like it does right now.

>> No.14117340

Why would they reset it? There are a lot of vocal crypto supporters in congress (USA, at least) because cryptofags actually have money and are worth pandering to. Legislators kneel to their lobbyists.

>> No.14117484

Other people gave more elaborate explanations, but I think for the average person, they hate it just because crypto nuts as a whole are retarded and never shut the fuck up.

>> No.14117658

>Gaming companies that create MMOs would slobber at the thought of storing data for free
This would only work if they could find a way to maintain ownership of that data and make money off it, which wouldn't be truly decentralized. They'd have to offer some sort of incentive to consumers to store data on their behalf while it's fully encrypted and inaccessible. That would be like some opt-in program in an MMO where you get digital currency in the MMO for letting them use your bandwidth, and many users would be totally into that idea I suppose, but I hate it since it's just outsourcing their server costs without sacrificing anything.

Because they need a way to merge the crypto network with the existing copyright/trademark system in the courts so existing copyright holders aren't disenfranchised, even if you're assuming it's in good faith. How do you solve a dispute between some crypto bro who sold an NFT of an image they bought from someone who claimed to own it and the grandson of the guy who originally owned it? Either they force a hard reset or they need to create a backdoor for the government to be able to forcefully edit the system at will when a court or the executive branch deem it necessary. They also need ways to forcefully remove ownership of data that is relevant to national security or sovereignty, for example if China's government suddenly started buying up all the NFT's.

At that point it'd defeat the entire original purpose and just become another cog in the corporate machine.

>> No.14117815

So just like the banking system and stock markets?

>> No.14117822

Nene's mom really wants to get into it

>> No.14117883


>> No.14117979

that's why you are a moron, and the game was an exagerated effort since an artist fame rarely fades out of the blue, can't wait for more jp top scorers to join the game

>> No.14118033

*not effort but example

>> No.14118078

you do know artists who get scammed are actual morons logiing in through email links right?

>> No.14118130

I had heard of NFTs and assumed they were just another part of the current crypto bubble, but did note that what I had heard about them sounded suspiciously like a money laundering and tax evasion scheme. This thread prompted me to do my research, and, yep, it’s pretty much what I thought.

>> No.14118178

> force a backdoor into the system
That's the thing - if it's really using blockchain technology, you cannot feasibly do that without fully rolling back
And if it's also decentralized enough, its rolling back is not feasible either

>> No.14118311

Laws are written vague on purpose to account for "creative destruction" in econ terms. It is a non-issue, digital proof of ownership (AKA NFTs) will be included in legal texts eventually once legislators are educated and the true potential of a digital non-fungible item is realized. As of now, NFT and digital art is synonymous because the actual educated people are being drowned out by twitter zombies. Once NFTs are useful, they won't be called NFTs anymore... just another invisible mechanism of society. Legislators also are pressured to because there is a lot of money involved here.

>> No.14118326

If they can use NFTs to enforce scarcity on digital assets they might become valuable. For example, linking some kind of WoW armor to NFT in order to use it in the game. Something like that. Using it for digital art is stupid on the part of the buyer unless it’s a money laundering scheme.

>> No.14118350

Yeah, "once there are". That is the whole issue. People are paying real money for 'property rights' that may or may not actually be enforceable in the future for things that most people don't give a shit about.
I can distribute and use an image that someone supposedly "owns" by NFT and there is nothing they can do to me. If I actually cared about the appearance of ownership I could even have my own bogus NFT receipt from my own bogus addresses and most people wouldn't check twice because for the general public they couldn't give a flying fuck who owns what. Then it comes back down to the original person hearing about it and actually calling it out, which is how online art "rights" work now anyway.
And even if it did get codified it faces the same issues that have artists being ripped off for their work right now. The people who would ignore your precious NFT ownership proof are the people with no money to be worth suing anyway, and the people with enough money wouldn't use it in the first place. At best it is like buying art, which for the average person is already a horrendous investment.

>> No.14118354

>ctrl + f "what is NFT" 0 results
What is NFT?

>> No.14118380

Depends on the blockchain. The US government could suddenly decide to get in on Bitcoin mining and have an immediate consensus monopoly due to consumers being unable to match the government's sheer computational power.

I've noticed a lot of crypto enthusiasts operate under the assumption they're invisible or something or the government would never bother getting involved. Notice how all the crypto miners in China panicked when their government finally cracked down on it and started checking energy usage and digital transaction histories to catch them etc.

>> No.14118393

Not what I meant.
"Scam" was referring to NFTs and crypto in general being a bunch of pyramid schemes. The email thing is what I meant by them being hacked.

>> No.14118402

It's basically a digital receipt that proves you own something you bought online, and that thing belongs to you.

>> No.14118422

Non-fungible token. An item that cannot be traded for something of equivalent value. You can exchange 1 dollar for 1 dollar but you cannot exchange NFT 1 for NFT 2 and say that NFT 1 and NFT 2 are the same thing, or have the same value. That's really all it is, the technical aspects behind it can vary but basically data is stored in a ledger that cannot be edited.

>> No.14118527

>The US government could suddenly decide to get in on Bitcoin mining and have an immediate consensus monopoly due to consumers being unable to match the government's sheer computational power
Are you pulling this out of your ass? Bitcoin miners are ALL OVER THE WORLD, not just the USA. There's no feasible way the US government will own 51% of the network. Not only that but if you've ever worked in the public sector you know their tech is always shit compared to the private sector. It's literally economics, competition breeds better products. Also, China culturally is different from other countries. I dare the government to try that shit in the US where people actually can fight back.

>> No.14118726

you own the receipt, nothing else. buying an Watamelon NFT doesn't get you any rights over the image, you can't stop other people from posting it or collect a royalty. it's just proof that you paid for it.

>> No.14118808

>Not only that but if you've ever worked in the public sector you know their tech is always shit compared to the private sector.
Bro...the public sector and the private sector aren't all that different. The government will always pay to the highest bidder for things like weapons and NSA tech and the lowest bidder for things like roads but it's all coming from private contractors all the same.
If the government actually wanted to commit to crypto mining they'd have exclusive access to custom-built miners sold directly form Nvidia or whoever and not available to consumers. They literally already dump all that money into using supercomputers for cracking encryption algorithms at the NSA, something consumers would never be able to do. If you think a bunch of Taiwanese college students with a bunch of water-cooled 3090's in their basement can't be outdone by the combined power of the US military industrial complex you're a moron.

They have seemingly infinite resources thanks to the US taxpayer footing the bill, why do you think the combined efforts of consumer miners would ever be able to match that when they actually have to worry about profit margins and not upsetting their own government or burning down their home?

>> No.14119025

>If you think a bunch of Taiwanese college students
There are ENTIRE DATA CENTERS, all over the world managing the bitcoin network. Some of these data centers are managed by governments themselves. There is no, no FEASIBLE way for the US government to do a 51% attack other than time-travelling to the future and grabbing a quantum computer with a hashrate greater than half of bitcoin's current hash rate. You can think of these made-up scenarios in your head but it's just not happening.

>> No.14119112

>There are ENTIRE DATA CENTERS, all over the world managing the bitcoin network.
that doesn't sound very decentralized...
so all it takes for someone to shut down the network is raiding these datacenters using the unilateral powers the US government has access to for pursuing financial criminals?

>> No.14119165

Yes, not very decentralized ignoring the "all over the world" part. Now you're just being a retarded nigger.

>> No.14119248
File: 91 KB, 886x999, 1637467937082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is NFT
Non fungible tokens. Here is the short explanation for it

1) In the art world, specially in the "contemporary art" world, the work of art in itself doesn't have an intrinsic value.
>pic related
A banana taped to a wall sold for 120,000 dollars. That particular banana has no intrinsic value, as it has to be replaced every so often (because it spoils) and nor does the tape because it also needs to be replaced when the banana is replaced.

Soooo, the "artwork" in itself has no value. Then what makes this "work of art" valuable to the point people are willing to pay 120 grand for it?

The certificate of authenticity is a notarized piece of paper that says this particular "work of art" is the one that was first exhibited at so and so museum, whose authorship is by so and so author which sold it to so and so, the current owner.
The banana has zero value. The tape has zero value. Even the fact that there is a banana taped to a wall has zero value.
This piece of paper tho, it's worthy 120 grand.

You may think it is stupid with all this banana and tape and everything else but the same goes for a Picasso painting, or a Rodin sculpture or anything else in the world of art.
Even if you can get your hands on a stolen original DaVinci painting without the certificate of authenticity proving both that it is an original painting and that it belongs to you at most you sell it to a dodgy private collector that will pay you a fraction of the value.

Taking in consideration that the banana has no intrinsic value, the tape hs no intrinsic value and, yet, the certificate of authenticity and ownership can actually find suckers wealthy enough to part with a significant amount of money for it, the same scam artists of the artistic world found the digital version of the same
>what if we could sell a certificate of authenticity and ownership for THE NYAN CAT?
They glued this concept on the "blockchain" concept, another current fad and quite literally started selling certificates of authenticity and ownership, signed through some sort of blockchain, to rare Pepes (again, not even kidding).

Then they pull the oldest trick in the art world
and then it generates headlines like
>Rarest Pepe NFT sells for 120k
and then the suckers pour in the market, thinking it is a great value to buy it at a discount of only 90k to try to sell at a profit.

And that's, kids, is how NFT babbies are formed.

>> No.14119515

Reminder that no Holo would react to you owning their NFT in the same way Shion reacted to that one fan who owned her signed Wii.

>> No.14119756

The MMO side is the stupidest thing I've seen for NFTs. I can only think it's born out of RPO fantasies. Storage is out of the question. Of all things, storage of player data is not costly. And blockchain transactions are fucking slow - and that won't change in the future, especially not to the degree requuired for games. That's the tradeoff for being both secure and decentralized, I'm not going to wait for nodes to validate my transaction every fucking time I pick up an item.
Not to mention, the blockchain being immutable makes it so exploits are effectively irreversible. If I'm a game developer and someone cheats thousands of perfect-stat weapons into his game, everything is on the blockchain and he owns those weapons. The developer can't remove those records. Oh, you can say, maybe the dev can send blacklist transactions! Great, so now every time the player loads up the server has to read his entire history of transactions instead of his current state. In fact, the server has to do it all time time. I could balloon my transaction footprint by just dropping and picking up my inventory.
The current networks are already so bogged by normal transactions. Imagine increasing that by orders of magnitude.
Never mind all of that, the idea of porting data is laughable. What's in it for the gaming companies? Why the hell would I want to invest tens of thousands of man-hours, converting and optimizing 3D models, stats, rebuilding unique mechanics from other games, and making rebalancing decisions - for every MMO, mind you - just so some dude can bring his super-optimized gear from his dead MMO into my game? So he can skimp out on paying my sub since he doesn't need to grind? So he can ruin my economy when he floods the market with shit he duped from MMOs with shitty security? So he can raid my game for stuff and then jump ship to another MMO with the same NFT system built in instead of being trapped by sunk-cost fallacy?
But you know what, something close to those capabilities already exists. It's called VRChat. Being built on Unity, its relatively easy to port any Unity-compatible model to become an avatar. Strange then, how no game companies are salivating at being able to port their models to VRChat...very strange...

>> No.14119959

>And blockchain transactions are fucking slow
They are not, once you realize how slow actual transactions are. It takes days to weeks for your money that you spent in the supermarket to actually reach the bank of whoever owns that shop. Until then, the seller assumes you have the money, takes the obligation, and the bank gives them a temporary loan until they get said money.
>Storage is out of the question
It's not if the alternative is storing as much data as you want for not even a dollar. Why would you even type a paragraph for this? The benefit is obvious to anyone planning to run a business.

>> No.14120099

nta but I promise you no MMO will ever adopt blockchain technology to distribute data unless that data is fully encrypted and inaccessible to the user. Even then it's unlikely because your MMO will die the moment you have some major scandal like what Genshin has on a weekly basis and everyone propping up your game decides to stop contributing in protest.
At that point users can effectively extort the devs into giving them whatever the fuck they want and there's nothing MMO devs hate more than actually being forced to provide content.

>> No.14120208

>no MMO will ever adopt blockchain technology to distribute data unless that data is fully encrypted and inaccessible to the user
I actually already know someone already working on a game like that. He made a popular game that reached the top charts in crypto, and also happens to have been in the crypto game for a while (one of the first dogecoin devs funnily enough). Not gonna say who he is but I've given enough info that you can probably find him on google since he's running his own telegram channel. You can seethe as much as you want but you cannot stop progress. If you were born 30 years ago, you would've been those same boomers trying to shut down the Internet because of all those credit fraud scams.

>> No.14120244

Steam* not crypto. His game was popular on Twitch for a while too. But blockchain's immutability also has applications for anti-cheat systems better than current ones since they only catch you after the fact.

>> No.14120378

not reading the thread, but NFTs are widely misunderstood and are commonly mistaken for being an art piece that you pay for.

it's not even that. it's just a thing that states you own the original copy of it, and the value is a perceived one, not an inherent one, and lastly, it is artificially fabricated.

educate yourself: https://enjin.io/blog/nft-beginners-guide
you may stop reading the article at about the "it brings actual real-world value to the digital space." line because this is an opinion that is subjective.

>> No.14120409

>If you were born 30 years ago, you would've been those same boomers trying to shut down the Internet because of all those credit fraud scams.
I was born 30 years ago and instead I'm seething that crypto is just a scam for rich kids to get in on the same exploitative shit their parents and grandparents participated by building an "alternative banking system" with all the problems of the old one and an alternative copyright system with all the problems of the old one. Back in my day the internet was actually about freedom and anti-censorship and anti-copyright and here we are with cryptocucks completely missing the potential of a decentralized system and just using it to make money. I hate them so fucking much and it's impossible to even pretend "not all blockchain tech is like this" because they dominate 90% of the conversation and will shout down any proposals or technologies that aren't monetizable.

>> No.14120596

Dunno what any of that has to do with the actual tech itself. Sure, the decentralized alternate currency stuff is there but that's not even 10% of what crypto actually does. Here's a free course on youtube to learn what it's potential applications are No, you're seething because you're uneducated and think Bitcoin = crypto. All that alternate currency stuff is just 10% of crypto. Here's a free course on youtube that tells you everything to know about crypto's applications and what the government intends to do with it (the professor is the current chairman of the US SEC Gary Gensler). You're free to browse it assuming you aren't another twitter zombie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH6vE97qIP4&list=PLUl4u3cNGP63UUkfL0onkxF6MYgVa04Fn

>> No.14120661

Thought I cut out the previous text, but you get the idea

>> No.14120669

You realize the whole "assumption" thing would literally require the MMO to maintain exactly the same amount of available permanent storage to function, right? In which case the only purpose of the blockchain is...logging?
Also it's not "free" storage. Validators need to actually be paid. Who is going to pay your gas fees?

>> No.14120718

What exactly are you owning with Hololive?
Because you arent buying any of them, just giving money for free.

>> No.14120768

>You realize the whole "assumption" thing would literally require the MMO to maintain exactly the same amount of available permanent storage to function
I have no idea what you're trying to say. You do know what a blockchain is, right?

>Also it's not "free" storage. Validators need to actually be paid. Who is going to pay your gas fees
The money you pay for servers, except only like maybe... 10% of that? Gas fees for Tezos for example are literally pennies compared to Ethereum. And there is no "storage capacity" for blockchain. Dedicated mining companies will store that data for you, and the amount of storage you can buy for a certain prices increases as time goes on.

>> No.14121146

jesus christ dude get a job

>> No.14121226

I mean, the better crypto's reputation is the more money he can get from it. Arguably this IS his job.

>> No.14121304

i would have more respect for a man who mugs people than any cryptard

>> No.14121346

Yes, yes. Continue to stay ignorant, just make you to watch out for overdraft fees the next time you make a deposit.

>> No.14121404

So this is just /biz/ now

>> No.14121423

Who do you think is donating all those akasupas?

>> No.14121432

i own real estate because i am not retarded but good projection on your part. will probably help you sleep at night.

>> No.14121665

You don't? Are you saying you are going to store ever-changing player and world states and loot/mob tables on the blockchain? Of course not. It's not fast enough. The company still needs to maintain its own servers for that along with local storage. Then what, exactly, is the point of the blockchain? It can only be for logging data that is not immediately relevant to game context. Which means you're essentially trying to use blockchain as a complex backup logging solution on the basis of price.

>mining companies will store
At this point it doesn't even have anything to do with blockchain, it's just fucking normal data storage services with all the same old issues. That's the point, storing and transferring data on the blockchain is insanely cost-prohibitive and no MMO is going to steer near that.

>> No.14122007

It's been 3 to 4 months since their last controversy so Yagoo has to make their own yab

>> No.14122774

>taking a picture of someone else's membership card and claiming it's yours
membership cards are PHYSICAL goods
pokemon cards and other trading cards are PHYSICAL goods
your credit/debit card is FUCKING PHYSICAL goods
No one ever uses a "digital" membership card to prove anything or do any transactions for a reason.

>> No.14122900

>No one ever uses a "digital" membership card to prove anything or do any transactions for a reason.
Portugal already started testing a fully digital vaccination proof card.

>> No.14123013

>[third world country] is already testing [fake proof of hoax event]

>> No.14123114

silence, mutt

>> No.14123136

Can't hear you over no restrictions and having the lowest cases out of any state in the country.

>> No.14123220

Please show in this doll where the NFTs have touched you.
(I don't really care about NFTs either way, but it's not like Hololive hasn't been promoting gambling for years without any backlash for it)

>> No.14123221

>lowest cases out of any state in the country
What country are you referring to? Maybe cases in your country are generally high so the lowest might still be relatively high.

>> No.14123276

Exactly. If even a third world country can do it, it means a first world one will be able to do it better.

>> No.14123767

He is smart, he sees a rich money-making opportunity and is probably going to take it. It's not his fault if idiots fall for the NFT meme.

>> No.14123845

no its true I am her manager

>> No.14126714

Learn English

>> No.14127084

I hope he does it just so the vtuber community implodes. Is this the final yab upon us?

>> No.14127303

It looks like Mr.Motoaki is interested in virtual stuff. Kinda weird for a tech enthusiast and a businessman who started his own business with a goal of pioneering a new level of VR entertainment industry.
