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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 636 KB, 1832x929, Ai-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14070663 No.14070663 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL wait for her return.. right anon?

>Twitter :

>Summary vidya :

>5th Anniv/last stream

>> No.14070920
File: 1.76 MB, 952x936, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What legacy?most vtuber fans nowadays dont even knew she exist

>> No.14070978

>You WILL wait for her return.. right anon?
As a different entity like pmaru-sama?
Continue as chink puppet?
No way

>> No.14070992

What’s the deal with her concert on the 26th of feb? I’ve only watched a couple clips of her but I might swing by this just to pay my respects to the pioneer of it all

>> No.14071103
File: 637 KB, 1461x828, 50403998-D249-437A-A8EE-0BCBCEB3425D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL buy her NFTs right anon?

>> No.14071120

Her "Hello World" concerts are top-notch quality, you should definitely go check it out.
It's her graduation concert, a final farewell.

>> No.14071243

So basically they finally admitted they can't compete in this world of multi-talent V-streaming agencies and are re-considering their business strategy

>> No.14071659

I'll wait for her, but not here. The absolute state of this board is insufferable.

>> No.14071789

Is this the first AI general?

>> No.14071827

it's over mate, time to let go

>> No.14071904
File: 2.03 MB, 1792x1012, Hi Fellow Boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someday your oshi too will interview boomers to find someone who still recognizes her

>> No.14071945

Nah she’s immortal, also she’s hibernated before

>> No.14072007

I agree, place is filled with gossipers and people who claim their fans but actually despise them through jealousy

>> No.14072258

We're very sorry we can't give you the fake positivity you needs,maybe reddit is more to your likings?

>> No.14072372


>> No.14072414


>> No.14072427

>dont even knew

>> No.14072484
File: 386 KB, 2301x1532, NFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your fucking legacy

>> No.14072595

soulless corpodrone shit

>> No.14072672
File: 37 KB, 493x330, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is so worthless like bitcoin WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO HER LEGACY?

>> No.14072956

>The og actually funny Ai got quietly graduated in 2016 because chink money.
>The shitty replacements get more attention than her

Id love it if og ai applied to hololive, since she hates bugs enough to fit right in. Failing that go find Kson and squat in her parking lot.

>> No.14072995 [DELETED] 
File: 658 KB, 4096x4096, 1631639875176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The og actually funny Ai got quietly graduated in 2016 because chink money.
> >The shitty replacements get more attention than her
> Id love it if og ai applied to hololive, since she hates bugs enough to fit right in. Failing that go find Kson and squat in her parking lot.

>> No.14073790

Your english reps + ogey

>> No.14073908

She's not returning. Better fill that 20k quota as a send off present

>> No.14075473

>Holobrony cope
Kizuna Ai contributed more to Vtubing than Hololive ever will

>> No.14075521


>> No.14075850

The reason I stopped watching her is because of all the shady ass sponsorships.
Like every time she uploaded a new video I couldn't know if it was gonna be something entertaining or her trying to sell me crap I'd never need or couldn't buy even if I wanted to. At some point I stopped checking her channel entirely.
I really hope she reinvents herself, and if not then at least finds a better gig and moves on.

>> No.14075984

so are you just going to go around spamming things along with >10 million subs and reddit?

>> No.14076062

love-chan recently came out of a 1 year hiatus though

>> No.14076119

Love-chan would probably cease operation too.

>> No.14076130

There are still people parroting this nonsense? Ai never left and was never replaced. It never happened.

>> No.14076133

Laugh at me all you want, but she always felt too corporate.

>> No.14078668

Did you ask the zhangs before coming here?

>> No.14079447

I love playing the VR game cause it let me sit under her while she’s dancing and looking at me in disgust. Also, her songs are great.

>> No.14079534

>it’s a ploy to boost Love-Chan popularity from starving Kizuner

>> No.14079641
File: 660 KB, 1000x1000, 1516908284726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Luna say goodbye to us...

>> No.14079680
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At least watch before assuming things wrongly.

>> No.14079871
File: 65 KB, 1135x342, 1631395867295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont even knew she exist
bullshit, Ai-chan took the world by storm a few years ago. sure they aren't fans by then but they have heard of her, chances are they have been recommended into vtubers because of the algorithm after looking her up.

>> No.14080050
File: 335 KB, 403x403, 1619690460943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this place is any better
only difference here is nothing gets filtered which ends up mixing the decent stuff with shitstains, and you being an idiot, mistake the shitstain as good opinion.

>> No.14080111

now compare with hololive and nijisanji

>> No.14080118

Isn't the OG Kizuna gone? I heard they replaced her with like 4 different people

>> No.14080185

>You WILL wait for her return.. right anon?
Sure, and I'll be following Nozomi in the meantime.

>> No.14080359

i keep forgetting how amazing her mocap and model is, i dont think anything can come close to her. the expressions really nails it.

>> No.14080436

No you idiot.

>> No.14080569
File: 68 KB, 604x340, 1451498850458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14080582

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQd9KfsnvdA& anon..

>> No.14080629

I don't even know what that is.

>> No.14080762

Besides the fact that 90% of NFTs are ugly as shit, I just don't get how people spend hundreds on glorified JPGs. I think even more wall scrolls or shit would be better for merchandising opportunities.

>> No.14080828

>Kizuna Ai shills all the NFTs and China
>for years
>prepares her glorious comeback
>concert is sold out. Six digits
>the day before, the NFT market crashes
>her fans lose their livelyhoods. They mortgaged their houses for her NFTs, they invested their pension plans in NFTs, they cleared out the kids' college funds in them
>the entire crowd of paying spectators is now suddenly penniless and saddled with debts, bankruptcies looming
>everyone gets angry with Ai, who shilled NFTs to them
>concert has to be cancelled
>Kizuna's voice actress has to flee the country
>flees to China
>is welcomed by Xi Jinping
>with his pants open and his shrivelled litte yellow Xi hanging out
>"You know what to do, little pet. Unless you prefer being extradited...?"

>> No.14080862
File: 81 KB, 250x250, IMG_1122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shit that caused her decline isn't it? Somehow, people started spreading a bunch of misinformation that the original Kizuna AI was fired, a bunch of people believed it, a couple of her videos got dislike bombed, and people stopped following her. That really was the beginning of the end for Kizuna AI's popularity. Nobody even cared when Hololive debuted Sora, an obvious Kizuna AI lookalike, because at that point people dropped AI from their memory. It's actually bullshit that this is what happened to her, all because of misinformation. She probably would be at 4 million by now if it weren't for that.

>> No.14081521

Sony didn't let her

>> No.14081618

anon Sora debuted in 2017 way before the clone thing got rolling, and she's not even the only Ai lookalike.

>> No.14081620

Oh god the memories. Luna & Ai collabs were peak 4 Kings-era kino.

Fuck Snoy

>> No.14081707
File: 737 KB, 1278x718, 1621787896439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about this whole Kizuna thing!

It is only the soul that is dying but activ8 will keep her memory alive through
and whatever else zhangs can think of after they buy the assets and the brand name like they did with (for instance) with Jeep and Saab

>> No.14082034

I only see 2view vtweeters post about this desu.

>> No.14082135

Ignoring the NFT shit for a moment, I just find it sad in general that places like reddit care more about the og vtubers than /vt/ fucking does.

>> No.14082528
File: 163 KB, 800x800, 1638323194988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rumor started her decline yes, it shows the danger of letting something continue unopposed.
>Surprised that a containment board that does nothing but gossip, tribalfag and jerk off about numbers doesn't care about one of the OG's.

Anon please, I assure you there's people here that actually care and are sad about this, but this place is infested with discord fags and underage retards that just wanna troll. Kizuna has been low hanging fruit for ages and now its ripe.

>> No.14082702

/vt/ is newfag central, 80% of the board wasn't even interested in vtubers before EN.

>> No.14083104
File: 68 KB, 1151x547, 1627099450880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already started becoming irrelevant in 2018 because of nijisanji

>> No.14083275

What are hololive and nisanji? Companies? I basically ignored the whole development. In the beginning there were some interesting vtubers like nojaloli and the tsug.

>> No.14083789

Why are leftoids and twitter troons so triggered by nfts and cryptos? I don't get it.

>> No.14084111

>like bitcoin
enjoy being poor

>> No.14084176

They don't understand it and they envy those who are making a killing with it, everyone needs to wageslave 12 hours a day like them for a minimum wage

>> No.14084586

We have to get her to 3 mil asap. I ain't letting her go down at 2.99 million.

>> No.14084668
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 6784563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye kizuna

>> No.14084819

You'd have to be willingly retarded not to get it. They're almost all pajeet and chink scams.

>> No.14084955
File: 96 KB, 708x960, 1611174373512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are leftoids and twitter troons so triggered by nfts and cryptos? I don't get it.
Lefties and twitter troons are the ones who love that kind of shit

>> No.14085007

the top posts in the kizuna ai tag on twitter are all complaining about the nft thing, and they're from sjw accounts

>> No.14085030

I'm looking at the people on twitter sperging out about her saying NFT and they all have alphabet soups in their bio. Every one of them. It's unreal.

>> No.14085040

I'm waiting on one indefinite hiatus already (Roa's), what's one more to the list?

>> No.14085055
File: 216 KB, 1102x1102, FFxJFe7UYAA5AU8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really going out on a whimper.

>> No.14085078

I thought you were joking but it's true. Lots of people started right at HoloEN.

>> No.14085081


right wing D-list celebrities are the ones promoting NFTs

>> No.14085130

The people that scream about how you can't just right click and save nfts are also the same fags that have alphabet soup pronouns in their bios. It could just be that twitter is infested with these "people" and they just like to argue about shit one way or the other

>> No.14085267

Kizuna Ai has always been a corporate puppet sadly. I always wished for her roommate to just go indie but it doesn't seem like that will ever happen now.

>> No.14085308
File: 19 KB, 399x399, 1604850540205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into vtubers thanks to her Detroit: Become Human gameplay. I'll miss her when she's gone.

>> No.14085397

Nothing changes

>> No.14085970

Nah, apparently nfts are bad for "muh environment"

>> No.14087244

I don't care about the environmental effect. It's just that NFT shills are constantly flooding social media trying to buy into something that literally has no value.

>> No.14087304

So nit even the useful idiots like the Ponzi?

>> No.14087346

Finkle think retards think you can decide if something is good or bad based on what people promote it or are against it online. This is obviously a bad way to think about anything in this world.

>> No.14087784

Don't care; I'm better than you

>> No.14087889

You need to list all your political beliefs to decide who the better person is obviously.

>> No.14088329

I dunno. Sounds like the original in her announcement

>> No.14088635

I don't care if the original VA never left, it was fucking retarded to hire multiple VAs to play the same character, instead of making them into unique characters, or if they wanted to be lazy, unique variations with unique personalities. It was only after the backlash with the VA thing that they wore distinct pins, and they were still RPing as Ai.

>> No.14089038

They always played different characters, they just looked the same.
Not that it matters, practically no-one who talks about it actually gave the clones a chance.

>> No.14089511

I spit on the grave of Upd8, but I'll cut them 1/2 a slack on this one. Vtubing was still relatively new with no guidelines to follow. The dumbasses probably thought that Ai the character/avatar was the main "soul" of the vtuber itself and they could in theory add more AI's by adding more VA's and no one would care as long as they "acted like AI". A character having multiple VA's or even having their VA's replaced due to the original one being unavailable isn't exactly unheard of (e.g. Mashu from FGO and Erina from SnS). Upd8s main fuck up was not immediately noticing the push back from the fans and course correcting immediately. They also fucked up by not making it clear that they had NO intention of replacing the original VA of Ai. Unforunately, once they failed to contain the damage and allowed the rrats to spread, that pretty much spelled their doom. If nothing else though, thanks to Upd8 and Brave's stupidity, we now have the unwritten rule of not changing a Chuuba VA's and the official doctrine that the vtuber is neither the just the avatar or the VA behind the said avatar, but a perfect fusion of both.

>> No.14096320

Does anyone know if either Activ8 or Kizuna Ai Inc filed any patents recently? If we take it at face value and they really are "updating" the project, maybe there's some new tech involved to bring the VTuber concept to a new level.

>> No.14097550

I remember when she debuted she would get occasionally spammed outside of /jp/.
so the question is, where did these newfags that have never heard of her come from?

>> No.14097924

They're Hololive only newfags that showed up when HoloEN was conceived. Considering how this board is 90% Hololive, it's not surprising that some of the people here don't know who she is.

>> No.14098063

Yea but, did they come from offsite?
Because if you frequented /v/, /a/, even /tv/ in 2017 you should have at the very least heard of her.

>> No.14101044

It might be better to assume they never browsed 4chan prior to late 2019. I could have sworn I saw her being posted in /jp/ back then. If they showed up around that time they're just pretending to not remember her for shitposting purposes or didn't bother finding out who she was because she wasn't as relevant anymore.
Speaking of which, anyone who claims to know about VTubers since 2017 but doesn't know about Ai at all should not be taken seriously. I remember seeing her all over social media, so it'd be REALLY hard to not recognize her face.

>> No.14104357

You didn't have to browse /jp/ /a/ or any board to know who Kizuna AI was. I browsed mostly /tg/ when she got her first popularity boost, and I learned of her through Youtube recommendation system.

>> No.14112279

who this? if she is not from hololive then im not interested

>> No.14114749

better than a bad 2d rig and pandering to lolicons

>> No.14114750
File: 319 KB, 350x494, 1623675329801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her early videos got me into vtubers because of the "haha cute girl being overtly lewd", she introduced me to Luna and I won't forget them both.

>> No.14114859

Nozomi won't be doing shit with Kson. She would be an anime seiyuu instead
Hololive and Nijisanji are doing the same sponsoships she did, you know. Pekora shilled Nissin and Miko shilled Horse racing, all after Ai-chan.

>> No.14114932

PMaru was destroyed by Sony, she even in a series of tweets was able to spill the beans about ir.

>> No.14115590

Your point? I'm talking about how everyone knows her. it's a fact that her popularity shifted downwards, there's no need to point that out.

>> No.14115760

they were testing the waters, after all they didn't see kizuna ai as a single person but an avatar. They probably didn't expect that fans would care about her so much. That's where they monumentally fucked up and it was already too late to fix it since misunderstandings about replacing her already spread out like wild fire. but it's fine now ever since she released a rant video dissing everyone who kept going on about this issue.

>> No.14116375

Sony+VIC, though I'd put more of the blame on VIC since PPH also ended up graduating and she was signed to some other music label

>> No.14116457

Well Sony also ruined 22/7 transition to vtubers.

>> No.14116614

Yeah, such a shame. On paper, SME only handled Luna's music activities while VIC managed her VTuber activities, but I wouldn't put it past SME to put some pressure on VIC in regards to her VTuber activities as well.

>> No.14116620

>You will never be pinned to the bed by Ai and all of her clones ganging up on you.
