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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14029985 No.14029985 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

>> No.14030032

Added an addendum to the OpSec guide based on a conversation that happened last thread in regards to Family Sharing online games

>> No.14031724

How long before a stream should you announce it?

>> No.14031778

i usually announce mine 24 hours prior, do a post an hour before, and then the automatic one that gets tweeted when going live

>> No.14032054 [DELETED] 

Ate Vroid models really a debuff?
How come I've never seen those impressive Vroids from speedpainting videos ever being used by a chubba? Stuck in save-face limbo?

>> No.14032133

Are Vroid models really a debuff?
How come I've never seen those impressive Vroids from speedpainting videos ever being used by a chubba? Stuck in save-face limbo?

>> No.14032360

generic vroids can be offputting but i think ones that have a lot of work put into them aren't really affected
look at picky for example who has been steadily inclining and does a lot to get use out of her vroid;
her 365 day average is 54, her 180 day average is 64, her 90 day is 79, and her 30 day is 84
that's not to say that "if you have a good vroid its a buff' but i think if you have a good vroid and the setup for full body capture that having a 3D model can be very helpful
like with everything it really just comes down to whether or not you can be entertaining but i don't think people will be put off by a good vroid

>> No.14032560

How do i become a /m/ale version of Kiki? Would it even be possible?

>> No.14032633


>> No.14032846

doubt it, i think her being a girl is like 80% of the appeal

>> No.14033786

The girl working on my new model has been sending me progress pictures and I keep getting more excited with each one. It's such an insane improvement over the original, like to the point where I'm actually kind of embarrassed of the original. I really cheaped out on everything and it showed.
Really looking forward to a real debut this time, too. /blog

>> No.14033888

Not really.

>> No.14035535

So for karaoke streams, how do you listen to yourself while you sing? I'm assuming it's a sort of one headphone on, the other off sort of thing so you hear the instrumental and your voice. I'm deaf in one ear though... how do I listen to myself and the music without speakers... help.

>> No.14035589

enable audio monitor in OBS, your interface or your microphone depending on where you have it available

>> No.14035743

Thank you so much!!

>> No.14037108
File: 493 KB, 2177x2048, 1638575698063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came asking for feedback a few threads ago but since I started the 3.0 of my model, I'm posting again to ask for opinions. The style change is just because I think it will be easier to rig (since I'm doing it myself) and the color palette is staying the same. I just wanted to hear some thoughts about what I have so far or answer questions. Thank you!

>> No.14037324

give yourself an apron and a belt, the dress is too bland and will look very flat when rigged due to the lack of different textures to give it depth

>> No.14040503


>> No.14042001


>> No.14043222

Wait a minute. What are those lines in her thighs?

Also, I think the double fangs, blush, and freckles are a bit excessive. Like, there's the piercings on her left, the ribbons, the messy hair around the face already. Maybe it's just that the blush is there to give the face more depth in the sketch but idunno.

>> No.14043410

The 3.0 is cute, I'd avoid the cuts on the thighs though. They're kinda gross

>> No.14044441

Most people tune in to watch chubbas for comfort, except for a select few that watch things like Mazono Akira vomiting and hitting herself with a hammer. And even her looks pristine.
I know you were going for a Yakui-san/magical menhera theme but cuts might be too much.

>> No.14045656

single fang better
new dress is better
don't like the self harm
the nose makes her kinda look anthromorphic

>> No.14047063
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It's supposed to be skirt and a blouse kind of like pic related! It's not noticeable in the sketch but I plan on making the blouse move a little in rigging so you can see the separation.
Thank you!
It's supposed to be just one fang, but since I was using the symmetry tool I forgot to erase it because I'm an idiot. And yes the blush is just there to add a little of depth to the sketch! The only thing I'm not taking away are the eye bags. I'm still thinking about the freckles.
I see. They wouldn't be fresh cuts of course, but old scars similar to mine. Even then, I can see why people would be freaked out about it so I'll either tone it down or remove them and just have the patch and bandages like in 2.0.
Thank you! Don't worry anon, only will have one fang and the nose is just for the sketch and to have an idea for the eye level.

Thank you all for the feedback, and for the ones that liked it, would it be a deal breaker to have an ESL with an accent voicing the/vtubing with the character? I'm still kind of insecure about my voice and don't know if it fits very much with my model.

>> No.14049280

being a reactive is fine but i feel once i get a proper live 2d i should get a good bump, and once it gets rigged i might get some more traction. at the very least though i found a really nice artist. a bit pricey but they seem worth it to me

>> No.14050318


>> No.14051747
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>tfw just spent two days looking for an audio interface because i want to play guitar on stream in the future
>tfw i was supposed to be practicing vroid to make my model and a friend's model
>still have no idea what i should be gettting

>> No.14052173

just get a focusrite scarlett there's a reason everyone else uses one from musicians to streamers

>> No.14052329
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>> No.14052797

your voice is cute you'll be fine

>> No.14052844

Your voice is nice and your accent isn't thick, you'll be fine, tu voz en español esta buena tambien

>> No.14053359

>at the very least though i found a really nice artist. a bit pricey but they seem worth it to me
male, right?

>> No.14053783

i'm starting to get debut anxiety where i'm about to just say fuck it and just stream without bothering for an "introduce myself" debut since nobody will come watch a debut anyways

>> No.14053900


>> No.14053943

As the other anons said, your voice is fine although I'm not sure how well it will fit your model. Don't pay me that much attention on this, though, I'm one of the retards that still believe all vtubers should try to prioritize being anime characters.

Have you considered using voice filters, though?
If you are so insecure about your voice and even yourself, and going from your theme and one of your posts, are you fine with putting your voice out there when you stream?
Just don't put any further stress on yourself.

Do what you must, anon.
i'm planning on making a fake graduation stream as a redebut once i have networked well enough

>> No.14053947

Save the introduction debut for when you update your model one day and actually have enough of an audience for it to be an event.

>> No.14053954

checked. had a feeling. hope it ends up good anon.

>> No.14053968

I set up a friend of mines Scarlet 2I2 a few months ago and it was an enjoyable process, nice and small - his content sounds great now as well. I will be recommending that product as well whenever conversation comes up about it.

I personally use a Yamaha MG10 mixer which I picked out since I use a 2 pc streaming set up and wanted to play with physical dials, you can find it for the same price as a scarlet, you need desk space for it, quite a bit - but its a lot of fun to use as well.

>> No.14054077

i already talked to the artist on disc about what they do. for the price i'm getting a good amount + a free fucking ref sheet so i'm pretty hyped and excited once they open up comms

>> No.14054165

I just play it through my headphone mic, it sounds terrible but nobody cares. Everyone is just there to hang out and talk.

>> No.14054204

i like the sound of this

>> No.14054238

Hey you! Listen up! Fresh pasta to TL;DR!
Stop thinking that vtubing is a golden ticket to (pick your poison)
>Having ## followers who draw inspiration from your existence
>Having # chuuba besties who you can hang out with in some shitpost discord and have fun collabs with
>Receiving validation/vindication as a person of talent, be it in the field of gaming, [voice] acting, or singing
Chances are one of these three (or maybe both) is something you feel, even if only subconsciously. Recognize and accept it. Embrace it. But don't make it your sole reason you're going into this thing.
Statistics are plain to anyone to see: You will almost certainly be a 0view for the first month you're streaming. You may be lucky enough to be a 2view with a couple followers after that. Passersby will come to your stream while they're lazily scrolling the front page of Twitch (or whatever streaming platform you're using) and be filtered by your design, your voice, your humor, your personality, something. When they leave, fuck 'em. They don't know what you will become. They had the opportunity to get in on the ground floor. Just keep streaming.
If you're an honest to god woman, stop posting ITT about how no one will watch you. I promise you there's at least a couple coomers out there who will watch you for your voice. If you have a plain/boring voice, there are plenty of people who will just screech "MUH GIRL NEXT DOOR VIBES" and watch explicitly BECAUSE of that.
If you're trying to be a trap, you better have a 1-in-100 fem voice, and I mean "no one will even suspect you're a girl [male]". And I don't mean a slightly up-pitched, heavy-on-the-vocal-fry pale imitation like some people think works shartemis because guess what, you may come across as a woman, but you've managed to replicate probably the one voice that is the exception to what I said above about all female voices appealing to someone. People despise roasties in the best of times, LARPing as one won't get you any bonus points.
If you're a man, sorry, but you're at a disadvantage. You might have the smoothest, silkiest voice imaginable, people may literally jizz themselves when they hear your vocaroo spam ITT, but honestly speaking, as a 0view no one will tune into your streams just because you sound like Sinatra. Remember, you will be fighting to draw in and retain people browsing the front page, and you have mere MINUTES to attract their attention once they pop in stream. If you're not engaging in any way, cool, you're not the only guy with a cool voice, and they can easily just go find someone who ISN'T a 0view who sounds as cool as you. You don't get the female buff of having lonely coomers lust after you, sorry.
If you think paying triple-digits+ to get a model and/or rig will instantly buff you, think again. There are so many also-rans showing up thanks to the proliferation of the VT phenomenon, and I guarantee you that you won't stand out with your anime OC above any other newfag. To be sure, if you legitimately have the money, and it's soemthing you WANT, then go for it, but do not think you NEED it in any way. Remember, as a 0view, your personality, charisma, and voice are 90% of your toolkit right now. Use them. Do not rely on a crutch to do the lifting for you I point yet again to the indieshark.
Finally, if you have any sort of talent, begin (or continue) practicing it and thinking about how to integrate it into the stream. Singing, being an artist, music production, whatever. That is probably one of the best secret weapons you can deploy to win the 0view battle, because you can always teach a singer to stream; you can't necessarily teach a streamer to sing. Second only behind the genderbuff in my estimation, having ANY sort of additional talent like this will be your trump card to beat every other wannabe who thinks muttering into a mic and playing FotM Shooter 28 appeals to anyone.
Oh, actually lastly, game selection if you wanna minmax and not just play the most-spectated game you own: someone else posted it last night, but look up the metrics for the game(s) you wanna play. If no one watches it now, I'm sorry but you're probably not gonna bring about a renaissance of spectators for it. I know you love your indie basketweaving simulator and enjoy the shit out of it, but it's 0view for a reason. Instead, look for which ones have been providing growth for the low-view channels ("new followers [while playing X]" or some shit like that). Basically, the ideal place is to find a happy medium between games with consistent headlinings by dozens of 100+view streamers (you'll never stand out) and games with 10 streamers total and 5 viewers shared between all of them.
Good luck. Godspeed. Go fucking do it. Or continue spamming your vocaroos and linking your character concept art ITT, whatever, you're basically just a /here/ version of a vtweeter but that's your lookout.

>> No.14054316

that was a lot of words to say nothing actionable

>> No.14054508
File: 1.06 MB, 1230x675, literallytime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bros here's my 20th vocaroo of the week am i GMI????

>> No.14054589

>taking personal offense and responding
this is why /asp/ies should do their best to avoid taking advice from viewers. they don't know what it's like to be a chuuba. they don't know what it takes to make it. they just make shit up.

>> No.14054665

>no one knows how it's like
>to be the mute man
>to be the cough man
>behind my vroid

>> No.14054840

>look for which ones have been providing growth for the low-view channels
where would you even find these analytics

>> No.14055004

i'm the chuuba talking about getting a live 2d soon
all i can say is learning how to edit my own videos into (low quality) tiktoks and halfway decent clip montages is at least giving me a good work ethic that keeps me busy in the week when i'm not working
i'll take a bit before i get traction but i earnestly love what i'm doing even if it's talking as a 2view
i've met good people, great people even, and while i do care about inclining i know that doing nothing wont get me anywhere and if it is a chance, then everything i do is one more lottery ticket at getting at that
that's all i gotta say i'm going back to endwalker now

>> No.14055055

how do i into audio engineering to make my voice sound buttery smooth

>> No.14055109

you don't because those don't exist.

>> No.14055116


>> No.14055306
File: 62 KB, 2461x301, archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can extrapolate data by doing a bit of personal analysis work? If you're expecting to be handed a tailored report that automatically tells you what you want to know, sure, I guess that doesn't exist.

>> No.14055338

My ability to EQ is actually pretty subpar but if you watch like...two or three podcastage or booth junkie videos I'm sure you'll find some settings that work great for you

I'm just the tech support guy so my voice goals are a little different from you anime-americans, but with my deep voice I raise the hell out of my low end for that clarity boost and swig some cough syrup before streams to get rid of that phlegmy sound

>> No.14055403

voice changer recommendations? I'm female btw just want a slightly higher pitch

>> No.14055420 [DELETED] 

Thank you so much anons! y gracias estimado espie

I don't really like voice filters. My favorite vtuber went from using one to stopping out of nowhere and she talked about how it was much harder to get used to her real voice so I don't think I want to go through that. I'm just going to build the courage and do it, still have a lot of time left while I wait for my new PC and finish my model.

>> No.14055443
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 838a71c8-c254-40dd-8760-e38535d623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: NGMIs bully other NGMIs with larps about how to make it even though they haven't made it either
>NGMIs fight amongst each other
>People who are actually gonna make it just go do it rather than sitting in a hugbox thread about making it.

>> No.14055464
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so a channel with 50 average viewers can be expected to gain 1,400 followers per hour playing Limbo on their next stream? the next games are CarX Drifting Online and MW2? these type of number smashing sites don't work. there's no magical algorithm that can tell you what game to play in order to grow.

extrapolate all you want, streamers and viewers don't act arbitrarily based off random estimated numbers. you're probably just a viewer who saw the site mentioned a couple of times but never actually paid it attention because it's actually a garbage site for what you're trying to suggest it does.

>> No.14055608

I enjoy just observing it all more than anything

>> No.14055789
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It's just so tiresome to see sometimes
>"Advice" either consists of some autistically-specific fantasy about needing to do X, Y, Z, 1, 2, 3, in that precise order, or else you're NGMI
it's such a weird balance between spergouts and saccharine platitudes

>> No.14055849

you didn't follow the directions
you have to pull up a specific game and look at the "follower growth" metric

>> No.14056066
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anon, that still doesn't do what you think it does. it ignores so many variables that it's completely useless for 2views. the only thing you can take away from it is
>good variety streamer who is already popular played it and got a bunch of followers
that's going to be the pattern for every half decent and remotely popular game.

>> No.14056191

your right this really means fuck all
>want to check out newly released game
>big streamers sponsored to play it / they're interested too
>get cucked

>> No.14056785

wasnt a pastebin with a lot of picrew links in the OP?

>> No.14057267

That's still irrelevant, this information is heavily skewed each time a big streamer picks up a random game for fun, and you've got a better shot just knowing trending games like how SM64 speedrunning is super trendy right now, or how Shovel Knight a few months ago (or last year) had every big streamer playing it.

>> No.14057877

practical tips to make it

>just get started
see if the act of streaming is enjoyable to you and something you can see yourself doing. set a schedule, stick to it. doesn't matter if you're no cam or png or whatever.

>learn from experienced streamers
do this. actually do this. don't just think about it, write it down.

>experiment with your stream content
experiment often and try new types of content when you're just starting out. stop caring about numbers here, because you're looking for what clicks with you. what content comes naturally to you? how would you know unless you try?

>vod reps, chat reps
want to learn how to become a better conversationalist or wittier? do your vod reps, do your chat reps. go back over your vods, when you see someone in chat saying something, how did you respond during the stream? looking back, could you have said anything funnier? more engaging? wittier? write that down. repeat this for every vod and you'll eventually build a list of responses and conversation pathways that you can reference in future streams.

>> No.14057902

I don't think so? if it was it might be located within the general one?

>> No.14057973
File: 46 KB, 620x675, keikaku doori (keikaku means plan).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust me bro this are real advice from real chuuba WAGMI bros!!!

>> No.14058000

>viewer is still buttblasted and getting uppity

>> No.14058508

aspiring to become a pngtuber as a starting point, maybe a bit of focus on music and vocals, and the creative aspect of that too, though I'm not aspiring for sound quality too much as of yet. How strong of a PC should I get to stream and create content? I have very little cash and I think my country/city isn't very cheap when it comes to PCs

>> No.14058675

>How strong of a PC should I get to stream and create content?
it really depends on what game you're trying to stream. if you're going png route you don't really need much other than being able to run the game. OBS is pretty light. main concern would really be internet since you're gonna need a pretty solid upload to stream at higher qualities. but again, depends on what you're streaming.

fast paced shooters like Apex will require stronger computers with better upload rate to avoid the video getting blurry. games like Fire Emblem with static images and smaller moving graphics can get by with much lower upload bitrates.

>> No.14058858

Gimmie them pc specs, if you don't know how to get them you can use a (free) program like CPU-Z

I'm looking for CPU, Ram, video card, operating system and internet speed, feel free to use google's built in speed test or Ookla's

>> No.14058898

I haven't bought it yet. That's why I'm asking for advice. numbers would help a lot really, even a wide range would be fine

>> No.14058970

Oh sorry I misread your original post, I assumed you had a pc already and would be looking to upgrade.

Whats your currency of choice? Local countries tech website? Advice changes a lot even if you're a Canadian for example, American deals wont be the same, or if you're from south east Asia my newegg recommendations wont make any sense

>> No.14059042

am indog

>> No.14059151

Any idea what the video card market is like right now for you guys or is that sort of inquiry too confusing?

>> No.14059463

No clue.... How about just the bare minimum of specs for streaming Apex at an intermediate graphics quality without fps dropping and for rendering safely with free video editors

>> No.14059580

Ok, now (my) inquiry is too confusing kek. It's really specific looking, but parsing that to give a general answer will be fine

>> No.14059725
File: 32 KB, 629x321, lolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, easy peazy - Get as close to the recommended specs as you can afford - but get 32gb of ram to cover the OBS overhead

>> No.14059758

Just do your voice reps if its for that purpose, otherwise people will just think youre male and using a voice changer since theres so many variables that comes with utilizing one

>> No.14059811

Bro... I wish you good job opportunities and good bosses. A fulfilling job or hobby too, godwilling

>> No.14062567
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>> No.14064074 [SPOILER] 
File: 979 KB, 768x1024, 1636927704260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I have a horror-waifu as an avatar and the main content is watching scary/gorey thrillers from the 80-90s and playing violent meat slicing games (with some cute games in between to cleanse the pallet). Which platform could I stream on without having to worry about copyright strikes or being banned for not being PG-7.

>> No.14064114

Maybe Picarto? Its where I watch Sumo every Basho and no one seems to bat an eye at it

>> No.14064226

You’re not gonna get away with watching a movie on any platform. Even people who put movies on Cytube don’t stream there full-time. I think Twitch is less serious about gore than YouTube. You could still use Youtube for VODs as long as you mark your stuff as “not for kids”

>> No.14064440

What is Cytube exactly? I browsed for a bit, but it seems anything with gore is banned. I just want to watch things like Critters and Toxie Avenger in between games like Carrion and A Hat in Time. Is there no safe place from copyright and uptight moralist bullcrap? What if I were to make my own basic website where I just stream from there? I don't really care about money just building a follower count slowly and enjoying chat.

>> No.14065120

>What if I were to make my own basic website where I just stream from there?
No one would care or watch in all honesty. If you want to be a streamer do what everyone else does and stream to one of the two main websites for streaming.

>> No.14066643
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, aqua2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not streaming using Facebook gaming
It's the platform of the future, anon, don't miss your chance

>> No.14066769

Do it.

I started with no debut, just a post on twitter that said "fuck it, I exist now, let's GOOOOOO", and streamed a few hours later.

My 'debut' was my first post-affiliate stream. A lot of people seem to have holobrain. They think they need to do a 3-hour presentation on their likes and dislikes, with a background lore video...

Nobody cares.

About the only 'lore' I actually enjoy in streams I watch is Kongou's. Even then, he doesn't have particularly deep lore, just that he's a smart and strong old man who can't die. That's it. More than that you risk losing your audience because they absolutely do not care in the slightest about what colour dragon you are, or which planet you sold your soul to.

Then I see chuubas getting pissed off because "I'm not a demon, I'm actually cerberus!". Well, first of all, you have demon horns, second of all, does it matter? If you're streaming as just you in an anime mechsuit, then it doesn't matter what your lore is.

>> No.14068101
File: 43 KB, 450x450, fbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started with no debut, just a post on twitter that said "fuck it, I exist now, let's GOOOOOO", and streamed a few hours later.
absolutely based and no-fucks-givenpilled

>> No.14070633

Unless you're a spic i'd avoid it

>> No.14070731

Good idea

>> No.14070909

To be fair though, I'm still a sub-10 CCV six months later

>> No.14071591
File: 84 KB, 1054x1054, fbk....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that sucks

>> No.14074192

do you guys use discord to shill yourselves? i want to try but i'm too fucking old, idk how it works and where to post myself

>> No.14076073
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, Live2D Euclid never took off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays indies so are clueless about their own part time job.
Motion tracked cameras were common back in 2017 to 2020. No, a vive tracker glued to a stick is not rocket science.
It's practically impossible to rotate the camera in Live2D. It is possible but you'll have to pay your rigger 3x the current price.

>> No.14078943


>> No.14079088

discord is a place to build and retain your community not shill.

>> No.14082090
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Not if they're well-textured.
I think the original Vroids are a debuff- they're not exactly the greatest looking.
While a good-looking Vroid isn't fully important, it helps a bit.
You can find some good examples through twitter or reddit.

>> No.14082128

Me and my friends use cytube to watch movies if they're available on youtube. You just paste the link in a searchbar and add it to queue. I don't remember if this is the site that requires the tampermonkey extension to work though. The videos you watch in the cytube lobby are running at the same time for everyone in it.

>> No.14082886

I'm not an /asp/ie but I've bought a few adoptable designs for a project I'm working on, and I think there's a ton of good ones out there if you're willing to sift through the shit. Do a Twitter search for "Vtuber Adoptable", I've seen some extremely high quality designs sell for as low as 50 bucks because the artist is some random unknown. If you aren't too picky on a fully custom design, too poor or bad at art to ever get one , or just want to give PNG tubing a shot I think it's a good route.

>> No.14083221

This definitely isn't a post by an indie or they'd know what a Live2D model actually is. While the Vive tracker is great, 400+ dollars to turn around isn't something most indies would both with. Most people who use vive or VR tech already had it and were VRChat players or streamers. This coupled with the learning curve and PC required to set up and use your own unity/unreal environment to even make use of a tracker "camera" is why the only people doing anything remotely similar are major companies, YFU (company), Melody(company), and Fofamiit who is the only actual indie doing it.

>> No.14086077

Any big guides for this kind of thing?

>> No.14086406

fofamit has some good tutorials on her youtube

>> No.14086892

>get 32gb of ram to cover the OBS overhead
Is this really necessary? I was talking with my techie friend on what upgrades I need for my PC and he recommended me just 16 GB.
I actually told him I was aiming for 32 GB but he told me that it was excessive.

>> No.14086964

>Is this really necessary?
no 16gb is fine. no clue what that anon is talking about

>> No.14087105

16GB is fine unless you like to have a shitload of web browser tabs open while streaming or something.

>> No.14089223


>> No.14089566

what do /asp/ies think about the dad energy chuuba topic in /wvt/ today?

>> No.14089599

most people here agree rp is retarded

>> No.14089650

viewers don't donate bits or gift subs to dads that's creepy

>> No.14091286

pretty much this. they don't give gifts to oneechan, boyfriend, mommy, imouto, or other types of streamers either. nope.

>> No.14091994

>10 years of streaming
>not a single example of a successful dad vibe streamer
>plenty of examples of mommy and oneechan streamers cashing in on simpbux

>> No.14092324

Northern Lion gets pretty "dad"

>> No.14092463

dad like flirty "daddy" pantydropper style shit? there's been a few of those. if you just mean supportive male figure then there's also been plenty of those.

>> No.14092517

Yeah i really don't see the point of 2view indies doing debuts or a big wind up to their first stream like just stream bro

>> No.14092607

>Yeah i really don't see the point of 2view indies doing debuts or a big wind up to their first stream like just stream bro
It can help but i think most people without funds are better off taking the "just stream" route

>> No.14092813

i don't think they mean RPing as a dad as much as they mean having that kind of energy
like, there's a distinct different when you listen to a chuuba like PapiFubar vs Randon; they're not really RPing but the way they are on stream is notably different
on this topic though i think its just a case of being yourself; i don't think people should force themselves to act a certain way to pander to an audience

>> No.14093379

>i think its just a case of being yourself
I agree, being yourself or a caricatured version of yourself is your best bet, but most people here aren't...well, they typically aren't entertaining, personable, or likeable people. I think that's why so many want to LARP as this or that character, because they think it'll help them when it'll just come out disingenuous.

>> No.14094805

Speaking of family-figure-like stremaers, do you think a little brother chuuba could work?

>> No.14094999

You'll fail at LARPing.
>being yourself or a caricatured version of yourself is your best bet

>> No.14095003

>but most people here aren't...well, they typically aren't entertaining, personable, or likeable people.
are you talking about the typical /asp/poster or chubbas that visit here/wvt? i feel like most of the streamers that I've seen stick with streaming for more than a few months are two of the three with the third depending on what you find entertaining

>> No.14096209

I discovered a not so close friend of mine has a vroid avvie and streams regularly which was refreshing to hear, they're even buying the mocap things for hand gestures.
On the other hand work has been draining and i could barely draw/study vtub the last week
But I'm hanging in there!

>> No.14101037 [DELETED] 

Depends if you have someonw to play off with

>> No.14107176
File: 166 KB, 913x877, FD6E467E-9D88-4041-A4DF-AB043D00AFF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14107260

How's it going, Anyaposter?

>> No.14108461

How would a vtuber go about promoting themselves? Is it just a matter of debuting and letting it happen naturally? I feel as though shilling yourself on every platform would only lead to awkward interaction or just being ignored.

>> No.14108788

>Is it just a matter of debuting
don't do this, just start streaming with a png or placeholder
once (or if) you draw any significant amount of returning viewership you can do a soft-reboot with a new model/art and do a debut then
nobody's gonna give a shit about a literally-who enough to watch them talk about what animu they watch and what games are their favorite

>> No.14110038

Who was the last independent vtuber that actually got famous?

>> No.14110233

shartemis of the dude
snuffy maybe? if you don't count her basically being vslutjo adjacent

>> No.14110246


>> No.14111053

What does "got famous" mean to you?

Artemis was a year ago, plenty of people have come up since then. Snuffy was popular long before she was VShojo adjacent.

>> No.14111964

Playing a character gets exhausting and even if you get big youre left to wonder if people care about you, or just your fake on screen self

You see it alot

>> No.14112306

SunKenji made partner

>> No.14112567
File: 136 KB, 341x255, 7Js341Cyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he definitely did more than that

>> No.14115369

Before bedtime bump

>> No.14117471

16gb is fine but with chrome and other programs taking up so much ram 32 gb is just so much more smoother in the long run. I recently upgraded my ram and my games stopped stuttering and I never have to close anything to get my games running smoothly now. With ram prices being so cheap nowadays, if you grab 32 gb you'll be set for years to come.

>> No.14117620

or, he just gets 2x8gb sticks and can upgrade in the future with another 2x8gb sticks if it ever becomes necessary since most mobos have 2 ram channels. going 32gb off the bat is overkill with zero benefit.

>> No.14117709
File: 116 KB, 330x447, default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's your excuse?

>> No.14117868


>> No.14118558
File: 1.57 MB, 991x996, WYE25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why he's using his VRoid, he's got a cute Live2D model he usually uses.

>> No.14121510

