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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 350 KB, 650x650, Nanashi_Mumei_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14018585 No.14018585 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, Fuck the haters!

I love Mumei!

>> No.14018647

Moomei is nice. Best of Council easily.

>> No.14018702
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1630012905747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was clearly not made by a hooman but whatever, moomer collab today

>> No.14018713


>> No.14019003

rrat haters have become awefully quite ever since she won (an easily winnable war) by character design.

Seriously though, I'm a bit out of the loop. Is Chloe the only wale girl or not?

>> No.14019078


>> No.14020651

ledditor and newfag
holy shit...

>> No.14020747

I'm sure the bull appreciates all you do for her.

>> No.14020804 [DELETED] 

Is it true or rrat?
Is Munro getting creampied by a bf or no?

>> No.14020836

Yeah, fuck the coomers!

I hate Mumei!

>> No.14020861 [DELETED] 

anon just do your reps and find out, meidos get angry otherwise

>> No.14020872

>no personality
>no personal trait at all
>uwuuuu bait
>barely talk in her own streams
>no talent at all

She is shit, just like the rest of the council, holoX proved that with actual data.

>> No.14020949

Yeah, I love fuck the Mumei haters!

>> No.14021045

since you are well versed:

>> No.14021208

>t. never watched Mumei

>> No.14021676

This. Mumei is the only council member who is any good at her kayfabe despite how hard Kronii tries at hers. When people say boring, bland, no personality I think of Fauna really.

>> No.14021926
File: 144 KB, 430x462, 1632878545839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically

>> No.14022516
File: 121 KB, 848x1200, 654567567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want sex with mumei

>> No.14022547

i wish she could have more confidence with singing

>> No.14022645 [DELETED] 

Can somebody just tell me if there is really a bf plowing mumei and unloading creampies or is it just a scary rrat from the niggers?

>> No.14022714 [DELETED] 

stop being a massive faggot holy shit do your own homework

>> No.14022845 [DELETED] 

Yes, it's me

>> No.14022898 [DELETED] 

Anon its me too did she not tell you

>> No.14022960
File: 809 KB, 2572x2572, 1636689515172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not her fault

>> No.14022980 [DELETED] 

sure here you go https://nyfco.org/nanashi-zense/

>> No.14022994 [DELETED] 

>600 hours of breeding
General rule of thumb for vtuber relationship rrats is to assume old info is outdated or irrelevant unless there’s another Towa incident or another Watame incident.

>> No.14023024 [DELETED] 

this is pure cope, she’s still with him

>> No.14023075 [DELETED] 

Wait now I need to know the Towa and Watame incident. lol

>> No.14023122 [DELETED] 

>uses cope unironically

>> No.14023128 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 625x626, 23456543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look a doxx faggot with le shitty wrong info

>> No.14023153

>>uwuuuu bait
nigga what mumei have you been watching?

>> No.14023156 [DELETED] 

don't forget to mention thay he's black

>> No.14023178

>tfw doxxers get the axe

>> No.14023278

Mumei is a babe. The only thing that women should care about politically is the welfare of children and animals. Top tier wife material.

>> No.14023289 [DELETED] 

Mumei is Shachimu, whose name is Tarah. Both Kronii and Mumei unprivated their roommate’s twitter September 19th at the same time, both with some deleted tweets after making it public. All BF-ish posts on Mumei’s account have been deleted - Mumei’s BF probated his Twitter and changed his profile picture at the same time.

>> No.14023353 [DELETED] 

Mumei is Shachimu, whose name is Tarah. Both Kronii and Mumei unprivated their roommate’s twitter September 19th at the same time, both with some deleted tweets after making it public. All BF-ish posts on Mumei’s account have been deleted - Mumei’s BF privated his Twitter and changed his profile picture at the same time.


>> No.14023391

>Be Anon
>Love Mumei
>Hate the haters
>Forgets that the haters would not be as many, if Omega let her do history streams and play strategy games
Remember to hate Omega

>> No.14023541

He hasn’t, most likely. At least not since week one. The majority of antis don’t actually watch anything and just repeat stale rrats they read in bait threads, and Mumei antis are simply the most transparent about it.

>> No.14023813

Anon coming in with the big truth bomb

>> No.14023881 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 624x756, 371D0B95-E32A-4EB1-A132-CFCFB8613C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14023934 [DELETED] 

For context, Mumei is Shachimu, whose name is Tarah. Both Kronii and Mumei unprivated their roommate’s twitter September 19th at the same time, both with some deleted tweets after making it public. All BF-ish posts on Mumei’s account have been deleted - Mumei’s BF privated his Twitter and changed his profile picture at the same time.


>> No.14023940 [DELETED] 

What the fuck does that have to do with his statement, retard?

>> No.14023983 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 503x526, 1637095205881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already have leaked photo of mumei's bf

>> No.14023996 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 763x742, 3A76C5F5-4BE9-4E90-8CE4-C9E4FA930DFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14024035 [DELETED] 


>> No.14024084

>Complete non-sequitur

You have to be 18 to post on this board SEAnigger-kun.

>> No.14026519

Holocouncil girls are blessed that youtube-kun deleted all their subs.
It feels like they're actually working hard to be successful.

>> No.14026587

i've never tried this flavor of cope before, my compliments to the chef

>> No.14026660

I don't think your epic meme word applies here.

>> No.14026726

Let alone that her Mic Test stream alone kills the entire argument of her having no talent. Anyone still insisting it after that is either living in a cave or a verified shit poster.

>> No.14027167

>start off kinda simple but it's cute and that's what you wanted
>Fuck the haters! She doesn't need to be complex if the simple character works!
>stop pretending to be an idiot and pretend to be a psychopath instead of cute
>Fuck that haters! She's completely different now!
Mumei is alright, but her fans are unbearable.

>> No.14027319

>Mumei is alright, but her fans are unbearable.
What you posted is standard behavior for fans of anything. That's what makes them fans.

>> No.14027328

So does her bf

>> No.14027393

Someone who actually enjoys something should be honest consistent in their assessment of it, and criticize accordingly so that it can be made better.

>> No.14027435

Yeah, me.

>> No.14027443

Yeah, I do.
