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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1396060 No.1396060 [Reply] [Original]

>Noel really is doing this shit every weekday like she said
>Roboco pumped and dumped EOPs

Why does Roboco hate EOPs? And why is she so justified in doing so?

>> No.1396154
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No matter how much you faggots want to project your distaste for EOPs, no v-tuber actually "hates" EOPs. At worst they are neutral and just prefer to be Japanese only, but that ALWAYS changes when an influx of kaigainiki money flows in. I know you faggots are seething that your work wasted on learning Japanese is going to become very irrelevant very quickly, but at least be more tactful in your death throes.

>> No.1396165

noel will be the first holo to learn english to a decent level

>> No.1396221

Izuru literally told his EOPs to fuck off

>> No.1396264

It depends on how Marine's classes go, and you never know, Nene might suddenly start lessons too, she's really interactive with her EOPs

>> No.1396307

>A bunch of xenophobes on a volcanic island are indifferent to foreigners

Oh how I wish to be this delusional

>> No.1396694

I'm really hoping Marine sticks with it. She seems really dedicated. I understand why a lot of people are against EOP pandering, but I sincerely would love to see a Holo grow their communication skills to a point where they can casually hold a conversation with overseas viewers like Pikamee. I mean the duolingo streams are obviously not optimal tools, just games, but it would be an impressive feat for such an entertainer if they dedicated the time for it. Haachama nerfs her English so its hard to tell exactly how much progress she's making. I swear the pepeloni bit was her just derping around.. 多分.

>> No.1396925

>Haachama nerfs her English so its hard to tell exactly how much progress she's making

Literally the only way haachama nerfs herself is the high pitched cutesy voice making it hard to understand her fucked australian accent. Her lack of comprehension is 100% real

>> No.1397020


>> No.1397042

Literally who?

>> No.1397122

I keep telling you, she is doing this for her future JAVS

>> No.1397134

We can only hope.

>> No.1397265

Did you just make this vtuber up for this post? WHO??????

>> No.1397300

>Roboco pumped and dumped EOPs
Isn't she doing a duo stream every weekend now?

>> No.1397337

Noel is smart as hell and MOTIVATED

>> No.1397461

Don't let twitter know the Japanese opinion on spices.

>> No.1397486

As if anyone other than woke twitter cares what the blue checkmarks have to say.

>> No.1397699

>"this is kimchi tasty"
>chat says that should work
ESLs exposed

>> No.1397906


>> No.1397908

>speak english around japanese person
>"Herro yes burger baseball mcdonarld prease"
As long as you respect the no gaijin signs it's a party

>> No.1398084 [DELETED] 
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Anon, they literally have an entire alphabet dedicated to English loanwords. Why would they do that if they hated EOPs?

>> No.1398913

Mel has been taking English classes since December and she's trying to collab with EN branch to see if the classes are paying off

the very first thing Mel told her teacher was that she really likes meat and he chuckled but she didn't know why

>> No.1398963

Where and when.

>> No.1399162

Even SORA is trying to talk to EOPs and infact she seems really excited about speaking to them.

>> No.1399259

Izuru's EOPs are teenage tumblrinas who have conversations among themselves and shit up his chat into unusability without even bothering to check the rules, he's entirely justified in telling them to fuck off

>> No.1399346

They can see their analytics. They probably know that a chunk of their viewers and SCs are from EOP. There is no reason to not acknowledge a section of your audience

>> No.1399362

I think there was a Haachama IELTS stream last year that exposed all the ESLs in her chat as they kept giving her the wrong answers

>> No.1399406

I deliberately gave her wrong answers to mess with other backseaters

>> No.1400983

I remember that, and I remember /hlg/ actually malding over getting a lot of it wrong and complaining about how hard it was, exposing most of them as ESLs. Good times.

>> No.1401540

Rbc will probably start doing more consistent duo streams once she recovers from her allergy stuff

>> No.1403305

Roboco tries to read plenty of English chats during her streams. I don't know what you are on about...

>> No.1403322

>Why does Roboco hate EOPs?
look at Noel's chat. Noel is too nice though.

>> No.1403438

I know that not-completely-fluent people tend to switch between English brain and JP brain so once they get used to speaking in one language, it's not bad but flipping between them frequently is difficult.

>> No.1403737

what does EOPs stand for? am stoopid

>> No.1403810

ear of pizza

>> No.1403828

>Izuru's EOPs are teenage tumblrinas who have conversations among themselves and shit up his chat into unusability without even bothering to check the rules, he's entirely justified in telling them to fuck off
This happens in every chat with EOPs once they hit a critical mass.

>> No.1403871

eternity of pain

>> No.1403900


>> No.1404042

Earner of Pesos

>> No.1404069

Based my king.

>> No.1404134

>Be a Holostar, so you are doomed anyway
>Somehow attract some foreigners
>They turn out to be fucking autists that don't even care about your content
If Roberu is winning son is Izuru the losing son?

>> No.1404262

Elites of Pedos learn how to use google retard

>> No.1404300

I bet these people don't know either and are just acting like they do. Maybe English Only something

>> No.1404376
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>when an influx of kaigainiki money flows in
roru roru rumao

>> No.1404402

I'll give her credit for having the balls to try to stream directly against Uto, Noel English Study, and Pochi Drawing Mori, but I won't say it was a good idea

>> No.1404431

English Only Peasants/Plebians

>> No.1404574

literally who

>> No.1404590

>pumped and dumped
or you know, if you actually watched her streams you'd know she's sick and taking a break for a week

>> No.1404601

what are you stupid? robots can't get sick.

>> No.1404616

she got a virus

>> No.1404694

Because for some reason mostly eops give her attention, at least on youtube. Plus the ID girls.

>> No.1404723

Roberu regularly throws them a bone with "HEY KAIGAI NIKKI! YEEEEEAAAAAH!" which keeps them fucking up the chat all the time.

>> No.1404851

It has been slang on the website for over a decade you blow-in

>> No.1404961
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Does anyone here actually have a problem with them learning English?

>> No.1405069

Huh? Where does it come from? Roboco clearly stated that she want to learn English and do english streams from time to time. She streamed Duolingo english even before Noel did and started again at the same time with her.
Also she reads english SC without translator and can understand it.

>> No.1405136

We call it "neglected maintenance".

>> No.1405149

This. I hope it doesn't stop her from doing them occasionally.

>> No.1405219

Stop making up vtubers to invent rrats.

>> No.1405234

Something like this was happening in Botan's chat with ru bros, but in the end we did mostly purified it with mass shooting of bots.

>> No.1405399

Nijiniggers used to mock and shittalk any vtuber who spoke English going as far as calling them race traitors. Then HSKW did an English stream, Nijisanji anounced an EN branch and Ichikara took control of the Nijisanji subreddit and they've been pretty quiet about it ever since.

>> No.1405517

If they had stories for the Japanese course I might actually use Duolingo since it seems like fun

>> No.1405606

Marine is actually advancing quite well, And Galaxy Baby is pretty good at picking up context

>> No.1405971

I remember this

>> No.1406054

It will take them years to learn decent English, be the time all that vtubing fad will die out. They doing it to get sweet sweet eop audience.

>> No.1406057

I don't know about you, but I don't mind being exploited like this

>> No.1406169

They want big results for very modest effort, and get bored/disappointed when they don't suddenly get a rush of new fans.

>> No.1406186


>> No.1406254

Of course, Ichikara can do no wrong. Remember when the CEO said they wanted organic growth and then they went on to buy Youtube ads, pay clippers, and take over the reddit in the most corporate way possible. They'll never admit of course.

>> No.1406289

I'm a Holofag but what's wrong with any of those things?
Even indie vtubers buy youtube ads.
Paying for clippers is just smart business and fair compensation for the hard work clippers already do promoting their favorite vtubers.
Cover took over their subreddit too.
Fuck off retard tribalist.

>> No.1406362

Who has the best English after Coco? Choco's seems pretty damn good, but no one watches. Why doesn't she try and pander?

>> No.1406363

Sora is getting better very quickly

>> No.1406454

Haachama used to be Hololive's only outreach to EOPs before Coco.
A-chan and Choco have decent "business English" aka they can read a bit and can say some common phrases with good pronunciation, but can't hold a conversation.
Luna has good English comprehension but she never shows it and the one time she did an English stream was shortly after HoloEN debut and no one watched so she stopped doing it.
Towa and Aki have no English skills but are forced to interact with EOPs constantly due to their fanbase being mostly EOPs. Their English slowly improves as a result but not really to any competent level.
Suisei has good English pronunciation because her mom is an English teacher and she'll throw out English phrases sometimes but her actual ability and comprehension are very low.
Kanata has quite good English comprehension because she lives with Coco who has been tutoring her.

Basically most of these girls will understand if you send short/simple English superchats but they won't pander to EOPs.

>> No.1406534

coco and haato aside, holo jp members dont really blatantly pander to eops. most of them just thank eops who sc'd. although besides noel, subaru is starting to do sadly.

>> No.1406662

Didn't Korone hire an eigo teacher to reach her EOP audience? what happened to that?

>> No.1406701

I feel like it's a bit unfair to Aki to put her on the same level as Towa. She's atleast a degree or two better. I dunno if it's because she does some reps on the side or if she's just really smart, but Towa really struggles to respond english superchats whereas Aki reads and responds to entire fucking paragraphs(albeit with grammar that isn't too great)

>> No.1406721

Aki does put in more effort but it's not like she's taking lessons or making an effort to learn English. Towa is on another level of not giving a fuck while Aki is just at the level of an average vtuber with a large EOP audience.

>> No.1406819

>Didn't Korone hire an eigo teacher to reach her EOP audience? what happened to that?
They can drop it like pekora stopped playing sekiro. EOPs here are taking about their desires but leaning a foreign language from a different civilization is very hard. It becomes too serious to be fun as you make progress. It can be a fun content. Those holo jp members still merely play a let's learn English demo game on very easy mode.

>> No.1407218

She got good enough to say dumb things which is pretty much all she needs

>> No.1407249

Corona, if nothing else.

>> No.1408392

I feel like Subaru should be in this list somewhere.

>> No.1408920

kek sure thing "Holofag"

>> No.1409021
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>people still understimate subaru's english reading comprehension
If she started doing all this Duolingo shit, she would btfo all the other Holos.

>> No.1415229

I wish Cover paid for clippers.

>> No.1415260

Luna's English stream was kino.

>> No.1415374

Eater of pie

>> No.1416536

It was the end of her super metroid playthrough right? That was fun.

>> No.1417440

I feel she is doing it by Ichikara's dictation since the only niji who still use their subreddit is still a who?

>> No.1418233
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>"fuck off"

>> No.1418367

You obviously never met a Japanese person under 30 in your life

>> No.1418514

they do though in holo jp. marine often asks them to make a clip bc its actually quality. like this one.

the clipfaggotry is a western issue. with poor translation and generalisation.

>> No.1418619

There's nothing wrong with them in and off themselves but given how nijiniggers were parading the "muh organic growth" and "muh true yamato damashi" lines that's a real slap in the face for them.

>> No.1418721

Hasn't Korone been taking English lessons off stream?

>> No.1419430
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Subaru has live-translated during her streams playing english-only games to her JOP viewers. Her English ability is well beyond the point of getting any meaningful learning out of duolingo, and she knows this.

>> No.1419434
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>She stopped doing it

>> No.1419692

because EOPs are faggots. that's why

>> No.1420340

English Only Professional

>> No.1421203

Has Subaru been having classes recently? Six months ago her English seemed to just be a few phrases and some basic comprehension, but now she’s suddenly able to translate her ohayo Subaru topics, explain what’s she’s doing in streams to EOPs and has somehow become one of the top English speakers in hololive.

>> No.1421268


Ina initiates her Duolingo reps and Noel shows up

>> No.1421302

>>Roboco pumped and dumped EOPs
she did a learning the same day noel started
RBC is recovering from a cold and preparing for her aniversary stream hence why she hasnt streamed at all.

>> No.1421497

>Finished streaming 4 hours ago
>Posted goodnight on Twitter 3 hours ago
> Posted about her English stream an hour ago
>Is now watching Ina
>Has her English stream in about 4 hours

When does Noel actually get some sleep?

>> No.1421556

I hope Marine learns English so she can get a white boyfriend.

>> No.1422078

I keep hearing Duolingo is shit, but I don't understand why.

>> No.1422133

I think her English had been at that level for a while. She had to have at least had a decent grasp of English to do that homestay in Canada.

She started to use English more because she's got a superchat that said something along the lines of "I love watching you but I can't really understand what you're saying most of the time". She mentioned how she sympathized with that, as she used to watch interviews with the Avengers actors but couldn't understand what they were saying.


>> No.1422226


>> No.1422245

Subaru probably just need to train spoken english. She mentioned how she lurked forums and talk to english speakers and didn't believe she was japanese.

>> No.1422815

Initially she had This is tasty kimchi, which would probably be accepted

>> No.1423942

She mentioned during the sankisei collab that she doesn't sleep that long

>> No.1427967

She grew up on a US military base, no?

>> No.1428143

dangerously based
we already have marine and noel literally doing EOP reps for us.

>> No.1428295

anons are also missing the girls purposefull downplaying their EN ability to be more cute.

>> No.1429116

To add to this
Marine Korone and Subaru is the same level as Kanata since they taking English lesson.
Fubuki have the same level as A-chan and Choco
Sora has really good pronunciation because she raised in a US military base. Her grammar is lacking thought.

>> No.1437807

I think the only two that do that are Coco and Chama, also I forget but it's either Subaru or Suisei that had some english education in Canada. Everyone else seems to be speaking around their actual level

>> No.1438549

>Sora has really good pronunciation because she raised in a US military base. Her grammar is lacking thought.
even korone's pronounciation is impressive

>> No.1438784

I mean she actually is hitting the books and properly studying, so that's not surprising.

>> No.1440300

Larping JSLs projecting their hatred of EOPs will never not be funny.

>> No.1440449

its because they literally just started it right now out of curiously. it wont take so long until they realise eops are a bunch of lazy faggots like you.

>english lessons

lolmao. its like weebs takes japanese lessons for a year and cant learn/memorise anything. eops cannot understand how hard it is.

>> No.1440609
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>> No.1440645
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wake me up when one of them actually gets to a decent level of english, every single vtuber that said they would learn english drops it after a month, its just a ploy for a quick viewer boost.

>> No.1441405

Is that an indie?

>> No.1441439

Her EOPs seem to be weirdly better than most. Like actual conversation/question stuff rather than "say ara ara xD"

>> No.1441611

Is this some gay variation of the sub bs dub argument? Does it really bother you people that real people are learning English

>> No.1441638

No one will say no to more money and fame. You're only embarrassing yourself with this delusional rambling.

>> No.1442360

>Does it really bother you people that real people are learning English
No, what bothers me are EOPs who have no respect for the existing culture and try and replace it with their own.

>> No.1442776

Chalk it up to being a westaboo.

>> No.1444534

Nobody wants your small cracker dick.

>> No.1448952

Erkel hands wrote this.

>> No.1449160


>> No.1449384

nobody will keep watching the same entry-level garbage content. if you wanna keep it going, you have to improve yourself with it like apex shit manages to survive by rather showing the growth of players to viewers than playing it, but lets learn english/japanese shit has a vicious circle like it becomes too serious and complicated to be fun as you improve.

>> No.1449395

Noel's pronunciation is pretty impressive at times. I never gave her a chance before but it's nice that she tries to keep the eigo rep streams entertaining with conversations rather than blasting through duolingo.

>> No.1449530

Apex addiction is too strong.
Also I like Noel but I feel she wont be keeping up these streams for long.

>> No.1449537
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>> No.1449557

I imagine she’ll still practice privately, but yeah you can’t do the same thing everyday and expect viewership to stay up

>> No.1449788

I think its more like she will give up on learn cuz its too hard for her.
Which is basically the same reason every other Holo who did those studying streams months ago just gave up.
Marine and Korone were the only ones that I know actually tried to keep learn more english outside streams.

>> No.1449891

What are you talking about? 90% of the posts on this fucking website are twitter screenshots.

>> No.1450709

They are never going to be fluent in English, just like you will never be fluent in Japanese. You are both going to give up.

>> No.1451143

None of them are going to get good at English playing duolingo, let alone in a month. Even any produces better results and you still can't learn a language with that alone.

>> No.1451171


>> No.1451455

not him but i really dont understand how to enjoy those entry level jp/en learning videos. both some en member speaking awkward japanese and some jp member doing awkward english arent funny or fun. guess if viewers actually enjoy it, it's all about a sort of shock value. once viewers get used to it, they feel nothing bout it. or especially eops just want to seek validation from japanese vtubers. in fact i rarely see japanese posts in the comment sections of en vtubers.

>> No.1451666

I watch them in the background while working or doing reps myself. Noel streaming every workday is perfect for that.

>> No.1451803

so you dont really enjoy the content itself. i dont wanna listen to an en member speaking awkward japanese.

>> No.1463455


>> No.1463808

And does anyone care or are we here to mock them?

>> No.1468081

It was hilarious, people crying that even a native would get some of it wrong. As if lmao

>> No.1469593

I feel bad for being an eop but I'm mentally ill and I'm basically retarded in regards to learning stuff

>> No.1469948

She stopped.

>> No.1470077

They don't hate them that is true, they are a market that is worthwhile, but if you think that they are just going to speak perfect English in a few years, you are delusional. I will now watch raw zatsudan archive streams to flex on the coping EOPs who think that 2 hour duolingo streams will actually make this possible for them too someday. I look down on you all with aristocratic contempt.

>> No.1470359

This, i don't get people saying they watch something and then they relegate 1/10th of their attention to it while they do some other "main" thing. You people aren't actually watching or caring at all.

>> No.1470793

Getting the occasional broken English only stream is more enjoyable than them being fully fluent. If they get to that level then it's all good.

>> No.1471215

>Towa and Aki have no English skills
>Aki hs no english skills
After Aki was ''''''saved'''''' by reddit her english took off like a storm, nowadays she can read and speak a lot of things normally.

>> No.1471336

Stop making shit out of your ass

>> No.1471900

What do you think I made up? That I don't like EOPs that are too lazy to learn how to behave. Or that EOPs don't care about the rules and will just act like how they do in every other stream chat. The former is an opinion and I have no way to prove to you that it is genuine, but for the latter just go into almost any stream with a large amount of EOPs and you will notice them talking to each other. This is even more the case before the stream starts.

>> No.1473196

Duck spotted

>> No.1474729

Seeing them go about the motions, working hard to improve, is where the enjoyment comes from. They're preparing for and taking on tests that slowly increase in difficulty and we watch them learn and grow as they overcome these challenges. It's a pretty basic structure for generating engagement, used all the time in fiction.
