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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13692514 No.13692514 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13692568

i don't like the sound of Korean

>> No.13692610

I don't know, I can't understand korean.

>> No.13692626

They only are popular when they speak english

>> No.13692681

They're not hololive

>> No.13692756

Probably because no one actually gives a shit about korean entertaiment because they don't have any ideas of their own.

>> No.13692843

Normalfags like the dancing type of Korean, not the digital ones.

>> No.13692851

입 다물어 이 더러운 영어를 하는 돼지야

>> No.13692892

the average korean thinks vtubers are cringe, and the ones weeby enough to like them are into hololive

>> No.13693232

That's essentially that yes.
It's either you think it's cringe, either you're weeb enough and well, you speak japanese so you go watch JP Vtubers

>> No.13693347

Calm down Kim.

>> No.13693425

Koreaphiles are mostly women, which, as evidenced by the lack of success of male vtubers, is the same reason Korean vtubers aren't very successful.

>> No.13693467

Bts has the entire market cornerrd already

>> No.13693519

Roha is so hot. I NEED to fuck a Korean street fashion girl

>> No.13693539

don't they simp 3d streamers instead? that list where pekora was top 5 viewership for 2020 had a korean cosplayer in it

>> No.13693571
File: 66 KB, 551x551, GLASSES_WINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you forget about someone OP?

>> No.13693591

streaming market in skr already belongs to mukbang/titty streamers and esports niggas

>> No.13694944

Vtuber market hasn't boomed yet in KR

>> No.13695027 [DELETED] 

Gook incels hate gook women and worship Japanese women.

>> No.13695232

Korean is one of the worst languages to listen to next to Chinese and Viet.

>> No.13695286

Because Korea has BTS, they don't need cartoon women

>> No.13695313
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The answer is obviously HolostarsKR. I've witnessed one kpop schizo from /trash/gaypg turn into a Regular, so it's definitely possible.

>> No.13695327

You're not a Korean if you didn't grow up in Korea

>> No.13695373

Koreans want two things.
-Highly airbrushed & jaw-shaved 3D women
-Horrendously proportioned borderline pornographic 2D women
Doesn't really work with something that mostly just shows the upper body.

>> No.13695430

Ethnicity trumps nationality.

>> No.13695453

Diaspora cope

>> No.13695465

Korean weeaboos hate their countrymen (like all genuine weeaboos) so they do their very best when it comes to shunning genuinely korean vtubers. Funnily enough, should an EN vtuber pander to them even slightly, they'll latch on super hard. E.g.: Bae.

>> No.13695514

>gay pee gee is on /vt/
Jesus christ...

>> No.13695532

I like Ban Hada though.

>> No.13695616

Koreans are the hottest of the East Asians, but they have the most vapid personalities.

Korean hotness goes away in 2D, so there's no reason to watch them.

>> No.13696905

‼HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼‼‼‼ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING SQUID GAME REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1 ! SQUID GAME IS THE BEST FUCKING SHOW GIHUN IS SO EPICCCC COME TO THE GATHERING AREA AND WATCH ME COUNT WHO DIED WHY IS NO ONE TRYING 2 BREAK OUT OH YOUR SQUID GAME FAN? NAME EVERY GAME THEY PLAY I think it was PLAYER 1!It wasnt me I was watch ATT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! r/squidgame r/unexpectedsquigame r/expectedsquid perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedth

>> No.13698233

I will learn Korean because Hari is cute.

>> No.13698418

Didn't NijiKR have a bullying scandal that fucked them over?

>> No.13698508

Koreans used to be very proud of their pure blood, since most of them were slaves under the Joseon Kingdom it was all they really had.

>> No.13698575

Korea is dominated by KPOP

>> No.13698922

They really only grow above others if they pander to either JP or EN crowds.

>> No.13699605

Because most Korean stream watchers are on Twitch.
There are quire a few 5k average viewer Korean vtubers there.
VT and most of the vtubers we watch are on YT instead, so we don't hear about them.

>> No.13699941

But did you forget about SOMEONE? >>13693571
Also doesn't help that most of the koreans in twitch stream irl or are Sykunno incarnated.

>> No.13700043

koreans hate themselves and worship western stuff

>> No.13700065
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It's more of a problem with Nijisanji than with Korean vtubers. Anycolor can't promote their foreign branches for shit. Hololive gets more popular in Korea than KR does without even trying.

>> No.13700148

I've got a shipment of white teens coming in about 3 months. One huff of these korean babes and they're gonna go bonkers for em.

>> No.13700854
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This is actually true. Nabi for example gets 10x the sub and viewcounts as most of NijiKR. And Payri Pro was popular before Nijisanji came in and tried to buy all of them, only to instead take all their character models and channel hostage.

>> No.13701449

More like you're not a korean if you joined HoloEN

>> No.13701499
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>> No.13701762

A lot are on AfrecaTV as well.

>> No.13701785

>i can see emojis on 4chan now
What the fuck

>> No.13701800

Is Afreeca still a thing? I was under the impression that it was pretty dead for a while.

>> No.13704167


>> No.13704372

Bora does alright. What do you mean it’s because she just speaks Japanese and you wouldn’t realise she was Korean if you went in blind? What do you mean she’s graduating in like three days?

>> No.13704518


>> No.13705881

Korean doesn't sound as nice as Japanese, like Chinese each syllable is too short and sharp, it's a literally psychological drain to listen to the Korean language speak for too long.


>> No.13706012

>Koreaphiles are mostly women
It's even worse than that, Anon
Koreaboos are overwhelmingly black and hispanic.
Kshit and "stan" twitter is filled with BLM shit and underage POCs trying to cancel each other.

>> No.13706116

Are they? I see mostly white "women" being obsessed.

>> No.13706251
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yes because mouth breathing fatasses like pic related definetly represent the entire country of italy.

shes pretty much a white canuck
