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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13672812 No.13672812 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make a list of VTubers that've interacted with Vshojo so we know who to avoid.
I'll start:

>> No.13672878

Me bitch

>> No.13672893


>> No.13672915


>> No.13673013

>Defending the pink cat
Go back.

>> No.13673026

Polka said positive things about Nyanners, so effectively as of now I will never watch a Polka video again.

>> No.13673104

It's time to stop being an underage phoneposting tribalfaggot and accept unity in your heart. Nyanners and your oshi WILL collab because your oshi does not share your mental illness, so you better start making peace with it so you don't end up roping when it happens.

>> No.13673134

Thanks for the warning.
Dont forget Kizuna AI. Not like shes relevant anymore anyways.

>> No.13673144

Once we get the list drawn up we just have to figure out who THOSE people interacted with and then blacklist THEM

>> No.13673148

Suisei and Miko are going to interact with them.
>Kizuna Ai

>> No.13673172


>> No.13673272

Is being a schizo good for you?

>> No.13673326

I'm sure these fags will try to muscle their way into talking to them, but Patra will protect them. Also, considering Japan is still on lockdown their part is probably prerecorded.

>> No.13673337

TBF, that collab with pikamee was so legendarily scuffed and terrible it essentially made Pikamee never want to go near vshojo again.

>> No.13673365


>> No.13673423


>> No.13673481

>Retard youtuber makes video after he gets swated
>Vshojo are upset he didn't talk with him first
>retard did talk with some of them and got go ahead with management
>realised it makes vshojo look bad for not protecting people earlier
>shit on retard and pretend he is 2nd hitler

>> No.13673489


>> No.13673511


>> No.13673555

Am I wrong? Did she collab with them after that? I don't watch twitch thots and I don't remember them showing up on Pikamee's channel.

>> No.13673648

Unity for any vtuber that isn't a social justice cunt!

>> No.13674589

Ame says she thinks Nyanners is funny. Sometimes. Faint praise makes pink cat coom.

>> No.13674621

Go back /pol/fag. Gura just posted her pronouns on Twitter

>> No.13675059

She had a collab with Ironmouse iirc

>> No.13675310

Pikamee loves Vshojo. Even Pomu who various /vt/ spergs bleated was so wronged by the Zen collab has collabed with Vshojo since then, in Crab game.

>> No.13675487
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add those, in the future you will need to stop watching vtubers, or settle on 2 views

>> No.13675557

i'm sorry gura is too based for you, oh she also a cunnyseur too

>> No.13675726

What happened to her? She was like the top dog and the progenitor of the trend yet she's so irrelevant these days.

>> No.13675751

Eat shit. I couldn't care less about pink cat (she's boring more than anything and the drama around VShojo in general is just retarded) but I won't stop watching Pomu. Even if she is KFP, which is admittedly regrettable

>> No.13675785

Cope. Kiara said nigger onstream and never apologized.

>> No.13676236

Her VA was replaced by her company and they lied about it and tried to hide it and when they were called out they brought the original back to do damage control and say that she totally was never replaced.

>> No.13676441

Yeah. Her pronouns are cute/funny you disgusting fucking troon.

>> No.13676684

I wasn’t kidding. Look, she really added them.

>> No.13676770

That’s because it’s not a bad word where she comes from. She’s fine.

>> No.13676786

I literally live on her twitter.
No she didnt unless you are implying her pronouns are /here/ and hungry

>> No.13676802

fuck off tranny

>> No.13676840

Nyanners, Silvervale and Ironmouse are appearing at VILLS. Shut /vt/ down, the Western whores already won.

>> No.13677008

All of niji en
Whoever your oshi is
Kizuna ai

Please stop watching them so i never see you spergs while i enjoy their streams

>> No.13677080

>Vshojo hate thread number 10000
I look forward to the 50 more in the next week.

>> No.13677137

cope faggot

>> No.13678039

Yeah, they clearly wanted to keep making money off of her incase something happens to the VA.

>> No.13678454

Even if I go look (and I won't), you wouldn't ever know, so why would you even try to trick people with this? You're not very smart.

>> No.13678569

You’re in for a very unpleasant surprise, I guess

>> No.13678587

What that shes hungry?
Shes always hungry dude.

>> No.13678611

The only reason you’re not looking is because you know that I’m telling the truth

>> No.13678754

But I am looking I literally said I live on her twitter right here >>13676786
I never have it closed and am constantly refreshing like a true schizo who loves their shark wife. I want to know if she is feeling any better or if she will say hi to the new kids.
Your bait is sad at least say she sucks and doesnt care like all the other bait fags you fucking Nyanners simp

>> No.13678931
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>> No.13680875

how is your hormone replacement treatment going?

>> No.13680958

You have to hit F5 to see it

>> No.13681182

Haha wow how schizo and petty can Nyanners antis get? I really love Nyanners now! See you back on the discord!

>> No.13681423

the pink cat makes me laugh, don’t care

>> No.13681624

vshojo is based because they make the most autistic faggots on this board seethe.

>> No.13681760

>so we know who to avoid.
Avoid vshitjo, especially naynner. Not everybody has the information we have on this cunt.

>> No.13683373

Based pink cat enjoyer

>> No.13684189
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>> No.13684290

Shut the whole /vt/ down, they are associated with Pink Cat and interact with her too frequently

>> No.13684407
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>no streamer can ever make power wash simulator good
>pink cat up in your ass
>ps toilet rating stream

>> No.13684649
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>no streamer can ever make power wash simulator good

>> No.13685088

You're sort of a jew yourself.

>> No.13685154
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>> No.13685202

quit larping, none of you actually give a shit about the Vshojo drama

>> No.13685241

Moririn is still cool, and Ollie too.

>> No.13685245

Arcadum was fun
This one is just a nothingburger
What is there to even rrat about?

>> No.13685417

>accept unity
>for a sociopath that can't stop sperging out
late reply but this is hilarious

>> No.13685658

>The vshoujo schizo is going after Pikamee

You mad that your assburger campaign over the Holiday didn't convince anyone?

>> No.13685710

BR ?

>> No.13685746

4chan interacted with Nyanners a lot, you should avoid it starting now

>> No.13685775

Who is the current strongest western vtuber? the pink cat?

>> No.13685934

The strongest American vtuber is kson.

>> No.13685959 [DELETED] 


>> No.13686529

Fuck's sake, how long are you gonna hold this grudge? So what she said lolicon was bad, got troll's remorse from yelling "bitches suck nigger dicks!", and became a woke-y? If it doesn't have anything to do with her content then why the fuck should anyone care?

>> No.13687600

Ironmouse is bigger

>> No.13687698

I'll stop when she learns to care about people that aren't herself and from recent events I doubt that'll happen anytime soon

>> No.13687745

Ironmouse has more twitch followers, Nyanners has more viewers, so depends which you base it on.

>> No.13687799

Yeah I should have said "based on what?"

>> No.13687889
File: 33 KB, 428x716, fjsXeEcecsfiwifhenx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Let's make a list of VTubers that've interacted with Vshojo so we know who to avoid.
> I'll start:

>> No.13687919

Vshojo sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of those girls, skirts/shorts hiked all the way up and tits bigger than their heads.

>> No.13688020

>/vt/ goes full circle and becomes tumblr
what a timeline

>> No.13688287

Ironmouse's overlap with Nyanners is so humongous that Nyanners felt bad because Ironmouse's true viewership was sub-3k when she tried streaming at the same time as Nyanners. Ironmouse can only succeed in the absence of Nyanners.

>> No.13688317

Ah yes, nyanners and her massive tits

>> No.13688361

oh shit
a rrat

>> No.13688420

You're almost as pathetic as her in your obsession.

>> No.13688498

Nyanners literally ends her stream because of Mouse's low viewership. It's an undeniable fact. She then proceeded to shed tears over it on a Myau stream.

>> No.13688550

my oshi won't collab with nanners cause she's a loli
