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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 45 KB, 433x433, Woolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
135496 No.135496 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this?

>> No.135919

I wish he'd just use it for something already. Or collab with Plague.

>> No.136752


>> No.140666

Liam would be perfect as a vtuber but for some reason Woolie never makes videos with him anymore

>> No.140778

I like him as a girl better
Also this, but we only get a cowardly refusal to do anything.

>> No.140818

What the hell happened to Sekiro?

>> No.140851

Liam was objectively the worst member of the best friends crew, Last thing I'd want is for his unfunny ass to try his luck as a vtuber

>> No.140865

Eyes are too feminine

>> No.140901

>for some reason
they're likely not on good terms considering that Woolie still does stuff with Pat and Pat is unambiguously the one everyone hates now

>> No.140924
File: 10 KB, 240x250, 1611460445636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reminding me the zaibatsu is dead and never coming back

>> No.142192

Name one vtuber whose eyes aren't feminine.

>> No.142683
File: 342 KB, 3607x781, 1611980635142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annoying orange

>> No.142969
File: 85 KB, 456x483, 1612088514795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let all these SPBFP fat fucks die in obscurity already. Literal manchildren way past their prime. Both as men and creative personalities.

>> No.146748

lol, I enjoy the Guilty Gear Lore videos
I wish there was more stuff like this and fighterpedia every now and then

>> No.147010

Wake me up when he starts streaming with the female version.

>> No.147033

I can fap to it

>> No.147044

What's the last non-podcast thing Woolie has done with Pat?

>> No.147138

Isn't CSB eaten by RoosterTeeth? This timeline fucking sucks, and can only be saved by vtuber woolie.

>> No.147237
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>> No.147355

Woolie didn't enjoy playing it. Fair imo.

>> No.147463

I blame Pat.

>> No.147625

I did not expect to see a SBFP thread in the V-Tuber board. And of course it's all doom posting.

>> No.147745

>a group of people come to visit a grave
>"damn why is everyone just doom posting?"

>> No.147967
File: 334 KB, 420x420, 1612039309910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw the only interesting thread on /vt/ is a thread about anons bitching about SBFP and CSB

>> No.148368
File: 79 KB, 800x595, 9y6nv31ks1rz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damnit woolie do a collab with plague or super eyepatch wolf using this you exceedingly retarded yet highly entertaining fuck

>> No.148442

ew a nigger

>> No.148502
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x1500, PatGura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this, Plague hardly uses his avatar despite it having given him so much grief in making it, he doesn't even use it when streaming on twitch.

>> No.148799

Just chalk it up as yet another "project" woolie complained endlessly about working on that went nowhere because he's too stupid to do anything with it honestly. Maybe him and pat will be able to stop their rapid slide into being irrelevant and a lolcow respectively. Maybe.

>> No.149447


>> No.149539

What'd he do now?

>> No.149632

>Uses Vtuber avatar
>Its a ugly cat
>Only uses it on content that most people listen to as a podcast.
Plague baffles me. Like, half the time he's the smartest person in the room, and the other half I'm amazed he managed to put pants on.

>> No.149750

I genuinely lost track of them immediately once the channel stopped uploading
Someone give me the rundown on what's been happening with the 3 of them. Idgaf about Liam

>> No.149799

Pat and woolie did one last LP together, DMC5 (which is pretty great) And then went on to do twitch streaming. Woolie's group now consists of nothing but ESL's and people dumber than him.

>> No.149855

Fuck, Castle Superbeast is awful and anyone who enjoys it must be retarded. 5 hours of Woolie and Pat thinking they're hilarious because they're talking about vomit or shit or similar subject matter in a serious tone after regurgitating opinions they took from a Twitter thread about the latest internet controversy.

>> No.149890

that's irritating. I don't have 6 hours a day to watch the pie thief or lucky charms do their own separate thing. Why can't they make compilations or something for my leisure?

>> No.149911

They seem to have forgotten that making content IS their job.

>> No.150023

>using a avatar of himself

This is how you know the people who doesnt get why vtubers are popular.

>> No.150807

Hes got that hermit problem, where he thinks all the time, but because he doesn't interact with people he doesn't know what things he believes are stupid.

>> No.151158


>> No.151192

Because Liam was always a baby bitch ironic weeb with thin skin
Worst of the bunch

>> No.151699

You've missed the first Death Battles thread, it was more civilised than any other thread on this board will ever be.

>> No.151939

it wasnt that civilized

>> No.154865


>> No.155540

Reggie and Minh never grew on me, they're just not charismatic or funny. I know Minh was a longtime editor and friend but fuck, they're debuffs. Woolie should be collabing with Plague and maybe Oney.

>> No.155830

Reggie's a funny motherefucker, and Mihn is a whole other class of awkward mess who manages to accidentally dodge literally every joke and opportunity to riff, which is pretty funny in it's own right. But trying to watch them is definitely a big case of "it's just not the same"

>> No.156139

I mean, I like them. Dokapon was good, and Reggie is doing a good run through of Demon's Souls. Woolie's choice to go with them instead of his more established contacts was pretty deliberate, you know. "New thing", instead of "more of old thing". I mean, it's hurting him really badly. But maybe what emerges at the end will be worth it?

>> No.156356

I would have liked Reggie to just stream DeS on his own. Woolie's not back seating back seating is getting really awful to watch. I like Reggie a lot, he's a fun guy, but he's not a good match for Woolie as a player.

>> No.156945
File: 29 KB, 327x326, 1614858230902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Collabs with your oshi*

>> No.156977

I'm not going to read a single post of this thread but I know it's going to be nothing but bitching about how Woolie would rather build his own identity than rely on nostalgia from fags who don't even watch him, Pat, etc anymore.

>> No.157504

His pool-full-of-dead-wildlife-critters rant was insane!

>> No.157513

Didn't Plague say that he made the avatar because he realized he had paid like 2 years of the software and never used it, so he might as well do it once?

>> No.157585

Not sure how much of this boards "rules" apply to half assed Vtubers like Woolie, but I had to cut that podcast out of my life like a tumor. How can anyone stand listening to Woolie flail around like a fucking baby every time he thinks someone is saying his opinion is wrong? You'd think he'd just started making content yesterday, but he becomes such a fucking crybaby over seemingly nothing.

>> No.157844

Maybe, but it still gave him a month or so of grief so he might as well get some mileage out of it. It's the same principle.

>> No.158463

Yo, Naoto is trans tho

>> No.160142

We need to make Vtuber Woolie blow up. I think it'd be hilarious. And it'd be yet another 'one-off gag that keeps coming back to haunt him' like so many.

>> No.165216

Reggie is pretty good when they are competing or woolie is fucking with him. Problem he rarely initiates shit if he isn't involved. So it tends to be dull when he isn't playing and woolie is throwing things at him. I enjoyed their old pop off skits

>> No.165459

What ritual must be done in order to have the ultimate fisticuffs recording unearthed?

>> No.167911

I just want more woolie merch

>> No.168393

Just buy the shit that he has out already

>> No.170384

>but I had to cut that podcast out of my life like a tumor.
I'm about there myself, but I'm struggling to find other things to throw on in the background

>> No.171676

Woolie can beat us all in a fight.

>> No.171752

>This is the state of the SBF now


>> No.171758

not all at once

>> No.172386

Discussion about content creators on /vt/ should be about their content as vtubers.

>> No.172648
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>> No.172651

Utterly tired of these Canadian midwit failures. They had their chances.

>> No.173504

I totally missed that he even made an avatar, I knew he mentioned it was in the works at some point because he didn't want to fall behind

>> No.173517

Make /incel/ - Internet Celebrities then dickwipe.

>> No.176500

I dunno, I still use it as background noise. It's still workable for that.

>> No.176574
File: 142 KB, 1000x750, ErO_eiOXYAIwjos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On another note, anyone hype for Better Woolie's debut?

>> No.177924


>> No.178151


>> No.180444

Is posting annoying orange in random threads cool? Because that is happening alot.

Even as a joke, I really like woolie's model, and wish he did more with it.

lowkey hype.

>> No.180832

have you listened to the podcast? pat is fully gone, woolie still has some chance.

>> No.180871

woolie is white in stealth, he likes muse.

>> No.181090
File: 121 KB, 640x904, e4ur4zo3pee51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fem woolie was the hottest shit there was, but we will literally never get a real vtuber like that because Japan is allergic to anything outside of the safe moeblob sphere

>> No.181141

Liam went fucking crazy after the group disbanded.

Fuck off back to /co/.

>> No.181743

brennan proving hes the superior woolie once again

>> No.184564

Will he do more videos with the rig?

>> No.184588

I think Woolie not going to ask for help to bigger channels like max's and sticking with nobodies really hindered him, we are 2 years in after SBFP collapsed Matt's channel has been going great because he swallows his pride and likes to go and force himself into a lot of channels, woolie doesnt and has stagnated his channel badly, the numbers are still the same as they were 2 years ago, its not going anywhere and woolie is very stubborn to realize the problem is within himself, not the games he plays/LP's, woolie wants to become as big as Max to be an "ambassador" for fighting games, what woolie doesnt realize is that those numbers and audience Max got , he didmt got because of fighting games but more Mainstream games like call of duty, Max triumphed on twitch because he was able to stomach normie games something Woolie the hipster will never be able to

>> No.185486

is liam a trap yet?

>> No.185517


>> No.185526

Looks cooler than other v(agina)tubers. More stylish artstyle.

>> No.185589

does stuff to my peepee

>> No.186120

Liam has left the e celeb sphere and is now pursuing a career in game dev
