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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13367361 No.13367361 [Reply] [Original]

If a big name anime studio chose to do an official hololive anime, would it flop or be aoty?

>> No.13367432

It won't be terrible or great.
It'll be so mediocre, so mundanely average, that everyone will forget it ever happened.

>> No.13367606

I don't know but the only way it will work is if there's no dub of the opposite language, like Mori is subbed in the jp version/Marine is subbed in the en version. Also the girls should have heavy input into their characters.

But I have a feeling if this ever happens it will be a trainwreck.

>> No.13367685

They should get Japanese actresses to voice the EN girls, I've already heard what their voice acting sounds like in the Umisea shorts and it is not good.

>> No.13367746

this except for their regular streams

>> No.13367893

flop, cover has awful lore writers and holo alt comic is dead on water

>> No.13367907

They could make a decent CGDCT out of it but from our end it would just be people complaining that their oshi wasn't center stage.

>> No.13368004

They're idols and THEY FIGHT CRIME

>> No.13368062

Fuck you I will never forget "Virtual san is watching"

>> No.13368252

It would completely ruin /a/ so I hope an official Hololive anime never happens

>> No.13368295

It would completely ruin /a/ so I hope an official Hololive anime happens

>> No.13368426

Cover would put their tendrils into the creative process to keep their idols' images clean. At best it would be mediocre.

>> No.13368465

Don't make some 22 episode anime about hololive, unironically just copy what China did and every 6 months or something depending on how it performs, do some ridiculous 2 hour show starring random members playing new characters. There is no way you could do anything with these characters in a traditional format without it being a giant mess, so doing something like that honestly gives them opportunities to feature various members and put them in scenarios that give them a little more creative freedom, even if that leads to a kind of weird final product.

>> No.13368482

/a/ has been ruined for a while

>> No.13368521

Only a few holos can actually do voice acting, so either the cast for the anime would be very limited, or it would sound like what you hear in holographiti.

>> No.13368537

>official hololive anime
who will be VAs?

>> No.13368554

>Lore focused
It'd be mediocre at much

>> No.13368563

Cant wait for the forced drama ep where kiara tries to quit and calli has to bring her back with the power of freindship.
Will new girl irys ruin the group dynamic? Find out next week.

>> No.13368574

everyone is voiced by ayame

>> No.13368641

Chris Pratt

>> No.13368672

For EN?
Sayaka Ohara
Sawashiro Miyuki
Kobayashi Yuu
Kayano Ai
Kitamura Eri

>> No.13368670

It would be SOL trash, i need to stop watching vtubers, waste of fucking time. I wish women were capable of love so i could marry and love one, instead of watching vtuber bullshit.

>> No.13368746

We need a self-insert protagonist who goes around recruiting the girls to become streamers by solving their problems and charming / befriending them.
Like Bakemonogatari.

>> No.13368751

>Sawashiro Miyuki
Romi Park for Mori or i'm not watching that shit

>> No.13368767

Every anime in recent memory sucks shit. So a Hololive anime would probably suck shit. It'd only be good if it was written by the chuubas themselves.

>> No.13368813

Let's be real here, a hololive anime wouldn't work for various reasons, vtubers are a very niche audience and they would have to pander to people outside of the vtuber bubble for it to be sucessful, some girls would be out of character, some girls would need to be dubbed, they should just stick to manga.

>> No.13368850

fubuki P

>> No.13368863

The self insert character of hololive is a chan

>> No.13368869
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>> No.13368927

your oc doesn't count

>> No.13368938

episodes should be about a tako dealing with cult stuff or a dead beat getting into shenanigans trying to help mori produce music or an investigator solving crimes too retarded for ame.

>> No.13368981

If they ever made a Hololive anime the EN girls would never be in it. At best they would get a tiny background cameo.

>> No.13368983

what's a chan

>> No.13369029

Nothing much, what's a chan with you?

>> No.13369107

Let's be real here, a hololive anime wouldn't work for various reasons, vtubers are a very niche audience and they would have to pander to people outside of the vtuber bubble for it to sucessful, some girls would be dubbed, there's a lot of members, and just because it's "hololive" it doesn't means that it's gonna be good, they should just stick to manga.

>> No.13369108

it should be a series of ova's completely unrelated to each other so you can try diferent genres and stories with each character

>> No.13369161
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this would only work if they make a SoL based on events that happened in stream/collabs and using chuubas as their own voice actors

>> No.13369200

i heard he is pretty cool

>> No.13369276

Idol OVA for the Vsingers
Fantasy/isekai OVA for Gen 3
Hentai OVA for Matsuri

>> No.13369724

that's Yagoo, retard

>> No.13369769

wtf is a yagoo? were you 12 when you named it?

>> No.13372527

Floppy a lot

>> No.13374145

>he doesn't know

>> No.13380449 [DELETED] 

what're you doing in thread? did you get lost, tourist-chama?

>> No.13380580

what're you doing in thread? did you get lost, tourist-chama?

>> No.13380854

Unless it was a 4-koma style series, it would flop.

The only thing they're good at writing is non sequitur humor.

>> No.13381025

Very few holos have actual voice acting chops. That alone would fucking kill the series.

Even if you hypothetically trained them all to be competent somehow there'd still be issues. Varying character designers would make normalizing designs for the art director a nightmare. Trying to write original SOL sequences while balancing the autistic lore with how the girls normally act would be difficult. Figuring out how to make characters designed around audience interaction work without it would also be hard. Etc.

>> No.13381195

>If a big name anime studio chose to do an official hololive anime
They won't, they'll do niji instead as nijis is way more popular there on jp

>> No.13381530

>all these newfags getting baited

>> No.13382815


>> No.13385207
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Needs to be drawn like the males in Douki/Tawawa

>> No.13385341
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Just have Kiara voice every character including the side characters and every sound fx. It's a win-win for everyone.

>> No.13385831

flop, there's no story that would work that wouldnt be a shitty cash in. im SURE someone could come up with something good, but you don't pay attention to the anime industry if you think that happens more than once in a million times.

>> No.13385898
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Here's your MC

>> No.13386060

It's hololive, it'd make monster money no matter what they do

>> No.13386711

sure, but it's not like they had a lot to work with.

>> No.13387964

It appears that the initial response is the most plausible answer.

>> No.13392663

If it's slice of life like Error and the main channel skits then it'll be relatively mediocre.

If it's "fantasy girls in a fantasy world doing fantasy things and going on fantasy adventures" like Alternative then it'll do better.

Omega was wrong about lore being good for streaming. However, an animated series with an interwoven plot, drama and action sequences will always need a premise to justify whatever's happening.

>> No.13392819

>If a big name anime studio chose to do an official hololive anime, would it flop or be aoty?

>J.C. Staff

>> No.13392870

>anon getting double reverse baited

>> No.13394480

. A Hololive animation would have to be dubbed twice. One with real voice actors and another with the streamers. Good luck getting a Japanese company to pay for it.

>> No.13395043

Anime is stupidly cheap to make. Even if you double the cost a 13 episode season being only 4 million dollars is actually very affordable to a company with 15 million in yearly profit that is growing by 100-300% every year. Add in sponsors and spam the shit out of tie-in merch and have your talents do monetized watchalongs and whatever else you can to take the edge off costs and paying a few million to potentially capture some outside audience is a gamble worth trying. If it fails, well, it's not even 10% of your profits for the year.

>> No.13395099

Most everything will be passable or mediocre, catastrophic failures and rare masterpieces are usually killed in the planning stage.

>> No.13395144

It will be a success if they hire SHAFT.

>> No.13398124

Depends. If they do it like Holo Alternativey generic Animu fantasy, it'll be worthless.

Otoh, if they do it like that Sora twitter comic they did, basically a hololive history (including kayfabe; Roboco as an actual robot who wants to be an idol, Marine is a pirate looking for treasure but broke, Akirose got reverse-isekai'd from cyberpunkland to modern Tokyo, Noel and Flare were having a polite Paladin/Dark Elf disagreement until a portal dumped them in the same place as Aki, Pekora rants about the commoners who kicked her out of her kingdom and we follow her as she starts her part-time job as an idol without having any idea what a computer is, Suisei desperate to become an idol, prepping herself for one last interview, blood-covered axe from last night's entertainment casually hanging on her bedroom wall alongside some cutesy plushies and idol posters...), that'd be neat.

>> No.13398320

It will be popular but for short period.
Like KanColle anime

>> No.13399624

Found the actual genius of the thread, everything else will be shit tier even made by kyoani

>> No.13399791

>Ina's Blue Period type story
>Mori's Beck but with Rap instead of rock
>Gura's SOL-Ecchi type shit, Tawawa style
>Ame's Tintin style stories
>Kiara's Seinen-Idol journey stories of failure, depression, and prostitution
