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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13352823 No.13352823 [Reply] [Original]

>Omega is listed under Hololive EN (but not with the other managers)
>Hololive is a girl-only group
>Omega a girl

>> No.13352894

you don't have to be biologically woman to be a woman, chud

>> No.13352998

Really?! how come?

>> No.13353183

literally no source for this cope faggot

>> No.13355492

I don't know what's more rent free in your heads. OmegaIrrelevant or mtf trannies. Take your meds.

>> No.13356563

I will chop my dick if I could enter hololive, Omegatroon is truly a visionary

>> No.13356760

I don't understand why Omega's youtube channel is listed on the Hololive English page. He's not a streamer. There are never going to be any videos.

>> No.13356777

its still absolutely bizarre to me how "i am a godlike entity with no concept of gender so it doesnt matter how you refer to me" became "WTF OMEGA IS TRANNY" and that is still to this day the only way omega is talked about on here. i thought itd die within days but nope

this >>13355492

>> No.13356869

The answer is /v/ and /pol/ tourists who spend 8 hours a day obsessing over trannies. This culminated in someone calling Selen's custom keyboard a tranny keyboard despite her being a biological female

>> No.13356885

Calm down Omega.

>> No.13357334

>Hololive is a girl-only group
>he doesn't know

>> No.13357612

>Hololive is a girl-only group
>he doesn't know

>> No.13357710

What's funny is that Omega's response to "what is your gender" was meant to be a snarky "who gives a fuck about pronouns shit" got interpreted by the ultra conservative /pol/tards as REEE IT'S A TRANNY

If you weren't autistic you would see she was shitting on post-modern pronoun bullshit

>> No.13357737

Reminds me of the guy who was tasked with finding the next Jeopardy host picking himself for the role

>> No.13357741

yeah, she's non-binary

>> No.13357784

just like the other one

>> No.13357815

it's literally a genderless character that talks about pronouns
I think you are doing some corporate damage control here

>> No.13357824 [DELETED] 

>are you a democrat or a republican
>"call me whatever you want"

>> No.13357845

Thailand has different conception of gender since the stone age
why can't rest of the world?

>> No.13357860

>i am a godlike entity with no concept of gender so it doesnt matter how you refer to me
God is a man. There are two genders, not zero or five million.

>> No.13357915

Kronii roomate is enbie, but I don't see people seething about it

>> No.13357928

There are multiple conceptions of God. Not just your western Christian/Catholic bullshit.

>> No.13358009

Most people don't care about Council at all.
It doesn't matter because Omegafaggot isn't a "god", he's a parasite.

>> No.13358035

God is neither a man or a woman, took me 5 seconds to google it, retard.

>> No.13358056

sea nig trannies is the worst thing you could have type, i don't know what I expected from the like of you

>> No.13358065

I met god.
She's black.

>> No.13358110

Omega is a man and his role is the same as A-chan.

>> No.13358168

>Why isn't the hole world like this one shithole
Hm takes you think

>> No.13358178

that cause she doesn't tweet about it to thousands of follower

>> No.13358247


>> No.13358508

alright then. scratch godlike and just put, i dunno, nonhuman or some shit either way its literally just saying "my 'gender' and 'pronouns' are irrelevant and dont fucking matter"

>> No.13358595

>its literally just saying "my 'gender' and 'pronouns' are irrelevant and dont fucking matter"
But they do matter. Everyone is either a man or a woman. This is an objective fact. An attempt to disguise your true identity (a man) as some non-existent third option shows you've fully embraced the LGBTQ+ propaganda.

>> No.13358693
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only 4chan

>> No.13358760

Haachama mentioned that she met or spoke with who described as "EN's manager". Doubt that's omenigger specifically as there must be more than one of them.

>> No.13358818

kenny omega?

>> No.13358971

omega is ina's husband bro

>> No.13359135

Kenny Omega is a man, therefore omegatranny = man

>> No.13359461

this is a vtuber board, why are you discussing management? disgusting

>> No.13359495

>open marshmallows for a non-character to give the shittiest answers to irrelevant questions
>go out of your way to choose to respond to a twitter tranny maro
>I have no gender xD
>omega defender 4trannies perform mental gymnastics to claim this was actually a criticism of gendershit
This faggot existing at all is demonstrative that Cover's chokehold on the EN sphere is largely by accident.

>> No.13359512

Kronii literally talked on stream about how Omega is actually a guy

>> No.13359558

>99.7k subs on their channel.
>Still hasn't uploaded anything.
>Less than 300 subs to 100k.
Has to be easiest 100k subs that a youuber has gotten.

>> No.13359566

Omega (male) is having sex with everyone in EN and you guys are all in denial.

>> No.13359622

>expecting /vt/ to watch streams

>> No.13359689

Not with my oshi, she hates males and will kill omega when the situation is favorable

>> No.13360207

>There are two genders
"Gender" is about words, not people. The three third person singular nominative pronouns are "he," "she," and "it." Their genders are masculine, feminine, and neuter, respectively.

There are three genders. Checkmate, faggot.

>> No.13360214

I guess it would know

>> No.13360235

>God is a man.
t. still doesn't understand the triniy

>> No.13360386

People obviously guessed who was behind Omegle when he made his appearance - the most likely person was some jap music producer, who was writing in english on twitter, including stuff like using a female furry avatar for ERP or something along the lines.

>> No.13360416

i always had it the opposite where sex is sexuality and gender is biological gender(?) but apparantly its the other way around. either way sexuality being a 'social' construct is not really an uncontroversial take - this idea would have eventually propagated naturally in a rationally progressing society.

people with dysmorphia need help, but most of the procedures are in line with modern cosmetic surgery in my eyes. those who deny their biological sex are truthfully homophobic

>> No.13360426

>"Gender" is about words, not people
It's both. Gender in people means man or woman. Grammatical gender is "he", "she" and "it". No other genders exist.

>> No.13360486

>stone age Thailand
This is what I am more interested in, what was Thailand like in the stone age?

>> No.13360673

So, I can be a woman one day and a man the next? Oh dude, what if I just say I'm a woman in certain yabai situations?! I could just, like, get off easy like the rest of em!
Seriously though, you're autistic. Ask a trans "woman" what gender their dog is and then ask them again how they found out.
They'll prob block you afterwards though. Cute win either way.

>> No.13360758
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Kronii is fucking the tranny, bros...
How far have we fallen?

>> No.13360831
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more or less something like this

>> No.13361258

>once again, some schizoid /vt/ bros pay attention to some pronounfags
The eternal circlejerk of cope, seethe and rant will never end.

Omega is at best a nobody, an irrelevant bitch whose only major presence is contained in twitter. We should focus on how he does his job, which to this day has been mostly bullshit (as far as i could see). Even then, that will change nothing.
My dude, the guy went out of his way to specifically chit-chat about pronouns with twittertards. There's was no snark. He was appealing to them and he accomplished what he wanted. Even a neutralfag like me can see it.

Stop being delusional.

>> No.13362944


actual neutralfags don't usually comment on the circle/anti-circlejerk of pronoun bullshitery famalam, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.13363003

Here's your (You).

>> No.13363049 [DELETED] 
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>>once again, some schizoid /vt/ bros pay attention to some pronounfags
> The eternal circlejerk of cope, seethe and rant will never end.
> Omega is at best a nobody, an irrelevant bitch whose only major presence is contained in twitter. We should focus on how he does his job, which to this day has been mostly bullshit (as far as i could see). Even then, that will change nothing.
> >>13357710
> My dude, the guy went out of his way to specifically chit-chat about pronouns with twittertards. There's was no snark. He was appealing to them and he accomplished what he wanted. Even a neutralfag like me can see it.
> Stop being delusional.

>> No.13363110

seething chud
trans people are reality and you can't stop it
even your "based" Nippon is kneeling

>> No.13363251

genuinely, you're trying too hard - you need at least a degree of subtly if you actually want to get people to bite your bait newfriend.

>> No.13363282

Omega was literally created so people would stop putting all those en managers in fan art. It was confusing the Japanese chubas everytime they showed it.

>> No.13363302

I feel like trannies are basically furries. 'I don't have to be biologically female to be a woman!' - 'I don't have to be biologically a horse to be a horse!' - 'I don't have to be biologically ten years old to legally play doctor with my niece!'

>> No.13363310 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1621722155335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genuinely, you're trying too hard - you need at least a degree of subtly if you actually want to get people to bite your bait newfriend.

>> No.13363444

I hate deranged western commies who force everyone to address them with grammatically incorrect pronouns because they're mentally ill or just retarded.

I have yet to see a Japanese trans forcing people to address him as multiple individuals.

The problem is not trans people, but deranged western commies.

>> No.13363609

singular they has existed for hundreds of years retard don't try to play grammar autist like it supports your position and makes you look smart

>> No.13363642

Based ESL faggot

>> No.13363664 [DELETED] 
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>I hate deranged western commies who force everyone to address them with grammatically incorrect pronouns because they're mentally ill or just retarded.
>I have yet to see a Japanese trans forcing people to address him as multiple individuals.
>The problem is not trans people, but deranged western commies.

>> No.13363686

you would be surprised but Japanese people actually respect the pronouns because they are extremely polite
I never had a case where someone wouldn't apologize after I corrected them

>> No.13363787

Do japs try forcing people to use special pronouns? One of the main reasons people hate trannies is their need to force people, rather than kindly ask

>> No.13363802
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>> No.13363887

the truth hurts, i understand being angry but that won't change anything.

>> No.13363943

I'm glad trans people don't exist where I live. At least I've never seen any of even heard of them, apart from on the internet.
Gays are already enough of a nuisance - not that I mind them being gay, suit yourself, but can you not make out at work and act like a woman on her period? Much appreciated.

>> No.13363968 [DELETED] 
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>the truth hurts, i understand being angry but that won't change anything.

>> No.13363983

>I'm glad trans people don't exist where I live
Where is this paradise?

>> No.13364042 [DELETED] 
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>>I'm glad trans people don't exist where I live
>Where is this paradise?

>> No.13364093
File: 280 KB, 1200x1653, johnoliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is John Oliver killing himself?

>> No.13364114

probably some third world shithole where people are too preoccupied with trying to survive

>> No.13364125


Puerto Rico

>> No.13364151

Pretty much all over Germany, and a few years in Austra too.

>> No.13364205
File: 18 KB, 225x346, DF9D4DDA-5C53-4303-A271-926B97A7B837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s either John Oliver or this guy

>> No.13364222


>> No.13364246

I've noticed hispanics (outside of america) are pretty cool when it comes to this stuff. They look down on gays and trannies and are actually incredibly racist

>> No.13364541

Ffs ask them yourself! Their dms are open

>> No.13364578

Hispanics hate just about everyone equally - mostly cause they've been the whipping boys of the late 20th and the 21st century in the western hemisphere.

>> No.13364675

Can you imagine if someone got actual response and made it public here on /vt/?

>> No.13364899

>Source: Reddit

>> No.13365374
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>> No.13365457

part of it is ironic, the way people sometimes use "chumkeks" or "cumbuds" or the like. it's to show they don't respect him, not that they necessarily care about it.

>> No.13366957
File: 181 KB, 500x375, estatua humana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate basedjack with all my being, but this one made me chuckle
Have you (you) kind sir

>> No.13367649

Americans think that constantly.

>> No.13371703

Omega love

>> No.13372235

>pedophile sex tourist tranny weighs-in
Kill yourself

>> No.13374583

See >>13365457
