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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13195147 No.13195147 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13195231

Yes, because the upcoming NijiID wave is all men. Have fun with whoever this girl is.

>> No.13195281


>> No.13195295

Why the hell would they water down the Indog borderline-2view branch even more

>> No.13195724

I hope the anons that collected the data of all graduated chubas in the past year and cross-referenced them with the audition dates to guess who would have been the council/NijiEN girls are on the case again

>> No.13195768

OP meant HoloID3 retard

>> No.13195779

I don't care, I want holostars Id. I want something similar to garit and manca's Asylum gang.

>> No.13195811

HoloID3 or NijiEN4.

>> No.13195831

All male, not happening, plus they have an ID branch for ID chuubas

>> No.13195852

>see valorant on playlist
>see mobile legend on playlist
Hololive is doomed.

>> No.13195880

>All male, not happening
That's false.

>> No.13195906

Maybe cover wanted someone with prior streaming experience, since ID1 was green when they started and the only one that can regularly score over 2k viewer is moona. ID2 have ollie and reine and they are the top earners of the IDs. Adding another holo with prior knowledge might bring in more views and money for the IDs especially since they're planning to open local donation.

>> No.13195910
File: 128 KB, 667x745, Yumeography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku is just running through employees like Taco bell through a Ayame

>> No.13195968

Hey tourist-kun, yume reality isn't yumenographia. Now fuck off from /vt/

>> No.13195976

>N-numbers do-dont ma-matter!

>> No.13195985

>since they're planning to open local donation.
Is this a rrat?

>> No.13196031

They have a branchs for Chinks too but somehow Petra is in EN, so explain that

>> No.13196106


>> No.13196145

Iirc Moona said this several months ago but there's still no follow-ups until now. I wonder what's make them so reluctant to open local donation in Indo

>> No.13196184

i membered one of the IDs, they should've had it set as early as august but keep getting pushback for no apparent reason to this day.

>> No.13196197

It's not, their auditions were specifically for males and the other ENs have referred to it as the male wave multiple times,
Petra doesn't actually speak fluent Chinese, hence why she wrote her posts in English as well back on Bilibili. Her Japanese is much stronger so if anything you should be questioning why she isn't in JP, but she is an English speaking native.

>> No.13196226

I know I didn't say that you assumed I thought they were not take your butthurt back to your /jp/ hugbox

>> No.13196340

I doubt she'll fit in ID3 knowing she's more the vshojo type of streamer

>> No.13196436

her voice is very generic, sounds like reine.

>> No.13196440

Her English is reasonably good. On par with Risu, and she sort of sounds like her when speaking English. Sounds a bit like Reine in Indonesian.

>> No.13196504

it's a Nijisanji male, don't get your hopes up.

>> No.13196558

Is not that they're reluctant about it, it just that they fail to realize it sooner that not everyone has the luxury of donating through streamlabs, especially indog audience. Local donation uses Ebanking that virtually accessible to everyone that owns a phone, no matter how poor and stingy they are they can still donate if they want to. The only problem they might have with it will probably be the constant notifications everytime people donate throughout a stream and some inappropriate messages they have to deal with.

>> No.13196879

HoloID only has Moona and Ollie, occasionally Reine keeping it afloat. The rest are dead weight. Moona got very lucky and in extension the whole branch got a lot more relevant, they also got lucky with Ollie and Reine with ID2. I’m a bit pessimistic that they’ll get lucky again with ID3 though

>> No.13196948

That is what I'm implying, please learn how to read between the lines. If she's an ID girl and seeks to reincarnate somewhere, currently two big corpos are looking for IDs: Nijisanji, and Hololive.
Nijisanji has an open application period for a male only wave.
Hololive is looking forwards to debuting a 3rd wave of IDs and they have to be all female.
It's simple math.

>> No.13196996

blue polar bear also possible candidate for ID3

>> No.13197021

People sort of used ID2 EN 1.5 to fill in dead hours and give Myth some English speaking people to collab with. It's less necessary with Council and IRyS. Even if no one goes out of their way to exclude ID3 they're just not gonna have the same opportunities as ID2 to cultivate an English speaking fanbase. As for getting Indos to watch? It's historically been tough, even if they stream in Indo.

>> No.13197033
File: 910 KB, 1242x1980, AB51AD5E-A7C9-4B60-964A-B082D94E8CC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she is followed by almost everyone. But then again these girls follow a bunch of random ID vtubers

>> No.13197079
File: 81 KB, 240x240, 1636442020358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any dirt on whoever this is?
Boyfriend? Questionable political view?

>> No.13197096
File: 84 KB, 139x135, 1628776008413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that Anya won't feel as comfy with kouhais?

>> No.13197120

>random ID vtubers
Not random the entire island is UNITY the country doesn't matter if you're indie or affiliated they all recognize eachother as one. Really wholesome when you see it live

>> No.13197143

it's a shame that risu decided to be a shitposter than an actual talent, she has the best start among the first gen but progressively chipped away whatever relevancy she had. She could've been the deciding factor of how successful the next gen will be, having 4 of 6 succesful talents is better than only having half of them.

>> No.13197153

it's doomed if they just going to hire someone with bland voice like this, she just sounds like generic indo women i talk to everyday, i hate listening to them and i'll probably hate listening to her too.

>> No.13197163

Nice. Reine has the cleanest EN accent among IDs. Can't wait for the girl to join Hololive.

>> No.13197165

If Ollie doesn't tweet anything at her it'll be kind of a tipoff. Anyway if she's in, and graduating December 18th, they'll probably drop sometime in January. ID2 graduated quite close to their debut.

>> No.13197254

Her English is nowhere near the same level as Reine. A little bit like Risu, maybe Ollie-tier.

>> No.13197292

Ollie's much more confident in her English, her accent is just a bit thick. This girl seems to get hung up on words more often, like Risu.

>> No.13197294

Member of the Islamic Militant group, Jemaah Islamiyah.
Was tangibly involved in the planning and execution of the 2005 bombing of the Jimbaran beach resort and well as the 2005 decapitation of a trio of Christian girls on the island of Sulawesi. She was then captured in a raid by Detachment 88 Indonesian special forces and placed on death row, however following a secret agreement between the group and the government of Indonesia she and 14 other members was released in exchange for the group standing down.
She took to V-tubing in order to earn money since her past made any meaningful employment nigh impossible.
Guess she got her lucky break.

Source: Classified Government files and records.

>> No.13197311

more like niji "en"

>> No.13197591

>People sort of used ID2 EN 1.5 to fill in dead hours and give Myth some English speaking people to collab with
And it's not working out the best for them. Out of all the ID, I would say Ollie has the most Western fans and since Council has debuted her viewership numbers are gradually lowering.

>> No.13197662

Yeah their wasn't really any chance for them to maintain it. It was kind of a "make hay while the sun shines" thing, get as much money and fans while you can and hold onto as many as you can when things get worse.

>> No.13197816

>give Myth some English speaking people to collab with
Yet the ties between ID1 fans and Myth fans are horrible atm, especially with chumbuds for some reason

>> No.13197876

They're talking about ID2 anon, ID1 has always had a weird relationship with Myth. Even Moona who has the worst Japanese among the branch managed to create better bonds with her JP senpais than with Myth. I'm still seething at the fact that we could have gotten a good rival relationship between Moona and Kiara

>> No.13198670

Ah you're right, pretty much all recent holodebuts are intended to back up Myth which is kinda expected with how weird Myth social capabilities are

>> No.13198865

I don't see how vtubing gonna works that well in Indonesia. GFE? Unlike greying Japan and Western countries, Indonesians marry when they're relatively young in their 20s, why bother with vtubers when you have an actual wife. I hope they go hard on music side of things instead. I don't want more ID gens. Cerys seems to be forgettable and generic. Well at least she played Valorant

>> No.13198954

Anon, indonesia has had a thriving vtuber community for almost four years now. Companies like Maha5 exist and they aren't exactly starving on the streets

>> No.13199286

I hope they don't just hire people with language abilities. They should have find someone like Sana/Ina (art), Mori (music production) and Botan/Selen (actual gamer) even if said hires can't speak English or japanese

>> No.13199330

Well, Moona did mention how each member had a focus if that makes sense. For example, Moona and Reine are more focused on Music. Ollie and Risu on Voice Acting, Iofi and Anya on gaming. This trend will probably continue with ID3

>> No.13199333

The HoloID gen formula has been pretty set in stone for awhile now, there's the one that can sing real good, the hyperactive/memester one, and the multilingual one, I don't think they are going to change it anytime soon.

>> No.13199540

>Iofi and Anya on gaming
Hopefully they're better at other games than Mario Kart.

>> No.13199544

spoonfed me

>> No.13199554

Moona is a decent singer, but she's not at MorI level, when it comes to producing music. She lacks connection or friends to make decent album. Her latest covers were mixed badly. Reine has money, but she's not good at singing. Voice acting focus when seiyuu/dubbing culture in Indonesia isn't as developed as the West and japan. Iofi and Anya aren't good gamers. Iofi's only good at rhythm games, idk Anya.. is it horror? Even when compared to council, their set of skills are not impressive. I don't have hope for ID3. I think the future of Hololive ID is they will overlook people with great talents for people who speaks English. That's what I feared.

>> No.13199760

>Even when compared to council, their set of skills are not impressive.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Just my personal preference obviously but Council has not impressed me enough for me to say that they are more impressive in terms of skill, maybe above Iofi and Anya but not the others.

>I think the future of Hololive ID is they will overlook people with great talents for people who speaks English. That's what I feared.
You're not wrong about this though, but the only way to not lose their audience to EN is by, unironically, removing the ID tag. That tag is just a debuff to everyone involved. Reine speaks English just as well as EN, she's also just as entertaining, same with Ollie, but unfortunately, they are overlooked because of the ID tag in their name. That's just inevitable as a very minor branch in Hololive. But I think it's fairer to compare HoloID to its fellow Indonesian competitors and with that, they are certainly miles and miles ahead of them so they're doing fine. They are monsters compared to them, especially Moona.

>> No.13199787

Couldn't agree more. Risu has a voice every female singer on Earth would straight up kill for and she spends her days making her stupid meme shorts that stopped being funny a long time ago. The Ayunda and Risu bit could have been something that was built on properly too. I just really don't understand why you would squander the opportunity that Hololive presents to you by behaving like Risu does. It's almost like she's a Hana fan that wants to be her, but is in a way better position than Hana ever was so it just across as silly.

>> No.13199819

Oh, never mind I misread. But my stance stays the same. I do think though that Cover would still prefer people with talent over language skills. Maybe they just got lucky that 5/6 of them can still multiple languages, but it's not like they're lacking in talent.

>> No.13200160

nah at the start moona is the gaming, risu is the singing, iofi is the variety. Idk for ID2 because I stopped following holo ID before they debuted

>> No.13200204

>Moona is a decent singer, but she's not at Mori level
AHAHAHA oh silly ano-
>when it comes to producing music
okay you got me. and not to mention she still studying on university. its hard to focus both, but we'll see her improvement in making music the future.
>Reine has money, but she's not good at singing
she's not "THAT" bad. but i understand she's not the same level as risu when it comes to singing JP song. but again, she's pretty decent. just need some times to improve.
>Voice acting focus when seiyuu/dubbing culture in Indonesia isn't as developed as the West and japan
seiyuu/VA community is still big in indonesia, but i agree that they lacks of exposure and markets. they need special approaches if they want to succeed.
>Iofi and Anya aren't good gamers
cant argue with that
>compared to council, their set of skills are not impressive
if the context here about being good at games, im also not impressed by council "gaming skills". but their personality what make's people stay and watch them for hours. probably thats what anya and iofi are focusing on, entertaining people with their personality. but desu, i think anya and iofi zatsu's is much more great rather than gaming skills.

>> No.13200276

>i think anya and iofi zatsu's is much more great rather than gaming skills.
This, so to fix anon >>13199330 formula that'll be
>1 vsinger
>1 memelord
>1 zatsudan master
for each ID wave

>> No.13200519

you forgot to mention your oshi zombrap

>> No.13200661

false news, id3 would be the fps queen, the girl who love to cover songs and hana macchia

>> No.13201157

Eh, there’s not really a stand-out zatsu master in ID2 because they’re all pretty great at talking

>> No.13201186

>hana macchia
and by that, you mean what exactly?

>> No.13201302

he means a hafu who can speaks both English and japanese

>> No.13201322

there's this ex-jkt48 member who want to join hololive
she had a boyfriend tho

>> No.13201435

So? There is no rules that you can't have relationship in Holo. Just don't mention them on stream or twitter lmao.

>> No.13201554

>fps queen
So ID3 gonna be Selen killer eh? Interesting if true

>> No.13201649

Well if there will be a genuine gamer, she'll be the top of her gen for sure

>> No.13201710

if you're here when council debuted, you know what will happened

>> No.13201840

NTA but do explain how graduating from uni would fix her choice of mixer.

>> No.13201977

And so? >We are irrelevant

Well, yeah that'll be a problem for sure. But her rate of releasing songs would increase once she graduates, hopefully, she'll find better mixers along the way

>> No.13202195

i hope its yupi

>> No.13202436

if this is the base quality for ID3 then it's over for them.

>> No.13202576

Keep your expectations low. We shall learn from Council and Ethyria's debuts. >>13201977
Not just mixers, she needs to find music arrangers other than Farhan, Tokyo Terrace, and redshift. I personally like something like Pamungkas, but I kinda doubt that the music style is suitable for Hololive, Heakim's cutesy style might work. Is there an Indonesian who could make kpop-style edm-pop music? moona might be into that style.

>> No.13202648

>Heakim's cutesy style might work.
Moona's voice isn't fit for cutesy songs. She fits powerful ballads more

>> No.13202843

when will gita realized that reincarnate a vtuber persona wont bring something new to the fans? its gonna be the same phases of stream, it wont bring any new wave of viewers and ended up just taking their senpais viewership.

>> No.13202952

What about something like this for Moona?

>> No.13203075

Reincarnated or not, ID won't bring in a new wave of viewers unless you branch out like what Ollie is currently doing

>> No.13203163

Maybe something like what her nyori sister have? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF8L0fRqaTI

>> No.13203251

Nah, I don't think that'll suit her at all

This is good and yes, it kinda has the same feel as Ai no Chiisana Uta

>> No.13203264

Yes. Holo ID 3

>> No.13203388

>branch out like what Ollie is currently doing
Did it really work? I do remember that she got a lot from it initially and people were praising her for that, but I don't remember other ID branch member getting any trickle from it, and those fan seems pretty hard to retain. ID also doesn't seem to have much increase these days, especially after council's debut.

>> No.13203440

Treerrat just like to sabotage herself

>> No.13203539

>Did it really work?
For her yes, but as you said, not for the whole branch. Maybe a handle stayed and trickled in, but a lot of them probably transferred to EN or just stopped watching altogether. I guess Moona would be the perfect description of someone who branched out, albeit still from the same company, and both she and the branch benefitted from it. Benefitted would be understating it though, it unironically saved their branch

>> No.13203567

>Maybe a handle stayed and trickled in
a handful*

>> No.13203669

or they could hire a normies, new jokes, new style of stream, new autism because her knowledge of vtubing are zero(not her experience with obs obviously), who knows she could bring something new to the vtubing masses

>> No.13203773

I felt like ID3 will mark a shift in branch focus from being extended part of JP/EN to strengthening their local presence like what holostars did recently with localization being teased heavily from ID talents, so we might be at the point where Cover wouldn't mind a drop in EOP/JOPs to appeal future local sponsorships since this is where holo are still far behind in ID

>> No.13203807

God I hope not.

>> No.13203993

And her parents doubling down on that.

>> No.13204112

its just matter of will. If management proactive enough and try to reach out, big name like mardial, heakim, aviand or rainych team isn't impossible. just depending on your talent connection is just foolish.

>> No.13204288

I doubt they'll approach those type of people, I'd expect holoID to instead grab JP giants like what NijiEN did

>> No.13204335 [SPOILER] 
File: 210 KB, 922x1080, papua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has quite the following for an indie, essentially a cult so very unlikely to ever leave and join holoid. But if she were to get scouted by management, she might proof to be a game changer.

>> No.13204367

Ah, I've heard of her. She's a good singer, right?

>> No.13204479

I guess, kinda sound too nasally for my taste, still cute nonetheless

>> No.13204482

She looks like bootleg UI-mama with 4chan's logo.

>> No.13204501

These Japanese arrangers are not cheap. Even small English corpos commissioned their covers and orisongs to ID talents (arranger, mixer, artists, and MV producers/editors).
>>13204335 What's her CCV? Is it higher than the indie dog kanna tamachi?

>> No.13204516

So i've heard

>> No.13204589

in your dream. remember they got farhan & redshift because of reine and they got weebjay because of risu. do you think "the ID" management wil dare & have any capacity to hire people like TeddyLoid, Soraru, Mafu-mafu, Chiba-Nyan or Beat Mario? why not dream higher and ask Sawano or maybe Ayase Yoasobi to make original song? don't get me wrong, ofc i'll happy if they do (from the bottom of my heart srsly) but i know well how they gonna turn up.

>> No.13204694

Yeah, anons seem to never keep ID income to the equation when talking about this.

>> No.13205033

The 18+ leads me to believe she's Vshojo

>> No.13205049

kek, i respect your opinion. but looking back at ID "people", most of them only like to milk drama. they dont even watch their ID talent(like people on this board).
>muh EN 1.5
>muh ojiisan behind avatar
>muh cringe 2D anime wiggling around
>bringing old drama again and again
yes they are ID and suppose to speak Indonesian. but the irony is, some people who complaint about "speak ID more" is also fans of the holoEN, and most likely they watch more HoloEN than HoloID. im not saying the ID fanbase is worser than other, hell at this point hololive fanbase is just toxic on its own way. but the problem is, HoloID doesn't have a middle ground to stand for, and looking at their growth, its just sad. yes they can hire someone to appeal the local audience, but how they will compete to their senpais that appealing to EOP's? if they succes, it will be a motivation to other ID member to speak more ID. if they fail? probably they will stick to the old formula

>> No.13205157

I'm saying that it if it's managerial instead of talent based decision, they'll look inward to JP, since their management is JP based anyway

>> No.13205249

EN hit jackpot with Mori and her established connections. How to leash these mixers and music producers/arrangers to work for HoloID/prioritize HoloID? I'm still bitter that Farhan was too busy for Moona's covers.

>> No.13205369

>EN hit jackpot with Mori and her established connections
If it's really the case then imo it's weird how Farhan got 2 songs with EN lol

>> No.13205384

>work for HoloID/prioritize HoloID?
By using the old-fashioned way of throwing more money at them, and the only way to generate this kind of money is hopefully by being part of the next Bloom album and joining JP liveconcert.

>> No.13205420

She'll fit right in with Ollie

>> No.13205665


>> No.13205766

Uh.. Because Indonesian labor is cheap? Did Mori ever use Farhan? I only know Gura's reflect.
I'm thinking of locking these guys in Holostars. These Indonesian girls can not compete with first world vtubers and their almighty dollars.
>jp live concert
The Coof won't go anywhere in the near future.

>> No.13205860

Only Reine can compete with the top members in terms of money, maybe Moona but not as much

>> No.13205895

>Did Mori ever use Farhan?
Myth or Treat uses his service with Mori writing the lyrics

>> No.13206265

its futile if they can't (or want) afford it anon, their earning isn't as big as JP or EN. beside some JP talent have their own connection like towa, shion or roboco.

>> No.13206307

There's also the case that they want them to be Indonesian. Moona has explicitly said so for easier communication.

>> No.13206426

NNN year one got her tons of views obviously it's what the people want.

>> No.13206514

It's good as a one-timer, but it gets repetitive which would lead to lesser views over time, as observed by NNN now.

>> No.13206657

like you said, NNN year one. Not a very successful sequel is it?

>> No.13207798
File: 696 KB, 1080x1080, windah basudara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stopped them from collaboration with Windah Basudara?

>> No.13210040

imagine the increase of underage retards spamming "ga bisa bahasa enggress". why not go full retard and collab with any ML YouTuber huh

>> No.13210140

The thing is they did collabed with a fucking esports channel before and endured it, I think most of ID are prepared for that collab

>> No.13210548

>they did collabed with a fucking esports channel before and endured it
what ?
>most of ID are prepared for that collab
the fuck are you on about

>> No.13211242

>what ?
>the fuck are you on about
ML youtuber collab won't be that bad as most here would think, especially since holoID are very adamant about bonking rulebreakers, so no reason to be concernfags over this

>> No.13213125

Don't forget to tweet that you "broke up". And if you are gonna marry, do it at home, only invite your parents. Skip the honeymoon.

>> No.13215155

Probably a coincidence

>> No.13221367

No, just rrats.

>> No.13229368


>> No.13235288

Good question.
