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File: 495 KB, 1273x1800, __omega_alpha_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_fuzichoco__334a3da79d344aa7d5752eb841ba9fc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13087925 No.13087925 [Reply] [Original]

Is OmegaTran just a scapegoat for hololive management and/or blamed for things outside their control?

>> No.13087965

Both to some extent.

>> No.13088072

Yes. Even weirder is people referencing her as a guy over a tweet that actually insults the group dramafags say she's a part of. Basically, there in an unusual amount of hate towards her for no legitimate reason and now it can't even be made into hatefuck art because people spam buzzwords even in her art tag.

>> No.13088206

Considering they are the one in charge of the whole branch, it's perfectly reasonable to blame them for plenty of things that are going on.

>> No.13088302

>hatefuck art
raped hentai?

>> No.13088429

he she it they their her his

>> No.13088482


>> No.13088492


>> No.13088580


>> No.13088730

No, this is a cope anti-rrat, stop trying to hide your crimes omegatroon.

>> No.13089105

> Grape Review

Omega claim all credit of HoloMyth was retard move. At least, it should humble more and praise Yagoo and Coco for helped him advertised HoloEN.

But no , Omega claim all credit and self- proclaimed as The Almighty of Hololive.

That is when hatetrain happened en mass.

>> No.13089168
File: 4 KB, 275x246, 1624772440389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 85 days since Omegaα's first appearance
The only thing this faggot manager does is being Hololive's official vtweeter. He decided to show himself on the first collab of HoloCouncil stealing hype from them only for him to not be a streamer at all
The entire existence of Omegaα is pointless

>> No.13089402

didn't he just say that he was there since the start of holomyth?

>> No.13089404

This and unironically.
Omega is retard enough to debut as the same time as council.

Stole Council thunder and hype for what?

This dick move destroy all hype and momentum of HololiveEN as whole.

>> No.13089766

And you believe all his word?

> Coco advertised HololiveEN as Coco Kaine before March several times
> Cover announced recruited the first Enmanger 23 March sauce Twitter

Omega can not live before Coco was hired anon. If you read Omega carefully, He stated that he was inspired about HoloEN from Reddit community.

But Coco is the one who created Reddit Meme Review by her boredom and become the bridge between EN and JP in the MARCH last year.

Tldr : Omega is lair bastard unless he was Coco's manager.

>> No.13089838

What? He's referred to as he because some of the MYTH girl's referred to Omega as a he a couple of times, do your reps retard.

>> No.13090991

first that hololive reddit site was there even before coco, also you just said he meant reddit in general
But I don't care about that, I was just pointing out that all that thing about taking credit is false. where do that came from?

>> No.13091207

ok but didn't some of them refer to her as a girl

>> No.13091326

image how popular sana would be if she had that instead of brown worm thing

>> No.13091347

if we ever hear them, we will know.
i don't know if shinove, holostar manager, has ever spoken on stream but hearing him would be nice too

>> No.13091405

that is her papa decision, he was given space theme and he made a research an all, that's why she has that color palette

>> No.13091529

Management introduced Coco to reddit

You'd know this if you actually did your Coco reps

>> No.13091930

As a former Tatsunoko and someone who watches Kson i'm absolutely fucking tired of this shitty narrative of Coco being fucking God to Hololive, let's get some shit down 1st of all Coco wasn't even the one that started the Reddit 2nd the 1st ACTUAL official Holo to be allowed to Admin on the site was Artia, I will make it clear because I know you idiots are one tracked minded that I absolutely hate the CCP I think their government is trash and their treatment of their own countrymen and Tawainese and countries within their vicinity is deplorable and that they (Government) need to be delt with.
With that out of the way Artia started rising in the ranks of interest with EOP because she did most of her Twitch streams in English this is while Coco was still spliting her streams with JP/EN. A large number of EN fanbase came in because of Artia and her being officially on Reddit meant they could DIRECTLY communicate with someone without SC.

Coco would only much much later decide to get modderator on Reddit after a long line of other holo JP girls who barely speak English did.

Coco and Haato did not "create" EN they only joked about it because they saw a large increase in their chats (same with Artia). Coco mentioning EN before EN debuted doesn't mean shit of course the tallent are allowed to know these things, I guess ID 3 coming next year means Ollie,Anya,Reine created them right? I guess all of MYTH mentioning (EN2 at the time before the group name) were the inventors of Council by your dumbass logic.

I will end that Coco/Kson is amazing she has done a lot for Hololive and VTubers as a whole she did not or has not EVER contributed to the creation of HoloEN and this blatant revision of facts to propel her to God status needs to end FULL STOP.

>> No.13092628

>Coco would only much much later decide to get modderator on Reddit after a long line of other holo JP girls who barely speak English did.
Wrong. the main Hololive mod and Coco joined 2 years ago. Eveyone else is listed on the mod list as 1 year ago.
>only joked about it
>not EVER contributed
Retard did you even whatch the It's V commercials she did on AsaCoco?

>> No.13092675

later on HoloES will be something created by Amelia Watson

>> No.13093340

thanks for the feedback lol

>> No.13096428

Totally wrong and don't rewrite history Chink or Artiafags.

T-chan and Coco became mod 2 years ago and Artia did nothing for Holobrand.
She just built Artia fandom not the bridge between EN and JP like Coco. Artia did nothing in Reddit until Coco came and this is fact.

Coco advertised HololiveEn so many times in her stream and Asacoco and Artia did nothing!

This anon tell the truth.

>> No.13096607

thanks for the feedback lol

>> No.13096675

> Coco made Reddit meme review
> The first stream that connected EN audiences and JP Hololive.
> Massive growth of r/Hololive came after Reddit meme review.

You should stop lie faggot FULLSTOP.

T. Redditor

>> No.13096775

Who chooses the characters designs for EN? Is it Omega coming up with the concepts and commissioning the artists or is that someone higher up in Cover?

>> No.13096819

This retard is not even read Grape review.

>> No.13096950

Yep. Pretty sure xe is just a character and they let some intern without any power manage xir Twitter.

>> No.13096997

> When Kiara was hired, charecters were finished 90% already.

Sauce : Kiara

My opinion, Yagoo created concept and lore and that is a reason Myth's lore not chuni like council but more like JP branch. Ina was exceptional case

>> No.13097420

If we look at Myth's lore and Council's lore carefully we can assume that Myth is more similar to JP branch than Council.

Myth + JP lore can relate some how
- unnatural diety like Mori ( death = shikigami)
- holy beast in human from = Kiara ( Phonix = Hinotori )
- normal human = Amelia
- another civilization tribe = Gura

But Council's lore is too difference in the past. It is abstract lore unlike the past

>> No.13097870


>> No.13097966

I mean, most people forget Omega exists, so I'm not sure any of Council's thunder was stolen. It was dumb to reveal themselves at that time, however.

>> No.13098292

I hate OmegaTranny
I despise Council
I loathe Myth
I think holoEN SUCKS

>> No.13098347

Omega probably had some say in the process considering he is the founder of the branch.

>> No.13098437

He stole thunder anon. We think he is the sixth member of Council.

The secret member but it just Vtweeter instead and that kill all hype. Even Reddit complain about it.

>> No.13098637

>Still with the Omega is the founder bullshit
That's been so debunked many times in it's not even funny anymore. He was the first Staff hired, that's it.

>> No.13098748

Is he has power more than Yagoo?
No , I think not. If he really involve about HoloMyth. HoloMyth's should be more abstract lore like council not JP branch.

>> No.13098791

> when he was hired ?

1 million question anon

>> No.13098990


>> No.13100169

Are the Jews and scapegoat or ar they the culprits of decadence in our society? The answer is the same anon

>> No.13100245

It's a tranny bro, ze literally serves Satan and also VShoujo and the CCCP

>> No.13100246

I want to have thigh sex with Omega

>> No.13100501

Nope, If that ever happens (I hope fucking never), it will be also Coco's fault.

>> No.13100533

How has it been debunked? He's the first staff aka he's the HoloEN producer that was interviewed by Grapee. So we know he's been working there for quite a while already since he was initially hired by Cover to be in charge of localization work. Likely timeline is he was hired in 2019 and the series of events stated in the interview happened from late 2019 to April 2020 when the auditions were announced.
