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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13071064 No.13071064 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss the VSingers (virtual singers) of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

Previous: >>12685689

Quick VSinger primer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

Upcoming Lives
11/16: Tsukino Mito 1st One-Man Live「箱の中」 https://event.nijisanji.app/tsukino_hakononaka/
11/19-11/21: GEMS COMPANY 3rd Live "CHANGENOWAVE!!!!" https://twitter.com/gems_company/status/1429065953338290178
11/23: VALIS 1st ONE-MAN LIVE「拡張メタモルフォーゼ」 https://ubgoe.com/projects/47
11/25: HOLOLIVE FANTASY 1st LIVE FAN FUN ISLAND https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21112502-enfantasy
11/21: SAKI ASHIZAWA BIRTHDAY EVENT 2021 - "LONELY GIRL AND STRAY CAT" https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/_item/344023
11/27: CocoTsuki Project 1st Real Live [CLOVERS] https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21112718-cocotsuki
12/11: MaiR 2nd One-Man Live https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/448148
12/11: Sanrio V-Fes in Sanrio Puroland https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/211211-12-sanrioVfes
12/11-12/12: Pmaru-sama Peace Parade https://pmarusama.com/peaceparade/
12/12 - Hachi x Boogey 2 Man Live https://twitter.com/_BOOGEY_VOXX_/status/1459838534538256390
12/17: KMNZ 1st ONEMAN LIVE https://fanbeats.jp/projects/220
12/18: ViANKiE 1st one-man LIVE 「INSPIRATION」 https://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/news/166554/
12/18-12/19: Virtual Unit Fes. VILLS vol.3 https://v-clan.spwn.jp/events/21121814-vills
12/21: Kanade MiMi 3rd Anniversary Live https://youtu.be/55fDNsD5nBA?t=9186
12/25: MaRiNaSu 3rd Anniversary Live 「デュナミス」 https://twitter.com/MarinasuChannel/status/1455873229134786567
12/26: HOLOSTARS 1st ACT "JOURNEY to FIND STARS!!" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21122602-engholostarslive
12/28: TUBEOUT!FES -2021 WINTER- https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21122801-TOFES
12/29: enogu one-man Live 2021 Winter -雲外蒼天- https://enogu-official.com/20211007/
12/29: koko 1st ONE-MAN LIVE 「PLAYER」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10129
12/29: Virtual Music Award 2021 https://twitter.com/VMA2020_12_28/status/1440269577833811968
12/30: Shinkai Fes 2021 https://twitter.com/Else_PJblue/status/1455127528054538242
1/22: Tokino Sora Theatrical Cover Live『Role:Play」 https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22012202-lvroleplay
1/22-1/23: Nijisanji 4th Anniversary Live "Fantasia" https://event.nijisanji.app/4thanniv_fantasia/
1/28: MINATO AQUA One-Man Live 2022 "Aqua Iro in WonderLand" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22012802-engaquawnd

>> No.13071930

faster by 4 seconds lol

>> No.13072045
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I waited quite a while since it would just be an image dump to bump the thread during these hours normally anyway, so quite amusing we both did it at the same time.

>> No.13072273

Canna's God knows

>> No.13075460
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>> No.13077615
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>> No.13078046

Is there any chuuba that covered EXA_PICO songs?

>> No.13081273
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>> No.13082459

got a reasonably popular song title we can search by?

>> No.13082531

I miss Riri...

>> No.13083485

Honestly no idea which ones are most popular, I know that EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. and EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. have bunch of views on youtube but that's abut it, most of them also don't really work for solo karaokes

>> No.13084301

not finding chuuba covers, very few utaite
might be too niche
this 2view utaite seem to be the only one that covered multiple https://www.youtube.com/c/ruha-PastelToneMusic
probably because they're focused on game ost. can't think of a chuuba that are focused like that. a lot of them unfortunately like to chase trends.

>> No.13085397

Huh, that's interesting channel, thanks for sharing it
She also apparently worked with people which made some original hymmnos which is really good

>> No.13089325
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>> No.13090622

Hanao Mizuki singing

>> No.13092261

Thats fantastic

>> No.13092262
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Man, this board sure is active to have threads fall off after 40 minutes!

>> No.13093434

Looking forward to Mito’s live, her album was nice.

>> No.13095744
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>> No.13098411
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>> No.13100888

Mito concert free part

>> No.13101484

Cute outfit.

>> No.13103197

This cat is pettable.
What reason is there for the big gap between her and other Gems Company girls?

>> No.13103246

Mito can't sing shit. Does SME only get talents based on popularity?

>> No.13103988

I would say the biggest thing is activity and networking, since Aoi appears pretty regularly at other vtuber's streams, most notably AZKi and the radio show she did with the diva, and she also uploads much more solo musical content then the others from a quick glance.

>> No.13104032

no homo. Amon Yuuku a male that rebranded his account, became a vtuber and is a part of some small startup company called NoNameProduction. He can sing for sure and it doesnt seem like he goes full homo/tranny so maybe he'll be tolerable enuff. There's some singing in each of his 3 streams. no homo btw.

>> No.13104244

he singing live right now actually

>> No.13104254

She's already bigger than the other members before azk even existed.
Hate it when music channels nuke content, unsubbed for that same with Mirea and brave/unlimited group's nuCocoa.
Maybe one day they will learn from Ts0___ and 96neko.

>> No.13104433

Good, fuck brave.

>> No.13104890

charming, confident, with friendly personality
perfect mix to be that popular girl that's friends with everyone. can't stop watching her even if her speaking voice is grating to me.

>> No.13106420

Sora's album corssfade
ViANKiE singing
Yumi singing
Nia piano in 15

>> No.13107416

Nia's sessions are always great. I also appreciate she's one of the few people who'll sing Yorushika on the regular. They're probably my favorite jpop band.

>> No.13107724

Kotone and Sora both releasing a cover album in the same day is kinda cute.

>> No.13107761 [DELETED] 

As much as I'd love covers of them they are too hard + non standard lyrics.

>> No.13107913

Could you happen to know the channels of red and blue? The twitter links are not working.

>> No.13109672

SHUKA (blue?) is on nnd https://sp.nicovideo.jp/user/47713105
Kasumine (red) doesn’t seem to have a personal channel. She’s part of this doujin circle https://modarevo.com/

>> No.13110138

This wasn't posted in /vsingers/ /vs/

>> No.13111330

Thanks anon.

>> No.13111418

I like it

>> No.13111449

Have more like it?

>> No.13111848

I will never understand why Nia privates some of her piano streams. Even if she's not a maestro, they're very pleasant and I wish I could rewatch them.

>> No.13112415

Menhera behavior.

>> No.13114663

Could be worse, she could be streaming on REALITY

>> No.13114754

Honestly, there not being the possibility of an archive is more disappointing then going to watch one only to find that I can't.

>> No.13115206

It is not a very popular song for vsingers.
You could try searching for other gundam seed songs on holodex comments.

>> No.13117550
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>> No.13117568

Anon being able to sing technically well has nothing to do with being able to produce good music which Mito does

>> No.13122290

HACHI is so cool.

>> No.13122307


>> No.13122396

Her papa knocked it out of the park with her design, even if the shoulder shrugged jacket is maybe the most overdone thing when it comes to anime girls and vtubers.

>> No.13125170
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>> No.13129009
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>> No.13131582
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>> No.13131612

Prof bloom and some others en indies are practicing for the christmas choir they are planning on doing.
Koopa is here if you are interested

>> No.13134661
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>> No.13135727

Aoi from prism utawaku

>> No.13136795

where's the konayuki cover sora?

>> No.13141233
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>> No.13141977

Budget kaf, I mean nanoha

>> No.13143018

Does she get any ecchi or nsfw art?

>> No.13143598
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some ecchi or borderline
dunno what her nsfw tag is

>> No.13144238


>> No.13145887
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>> No.13146193

This is out too.

>> No.13146479
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>> No.13146987

Budget nanoha, I mean kaf

>> No.13148417

Kaf is premium only

>> No.13149471

Oni - ai no shinario cover https://youtu.be/w5anBB1iFwk
and singing right after https://youtu.be/NWfTC27fnrI

>> No.13149631

mv in an hour https://youtu.be/kY8fpqf_OGU

>> No.13149672

I can't wait

>> No.13151633

Well, looks like MiMi's NND stuff is paying off since she's in first place for the contest she's trying to win, first round at least.


>> No.13151826

>menhera MV
Sasuga Seiko Oomori.

>> No.13153836

Speaking of her, singing stream starting now.


>> No.13154689
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Hachi guerilla starting now-ish

>> No.13155071

Kizuna Ai
Leona sing+talk

>> No.13155943

For some reason I'm thinking HACHI is sounding more amazing than usual today.

>> No.13156024

She's in the right balance of relaxed and having fun, while still trying to nail them, even if it seems like the majority of them are too high for her at points with where she's starting.

>> No.13158468

>Hachi is asking for singing stream themes

What would you want to see, anon?

Kasane from CT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5genCvi90s
Edo's album launches tonight, though it's split in two for reasons - https://linkco.re/0aegt7H0?lang=en https://linkco.re/StrVpBXB?lang=en

>> No.13159256

I want to hear eroge songs.
The few ones I know either sing horribly out of tune or just plain mediocre, some leave the archive as members only or privated/deleted, or both.

>> No.13161550

I think it's part of the auditions to participate in VTuber Fes Japan 2022, which I'm assuming requires NND streams because I've seen a number of other VTubers who never do NND streams suddenly do NND streams recently.

>> No.13162634

Another hololive remix set
Kokaze singing!

>> No.13165061
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>> No.13167238

More concerned with female x male duets harmonizing, not gundam sneed.

>> No.13167518

One that comes to me off the top of my head is Rikka's collabs with MaiR and Oni


>> No.13167668

Huh, Konbu graduated or something
Deleted her twitter and all, either got scouted somewhere or just decided to quit
Dunno who would scout primarily violin player tho
At least her nico is still up

>> No.13168023

That is a weird one. It's a shame, since I actually did like her cover of Vampire. Deleting to me suggests that she got scouted, since there's no reason to burn everything down if you don't have to, but I also wouldn't put it past nip autism as well.

>> No.13168376

>nip autism
More like >>13112415 which is universal, not limited to japs.

>> No.13168859

True, but deleting everything you've ever done because you're ashamed of it is a particularly Japanese and other Asian countries type of it. It blows my mind that there are people who privated stuff that they submitted to AZKi's DSTM.

>> No.13171799
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>> No.13173430 [DELETED] 

Am I tripping or did kamitsubaki have something to premiere today? I can't remember because I don't see it anywhere.

>> No.13176081


>> No.13176149
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>> No.13180617
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>> No.13180636
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>> No.13185712

Thanks. I'm here on time too.

>> No.13187578
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I really liked it and Koko looked great

>> No.13189717

You'll have to mainly go to Niji for that, here's a couple of nice ones that Chima has done
Also the whole raindrops project is a gem for this stuff

>> No.13191364
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do you have a favorite deep-voiced vsinger?
also, do you you have soundposts of your favorite vsingers

>> No.13191524

Niji music isn't really my thing. Are there any other vtuber groupings for this before going to utaites?

>> No.13191616

Sou Hayase, Rene, Ange, and Melissa are all nice, not sure if I have a favorite between them though

>> No.13191802

I will be honest, the music and production values are great, and IsekaiJoucho solo parts are always awesome, but the tune is rather boring and samey. Change to another composer.

>> No.13191826

The cover you asked more recommendations of was literally done by two Niji livers >>13110138. No other vtuber group is going to have this level of male/female collabs with regular duets and group covers, so you are shit out of luck

>> No.13191946

Oh also you can try Dustcell which is a male/female duo that is tangentially connected vtubers being repped by Kamitsubaki and featuring an ex-Niji liver. Lots of rapping in their songs, so ymmv

>> No.13192411


>> No.13192675

I enjoy Towa the most but there's also Okayu, Rene also both Kasane and Cocone from cocotsuki can reach some low notes

>> No.13195329


>> No.13195430


>> No.13196257


>> No.13196408
File: 57 KB, 900x900, Akatsuki Luci-Sono Chi No Sadame[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F651vov.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akatsuki luci

>> No.13198345
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>> No.13198872

What's her problem? https://twitter.com/kotonegami/status/1461265710131212290

>> No.13199597

Bound to be a bitter old cat lady.

>> No.13201407

Anyone watching?

>> No.13201717

Was gonna post after it ends but yes
>sinsekai is basically kamtisubaki 2.0 with different names under its wing
>aru is appearing in valis live (3D please)
>valis new song
>aru covering a valis song
>asu original song
>Type P a cute

>> No.13201866

Type P hinted that Aru will be moving so most likely 3D.

>> No.13201999

Pちゃんさん going all out

>> No.13202076
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Let's hope they snatch some top tiers

>> No.13202453

Valis new original

>> No.13202556

Edo Lena crossfade
Ratio singing
Amano Oto as well

>> No.13202742

Hibana singing

>> No.13202786

Generally speaking I haven't been the biggest fan of the RIOT girls but
is fucking amazing. All of Suzuna's songs are pretty damn good. She basically just saved RIOT for me.

>> No.13203480
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asu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enFLXbbXWdk

>> No.13204151

Kon Berry!

>> No.13204313

I like it a lot. Remind me of current Ariana Grande sounds.

>> No.13204359
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>> No.13204573

Yuki guerrilla karaoke

>> No.13204718

Nia singing!
No piano sadly

>> No.13205802

Metamoe cover premiere

>> No.13206486

Sakura May, singing for you

>> No.13206619

Looks like they're planning to stream the Entas celebration. Pretty stacked line up with Luci, Boogey, and Ahi for a free stream, even if it's only 30 minutes per artist.


>> No.13207276
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I guess he's kanzaki's sinsekai stand-in
Though he's not under Virtual artist on the site, despite having only illustrations on his account.

>> No.13207619


>> No.13207644
File: 1.88 MB, 4091x2302, FEcvpltaMAACyJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being the poor sucker stuck with boy avatar on bottom right

>> No.13207694

>「SINSEKAI STUDIO」では、バーチャルとリアルを横断出来るアーティスト、クリエイター達に加え、新たな「未完成な才能達」を募集する。
So are they looking specifically for talented newbies?

>> No.13207702

>Oresama is under Kamitsubaki now
What the fuck?

>> No.13207932

Guess their Lantis contract ended/got bought out

>> No.13208149

KAF's NHK appeearance (camrip) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zpuzm8rgbg

>> No.13208360

Talking about fuckboi with the afro and shinguards? The one center left top with the literal screw coming out of her head is even stranger.

>> No.13208728
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Dude's an amputee

>> No.13208766
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There's a bunch of individual art if you scroll back https://twitter.com/sinsekai__jp/media

>> No.13208808
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>> No.13208907

I'm actually appreciate they're going full avant-garde instead of generic anime character no.69

>> No.13209214

VALIS live frame is up

>> No.13209317

I don't hate it, but I actually like realistic designs when they're well executed like Kaf. It's interesting to see how well she fits in to a real world picture or video like her older MVs, compared to the Sin crew who're never going to be able to do that.

>> No.13210245

So the Sinsekai Studio About page says it's a collaboration between THINKR, Bandai Namco Arts, and pulse. I recall pulse being mentioned as the ones behind VALIS, so that explains their initial injection into the project turned label. So it seems Sinsekai is set up to be its own thing in parallel to Kamitsubaki.

>> No.13210456

I feel like Shinsekai is more like Kamitsubaki owned label more than just a "project".

>> No.13211201

Yeah, hence "project turned label" since it went from "Sinsekai City Project" to "Sinsekai Studio".

>> No.13212757

I really like SNS and Follow The Rainbow amongst the new ones, even if she has some major nippisms on the pronunciation of Follow and it sounds more like flow.

>> No.13213724

Oh I didn't notice that.

>> No.13215817
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>> No.13217072

Don’t remind me… also Yomi’s turned out to be the biggest menhera ever.

>> No.13220631
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>> No.13221241

what did i miss?

>> No.13223388
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>> No.13223532

Depends on how much you know already, nothing drama-like though. Basically Yomi has started streaming almost as soon as she retired, I guess the reason was her being unhappy with her growth in Re:AcT. She streamed with a png for a while, sometimes even with a costume on (something like Nazono Mito), mainly on bilibili where she got quite popular - not that surprising, she and Yuki were big there before joining Re:AcT - but also on YouTube sometimes. Streams were always privated. Then out of the blue she has stopped streaming, deleted some of her stuff, posted something like "I’ll be back!!" and went inactive for 3 months. She went back recently, same twitter and same channels, she took a different name and got a redesign, lately she has been streaming on Twitch. Usually she doesn’t announce her streams, just streams there randomly, always ends her streams abruptly, no VODs/clips are saved. She’s been always hiding her tweets/instagram posts and adding them back the next day, opening her twitter account and then closing it depending on the hour of the day, changing her layout of links frequently, adding new items on booth and deleting them the next day, etc. Until recently her only plan on fanbox was the one for 3000 yen, seems like she got at least 20 people there. Good for her but her weird behavior is really tiresome, Yuki is an angel compared to her.

>> No.13223846


>> No.13227041
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>> No.13229456
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Poetry slam enthusiast Nagisano Kanade

Her videos with all the assets are made by her as well as the music

>> No.13233770
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AZKi has something to announce this weekend. I keep expecting it to finally be the new album, so maybe it finally will be.

>> No.13235744

The reason you know this isn't real life is because someone is walking around Kabukicho who has worse fashion sense than Kiryu and Majima.

>> No.13239367
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>> No.13243308
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>> No.13244059

Hanao Mizuki karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNy8A75Qhjs

>> No.13246157


>> No.13247206

man these menheras are too much, Yuki is just kind of a weirdo with very random guerilla streams and that's enough
reminds me of how akatsuki luci blocked me on her second twitter after I followed her I didn't even comment or like any of her tweets there

>> No.13248399

>akatsuki luci blocked me ... after I followed her I didn't even comment or like any of her tweets there
How dare you follow me without jerking every post of mine? I'm having a bad day (everyday), BLOCK BLOCK, BLOCK!

>> No.13250043

Aru covering VALIS song, does this count as musical incest or is it okay since they aren't blood related?
Oni singing

>> No.13250475

Amano Oto
That goat dude

>> No.13252466

>That goat dude
Feat. Machita Chima

>> No.13252753

HACHI + Piano singing

>> No.13256169

Rene emo karaoke - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCckKuZEfvk

>> No.13256306

Too late…

>> No.13256579
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Shion Lee cover of Daydream Café

>> No.13260268
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>> No.13260335

oh what the fuck they got yunosuke too

>> No.13260827

Luna electone

>> No.13262991

Himitsu is back on the Reality grind.


>> No.13263536

I still watch her there sometimes but god damn it please move to YouTube already

>> No.13263750

I'm very much looking forward to it. Modern phone speakers surprise me with how not terrible they are, but I'd like to be able to enjoy it with a proper set up instead of having to get out my headphones everytime.

>> No.13266064


>> No.13266786

CIEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9RAxlQHncY

>> No.13267725


>> No.13269888

2 new singers from Sony
Otoha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AjAj2s11ws
Sera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_x0wUMRoTI

Not sure what to think yet. Could be just the song choice. I guess I will wait for their karaokes.

What do you guys think?

>> No.13271089

Some dude clipped(?) 720 NoiR songs from this year

>> No.13271550

Otoha doesn't really impress me, though it could very well be the song choice but she sounds like a Kaf wannabee without any of the depth of her voice that makes Kaf so great.

Sera sounds a little better, especially once she's allowed to give a bit of power on the chorus but I don't really jive with her singing style. It's very rough, in an unpleasant way, instead of being smooth. The last few seconds show that she actually could be pleasant if she goes smooth, but I feel like she's attacking each note individually for most of the song instead of sliding between them, way worse then someone like Suisei who has a tendency to do it as well but to a much smaller extent and also writes her songs around that where the lyrics have sections at each note instead of trying to get her to move around all time and leans into it by having a lot of holds. Add on that she has the very generic female Japanese vocalist voice, after all the studio work, and I'm not sure if I'm really that interested in her.

While it's only two girls, it does make me wonder if Sony is going to stray outside the stereotypical Japanese sound to someone with a richer voice like Hachi, Oni, or Yomi, much less the even huskier like Okayu and Rene, with their 50 girl project.

>> No.13273845

Athena x Shir0
Nia unarchived

>> No.13276183
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>> No.13276277

Pretty good by the owl, though it sounds like the bit around 3:10 was a tad too high for her or she needs to get a smoother transition into her falsetto. The harmonies in particular are nice, though.

ViANKiE also streamed last night - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt8AVqi2FkQ

>> No.13276667

figaro is on the 9th hour of her 24h endurance. eigo study/duolingo currently.
no singing on the morning section but hope she does some later.

>> No.13276810


>> No.13277071

Anybody getting saki's birthday live tomorrow?

>> No.13279688

Ichika "concert"

>> No.13281451
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What do you think of this one? Amiya from tsunderia.

>> No.13281791

Man, she can go pretty deep, that fucking Shrek musical song

>> No.13282728

>join and she's singing Shakira
I like her.

>> No.13283195

I dunno how much practice she did for it, but that was pretty impressive on the Godzilla part, though she needs to work on taking her breaths without interrupting her flow.

>> No.13283859
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Don't forget about her.

>> No.13283961
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>> No.13284112

I miss NoIR

>> No.13284245

She's still alive on twitter and fanbox(I think)

>> No.13284727

I miss this zombie snake

>> No.13284821

Yea, I don't think they realized how hard it was going to be when they said a cover every week, since they were pretty clearly inspired by Boogey. A shame since I did like the vocalist.

>> No.13285205
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oh yeah this was today

>> No.13285266

Still two hours in burgerland. Any that you really enjoyed off it?

>> No.13287627

Michiru just posted her first original song. It's a real banger.


>> No.13287842

Huh, it is

>> No.13291177

hibana karaoke

>> No.13291669

Shout my Life is still the best. From the new ones I liked Transgression.

>> No.13293146

yt music link

>> No.13295551
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i like NamidaAsterism and Transgression
DRiVE ME CRaZY has nice hook but it's lacking something. Really looking forward to her singing these live.

>> No.13296970

I really like Yakusuko, myself. The chill jam suits her, though I don't disagree about Shout still probably being her best.

>> No.13299259

Polka cover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DzqJQggP9s

La Priere's next original tonight as well, but they don't believe in premiers so no link.

>> No.13300827

La prière - アルビレオ https://youtu.be/cWvUa-_Zayw

>> No.13301912

new cocotsuki original いつかあなたが歌えなくなっても https://youtu.be/SKYByH8-Xtg

>> No.13302223

pretty good
also the real link https://youtu.be/IpaRnoPhjsQ
that one is to the preview

>> No.13302486

and singing stream in 10 mins https://youtu.be/kISGW4_QjtI

>> No.13303692

on the 22nd hour and she's singing

>> No.13305912 [DELETED] 

https://youtu.be/qWaPbye bye!
Yuki weekly singing

>> No.13305978

Yuki weekly singing

>> No.13306500

I’ll miss this girl. Though I think I’ve already found her new twitter account, will share later if/when I make sure it’s actually her.

>> No.13307014

I'll appreciate it since I'm shit at finding that stuff

>> No.13307072

I just got to watching these, jesus sony the 3D QUALITY.
Gonna follow silver though

>> No.13307297

come to think of it, in Mirea's case I did realize that her My heart will go on cover is unlisted, while the rest of her covers got privated. Probably due to the model change and redebut I guess


>> No.13307705

Koguma singing, 25 out of 50 songs so far!

>> No.13311355

I really like Yakusuko too

>> No.13312150

I really like the word play with all the Nai at the end of the lines of the chorus. Ever since Suisei mentioned that rhyming isn't normally a thing in Japanese music, I've found myself really enjoying the ones that go the extra nine yards.

>> No.13313849

Another Joucho concert clip

>> No.13314395


>> No.13314470


>> No.13315155
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I just realized why her hood looks familiar.

>> No.13317628
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>> No.13319005


>> No.13319145
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Nina is having a big event, already confirmed part of thr content is a "live". Would be good to put it in the OP. It's on 27th of November. Assumed start time is 20:00 CET

>> No.13319929

Make it easy for whoever makes the next OP 50/50 it's me by following the standard format, anon, and it'll get added.

Link the OP and put the date, event, and a link to the announcement if there's a handy one, either a Twitter post or whatever.

>> No.13321943
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>> No.13322076
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Eggy the opera singing egg is having her debut and soft-rebranding.
She is currently singing.

>> No.13322101
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French opera vtuber having her 2D live

>> No.13322895

We got it anon.

>> No.13323187

They're within a minute, so it probably was different people although I wouldn't be surprised if someone mentioned it on a Discord somewhere to prompt it. Her complete lack of French accent throws me off, though.

>> No.13323260

Uruka is going to attempt learning throat singing, probably won't go too well but it's close enough for this topic

>> No.13323424
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I've been shilling her for a while in this thread.
I am surprised someone else did.
Plus she is a literal 2view, she doesn't even have a Discord...

>> No.13323862

>literal 2view
>Nearly 100 people watching

>> No.13323913
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>> No.13327193

She's singing btw

>> No.13327659

I requested Liberame from Hell
Let's see if she sings it.

>> No.13328046

Alas, seems she couldn't find karaoke with only rap parts

>> No.13328183
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>> No.13330077
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partial guests list for VMA https://twitter.com/VMA2020_12_28/status/1462012846754058249

>> No.13330401

looks like the usual suspects are also present in the silhouette
i see MaiR, asano sisters, kotone, AI, Sora

>> No.13331804

GEMS 3rd live free/hype stream https://youtu.be/oUCNlej2YNA

>> No.13331834
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>> No.13332219

IRyS unarchived karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5n3OCHFlNM

>> No.13332324

oh, Laki returned from graduation? Didn't expect her popping back to vtubing.

>> No.13332537

she did a singing stream last month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrLF2srZHa8
don't really follow her so not sure what she's been up to for the past year

>> No.13334030


>> No.13334196
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17 minute long song this time


>> No.13334800

Can't wait until chuuba covers things like than KINEMA106's 30 minute long remix or one of these long-ass 2hu remixes for whole game in form of one song

>> No.13336582
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>> No.13336656
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Second song from AZKi's new EP is out for East Coast and everyone before.

Vesper announcing their album crowdfunding tonight as well.


>> No.13338983

They all suck

>> No.13340121

Me, don't know what to expect with Zaiko, never used it.
Is it easy to save a recording of the concert from it?

>> No.13340277

Chihane karaoke

>> No.13341316

Free part of the Concert should start soon

>> No.13343034

start now

>> No.13343115

The interactive voting system broke but she's trying her best, poor Saki.

>> No.13344540


>> No.13344612

>three million yen from 100 people in less then 20 minutes

Crowd funding is a hell of a drug.

>> No.13345014

Generally what I do is inspect element to get the m3u8 file and then use that to get the bits. There should be some guides on the internet if you're not sure on what to do

>> No.13345299

The only problem I can forsee is him having to authenticate, but he can probably follow the same workflow that is used for archiving from Zan and just pass it ytdlp all of his cookies.

>> No.13345469


>> No.13345683
File: 1.60 MB, 958x950, Saki_Zaiko_Live_Snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chrome extension to grab the HLS is doing the trick, it's called Stream Recorder.
This live is pretty weird, the interactive part sorta works, sorta doesn't.
It's a VN style story where you can pick actions she'll do and songs she'll sing (Inferno,Samurai, basically her published covers) in 3D.
Plus there was a quiz segment for the irl attendees to win signed merch.
Seeing her sing in 3D is pretty cool ngl, better than the covers on youtube.

>> No.13345866

The idea itself is creative, but an execution is quite poor.

>> No.13345931

Sorry, I'm not giving my money to Unlimited.

>> No.13346432

The after live has her original and Iori's guest singing, cool addition!

>> No.13346923

Many vsingers with real talent in the scene that do not have big corpo backing where your support actually matters.

>> No.13346976

Who cares about your preferences.

>> No.13347099
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second row https://twitter.com/VMA2020_12_28/status/1462375234615463939

>> No.13347158

t. Brave Group shill
keep posting nuCocoa
The embodiment of mediocrity.

>> No.13347379

? kotone sora ai ? ? aoi

>> No.13347443

Iori and Saki sang in equal parts in the after show (which is def better than the event itself, all their originals and some covers) and Saki unveiled a new Original by 164, and it's some kind of collab with Batsumaru-kun, so Sanrio?
MV will go up at some point.
Overall the after show saved the live.

>> No.13347754

I prefer last year live more ngl.

>> No.13347841

the admiral been singing on 40mins https://youtu.be/TsvdFUqACL8

>> No.13347845

Ruri singing some edo lena

>> No.13347934

Tama singing

>> No.13350264

Nano karaoke

>> No.13352477

Good 2view cover

>> No.13352971

This thread is, on average (as there are outliers), the most mature on /vt/. Just people chilling and sharing good stuff, and willing to give detailed critiques. I wish there were a chill vtuber discord with good taste like this.

So far the ones I've been to either have a power-hungry / toxic mod (usually juvenile), or a fanbase who don't know that many indies, or just complete silence due to inactivity.

>> No.13355367
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>> No.13357008

NEQRE, a whole fucking album to be exact

>> No.13359304

100% get.

>> No.13359681

Next to Ai is Siro. No idea about the other two.

>> No.13360352

Chieri and YuNi maybe.

>> No.13360509

New enogu MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUK2y3txAQc

>> No.13361198

Athena singing!

>> No.13365319

I really liked the cover, so I went to check out her live singing. Guess she just debuted, so there's not much but I like her voice. Seemed a little shaky on parts, but when she was in the zone and singing above a whisper on the chorus of 天ノ弱, I was pretty impressed though she had some trouble with the big hold at the end of it. I'd like to hear her singing something fully with that style before I judge her, but seems like she's worth following. Her eigo is pretty cute as well, but it's another case of a fucking massive gap between character voice and singing voice.

>> No.13368301

She is actually a member of VirtuaReal Link which is basically Nijisanji China, this specific group consists of indies who get some support from the company. I think she currently lives in the UK though, hence the YouTube channel. She's been active as a vtuber for 1.5 years and has quite a few covers on bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/741520/channel/detail?cid=131339
VirtuaReal actually has some nice singers but I'm too lazy to explore most of them and hardly anyone cares about them here or elsewhere.

>> No.13370074

I can't speak for everyone, but I personally can't be assed to use a different platform to follow someone, even if I enjoy their stuff, and I have enough of a backlog that I don't risk running out of content to motivate me to bother with moving off of Youtube.

>> No.13372306
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>> No.13372643

Wonder if more mid tier vsingers are going to start using this approach to fund their albums as well as their concerts. There was a big wave of crowdfunding stuff that I saw in the wake of Hachi's massive success, and if they're already at 100% only a day in, Vesper might overperform as well.

>> No.13373029

I always feel like they’re being too humble, most of these crowdfunding projects reach all of their goals day 1. KMNZ got 19 million recently so I’m sure Vesperbell can get more, too.

>> No.13373157

Well, I think it's better to set the goals at a realistic number for what doing X costs instead of trying to get greedy, since you can still make money off regular sales of the product afterwards and if the project is funded then you're taking no financial risk. They could stand to learn from Kickstarter and have stretch goals beyond the initial, though, but I'm not sure Fanbeats has that functionality.

>> No.13373393

Is there even function for that on Kickstarter?
I though everyone just put them in description and maybe updated them as time goes on

>> No.13374314

You're right. I thought they had them up at the top as a counter for 'X until next stretch goal' thing, but I guess that would be too convenient. Not sure if Fanbeats has the ability to edit the listing once it goes live, though. A quick check of the announcments page says that they are planning to add some stretch goals, so who knows what they'll be. Hard to guess at what they would be for an album.

>> No.13379712
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>> No.13384592
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>> No.13387306

Early HACHI guerilla stream

>> No.13387466

Haven't seen her streaming during daylight hours in a while, her room being all lit up looks strange.

>> No.13389276

I know that voice counts as instrument but I don't think constantly laughing for over five minutes is healthy

>> No.13391543

>Hated by Life Itself

It's a shame this song was a meme too early for everyone to make covers of it.

>> No.13393129

There's quite a few meme vtuber covers of it, the Sasaki one is particularly iconic
Utako's take is hilarious too, even if it doesn't go all out like Sasaki

>> No.13393917

Oh, I don't mean meme in terms of being funny, I mean everyone doing like King, Vampire, Goodbye Sengen, or similar. It's just a beautiful song as long as you don't pay attention to the lyrics, which is why I really like Haru and Kaf's version, though the latter may be cheating by having the composer write a new arrange for her.

>> No.13394285 [DELETED] 

I like how everyone who did cover it had different takes on the song.

>> No.13394329

I like how everyone who did cover it had different takes on the song.

>> No.13394652

AZKi's also was very unique with the layering of her voice at points to make it sound vocaloid-esque without applying pitch correction. They needed to not equalize her volume and really let her scream out the chorus, though. It sounds so strange for the heartfelt screams to be the same volume as the whispered verses.


It's certainly a song that lends itself to many different styles, whether you want to wistfully accepting of fate or raging against. MiCosmic's take of being different people on the verses is really interesting as well.

>> No.13396975

Pretty good cover of Animaru by Kon, though the MMD MV she did for it certainly shows she's a beginner at that aspect.


>> No.13397977
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>> No.13398330

Edo Lena

>> No.13398347

Tamaki Ukon

>> No.13398411

Edo's concert will also be open invitation in VRChat if you've got it downloaded, though she hasn't posted the link yet.

>> No.13398439

for next thread

11/16: Tsukino Mito 1st One-Man Live「箱の中」 https://event.nijisanji.app/tsukino_hakononaka/
11/19-11/21: GEMS COMPANY 3rd Live "CHANGENOWAVE!!!!" https://twitter.com/gems_company/status/1429065953338290178
11/23: VALIS 1st ONE-MAN LIVE「拡張メタモルフォーゼ」 https://ubgoe.com/projects/47
11/25: HOLOLIVE FANTASY 1st LIVE FAN FUN ISLAND https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21112502-enfantasy
11/21: SAKI ASHIZAWA BIRTHDAY EVENT 2021 - "LONELY GIRL AND STRAY CAT" https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/_item/344023
11/27: CocoTsuki Project 1st Real Live [CLOVERS] https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21112718-cocotsuki
11/27: Nina Saotome 1st Anniversary "Main Story START!" https://twitter.com/NinanininVT/status/1462125703063814151?s=20
12/11: MaiR 2nd One-Man Live https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/448148
12/11: Sanrio V-Fes in Sanrio Puroland https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/211211-12-sanrioVfes
12/11-12/12: Pmaru-sama Peace Parade https://pmarusama.com/peaceparade/
12/12 - Hachi x Boogey 2 Man Live https://twitter.com/_BOOGEY_VOXX_/status/1459838534538256390
12/17: KMNZ 1st ONEMAN LIVE https://fanbeats.jp/projects/220
12/18: ViANKiE 1st one-man LIVE 「INSPIRATION」 https://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/news/166554/
12/18-12/19: Virtual Unit Fes. VILLS vol.3 https://v-clan.spwn.jp/events/21121814-vills
12/21: Kanade MiMi 3rd Anniversary Live https://youtu.be/55fDNsD5nBA?t=9186 [Embed]
12/25: MaRiNaSu 3rd Anniversary Live 「デュナミス」 https://twitter.com/MarinasuChannel/status/1455873229134786567
12/26: HOLOSTARS 1st ACT "JOURNEY to FIND STARS!!" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21122602-engholostarslive
12/28: TUBEOUT!FES -2021 WINTER- https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21122801-TOFES
12/29: enogu one-man Live 2021 Winter -雲外蒼天- https://enogu-official.com/20211007/
12/29: koko 1st ONE-MAN LIVE 「PLAYER」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10129
12/29: Virtual Music Award 2021 https://twitter.com/VMA2020_12_28/status/1440269577833811968
12/30: Shinkai Fes 2021 https://twitter.com/Else_PJblue/status/1455127528054538242
1/22: Tokino Sora Theatrical Cover Live『Role:Play」 https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22012202-lvroleplay
1/22-1/23: Nijisanji 4th Anniversary Live "Fantasia" https://event.nijisanji.app/4thanniv_fantasia/
1/28: MINATO AQUA One-Man Live 2022 "Aqua Iro in WonderLand" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22012802-engaquawnd

>> No.13398488

First two have already happened, anon, but I appreciate your efforts as always.

>> No.13398645
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Koko cover to end the thread, I didn't know she could go that high - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CT_xMe-uAA

>> No.13399124
File: 324 KB, 1200x675, FEywgyHagAMfa7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got it

>> No.13399288

Interesting that they have Sora and not AZKi, no offense to Sora. I just would have expected AZKi's music to place higher then Sora's if the results are similar to last year and a bunch of AZKi's friends are going to be there even if Sora has a bunch of connections as well, though the top Holo slot is almost certainly going to go to Suisei by weight of numbers and her release being fairly recent.

>> No.13399529

holy sex

>> No.13399724

Dunno, RIM's newest is more sex - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxgXEX3RGvc

>> No.13399801

Coco x Tama singing stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4TGUKIY14w

AZKi leaking that she's covering another MOSAIC.WAV song tomorrow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLmMSJXoQ8A

>> No.13400086

Indeed, considering at times a lot of general vtuber discords are pretty much nijiholo only.

>> No.13400296

Is there a guitar chords website for Vocalo or Japanese songs in general?

>> No.13400338

I use ufret.jp mainly. Can be bit hit or miss though,
