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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12868280 No.12868280 [Reply] [Original]

Do I really have to hate this bitch to fit in on this board now?
It's such a pity.
She's always been friends with Mel and had a lowbrow sense of humor and now I suddenly have to act like I'm offended by it because she's not a Hololive member?

>> No.12868581

You don't have to act like a retard just because a bunch of shitposters do.

>> No.12868723

most of her fans are japnasese. this shit board is irrelevant af, doesnt matter at all. /vt/ amerimutts and chinks can get along with ccp commie bugs

>> No.12868799

Fuck of, ther are already 2 threads. Go there

>> No.12868822

the less you fit in this schizo containment zone the better actually

>> No.12868849

Who wants to fit in with these retards?

>> No.12868959

Yeah feel free to go to a relevant place like reddit.I'm sure you'll enjoy it there a lot more.

>> No.12869157

>noooo don't insult my favorite has-been anime forum that died in 2008

>> No.12869213

>Have to pretend to love a hypocrite because your contrarian spine tingles to be a special snowflake with the only "right" opinion.
You could just leave. Nobodies gonna miss you.

>> No.12869303

im super fluent in japanese. never go to such an amerimutt/anglo commie cesspit and unlike you im not serious about vtuber dramas fabricated by you amerimutt fucks. i dont even know who melody is.

>> No.12869379

who cares, enjoy what you like if you think the hate is uncalled for.

>> No.12869383

How is Kson a hypocrite?

>> No.12869393

changing your opinion on something just to fit in is cringe

>> No.12869426

>Do I really have to hate this bitch to fit in on this board now?

>> No.12869461

You should hate her because she’s objectively shit, not to fit in.

>> No.12869484

shrugs. just don't think about her.

>> No.12869503

First time I'm ever gonna go on Chaturbate on purpose rather than being redirected from a hentai site.

>> No.12869522

Do whatever you want homo. I've always hated this leddit mr hankey sounding bitch but if that alone is enough to deter you from goslinging for her then you're even a bigger child than I took the tatsunokos for

Like who you like and stop letting anonymous people dictate your taste for you fucking faggot

>> No.12869566

same, it's like a new frontier, unexplored grounds and new way of thought, my brain still have hard time to process that.

>> No.12869639

meant for

>> No.12869693

Why do you care about what a bunch of EOPs spam? it's literally 3 or 4 posters who make the same threads over and over and reply to each other all day, they even using the same images.

>> No.12869723

Anon, this reddit whore was universally hated by everyone before this board even existed. The only reason vtards (which are mostly poltards) like her is because she's the enemy of their enemy, chinks.

>> No.12869761

I didn't like her when she was in Hololive either

>> No.12869766

How about you do whatever you want? who or what are you, a mindless drone?
If so, I recommend you start watching hololive, you'll feel right at home.

>> No.12869832

Early 2020 /jp/ here, this couldn’t be farther from the truth, in fact asscoco was the only non-3D/birthday stream the entire thread watched, and it was 5 times a week, this went on for 6 months.

>> No.12869846

ching chong ping pong peng ching zhang jing

>> No.12869859

anon, i know you wanna feel included in something, being part of the group, but not everyone is a schizo like you

>> No.12869939

I was there. Most of vy and then hlg just shat on it.

>> No.12870001

nobody is bothered by diaspora chink commie bugs and amerimutt vtwatter woke subhumans

shit on her all you want and make this board more chink and commie. its purely irrelevant as fuck for her and her jp fanbase.

>> No.12870012

You’re a retard and the archives prove you wrong, fuck off.

>> No.12870114

Yeah right, retard.

>> No.12870269
File: 15 KB, 400x310, comment_dNrTkICpFxebE7Hu9aCQER6MQ6Xyqf26,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.12870377
File: 24 KB, 1024x512, evil-kermit-the-frog-meme-dark-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is HoloBoard, you know the rules.
DO it!

>> No.12870380

Coco was pretty disliked before the Taiwan incident happened but so were alot of other girls. When she came back with "Fuck U and Never Come Back" + Asacoco I distinctly remember everyone on /jp/ losing their shit.
It's never been a straight "We've always hated this bitch lol" or "I've always loved this bitch" but everyone likes to pretend it was.

>> No.12870458

I can't wait for the day when Marine leaves the Hololive.

>> No.12870495

yeah, chinky chinky chinky chink

>> No.12870523

Oh look, it was a wojak poster all along, the laughing stock of the hlg. Of course you think hlg liked her, you were the problem of the thread.

>> No.12870611

No, I love her too. She's cute and funny.

>> No.12870613

Most Holofans don’t hate her (especially after she defended Cover / Hololive as Kson), so you don’t need to try to fit in with the few retards / Chinks who do.
(You don’t have to be interested in her either)

>> No.12870627

She got the same amount of hate any other popular and relevant holo gets, whenever someone is successful and relevant someone will be there to hate it.
You can't even post about Pekora Marine or Miko in /jp/ nowadays without a bunch of schizos shitting on them.

When someone is hated it meants they are successful, then there's the other holos nobody ever talks about.

>> No.12870780

are you going to follow EVERY "hate" meta /here/?! just watch/like/discuss whoever you fucking want, but dont come and cry when ppl tell you to fuck off
