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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12777493 No.12777493 [Reply] [Original]

but also get this cold vibes from her, why is that?

>> No.12777911

You just left your windows opened dumbass

>> No.12778189

She's been gradually broken by chinese antis

>> No.12778289

Her name is blizzard!

>> No.12778444

She's the real final boss of hololive.

>> No.12779122

You are overanalyzing expressions and gestures of an anime l2d avatar. To simply put- take your meds.

>> No.12779266

She’s fake as hell even her laugh is fake, you have to be an autist to think her personality is genuine

>> No.12779333

Ice queens can be like that. Wait untill you meet one in real life, a mindfuck and a half. Bizarre type of a woman.

>> No.12780352

You don't have a real relationship with her.

>> No.12780521
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her exposed midriff is incredibly cute

>> No.12780744

Because she's married and has a conscience and hates the emotionally exploitative relationship that forms between vtuber and viewer

>> No.12781111

because she used to be the top dog of the company, now she's average at best. fubuki has been dead inside since Gura and Korone hit the 1M milestone before her

>> No.12781519

>top dog
she's a fox you retard

>> No.12781622
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She just decided to have fun and be unfazed by naysayers

>> No.12781696

>As cold as a dead body

>> No.12782194

She's good at manipulating people. For example, did you know there are many anons here that still believe Cover isn't a black company because FBK hasn't graduated?

>> No.12782896

She's an Arctic Fox so she keeps the house cooler than most since the cold doesn't bother her as much. She still got the windows open now.

Put on a sweater

>> No.12783200

oni rejected her. can't collab with homos to cope because of unicorns, so she's projecting her hate of unicorns on healthy viewers. her only way to deal with frustation as a japanese woman is misdirecting her anger being cold and indirectly agressive

>> No.12784147
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> oni rejected her. can't collab with homos to cope because of unicorns, so she's projecting her hate of unicorns on healthy viewers. her only way to deal with frustation as a japanese woman is misdirecting her anger being cold and indirectly agressive

>> No.12787144

Remember when Fubuki would vamp about Wendy's hamburgers and it was great content? I miss that FBK..

>> No.12787795

Yeah, even if it's black do you people really think Fubuki has it in her to tarnish the rep of a company her friends are still depending on?
Never forget what happens when a company goes down. Even people who had nothing to do with it will lose tons of viewers. It's the worst thing she could do especially for her precious kouhais.

>> No.12792094
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>> No.12792173

>letting their chuubas take unconditional, long time-offs
>black company

>> No.12793048
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>> No.12793080
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>> No.12793168

She is a corporate puppet

>> No.12793524

She treats the job professionally and hates gachikos. "No waifu. You are Friend."

>> No.12793670


>> No.12795901

Thread theme

>> No.12795975

> co-cocks, co-cocks! co-cocks, co-cocks! cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock

>> No.12796024

Fubuki is the OG chink pandering Holo. Her model is based from an Azur lane boat girl.

>> No.12796851

artic fox

>> No.12797276

She is a loli obsessed pedophile.
Pedos are known to have an inhuman, lizard-like numb behavioral quirk to them.

>> No.12797448

Fubuki has a stern side. She straight up shit on Korone for fucking up her debut. She has little tolerance for unprofessional behavior.

>> No.12797585

Anon...they have the same artist, and it's not the first time they used that design either.
Fubuki's artist is just a lazy pos who inserted their OC everywhere.

>> No.12798234

Eh I don't see that. Coco was a walking yab machine and FBK always seemed to be in her corner.

>> No.12798271

FBK love!!!

>> No.12798513

FBK hate!!

>> No.12798924

I want Fubuki to sing Happy Synthesizer at my funeral.

>> No.12799072

>her laugh is fake,
Its called social laughing retard, its very common in real life and even moreso in Japan. Ever Holo does it

>> No.12799127

ok, this1 is funny>>12777911

>> No.12799199

You can be in someones corner and still critique things they do

>> No.12800231
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>social laughing
Thats what he said tho: fake laughing

>> No.12800299

Calling it fake is a pessimistic framing of it, it isn't leading people on its just being personable. Not all laughs are equal you can laugh at sometime in the moment because you are into the conversation and it is the correct response to be polite and then there is genuine laughing which is uncontrollable. If you are going to critique FBK for doing it then you have to critique the majority if the world and every holo for it as well.
Another thing to keep in mind is that laughing is just fun to do and you can laugh in the moment of enjoyment talking to people even if you don't find the thing they said particularly funny.

>> No.12804993

kissing friend's tummy!

>> No.12805288
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Why can't there ever be a normal Fubuki discussion outside of her oshi thread? It's always corporate shill, menhera cat, graduation after Coco, or some other arbitrary bullshit. I know I'm biting the bait here but fucking hell man.

>> No.12805485

>Likes going outside, trying new things, meeting new people
>Almost every single day, she has to sit in front of the computer, indoors, alone, for hours on end, acting like an anime girl just so that she can hopefully make the armies of faceless e-simps smile for long enough that they feel like giving her money
Yeah gee I wonder why she seems cold sometimes

>> No.12811487

I'm not going to lie, I've grown a great disdain for Fubuki. Not herself as a vtuber, in fact, I like her personality. But whenever there is an anon posting some irrevocable faggotry on here, it's usually posted alongside a FBK_reaction_face_456.png, so I have come to hate Fubuki, because Fubuki fans are fucking faggots shitting up our threads everywhere.

>> No.12811795

sana took a month long vacation because her dog died how the fuck is this a black company?

>> No.12812004


>> No.12812072

>how the fuck is this a black company?
sana is black

>> No.12812285

These are most definitely not her fans, Anon. They're either falseflaggers or they're just intentionally shitposting.
>t. Sukonbu

>> No.12813210
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gotta hide her shotacon tendencies

>> No.12813379

I'm a hyper autist who laughs when I feel uncomfortable, which is often in social interactions. It's all unconscious.

>> No.12813568

i wish that were me

>> No.12813699

> fubuki is the reason coco graduated

>> No.12813729

based if true

>> No.12813755

>menhera cat
but she's a fox

>> No.12813784
File: 62 KB, 967x1241, pleasedfubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kon kon cute.

>> No.12813848

Hating fubuki is like directing hate towards a childrens tv show

>> No.12814040

The entire idol scene, including VTubers, is basically a 24/7 improv act. Once in a while, you're going to notice that this is a character and not a person, and it's gonna be a little weird. Fubuki isn't exempt from that.

But the character being a persona doesn't mean she's "fake." She isn't pretending to be something she's not, she's just choosing which parts of herself to include in the character.

>> No.12814082

i want to include my parts into fubuki

>> No.12814166


>> No.12815602

>but also get this cold vibes from her, why is that?
You answered your own question. Extroverts mostly just use people as stepping stones, or to satisfy their own ego. It's in their nature.

>> No.12815868

>t. introvert who can't move up in life because communication is important

>> No.12816074

Yes, extroverts occupy nearly all positions of power and dictate the rules for everyone. Where's the the lie?

>> No.12816171

Oh no, not meritocracy!

>> No.12816209

Being better at manipulating people is hardly meritocratic as far as having the person with the best practical skills on top is concerned.

>> No.12816458

Communication is a practical skill. If you're managing a team of people working on some task, it's far more important that you can help them work together in an effective way than it is for you to work on the task yourself. The person who is best at that task will have their skills put to far better use as a worker than a manager.

That's not manipulation, it's common sense. And it's not even a skill exclusive to extroverts, it's just one that comes more naturally. Want to move up in the world? Stop being a little bitch feeling sorry for himself, and communicate even though it makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.12816590

>expressive and extroverted
>actually has some boundaries
"why do I get cold vibes from her bros I just want to supacha her saying I'll kill myself if she doesn't love me"

>> No.12816668

>Communication is a practical skill.
It's really not anymore, the verbal kind anyway. Written orders can be sent from management to any worker at a moment's notice. If they need some glorified social worker to baby them so they can work together properly then that's on them.

Also, corporate grifters whose only skill is communication being in charge has been a disaster for many companies.

>> No.12817279

You’re dumb if you think communicating and networking isn’t a huge part of corporate life, actually retarded.
I work as a programmer and the amount of shit I’ve avoided and how quickly I got positions because I’m good at putting a persona and talking to people while others are dragging themselves on the floor to get somewhere is unreal.
Technical capacity is secondary to social skills.

>> No.12818191

>I am good at grifting so I climbed the corporate ladder faster than people who simply work hard
You're not exactly disagreeing with me then.

>> No.12818702

Yes I am, because I'm extremely competent as well, but would still be a slow climb.
You often times don't fucking work alone, if you just go to a company, do your job and leave and only interact the bare minimum, you ain't getting anywhere in this world, mate.
You'd be surprised how many opportunities open up to you when people know you exist.

>> No.12823116

yeah thats a problem
