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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 690 KB, 946x462, nade2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12756533 No.12756533 [Reply] [Original]

Nade's playing Cooking Sim in an hour


>> No.12756814

Eating eggs with Nade!

>> No.12756910

That egg looks burnt to hell, getting cancer with Nade!

>> No.12756992

>she did the youtube bait red circle
Cute youkai.

>> No.12757024

Its barely visable. She has mich to learn in ways of clickbait.

>> No.12757565

Bros why is the waiting number so low wtf

>> No.12757638


>> No.12757754


>> No.12758460

She's actually following the game's tutorial and trying pretty hard. Cute.

>> No.12758481

Daylight savings time really does prevent me from catching the beginning of these 10am JST streams now, but it's no big deal.

>> No.12758654

She's so careful, the way she plays really shows her personality

>> No.12758794

Its really ___cute___

>> No.12759361

i think we need to have nade thread more often, it's literally free promotion 24/7 on this site. i don't know why her fans not taking advantage of this.

>> No.12759376

This is comfy and cute

>> No.12759435

Its cute how seriously she takes this. I expected this to turn into madman rp, but it ended up as Comfy olive boy ASMR.

>> No.12759742

Do not, this will not end well
t. ex-dad

>> No.12760169
File: 255 KB, 409x409, Comfygoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she is so cute.

>> No.12760279

>Nade discovers "Pure wa'ah"

>> No.12760351

Clipperfriends, if you want you could edit the limmy water clip with Nade being one of those people who cant believe its free pure water.

>> No.12760905

So, any bets how long till she'll lose control and do 6 hours long spaces?

>> No.12761049

She's pretty headstrong. If she says she isn't going to do them, she'll probably not going to do it again.

>> No.12761114

What did she say yesterday?

>> No.12761187

We need to take our meds this week

>> No.12761425
File: 79 KB, 977x700, 5_swear_words_header[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the seamonke baited nade just so he could clip it???

>> No.12761472

Yes. Should be able to report the video for breaking community guidelines if he goes through with it.

>> No.12761497

Imagine visiting a chuuba twice, getting greeted by her, and then you decide you will make her say a bad word. Probably just a dumb kid.

>> No.12761698

go follow her, even if you don't want her to stream there, show some support to our favorite youkai.

>> No.12761745

Do you think Nade has fantasies about size differences, being manhandled by big strong arms?

>> No.12761792

Yes, but in the other direction

>> No.12761811

Yeah but she is the one whos manhandling small girls.

>> No.12762054

cute little monkey laugh

>> No.12762099


>> No.12762135

Winning wife carrying competition after feeding Nade pizza dough / 10.

>> No.12762215

Too comfy/10
Good to see she's doing her perseverance reps, even with a kusoge like this bugging out all the time.

>> No.12762445

Chill stream. I'm curious if it's the competitive nature or it demanding high reflexes that made her more irritated at Fall Guys than a glitch simulator like this one, but I guess we'll see on Thursday if her competitiveness comes out with Shadowverse. Also, the bugginess made her learn how to savescum, so that was funny.

>> No.12762509

This. She needs affiliate status to see all of the Twitch features so the sooner that happens, the sooner we can put this experiment behind us.

>> No.12762604


>> No.12762928

Cute Cooking/10

>> No.12763367

Pizza, wife (Nade) carrying, Finland, schizo wrangling, sleep reps, what's not to love? She was very precise with Cooking Sim which was a little funny, tiredness seemed to be showing easier while playing it though as she didn't seem quite as talkative. Twitch tomorrow, let's see how that goes.
I thought affiliate was a scummy deal to begin with? That's what I recall a badger saying and I'd like to know why exactly.

>> No.12763596

You can't stream to both at once, but other than that, it unlocks emote slots and donations. Overall it's a decent deal.

>> No.12763793

sell me on your oshi. i came here because of the nyanners edit, by the way

>> No.12763875

Probably the only /here/ chuuba with good head on her neck.

>> No.12763924

Neat, funny, sometimes airhead and sometimes galaxy brain, generally a nice girl, might be autistic

>> No.12764171

Great zatsu skills, bad mic, likes loli tummies and armpits, wants to live out her childhood dream of being an idol, speaks three languages, always gives her best even if things tend to be a little scuffed with her streams, rare non-menhera /here/ chuuba, lonely and wants to make vtuber friends, seiso 95% of the time.

>> No.12765361

How many oil balons does she actually have?

>> No.12765587

Want a /here/-lite chuuba that's chill, not a menhera, and the fanbase isn't basically a sex cult?
She's a zatsudan master, and is just starting to get familiar with gaming on PC.

>> No.12767949

Nade is cute

>> No.12768539

Cute, maybe even funny, with a good head on her shoulders and unironic soul moments with her scuffed mic. Said mic and her accent can be filtering to some though. Will talk for ages, the right comment can send the conversation on a completely different tangent for 10 minutes.

>> No.12768576

There is no worse feeling than writing a "funny" shitpost on chat just to realise that (you) took it too far.

>> No.12768668

Just delete your post history and be thankful she's given you the unintended blessing of not having chat be forever enshrined on stream. Unless she actually reads your post out loud.

>> No.12768688

>"So my doctor told me that... PESTO"
>Takes 5 minutes to get back on original story
Its pretty amazing at times tbqh.

>> No.12768725

>>12768539 >>12763793
>Will talk for ages
To put things in perspective.
Just today she decided to end the stream because it was late and she was sleepy, so she closed the game, got distracted by chat, and proceeded to ramble for an hour straight

>> No.12768819


Nade Moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceNsojnMf0

Thats like 30% of the streams. "Im going to bed" Stays rambling for another 45 minutes to an hour.

>> No.12769365

>talking about dreams and woman stealing traditions

>> No.12771471

So, anyone keeping tabs on that indog clipper?

>> No.12771562


>> No.12771790

There was one indog clipper who asked Nade to say "Asu" during the stream.
Well, presumably clipper, cause I tried searching his name, and nothing came up.

>> No.12771889

He didn't have clipper in his name last time iirc.

>> No.12772105

We must ignite her chuuni spirit so that she goes all out during Shadowverse.


I really want to see Nade go full DRAW MONSTAH CARDO!

>> No.12772251

What does Asu mean//

>> No.12772357

Seconding this question, how many gachis does she have? if she does mengen streams will the gachis come out of the woodworks

>> No.12772361 [DELETED] 

apparantly, it's calling an indog a dog, kek. But it can be pretty offensive for indogs to be called that. Maybe that's why indogs hate being called indogs?
frigging indogs

>> No.12772503
File: 21 KB, 703x604, Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 13-41-08 Google Translate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowverse is going to be the day after. Tomorrow's a rest day but she might still run a test stream/board meeting/who knows.

It means 'bitch'.

>> No.12772522
File: 11 KB, 566x202, asu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently, it's calling an indog a dog, kek. But it can be pretty offensive for indogs to be called that. Maybe that's why indogs hate being called indogs?
frigging indogs

>> No.12777535

So how do you think the Twitch test is going to go? schizos not welcome

>> No.12777792

Pretty well honestly. She has given people enough time to get on board and she might enjoy some aspects of it. Also it is a good option for streams that could get her in trouble with Susan. Doomposters have and will always been faggots they are the equivalent of Stock Market Bears who are wrong 99% of the time and even when they are correct it is never as bad as they claimed it would be.

>> No.12778539

The biggest thing is getting the broadcast resolution low enough that everyone can watch comfortably without buffering, and then getting OBS to internally record a better VOD for YouTube. Hopefully, Nade will set up bots to automod and redirect to YouTube so newcomers can easily find the rest of her content. I'd also like to see her play with some of the extensions like the Shadowverse decklist or the NicoNico comments one. If we're going to do this, may as well try everything the platform has to offer.

>> No.12779616

4 hours of pure non stop rambling, so in other words perfect as always

>> No.12782962

Nade cute

>> No.12784515

what nyanners edit?

>> No.12785394

more people going to watch her on twitch and she going to move there permanently, just like koopa.

>> No.12786767

Should we just start to call Nade "Limmy" at this point?

>> No.12787847

Does she speak japanese at all?

>> No.12788061

Only to me (her bf)

>> No.12788587

i thought she was only larping as japanese

>> No.12788968

She can read it, and when playing Tetris she muttered shimatta when she did an unexpected mistake. She just doesn't like to speak it to us. Might be a mental thing of keeping one part of her life separate from the other.

>> No.12790361

Probably a mental thing, i can go full chad thundercock mode in english voice chat(s). But in my native languange i just bottle up.
Also her audience is EN one, so why would she even speak JP to us?

>> No.12792142

I wonder if she's gonna announce the test stream or do it in private.

>> No.12793774

There's one fucker who writes in Jap sometimes in chat and Nade answers him (in English)

>> No.12793842

Catching up with the last two VODs, I think the streams were mostly fine except for a few things, and some of those things are emblematic of larger problems.

Let's start with the zatsudan stream.

I think Nade is getting a bit too close to the threads. She's been talking nonchalantly about schizos, schizophrenia, and meds. Same with autism with the previous stream. In the past she's mentioned ropium/roping, and one of the spaces (or could have been a stream) said "do a flip" unprompted. Not sure if she's aware that these things are not used as nonchalantly outside of /here/.

It looks like people shitting up the thread over her using twitch made her reassure people that she's going to be primarily youtube. The twtich baitposters lead to a Badger bringing thread problems to the stream (need more "this is bait pictures"), which I think is pretty bad. The threads shouldn't be her problem to take care of. I think bringing thread issues to the stream is pretty bad because it's bringing them to a public space in front of a bunch of people where some of them aren't in the threads. It then lead to her talking about drawing "this is bait" pictures for us, which should never be her responsibility to make. She should focus on her chuuba stuff, and we should be the ones taking care of the thread's health.

For the people that kept fearmongering over music and DMCA, people should read up on NexTone JASRAC. Nade should read it too. Here's some preliminary stuff I found.
If I understand it properly, these 2 companies are why JP karaoke streams are a thing.

A couple little things I noticed in chat:
-She has a new viewer that brought up both nuxtaku and sonichu.
-all but one of the major twitch detractors in chat seem to be newer viewers, a few of them are confirmed for coming from that youtuber's raid.

For the cooking Simulator stream I have a lot less to say.

This game really brought out the part of her that cares about neatness. Not doing twitter spaces any more is for the best if they could negatively affect her sleep. On a selfish note, it also means that myself and others that decided to drop spaces, and the people who couldn't catch them in the first place no longer have to feel like we're missing out on things. She says she wanted to end the stream and go to bed, but kept streaming for almost another hour. Getting distracted by chat and continuing to stream on is something she still has to work on. She brought up schizophrenia and posting things again. I wonder what her viewers who aren't in the threads think about this. The guy getting her to say an insult in a language that she doesn't know wasn't very cool. Hopefully Nade takes this as a learning opportunity and thinks twice before saying things the chat requests. Nade confirmed that her weight was less than 40kg which I found quite surprising. Even 40kg at her height is already considered underweight. She kinda just dropped it at the end, but she might have 2 streams on her day off, namely a guerrilla on youtube, and a test stream on twitch.

Now some general things I've been feeling for a while.

She was warned at the start to not be too close to /here/, but with the way she's incorporating /here/ lingo into her speech patterns and how she openly thread reads during her spaces it makes it seem like she doesn't take it that seriously anymore. Sometimes I feel like she is only one step removed from reading her thread live on stream. I find it sad to see, because I really enjoyed the early pre-livestream Nade, and I believed that she has what it takes to make it as an idol vtuber, and I thought the idea of the second debut was to give her a clean break and for her to put her all in to chasing her idol dream. I still can still see the NadeSpeaks Nade who would teach me about her interests, and make cute scenario videos. She was the one who captivated me in the first place with her cuteness. I'm also seeing another Nade who seems to be more interested in becoming a /here/chuuba that spouts off /vt/ and general 4chan memes. I followed her in the first place because I believed in her potential, but if she becomes a full on /here/chuuba I'll probably not stick around.

>> No.12793892

continued from >>12793842

>I don't get it, she showed her last model on twitter just fine, what's got her apprehensive with this one?
She didn't show her second outfit's legs during the reveal because one of the legs bugged out and disappeared. My guess as to why she still hasn't showed off the legs is because people keep making it seem like a fetish thing. Same thing goes for posting the models and a potential reference sheet I think. Or maybe she's unsatisfied with the model in some way.

What I find interesting about this is the lobster's first thread was made just shy of a week before Nade's.

>Also, she paid WLL for two costumes and loads of options/expressions.
He had already started on the casual outfit independently before even contacting Nade. He also most likely chose all the expressions himself considering they were all taken from a post 15 minutes after he posted his art in the thread. He even admitted that he drew her sunglasses on his own as a joke not expecting her to get them rigged. It's likely that only the second outfit and it's accessories was made to her request, maybe also the round glasses and the badger beret. He didn't even make the big hat she really wanted.
>He probably wouldn't give her a reference sheet for free and she probably didn't think it was worth to pay for one at the moment.
He probably didn't think much about it. From looking at his twitter he seems to be an amateur fanartist. He probably has never done any work that would need a proper reference sheet before, let alone a Live2D. For the fist outfit he basically matched Nade's art nearly one to one except for the face where he did his own thing for some reason. There's probably a Nade sketch for the second outfit as well that he worked off of. As for costs, he doesn't even seem to charge that much if his commission sheet is up to date.

That link isn't correctly formatted so it won't work.

Yes, but she won't speak it on stream because she's purposefully targeting an english audience.

>> No.12794096

not reading any of that but wtf is wrong you?

>> No.12794181

>Catching up with the last two VODs

>> No.12794598

>I thought the idea of the second debut was to give her a clean break and for her to put her all in to chasing her idol dream.
This. The way she acts causes dissonance in my head and makes me salty about privated\unlisted content.
Shouldn't have done that if changes are negligible, and at most amounts to the model

>> No.12795147
File: 451 KB, 498x498, Fumospinfastest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds, i can only read two line posts.

On serious note, i think its best that she stopped doing twitter spaces. As much fun as they were, spending 4+ hours just talking shit at us is time that could be spent more wisely (like sleeping). She will soon be able to do member streams so she can just say more "private" stuff there if she wants to.

Also she should start to distance herself from /here/ now that she is more established. One big downside of those spaces were the fact that newfriends had no idea where she was reading the stuff from and again as much fun as that was for >us, it just hurts her growth. Not to mention that this place will rot (you)r brain, reading all these shitposts and garbage rrats about yourself isnt healthy.

Right now the only issues i see with her is the microphone that cuts out her laughs most of the time and the fact that she only has one screen. Her chat interractions are one of her biggest strengths, as cute as it was seeing her put 100% focus on her cooking i kinda missed her reacting to chat. (I mean she did, but she took pretty long breaks at times because she has to tab out? to be able to read chat)

End of blog.

>> No.12795246

Also one thing ive noticed: her mouth doesnt move alot sometimes. Did the rigger scuff it? Is her mouth movement too small? Is she sitting with a plushie in her lap that blocks her mouth from being captured?

>> No.12795473

For some reason she decided to wait on a local shop getting gear shipped in rather than buying it from amazon or another online shop.
>she only has one screen
A second monitor would be a dramatic QOL improvement for her stream management. She could just leave OBS and chat on the other monitor while she plays games on her main one. I don't even stream and I'd find it hard to function without 2 monitors.
>she has to tab out? to be able to read chat
She used to put the chat on her phone before she got her PC. She might still do that for game streams.

>> No.12795652

As a poorfag with only 1 monitor I just play everything in windowed mode.

>> No.12796675

Who got the idea that spaces are an all or nothing thing? She can do spaces when she feels like doing them and if not, not do them.

That goes for the other stuff, too.

>> No.12798341

will nade ever unprivate her earlier videos?

>> No.12798765

>She will soon be able to do member streams
did nade ever said how much she gonna charge for membership or if she gonna do tiered membership?

>> No.12798831

> how much she gonna charge for membership
Lowest amount possible(1$ iirc)
> if she gonna do tiered membership
I don't think this was ever mentioned

>> No.12798853

The only thing we know for certain is there will be a tier set at the minimum possible so we can have emotes.

>> No.12800632

She actually already mentioned her weight.
When asked few days ago about that she didn't want to tell so I said nothing, but yesterday she did tell so here it is.

>> No.12802351
File: 506 KB, 496x482, bad day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her already

>> No.12803286

I remembered 40kg, but I forgot she mentioned she was under that weight before because last time she didn't dwell on it for that long. In the unlisted stream it was pretty much an off hand remark. She spent a more considerable amount of time on the topic this time. It's also the first time for her newer viewers to hear about it.

>> No.12803506

UOOOOOOOOOOOOH carrying 40kg Nade thrown over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes as she pouts and kicks and complains ! ! !

>> No.12803758

She's so god dam tiny, i cant stop myself from imagining...

>> No.12803973

Fuck. I need a nap, but i cant risk missing her test stream.

>> No.12804473

Im gonna imagine it! I can hear her voice already!

>> No.12804530
File: 52 KB, 884x291, _20211109_231400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will miss Nadecham based discussions a lot more than I would like to admit

>> No.12804596

kill yourself and do a flip ars groomer

>> No.12804762

If you bothered to read the post it'd be obvious that I'm not him.

>> No.12804903
File: 296 KB, 601x806, 1633706131812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound exactly the same as a guy who complained that she she talks too much about loli and panders to /here/

sorry to say, but you will never force Nade to become a normalfag because she clearly loves her core 4ch audience and isn't ashamed of it

>> No.12805158

Although i enjoyed the autistic review which i thought was a joke at first, i have to say the unhealthy amount of micromanaging every Nades move does make him sound like the anti-loli no fun policeman.

>> No.12805199

Complaining nade is too much /here/ makes no sense to me. She's barely here at all, also, don't act like absolutely everything from this place is toxic and should be avoided. The yab evolution stones are not available to nade, it's not in her nature.

>> No.12805238

the fuck is it with faggots threatening to leave? if you have complaints then just name them, no need to make this about yourself

>> No.12805311

Nade does little yab as a treat in her spaces if you catched them all autistically like I did. I think that is what made them special and why other badgers liked them so much.

But in the end of the day Nade health is priority over anything else.

>> No.12805349

>you sound exactly the same as a guy who complained that she she talks too much about loli and panders to /here/
>make him sound like the anti-loli no fun policeman.
When that loli stuff happened my stance was that actually talking about what she likes about lolis was more interesting than just UOOHing.

>She's barely here at all
She used to post openly in all her threads, now she stealthposts. She monitors her threads during streams, and would reply to her threads directly during spaces.

>> No.12805400

I forgot to tag >>12805158
Also you guys missed her test stream

>> No.12806000

>test stream
How'd it go? Did she get all the kinks worked out for tomorrow's stream?

>> No.12806066

It was only the starting screen for just over a minute, so not much to tell from it.

>> No.12807874

Oh, makes sense.

>> No.12809869

You know what, if this makes schizos stop with this dumb questioning, let's go with that. Let's pretend it's only the character and nothing else.

>> No.12810200

im running out of nade vod to watch

>> No.12810328

Rewatch the Season 1 and 2 Nade. 1 is pretty much short episodes but theyre all kino. 2nd season are longer and have great moments too. Theres a mega floating around for season 2, dont know if theres one for season 1.

>> No.12810610

Go for one of the gartic phones, those were fun. Or the dono opening celebration stream if you want to reignite your love for Nade.

>> No.12812127 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 1810x228, 121225253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't Nade, r-right badgerbros?
Kiki was streaming during this post so it's probably not her.

>> No.12812214

I highly doubt it's her, dont worry. She had a chance to change her model before her l2d debut, and it's clear Nade likes her original community with all the thread-specific broadcasts she'd do.

>> No.12812425

not nade, because she's not averaging 40 views. it could literally by anyone tho if we base it on the shitty model since most 2views indie have shitty model, just look at koopa, kiki, bea.
the only thing even related to nade is the nyanner stuff but it's more likely that it's just bait, i often make this kind of post to bait some (you)s so yeah, it's probably just shitposter.

>> No.12812470
File: 110 KB, 512x512, 64564556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, I should take my meds

>> No.12812692

although would (you) drop nade if she got a non-loli model?

>> No.12812859

I cannot answer this question because it is illogical to begin with. Nade? Not a loli? I’m trying to imagine it and I’m really struggling and failing to convince myself that such a scenario is within the realm of physical reality, but I fail to do so.

>> No.12812917

That's a hard question.
On one hand, I don't really care about her model
On the other, that would mean we were lied to all this time and I'm not sure I can get over that.
Probably wouldn't drop on that thing alone, but would put more distance I guess?

>> No.12812936
File: 411 KB, 977x1067, 1614290246131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no if she look like pic rel

>> No.12813109


>> No.12813505
File: 807 KB, 962x932, 46556656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade onee-san..

>> No.12814583

Depends how non-loli it was. If Nade got more used to read: less self conscious her deeper voice she could pull off another model well enough. I'd wonder why she did it though, since she's already laid her preferences bare.

>> No.12814790

I watched her when she was just a disembodied voice, so the model isn't really the most important factor. But considering how much nade herself likes lolis, it would be a weird choice.
That said, if she decided to go for a booba model instead of dfc, than I would have an autistic fit, idgaf.

>> No.12817528

Nade cute

>> No.12818546

>Gooooood, eveningeverybody!

>> No.12818907
File: 351 KB, 1250x1250, 1635906168427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Nade is trying twitch out, i need to ask very important question from (you): Does she have a wiggly yet? If not im gonna try and make one.

>> No.12819121


>> No.12819176

Parade activates my neurons like you would not even belib.

>> No.12819179

Surely you mean "Konbannade!!"

>> No.12819620

Nope she doesn't

>> No.12819738


>> No.12819840

The new BGMs are good, but the og ones are such perfect fit for her personality, I'll never get over the change

>> No.12820005

the piano brb is nice but Parade is just something else. when she played it during the kekbook stream my brain went in to a dopamine overload

>> No.12820646

Nade has literally committed cultural genocide against her own community.

>> No.12822121

Twitter Space soon, unless you vote.

>> No.12822301


>> No.12822322


>> No.12822331

Bored youkai on YOUR area!

>> No.12822332

Is this really *that* many people?

>> No.12822382
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1607561138520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12822421

best of luck today, it'll be at least interesting watch

>> No.12822424

Psychic powers unlocked.

>> No.12822461

so Nade is NOT taking her meds?

>> No.12822501

every day

>> No.12822518
File: 5 KB, 394x202, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12822572

Nade is cute

>> No.12822640

Reject grass touch snow

>> No.12822649

I moved and probably going to experience snow soon this year since I live somewhere somewhat cold now

>> No.12822659

I talked to someone yesterday who said they hate the cold and only love hot weather. I'm the exact opposite, hot weather HATE

>> No.12822723

is Nadechama room warm? can a stray cold badger hide there for a while

>> No.12822743

>Cares for stray cats during the winter.
Literally an angel.

>> No.12822776

What do her room look like

>> No.12822777

I feel another 4 hour space incoming.

>> No.12822805


>> No.12822829

you'll tell us about it whether we want to or not, we're held hostage

>> No.12822899

Happy Nade => Happy Badgers

>> No.12822919

nade you're /here/ you WILL have antis

>> No.12823002


>> No.12823012

Nade sneezing directly into my mouth

>> No.12823015


>> No.12823018

Cute Nade

>> No.12823023

>They'll have the Sword of Damocles hanging over them
Taking bets on whether she learned about that from Code Geass.

>> No.12823027

Well, do you?

>> No.12823070

I have a few gold accounts for this site under different names.

>> No.12823117

No, everyone already knows that I am retarted.

>> No.12823120


>> No.12823122

>The type of male that I like does not exist in real life. It's literally a 2D-only thing.
Understandable. Do VTubers count as 2D?

>> No.12823141

Nade take us to school with you, we'll be quiet I promise just hide us in your bag

>> No.12823191

tfw you will never have a Sharingan...

>> No.12823198

Only one eye?

>> No.12823207

those dumb sharingan contacts

>> No.12823221

I bet they won't notice if you hide it under an eyepatch.

>> No.12823226

Nade showing off her chuuni powerlevel in school! Changing the color of just 1 eye to bright red and calling it her Makai no Jagan!

>> No.12823231


Disinfect lenses, avoid infection.

>> No.12823308


>> No.12823372

At least you're gonna catch the last minute or so before she leaves.

>> No.12823388

I am shit at recognizing stuff I'll notice it too late

>> No.12823395

It would take one person looking at an older VOD to notice. There is already a huge difference between your first videos, your first streams and your current voice.

>> No.12823397

As things are, you're pretty much guaranteed to qualify for Affiliate as soon as you've streamed for 7 days. Partner status, will take more time.
Also, did you see the Shadowverse decklist extension on Twitch?

>> No.12823419

a pampering headpat

>> No.12823432

take it easy, babe.

>> No.12823451

I request a 2 hour tangent.

>> No.12823453

You too, don't fall asleep in class.

>> No.12823460

Otsunade. Have a good day and see you at the next stream.

>> No.12823459

See you in the evening Nade

>> No.12823468


>> No.12823506
File: 534 KB, 1255x875, badgercringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over for me, im NGMI.

>> No.12823640

I love comfy nade

>> No.12823677

I recorded it, enjoy

>> No.12823748

Thank you badger. Its not the same as listening live, but it will sustain me until tomorrow.

>> No.12823939

I was googling about wiggly since I knew it was a pokemon but didn't know the name since the last game I played was like halfway through Pokemon Y. Somehow this vt thread came up among my searching and it looks like it would be helpful to you https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/12510742/

>> No.12824927

Fuck, home internet went down, and I was too busy playing erogenous the PC, didn't see notification of the twitter space. Anyone can give a QRD of the discussed topics? First time I ever lose something nade related, fuck.

>> No.12827497

>random space before school
Damn, I didn't wake up early enough.

>> No.12829888

thanks i need this, im running out of vod.

>> No.12833532

badger bros, pls post more nade art, i need it for my collection.

>> No.12833834

no, let the thread die.
If you really need to post something, use sage.

>> No.12834404

Become the artist, anon, then you can make as much Nade art as you want.

>> No.12836572

people don't make fanart for her? a bit sad...

>> No.12837205

she won't post her full model on twitter. we don't even know what her legs look like on the yukata outfit. it's hard for artists to do fanart without references.

>> No.12837433

There is some nice art of her old model, several KK charas and a whole 3d model
But looking at the tag, it's really not that much for the time she's been active

>> No.12838670

>she won't post her full model on twitter
why is she doing this?

>> No.12840693


>> No.12842024

bumping Nade's flat chest T o T

>> No.12842230

anyone here have nade's old model when she was still a png? the slutty kimono one irc, share it with me pls.

>> No.12842274

Check her art tag on twitter. It should all still be there.

>> No.12842377

Is Nade ok with sharing spaces recordings? Not looking for blame, but i have partial recordings of 3 or 4 spaces for myself but didnt want to mention it and start a heated argument about the ethicacy of sharing them.

Sorry if this topic starts a shitstorm. Perhaps one should ask her in google forms or next spaces?

>> No.12842815

please post it, i need more nade in my life.
there's no such thing.

>> No.12842970

Forgot to add, my personal opinion is that its a public performance so unless stated otherwise by the performer, its ok to share and record. I would take Nades stance over anything else, so its less that i care about what others think, but what Nade thinks. Also i think she mentioned early on that it was ok now that i think about it.

When i get back from work ill try to edit them and upload. Might take 2 or 3 days since im very busy this week. Unfortunately they may be missing 30-40 minutes of the start.

>> No.12843072

please tell me you have her very first spaces

>> No.12843121

If you're taking Nade's stance she specifically said "Because it's unarchived I can talk more freely" and cited that as why she doesn't want to do twitcasting instead, so she does have the expectation that it remains unarchived.

>> No.12843161
File: 239 KB, 1397x1958, FD5oqbxXMAErfeG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, this just dropped into the art tag.

>> No.12843456

Not the first and maybe not the 2nd. 3rd for sure. 2 or 3 in total, one of them in full. Theyre so comfy its my ASMR content.
Maybe ill ask her through google forms and or if someone remembers through apaces chat. Theres nothing bad ever said in any of them i dont think

>> No.12843911

i'll draw nade something, give me draw prompt with reference of your favorite artist, i'll attempt to draw her in that style.
no complex background pls, just character focus.

>> No.12843927

Slutty kimono? The one she wore once for that Lunar viewing?

>> No.12844101

Badger carrying Nade in the style of Masamune Shirow.

>> No.12844106

I don't have a prompt for you but I remember she wanted to commission kirero to do her model.

>> No.12844138
File: 194 KB, 1500x1548, 20211111_174708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade baking cookies in picrel's style

>> No.12844230
File: 1.30 MB, 3000x5782, 1621496946396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12844339

Well, maybe not old her old png, but still kinda naughty kimono Nade

>> No.12844359

Adorable, who drew it? I can't find it on twitter

>> No.12844450
File: 215 KB, 965x1581, nadetsukimioutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.12844509


>> No.12845472

cuddling with Nade

>> No.12845989

If she gets a second alt outfit, what should it be?

>> No.12846483

Badger mascot outfit

>> No.12848984

How will the twitch stream go? Viewers? Hours streamed? Yab level? Scuff level?

>> No.12849747

I have no idea but it's probably gonna have some scuff

>> No.12849798


>> No.12850075

WAIT WAIT WAIT. Twitch? I might actually watch nade again

>> No.12850218

Nade where are you?

>> No.12850239

She's experimenting this week. It's the first of three streams.

>> No.12850263


>> No.12850264


>> No.12850280

Oof, guess I'm not going to be able to watch this.

>> No.12850408

Wait, I remember being able to lower resolution in other twitch streams. What the fuck?

>> No.12850432

I think the streamer has to reach partner first otherwise stuck with this resolution

>> No.12850442

Limited transcoding slots depending on overall load and whether the streamer is affiliate/partner.

>> No.12850477

quality options are based on server availability, with partners preferred, then affiliates, then by stream size.

>> No.12850515

>she's already at the top of the game category

>> No.12850542

it is a dead game

>> No.12850630

I already hate the twitch chat

>> No.12850643

you hate emotes?

>> No.12850717

So I guess her youtube numbers is around 30 without the susan debuff?

>> No.12850849

yes, random 3D people's faces and things that are completely unrelated to the streamer. I have no problem with regular emojis.

>> No.12850884

I mostly sub to chuubas so its all anime emotes

>> No.12850949

is there a way to ban non-regular or non-nade emojis in chat?
i fucking hate random 3DPD faces in chat too, it's like i'm expected to know who these fucks are

>> No.12850979

you really are autistic

>> No.12851027
File: 4 KB, 291x44, 65465312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that was quick

>> No.12851053

it happens to all smaller channels

>> No.12851071


>> No.12851109

there's no way to report that kind of shit?

>> No.12851126

Im gonna spam pogu pogu emotes just to piss autists like you off.

>> No.12851146

There is. Click on the username then on the three vertical dots.

>> No.12851147

Yes you can, click the name then the vertical dots. Nade can also chat ban them.

>> No.12851152

imagine being autistic getting triggered by emotes

>> No.12851156

At least 100k players bro, that's not dead at all.

>> No.12851191

dead in terms of being a stream game

>> No.12851300

Atleast it puts Nade on the top of the shadowverse category kek.

>> No.12851331

>can't rewind the stream to catch what she mumbled out in her trilingual accent

>> No.12851346

You can. Just go to vods, its updated as the stream goes on.

>> No.12851365
File: 4 KB, 473x97, as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have this?

>> No.12851368

The vod is created during the stream, you can check it.

>> No.12851419

thanks non

>> No.12851570

Also if you want to rewatch somwthing that happened a minute or so ago, just preas the clip button on the player. Ita very helpful. You can rewatch those moments later and save if you want.

>> No.12851599


>> No.12851703

Say whatever you want, but that's not a really good viewer's user experience.

>> No.12851990

I dont understand. Ita great. Juat press clip as many times as you want and you dont miss the stream and can rewatch or download the moments you like. If youre an editor its fantastic too.

>> No.12852198

compared to just pressing the arrow keys or scrolling through a search bar?

>> No.12852267

Yes. As i said. You dont miss the stream. And you can do that in the vod anyway. Its 100% better. She goes to the toilet, click to the tab to rewatch those clips. Its great.

>> No.12852359

If they're good you can publish them for everyone to see.

>> No.12852367

why are there almost 40 badgers and only 3 are talking? what are you other badgers doing?

>> No.12852378


>translation: "Imagine losing to a male!"

>> No.12852398


>> No.12852567

unlike other games it's hard to add anything when you don't play the game

>> No.12852623

looks like stockholm's syndrome to me, youtube's player is just better

>> No.12852747

I got no idea whats going on half the time tbqh.

>> No.12852817

It might be SS, youll understand eventually. I havent used twitch in a year but that feature was fantastic back then too.

>> No.12852844
File: 6 KB, 253x83, latency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the latency being less than 3 seconds.

>> No.12853230

>Yes, but she won't speak it on stream because she's purposefully targeting an english audience
I don't think she can speak japanese, actually.

>> No.12853310

Honestly, we should ask her at next spaces to give us a small speech killing rrat once and for all

>> No.12853590

and that matters because....?

>> No.12853720
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1636128961475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12853927

I don't play this game, when she's quitting is she 100% dead or does she still have a chance to win?

>> No.12854078

From my understanding of the game she only quits when it's hopeless.

>> No.12854273

there's 0% chance to beat some stuff so quitting is better than wasting time

>> No.12854366

some dude made a twitch account just for nade. thats true dedication

>> No.12854468

I'm guessing quite a few of them did

>> No.12854563

Ive watched a few chuubas on twitch before, but i didnt make an account until this week (for Nade) tbqh.

>> No.12855257


>> No.12855581

Maybe next time she plays Shadowverse on stream she can use the decklist extension.

>> No.12856907

I’m liking this stream. Thumbs up and followed.

>> No.12857416

If I could watch for more than 1 second I'd probably like it too.

>> No.12857462

Data cap? Mobile? Sorry to hear that anon.

That said I just realised Holy Crap, ShadowBears is the perfect Nade game, she can both play and chit chat with chat.

>> No.12857499
File: 559 KB, 3201x800, rvGchxxZVgLHbCf_MJPySDf8oTwdGDHetCzdm-Pi03k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is actually a girl.

>> No.12857859

Also you can set the player to “audio only” on mobile devices.

>> No.12857966

Someone with a new account say 初見です to see if nade replies in japanese

>> No.12858208

someone left some messages in moonrunes earlier and she ignored them, so maybe not likely

>> No.12858221

The best fetish, right after reverse-corruption.

>> No.12858373

she knows its us roleplaying, a true japanese wouldn't pop up in a random english stream

>> No.12858654

She easily read a comment when I told her to say "俺様の女になれ" with the Chad voice. Also, ignore the bait.

>> No.12859361

>Have to refresh the page because stream is crapping itself
>Whole chat is gone/cleared
thanks twitch

>> No.12859378
File: 847 KB, 1861x1018, uooohcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12859452

Install FrankerFaceZ. It's an addon for twitch that does a lot of things. One of them is adding a "reset player" button.

>> No.12859549

>Pop-up the chat on a new window
>It also clears the chat

>> No.12859647

you can connect to twitch chat with any irc clients, it even has it's own specific community made client.

>> No.12859781

>install 24 addons to make twitch not shit

>> No.12859786

why should I need to install extensions and scripts to make the site not shit?

>> No.12859918

just offering you solutions to your problems

>> No.12860023

This. Frankerz is fantastic. Wish YouTube had it.

>> No.12860085

Her master was 100% poundin that cunny.

>> No.12860131

Isn't it too early to pressure her into raiding your twitch buddies?

>> No.12860145


>> No.12860164

It seems like the cons for Twitch outweigh the pros if you're going to be there exclusively. Youtube's going to get a lot of the things that people like about Twitch soon anyway, right?

>> No.12860185

Go shill your twitchtrannies in /wvt/

>> No.12860199

Make me

>> No.12860307

There, she said a Japanese word, happy?

>> No.12860343

raiding is cringe, as soon as nade leaves, I'm bailing.

>> No.12860347

She read my Japanese donation back when donations opened

>> No.12860377

Pure spaghetti, but ill do it for her

>> No.12860410


>> No.12860479


>> No.12860492

C U T E ! ! ! !

>> No.12860533


>> No.12860535

Someone better clip and ship.

>> No.12860582

Wow she's right, her voice is really cute

>> No.12860618

oh no she's cute
I'm sorry Nade...

>> No.12860619

At least the girl looks/sounds really cute.
I'll leave her stream on for a bit even if I'm not paying attention

>> No.12860626

raid got her killed sasuga

>> No.12860663

Nade is boosting a corpo...
Didn't really expect it to go this way.

>> No.12860679

shes adorable damn

>> No.12860697

Now she hates Nade, fuck! No not really Nadechama

>> No.12860706


>> No.12860717

Damn, this one's got no quality options too. I've had better experiences on NND.

>> No.12860745

I can't leave a comment and a like on the vod, this feels bad

>> No.12860748

Cute Spagheti at the end! Perfect game for her and chat. Great experience with Twitch in general. /10

>> No.12860776

It was a normal stream but on twitch/10.

>> No.12860813

spaghetti dropped/10

Seems like she had a lot of fun on twitch, she even managed to do her first raid. I'm proud of our youkai!

>> No.12860838

Only caught the end of it, but pretty comfy.
Twitch doesn't have any chat backlog?

>> No.12860846

Nade is cute no matter the platform / 10
Didn't know what to expect with this game, it turned out perfect.

>> No.12860855

Expected more scuff from "first" stream, but it was all ogey / 10
Also the spaghetti spilling just made me smile like a retard.

>> No.12860889

the chat is recorded to the vod

>> No.12860916

I take it Nade has a fetish for cute girls whispering "what the fuck"

>> No.12860945

Nade is cute no matter where she is, but I'm definitely not sold on twitch, YT feels comfier.

>> No.12861031

I agree, but im not gonna seethe if she chooses twitch as her "main" platform after this test.
Im willing to forgive twitch because of the spaghetti kino we got out of this.

>> No.12861062

the girl's voice is actually unbearably sweet, i have to close the stream

>> No.12861068

While I prefer youtube chat culture and the better VODs on youtube, Twitch is the superior platform for literally everything else.

>> No.12861112

I'm gonna take my meds and try to hold back on shitting on twitch too much until the week is over

>> No.12861138

Shadowverse is a good game for streaming, as it's not too intensive unless you're a super autist, so it lets you talk to the chat and bad games lead to entertainment. That said, this is only a personal thing, but I didn't really have a good time as I couldn't watch the stream at all. I basically read chat while the scene changed now and then. As a streamer I'm sure she had a good time, and according to the chat badgers who actually have workable internet did too. I was hoping she'd lower the quality before streaming, even to 760 would have been workable, but as it stands I'll likely pass next Twitch streams.

>> No.12861140

This Mic arc needs to wrap up, she was squeeking so cutely at the end and or laughing during the stream and every goddamn time this mic debacle ROBBED US, I SAY ROBBED! us of hearing her cute laughs and giggles.

In fact im bold enough to make a claim that we only heard 75% of nade, from low to mids, but the High note nade was always snatched right of our earholes.

How long we must endure this daylight robbery? How many 1st moments have been rendered unrecoverable by this technological terrorist?

>> No.12861174

>better chat culture and VODs
That's more than enough, d e s u

>> No.12861220

Well youtube is getting gift memberships and raids, now if only the chat would be optimized.

>> No.12861228

>I was hoping she'd lower the quality before streaming
You should be able to choose a lower one next time

>> No.12861320

How so?

>> No.12861327

meds away
twitch bad

>> No.12861338

Youtube chat only gets bad on streams with huge number of particpants. Not an issue at all for a small chuuba.

>> No.12861339

Nade begging us not to leave her for the other streamer was unbelievably cute.

>> No.12861368

Whats the deal with not being able to chance stream quality on twitch until she gets X status?
Why not just allow it for everyone as default.
T: Not thirdie, just wondering.

>> No.12861413

I'm just hoping that she won't end up as the rest of the 4chan vtubers who made the switch

>> No.12861433

Yes and even on bigger it's really a problem only if your computer is crap.

>> No.12861452

This is my theory, but it's to try and rush streamers into the affiliate thing.

>> No.12861461

What happened? The only one I know of is Koopa and her problems weren't cause of the Twitch switch.

>> No.12861465

She should be able to get an affiliate which allows for lower res

>> No.12861473

You expected quality products from Besos

>> No.12861479

The chat culture thing is streamer dependent, just as it is on youtube. Nade even said she liked to see all the different emotes. As for VODs, twitch has a one click export to youtube.
>Your Twitch account can be connected to a YouTube account via your Connections page. Once your accounts are connected, you can use the Export option to upload your videos to YouTube directly from Twitch without having to download them locally.

>> No.12861531

The sad part is vating that 24h for those archives on youtube.

>> No.12861549

I mean, yeah, if my phone can handle Youtube chat's on a hololive debut, I really don't think "youtube chat optimization" should be a reason to prefer twitch over youtube for Nade.

Exporting vods will never be good enough if Nade does not integrate chat on the stream.

>> No.12861550

Lolno, just trying to wonder whats the endgame.
Sounds plausible.

>> No.12861584

Sidebar, but it would be better to record a VOD locally with OBS so that the stream and the VOD can be at different resolutions. Assuming her desktop can handle the load.

>> No.12861606

There are streamers that stream on both platforms. Tenma for example. No idea if that makes sense for Nade though.

If you want to watch the archive within 24 hours of the stream, you can just watch the VOD on twitch.

>> No.12861626

Nades twitch chat seemed nice tbqh, people only used default emotes for "shitposting" and there wasnt any spam.

>> No.12861644

Twitch only has so many servers for reencoding streams. They prioritize partners, then affiliates, then other streamers.

>> No.12861683

Probably because there probably wasn't a single person watching that don't watch her already on Youtube

>> No.12861739

Most chats are like that. It's only the people that get more than 10k viewers that have crazy chats. Either that or the streamer encourages the craziness.

>> No.12861776

>Exporting vods will never be good enough if Nade does not integrate chat on the stream.
this, if nade never does it those twitch comments are lost forever, making the VODs occasionally incomprehensible

>> No.12861822

And thats a good thing, new viewers will get assimilated. And not until she grows big it will probably go to shit, but at that point >we have already won.

>> No.12861839

I'm mostly thinking of the smaller ones. Low effort collabs almost every day (even idolwannabe chuubas dropped the no males allowed rule quickly), chats filled with other vtubers, disregarding the community building part of vtubing and socializing in discords populated by other vtubers instead. They basically started using vtubing as an excuse to hang out or get laid.

>> No.12861879

Sounds like a good deal. Finally Nade will both have friends and will get laid.

>> No.12861908

She could always turn her whole VODs into highlight since twitch saves them indefinitely.

Nade seems pretty allergic to discord so I don't think that will be a problem with her.

>> No.12861971

To add, they even advertise the workaround on the VOD article.
>If there’s content you’d like to save for longer, you can highlight it! Highlights (discussed more below) are stored indefinitely and do not expire.

>> No.12862225

do (you) cheat on Nade?
I don't, now kneel

>> No.12862279

Closed the tab before the raid started. I was on twitch for NADE ONLY

>> No.12862314

Imagine leaving Nade alone with strangers.

>> No.12862431
File: 63 KB, 640x360, 656556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't alone. There were some badgers with her right?

>> No.12862483

Most of us weren't like >>12862279 and went through with the raid.

>> No.12862680

New girl does speak very cute, so I kind of got why Nade spilled spaghetti. Not too into Apex though, I already get enough of it watching Choco.

>> No.12862684

Nade prepping to raid could have some cute youtube clip potential. Unfortunately theres some mic issues as always that may filter the algorythm fish. Title it something like "Its her first time.." And use cropped lewdest Nades art.

Thatl be 10yen Nades manager.

>> No.12863019

Yeah, a lot are normalfags or failed normalfags. Throwing money to get a model and make this shit into the next /soc/ tier fuckfest.

>> No.12863518

Considering the amount of spaghetti it took for her to send a raid, I don't think collabs with anybody, let alone m*les is gonna happen anytime soon. Same with discords

>> No.12863882

Nade has alot of resistance againts grooming thanks to her weird card game circles and she is anything but a normie. I hope she can overcome her spaghetti when she grows bigger, but for now its safe to just enjoy.
And when it comes to m*les, i never saw them as issue, i just dont want my chuubas to collab with fucking normees, but thats just me.

>> No.12867176

I really look forward to seeing someday Nade collabing with someone who she could have a nice dynamic with. I have no idea who could that be, since I don't follow other 2views/indies

>> No.12867680

Ive been watching a bunch of smaller vtubers recently, but its kinda hard to tell who would have nice dynamic with her. Even total opposites can work really well sometimes, only way to know is for her to collab with bunch of different people she finds interesting tbqh.
