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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12703219 No.12703219 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so jealous of her success?

>> No.12703462

they aren't in higher capacities. there are just more people: different fanbases + more poortards lock on to the biggest targets. everyone gets hit but the big ones attract more, capische?

>> No.12703584

She has everything you can want in a VTuber and mogs all of her seniors and they're scared

>> No.12703676

Why do chumbuds keep making the same shitty bait threads? Nobody's jealous of Gura; everyone hates her fanbase for being shitheads.

>> No.12704249

Go back to watching your 2-view

>> No.12704377

this. no one actually cares enough to sperg out over her, there's just self imposed faggots like you who like to validate yourself by pretending everyone has it out for Gura every second of the day. And when someone actually does come around and provide a composed reason for even the slightest idea opposing her and the mob, you go and spam a thread with images with "o nyooo" before patting yourself on the back.

>> No.12704448

if you're gonna circlejerk yourselves, can you at least do it in your general?

>> No.12704933

the 4th gen and 5th gen are jealous of her

>> No.12706952

take meds

>> No.12707457

Everybody likes her tho, coz unlike Pekora, she gives people the chance to watch other chuubas.

>> No.12708999

Because she lucked out at an opportune time and 99.9% of vtubers will never be able to replicate her accidentally runaway success.

Literally the poster chuba for right person in right place at right time.

>> No.12709045

If you're a chumbud, you should know that Gura would dislike this thread and you for starting it.

>> No.12709347

>Seething 2views ITT

>> No.12712104

She doesn't have a fanbase, it's just dead subs.

>> No.12712361

She has a lot of views indeed, more than all her genmates. But her superchats are only average for her gen. Mori is much higher than her. It proves that most of these fans she's reaching are not hardcore fans who actually donate money. She also appears to have a lot of subs that are not watching her videos consistently and only tune into the important streams, as she will often have a massive uncharacteristic spike in live viewership.

Gura is attempting to convert her great popularity into donations, but it's just not working out very well. My pet theory is that most of the money is donated by people from 4chan, and therefore your income is actually somewhat determined by your 4chan popularity, which is different from your youtube popularity.

>> No.12712383

>bad singer
>where is the original song
>jp collab when
>graduate soon

all these cards don't work anymore, that's why

>> No.12712390

TPBP. /thread.

>> No.12712569

tpbp its really that simple

>> No.12712612

Jealously implies a person believes something to be rightfully theirs is held by or lost to someone else. It implies the loss of something rather than just the gain for someone else. The universal answer to the question "Why are people jealous?" is pride, selfishness and sometimes megalomania.

>> No.12712934

Using Gura for all those (you)'s is cheating. People literally can't help but seethe at her and her cumbuds.

>> No.12713028

Alright schizo time
I dislike her specifically in collabs because i feel like she siphons attention away from the collab members by merely existing. The uno collab with kronii/bae/calli had lots of good moment but going to look at clips i just saw people focusing on gura fagging it ip.

>> No.12713530
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Pomu did this with less than 1000 viewers

>> No.12714155

why would you be jealous of someone who wasn't successful?
