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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 800 KB, 5019x1133, kami 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12682287 No.12682287 [Reply] [Original]

Is this HoloJP's kami 7?

I feel once three of them have left the writing's on the wall for Hololive (unless they recruit/evolve another person).

>> No.12682578

Aqua isn't that important anymore, she's the second most hated hololive member after Matsuri now. and I don't think Rushia is important enough to be up there either.

>> No.12682642

>I don't think Rushia is important enough to be up there either

Literally in the top 3 superchat earners for all of Hololive, JP or EN.

"Not Important OGEY"

>> No.12682709

More like the kuso 6 and Suisei

>> No.12682723

If you are going to use 7 different chuubas at least post the source of the images. Also where's Fubuki?

>> No.12682779

Needs Fubuki. She's still the face of the company and has said repeatedly that her leaving will be the canary in the coal mine

>> No.12682834
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1634786196150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's latest songs can't even get as many views as Amelia's original song.

>> No.12682984

See you in 10 months. The long run

>> No.12683051

If it were me I'd put all 7 personas of my oshi

>> No.12683622

Replace Aqua or Suisei with Fubuki

>> No.12683647

I'd remove Suisei, Aqua, and Marine.
I'd add Matsuri, Haachama and Fubuki.
Not because I like them more, but because I feel they are/were more important than Suisei and Aqua.
I'm not sure about Marine: she has good numbers, but has she ever been the face of hololive?

>> No.12683700

I meant *more important for hololive.
I hate festival and I hope she gets murdered by her schizo fans.

>> No.12683715

Matsuri and Haachama are both washed up whores at this point, they definitely don't belong. I'd replace Suisei with Fubuki.

>> No.12683740

fuck off nijibrony retard

>> No.12683821

This gotta be bait, marine rivals pekora's popularity.

>> No.12683886

>Matsuri and Haato over Aqua and Marine
Aqua was the fastest growing member in 2019 into early 2020. She was Hololive’s rising star and 2nd most subscribed to by Holo 1st Fes. She and Fubuki were the faces of Hololive. Marine is a central member of Gen 3 and has been popular for most of her time in the company. Matsuri was never a big face outside of clips, Haato essentially the same.

>> No.12683900

I'm not saying she's not popular or good (it's the one I prefer among the one in the OP), but I don't feel like she left the same mark as others such as Pekora.

>> No.12683908

Post a picture of your blond cunt then. She's shit btw

>> No.12683981

Replace one with Gawr Gura.

>> No.12683999

If youre gonna play it like that then what mark has pekora left besides having numbers and being popular.

>> No.12684004

Matsuri and Haachama aren't as important anymore. I can honestly see them graduating within a year and not causing a giant amount of trauma

>> No.12684134

Holo fantasy s-sugoi

>> No.12684788 [SPOILER] 
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 1635811631595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually started feeling bad for her
>btfo'd by Suichan in mariokart
>cried and had a nose bleed
>chinks want her head
>angered Jun niggers
>couldn't reach master rank
>Astellas made fun of her
>gets disliked bombed
>has to take a break because she can't force herself to get them meds
>got killed by Gooruh
>Gooruh took her company
>Gooruh took her closest friend
>Gooruh took Rice porridge's heart
>Rice porridge has Gooruh for a wallpaper
>Isn't a top tier holo anymore
Astel! Save her!!

>> No.12684883

what do you mean by "writing's on the wall"?
You could make three different lists based on which 7 JPmem are the most load-bearing for maintaining:
>internal stability/keeping the other girls happy so they don't graduate
in case where the fuck is Fubuki,
>the broader Vtuber fanbase's brand loyalty
in which case where the fuck is Gura (yes, for JP)
>me personally deciding to give up on HoloPro
in which case where the fuck is [my oshi]
Either way I think Coco should be on here as one of your 3 strikes
or this should just be a powerlevels thread

>> No.12685022

>her leaving will be the canary in the coal mine
A great way to tell if someone is a retard or not is whether they believe the cover shareholder when she threatens to harm the company if it "becomes" black kek

>> No.12685059

>cover shareholder

>> No.12685119

She's unironically one of the safest(if not the safest) Hololive members when it comes to marketing due to her not lewding herself nowhere near as much as the other members and she's extremely popular with japanese children just like Gura is with western children. If anything I would argue she's the top important member in HoloJP over everyone.

>> No.12685160

>my oshi isn't there
thank god /vt/ doesn't care about her

>> No.12685311
File: 186 KB, 275x349, 1630713410057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know your oshi is Sora, now.. on your knees or I'll start shitposting

>> No.12685366

The real canary is Sora considering hololive is her and A-chan's project and she's the foundation of the whole thing. If she left for any sort of suspect reason, you just know the whole thing is over.

>> No.12685965


>> No.12686039

Stop falseflagging.

>> No.12686349

If we're just focusing on JP audience, I'd put Subaru in place of Korone.

>> No.12686374

shut up bitch don't you dare to talk bad my oishi

>> No.12686442

>Gooruh took her company
>Gooruh took her closest friend
>Gooruh took Rice porridge's heart
>Rice porridge has Gooruh for a wallpaper
Gura is happy to find someone more autistic than herself and bullies Aqua. What a weak ass shark.
I pray that poor Aqua will find redemption and a moment of peace.

>> No.12686554

>I don't think Rushia is important enough to be up there either
Rushia has been donated over 1 million USD MORE than the next highest earning active Hololive member (Pekora)

>> No.12686618

Miko and Suisei arent really important, everything would be the same without them

>> No.12686983
File: 729 KB, 800x800, 1628536144185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine ill bite, tell me a holo who is more popular, relevant and contributed to hololive success more than Miko.

>> No.12687041

Pekora, Korone, Marine, Fubuki etc.. Miko didn't really contribute much to hololive outside of saying nigga.

>> No.12687144


>> No.12687804
File: 407 KB, 1216x1624, 8371D5EC-6C3A-438E-AB97-DF70BC8F19BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei and Korone have piss over leadership skills, they shouldn’t be there. Replace with Fubuki and Subaru.

>> No.12687877

>Aqua isnt important

>> No.12688200

Pekora, Marine and Gura are just numbers and hololive was already a success before they became popular. Fubuki is not more popular than Miko by any means and cant hardly be called relevant these days. I may be bias but I see Korone and Miko as equally important and relevant to the hololive we see today.

>> No.12688346

I provided you with examples and you say they don't count because they have high numbers? Also, Fubuki is probably the most important member to the success of hololive, so I wouldn't count her out so quickly. What has Miko contributed to hololive that the others haven't?

>> No.12688495

considering Sora restarted roommate activity after deleting everything four years ago...

>> No.12688604

Suisei would be a good leader though

>> No.12689196

Why the fuck are Subaru or Fubuki not on there? Subaru has blown up a lot and started stepping forward as a powerhouse and Fubuki is one of the faces of Hololive and extremely important.
Korone isn't important to Hololive, much less "kami". She could graduate and literally nothing would change besides "cute dog who makes cute noises is gone". She could be replaced by someone who isn't an autist that only collabs with the same people over and over because "muh comfort zone" and has actual leadership abilities and qualities, such as Subaru or Fubuki.
Suisei could be replaced with Subaru or Fubuki as well.
>Pekora, Marine and Gura are just numbers
>I may be bias but I see Korone equally as important as Miko
>Korone is literally just numbers herself nowadays
Yeah, you're biased alright and this is proof no one should take you seriously.

>> No.12691110

She’s never lead anything in her 2 years at Hololive.

>> No.12691416

She never got the chance. She's the one pushing management to do things.

>> No.12691609
File: 878 KB, 592x568, 1635367589387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girls wombs art churning and causing rash decisions and i'll ne'er be in japan stuffing them

>> No.12691701

Open wide, here's your big spoonful of sources.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88912360 Pekora
https://twitter.com/kurige_horse/status/1352184157791633408 Korone
https://twitter.com/oekakizuki_turi/status/1269824756443787264 Marine
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92289330 Rushia
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80346338 Aqua
https://twitter.com/Guchico77/status/1318839242324275200 Miko
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89276286 Suisei

>> No.12691951

Bless you

>> No.12692356

>What do you mean by "writing's on the wall"?
Hololive's brand and their ability to attract new fans while keeping the existing ones faithful. Because Hololive just went through a popularity boost (2020 with a bit of 2021), and this boost has largely been caused by a select group of Hololive members. Some are just better in attracting new people than others (+ have more clips available). These members are lightning rods / gateways to the bigger group as a whole so that new fans can get to know the more lowkey members as well.

With every lightning rod member they lose Hololive's brand will shrink as well. Their ability to attract new fans lessens + a portion of their large fanbase will quit Hololive / VTubers in general because their (kami) oshi left.

If there's a HoloEN list I would put Gura/Calli on there.

>> No.12692526

>she's extremely popular with japanese children
Stats where?

Anyways Pekora reminds me of Sasshi so I'm sure mainstream audiences would love her. Being a variety pro guarantees success basically.

>> No.12692553

> Once three of them have left
Unless something big happens, you know we're talking potentially years down the line right? Hololive will have drastically changed when 3 of them will have left. None of them are giving signs of leaving anytime soon, you could probably count the Holos who are on one hand, and even then it's more based on rrats than anything. Having 3 of them leave right now will obviously provoke a shitstorm, but Cover can't manage. Also, none of them are really that important to the company other than say Pekora and Marine bringing in numbers. The others have their niche and that's it.

>> No.12692650

But nothing Cover can't manage*. Woopsie doopsie kekisimo lol

>> No.12693508

Aqua was important, now her audience and mind is broke.

>> No.12693702

Subaru isn't important lmao

>> No.12693763

> No Fubuki

..............OP is gay

>> No.12693838

> falling for Fubuki is shareholder rrat


>> No.12694001

I feel Subaru should be there too. She’s the loyal good hand that they can rely on for promotional stuff, is often the one revealing behind the scenes stuff like audition processes, and seems to be one of the more widely loved girls behind the scenes. If she leaves for anything other than health or retirement from streaming, it means some serious shit is going down.
