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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12536005 No.12536005 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the nips always this predatory towards other people?

>> No.12536094

Matsuri is just menhera and should probably be in a sex offender registry.

>> No.12536208

>doesn't know Matsuri is a sex offender
How new?
She pretty much admits to raping women, and I'm glad Pekora has almost cut her off from interactions after that fuck up during the Disneyland trip
Fuck Matsuri

>> No.12536211

Matsuri is not a normal human

>> No.12536232
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based festival

>> No.12536276

>Is canon

>> No.12536359

>fuck up during the Disneyland trip
elaborate pls

>> No.12536463

I excused her behavior after a few times but with my oshi nene she crosses the line

>> No.12536784

>like when you wipe your ass after taking a shit

>> No.12536916


>> No.12537122

Strawpoll is shit and isn't counting my vote, use poal.me instead.

>> No.12537282

self-admittedly stealth groped her and did more than that to her besides based on Marine's defensiveness of Pekora when around Matsuri
Matsuri basically used Pekora's super timid super girly behavior off-stream to try and fondle her and do whatever she tries to pull with other girls
It's fucked up and luckily Pekora is the paragon of heterosexuality so she had fucking none of it

>> No.12537398

Oh shut up, Nene was wet

>> No.12537533

stfu, that was hot af

>> No.12537555

God, I wish I could wipe Nene's ass.

>> No.12537805

It says a lot about how Pekora feels about the touchyness when even Marine knows and does hold back with her.

>> No.12537814

Groping and rape always happens. That's why a lot of fans don't like men hanging around the girls.

>> No.12537906

I mean, look at what happened to Miko.

>> No.12538002

This is Nene we are talking about

>> No.12538310

Matsuri isn't really a great basis for what an average nip is. She is legit menhera.

>> No.12538362

>ywn be the husband assigned to clean Nene's ass after she takes a shit

>> No.12538441

She's a serial sex molester and needs to go jail immediately

>> No.12538592

It's Matsuri, if she was a western streamer she would have been cancelled a long time ago by some twitter expose

>> No.12538655

>even Marine knows and does hold back with her.
Despite Marine usual act and I use the word "act" fully she's actually very respectful to the girls personal space and even as far as lewdness will only press so far, she basically will find out what she's allowed to do and say with each holomem and always keep it that way remembering each memebers specific wants and needs especially for colalbs, this is something I wouldn't expect clip watchers to know of her though.

>still pushing this
Pekora and Miko have been practicing for the sports fes together so I don't know why people are still acting like they aren't friends anymore

>> No.12538954

Yeah. Marine can control herself and uses her feelings as inspiration for her content at times. Matsuri is just a POS.
>this is something I wouldn't expect clip watchers to know of her though.
You should, given that it's been covered in clips plenty of times. Marine has some very good clippers like Shabby and such.

>> No.12539040

I can't tell if this is a lie by nene to yuribait
If it's real and is tolerated by the status quo in hololive
If it's the subber doing an attempt at clickbait

fucking hololive, man. I hate it here.

>> No.12539123

>Marine can control herself
Yeah, just ask Shion

>> No.12540251

>she basically will find out what she's allowed to do and say with each holomem and always keep it that way
Noel x Marine bath stream

>> No.12540384

You guys aren’t asking the real questions: can Matsuri be saved?

>> No.12540474

Yes please do ask Shion, who said "nothing happened".

>> No.12540594


>> No.12540696

nah, these are talk topic clips
Peasants don't have the attention span to finish +5minute clips
Let's not pretend Noel doesn't know how to let it loose. Maybe not on the official streams but you get my point..

>> No.12541282

>Peasants don't have the attention span to finish +5minute clips
that's what Ritalin is for I think

>> No.12541942

There's already a thread for that >>12255870

>> No.12542335

Ayo, that's hot

>> No.12542947

That sounds fucking horrid. How has Matsuri not been called out on her shit, or do you think they had some backstage talks about it?

>> No.12543006

>Fuck Matsuri
Don't mind if I do

>> No.12543023

The other girls likes it

>> No.12543029

old uncommon rrat is Marine threatened to call the cops on her once
But Matusri is gen 1. Senpai buff, plus idols, plus this was during the era of erolive, plus Japanese

>> No.12543083

*plus Japanese company and women means it's tough to do anything and no matter what the full details will NEVER be publicized and the fact that we know as much as we do tells us it probably goes somewhat further.
As >>12543023 said though a lot of girls play along (le erolive) which sort of ended up contorting "Hololive culture" into being accepting of Matsuris behavior
Basically, they play female on female rape as a joke

>> No.12543097

Nene was asking for it.

>> No.12543132

She's the jimmy savile of the vtuber industry

>> No.12543522
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The fact that lolicon/shotacon is widely accepted by most girls goes to show that sekusuhara is just but a game, a way to fuck with eachother. The same way we all call each other faggots and would play nasty pranks.

>> No.12543524

I don't know what's funnier Nene once again baiting people or the nousagi newfags being horrified that Matsuri is the same Matsuri she's always been.

>> No.12543536

How erotic is Nene's ass?

>> No.12543543

Besides, we have seen how they all look irl, hell cute girls doing yabe stuff to eachother is a must.

>> No.12543569

Matsuri is below average

>> No.12543591

>Matsuri basically used Pekora's super timid super girly behavior off-stream to try and fondle her
Fucking based. Matsuri has a lot of flaws but she's undeniably an alpha woman

>> No.12543592

Not to me and certainly not in weight.

>> No.12543606

Average japanese women look godawful.
Matsuri looks above average.

>> No.12543612

Alphas get laid
Matsuri doesn't

>> No.12543616

Carnivorous women are certainly scary.

>> No.12543629

Sigma female god matsuri.

>> No.12543691

Sigmas don't care about other people
Matsuri is beyond obsessed with a slutty gyaru who'd rather fuck a corpse than her

>> No.12543727

Okay but there are those who are not okay with it and that should be respected

>> No.12543745

I'm not new I just never let go of my grudges

>> No.12543754
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>> No.12543930

She's an unfairly maligned collector of glass eyeballs? Haha just kidding.
I want Matsuri to 'Fix It' for me. By 'fix' i mean ride and by 'it' i mean my dingaling and by 'dingaling' i mean penis... if ya know what i mean....haha

>> No.12544270

I don’t respect lower lifeforms

>> No.12544293

That fever dream marine had with shion was something else, going further than matsuri so far.

>> No.12544344

Poor festival, she must be seething after what happened yesterday with chammers

>> No.12544346


>> No.12544442

fuck off embodiment of /vt/ I don't wanna hear it

>> No.12544770

Unlike Suisei, the actual former idols in Hololive include the one who slaps a “RESTROOM TIME” sign over her face (Nene), and a scat fetishist (Kiara).

>> No.12546035

Hey come on, it was just a joke with gura. Nothing to be taken seriously, it's not like you have an underground marketplace where you can buy poop from pretty girls, high schooler poop even.
She totally never sold hers there for nasty otakus to buy and have as bentou.

>> No.12549392

So if Suisei wants to be a real idol, she needs to start announcing her bathroom breaks?

>> No.12549461

It's Nene's fault. If you are a yard away from Matsuri, you will be groped. They have a warning sign in the entrance of the office.

>> No.12549526

Matsuri is really fucking touchy with other girls, shes pretty much an old pervert in a young asian women's body.

>> No.12549590

If male streamers can groom personal cum dumpsters, so Matsuri can.

>> No.12550293
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I don't get why some of you are surprised about matsuri touching the other girls, if you pay attention you'll find out that they all touch eachother enough to joke about it, referring to it as sexual harassment as a joke.
All of them have told us about the first time they met in real life and always make remarks about how each one looks, from their clothes to their body shape and the body parts that stand out. Be it chest size, height, butt size, leg size and thigh thickness.
To this day they continue to demonstrate how they are not all that concerned about touching or being touched be it their body or clothes. Being japanese also means being less conscious about the others seeing them in underwear or naked.

Matsuri and Marine being the most horny of them all, sure they can go over the line, but some of you fail to understand that the line in japanese culture goes further than the line in western countries.

>> No.12550353

Virgins end up outing themselves unknowingly.

>> No.12552678
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>the way she touches you, it's quite bold
I really wonder if Matsuri has ever tried her hand at Botan, and how that went for her...

>> No.12552738

That's hot as fuck

>> No.12552921

Isn't that just a credit card swipe? When I was on vacation with my cousins and stuff around 9 years ago, we were doing that to eachother a lot.

>> No.12553152

>they have been practicing fot the sports fes together
Wow you mean two hololive talents are particing in a Hololive major event? Wow I guess they are married now

>> No.12554158

>Fuck Matsuri
That's what someone needs to do, yep. She'll learn that rape isn't that fun when you're on the receiving end.

>> No.12554256

So pretty much the whole company is just lesbians huh. I wonder if Yagoo somewhere inside him regrets Hololive.

>> No.12554417

amazing how not a single person has asked for the source of this clip and just taken it as fact
i could literally add susb to a clip of a stream and people would just believe it

>> No.12554451

Never let pesky facts get in the way of a good rrat.

>> No.12554456

its matsuri

>> No.12554633

>Fuck Matsuri
>that's what someone needs to do
I have good news for you, she already has a man who fucks her regularly. And no its not from here

>> No.12554634

>Kiara fetishist
Elaborate anon

>> No.12554680

>he actually believes that
kek, how long will you able to cope? when she had a man in her house during a stream?

>> No.12554727

Her "brother" sure sound like he has never touched a woman, besides her sister...

>> No.12554822

G*rms are well known for their love of scat

>> No.12554907

what a crappy answer (liked by kiara)

>> No.12555214

Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFsl66UV-JY
Finding the source timestamp is too annoying.

>> No.12555332

Exactly. People in Japan pass these things off as a joke and don't leak dms.

If this was America there would have been leaked dms and one party bragging about how "I used her just for nudes"

Japan has a system to never expose each other while Americans do it on the daily

>> No.12555360

wrong, i am here

>> No.12555385


>> No.12555413

Lies. Some nip on twitter literally exposed her for an apparent one night stand.
Was that accusation excluded from the system, or are you just a dumb faggot?

>> No.12555509

I'm sure he's full of regret floating around in his swimming pool full of money.

>> No.12555948
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>HoloEN VRchat has a golden crying Yago.
It's been bugging me for a while, what's the meaning of this, guess the one who created the map was trying to convey what you said.

>> No.12556874

Because high population density

>> No.12557369

It's the meme that hololive is supposed to be an idol group, but none of them act like idols, so Yagoo's dream is dead.

>> No.12557544

>it is said by a japanese person therefore it's true

>> No.12557578

That's not what I said, though over time it's become clear the likelihood of it being true is high.
I was responding to the silly notion that "Japan has a system to never expose eachother"

>> No.12557661
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Noel is unironically a serious danger to little boys
And suisei says theirs nothing wrong a chasing after 16 to 17 year old high-school boys.
And let's not even go over the amount of times pekora has been assaulted by her coworkers
Hololive is a very predatory place

>> No.12557747

everytime you wonder about some interesting meaning related to hololive you should remember meme review.

>> No.12558005

Never watched that but from what I gathered it was hot reddit garbage.

>> No.12558157
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That is until a male enters the room and she starts stammering over her words attempting a confession of love.
I have never seen roberu so uncomfortable and disgusted with someone in my entire time of watching him, it was pretty funny

>> No.12558205

That stream was great.
She mostly did it again with Aruran a month or two ago.

>> No.12558234

sorry, anon, I lied, because I am EOP. I didn't watch the stream.
I am a clipfag. The clips were still good, though.

>> No.12558716

the streams were great but the memes were awful and had no joke or meaning because they were all made like this
>let's make a yagoo meme. ok I'll say yagoo you say the first thing you think of ok. Yagoo
>eh yagoo... sad yagoo, crying yagoo, yagoo's dream, uhh.. golden yagoo
>fantastic let's do a crying golden yagoo
>sure ok but what does that mean? why is he both crying and golden? is it a joke
>huh joke?

>> No.12558807

lesbians have sense of sexual shame

>> No.12559472

I get what you mean, but in that case it adds to the irony. Sure his dream of idols which in principle should be pure is broken, but still it turns out to be successful despite his best wishes so he wipes his tears with wads of 10k bills.
We subconsciously get it and artists manage to represent it through the meme of the golden yago.

Memes work in strange ways.

>> No.12559660

>he wipes his tears with wads of 10k bills
well this would've been a way better statue

>> No.12559720
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I mean it's all a presumptuous joke because when asked point blank about it, he said seeing everyone smiling and having fun is helping it come true.

>> No.12559766

Agreed, though it is way less subtle than the golden yago.

>> No.12559881

That's what i would say if i too were running an "idol" company. I don't know his background enough to trust what he says.
Perhaps you could provide some if you are autistic enough to do so.

>> No.12560278

It's not a topic that gets discussed (seriously) a lot, but I don't think he ever called it a "dream" in the first place. The original interview seems to be unavailable.
He's a CEO, his goal was always to make a successful company. Making an idol group was just how he envisioned growing. The fact that it shifted more towards general "entertainment" doesn't matter because it's successful. Being adaptable is important in business.
He also just seems to be a nice dude, so I would genuinely believe he is happy when he sees his employees happy. And the talent having fun and reaching their goals aligns with growing Cover, so there's really no reason to be upset that they aren't "pure idols".

>> No.12560333

cmon guys difference between idol and artist is fan interaction, been stated many times.

>> No.12560355

*no sense

>> No.12560579
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>Noel is unironically a serious danger to little boys
Noel is only a danger to old men.

>> No.12560776
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>> No.12561260

Anon yagoo is a guy who founded a tech company. Sora and Achan had the vtuber dream.

Tamaki didn't set up homolive for nothing anon.

>> No.12563926

Based and Handsomeoldman-pilled
