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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12535607 No.12535607 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else burned out on vtubers? Why?

>> No.12535666

I'm not. It's just like watching tv how do you get burned out.

>> No.12535734

Their streams last for several hours minimum, i could not watch all of them even if i wanted to, i am not really burned out because of it

>> No.12535783

On the contrary I've gotten addicted to the point where I became one

>> No.12535874

Watch good streams

>> No.12535968

don't haven enough patience to watch full streams. I do tune into special ones for a bit but sometimes i watch normal streams whenever I get home and am in a cozy mood.

>> No.12535972

Not yet. I'm still enjoying my time. I think I still have at least another year before it gets stale for me.

>> No.12541030

I'm scared of becoming bored because of the money and hours spent on this hobby. It may not be a lot compared to actual paypigs and gachikoi, but it's enough to make me feel uneasy.

>> No.12541194
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Keeping a neutral outlook and not spending a ton of money(especially on super chats which you don’t get anything out of) is the best way to keep from getting burnt out.

>> No.12541228

Dumb wormfag.

>> No.12541299

smaller corpo or indies might be what you guys need, helped me
it’s nice when they remember your name, you end up putting in the extra effort for them as well

>> No.12541366

People watched TV for years and years and it's almost always been shit. 16,000 vtubers of all languages, personalities, and entertainment types. It's just not possible to burn out.

>> No.12541378

After all of the events over the last month I'm slowly starting to take up other hobbies again like music and vidya, but I still make time to watch at least part of one stream a day.

>> No.12541389

Stop watching Hololive

>> No.12541412

Stop consuming 24/7

>> No.12541499

They literally have an schedule so you can rest from seeing them. Drop the hags you barely watch and the popular ones that can't even interact with their chat. Stop checking twitter or other social media they use and straight up stop watching them for a month or two. Vtubers are fun until they aren't and despite their little "lonely defenseless menhera" act, they'll manage without you; you'll manage without them. Get real connections with other people or learn a new skill.

>> No.12541581

i was, because i had too much freetime during neet month,
now that im a wagecuck again i crave them more. even ditched a meeting so i can watch Ame practice sport fes

>> No.12541610

do people really plan to watch vtubers for the rest of their lives or smth

>> No.12541915

I want to vr braindance with my oshii for the rest of my life
Already enjoying those VR holo concerts

>> No.12542185

Completely. They were fun and novel, but now I'd like to be more productive with my time.

Unless they start making me money by shilling doge, they're only good for shitposting fodder.

>> No.12542576

Just on Hololive. I still enjoy watching Holo ID and Nijisanji.

>> No.12542638

Went gosling on a small indie and got slaughtered as I deserved to be. It left a bad taste in my mouth and while I still like to watch vtubers it's nothing like before. The fakeness of it all and the manipulation is impossible to unsee.

>> No.12542773

I am, extremely so. I think that the novelty has worn off a bit for me but it was a huge portion of what I did for so long that I no longer know what to do instead of watching the streams and clips. I need a new hobby.

>> No.12542897

>do people really plan to watch TV for the rest of their lives or smth
>do people really plan to watch movie for the rest of their lives or smth
>do people really plan to watch anime for the rest of their lives or smth
>do people really plan to play vidya for the rest of their lives or smth
>do people really plan to listen to song for the rest of their lives or smth

>> No.12542904

I've been watching for almost five years now. Maybe a little burned out, but I've managed.

>> No.12543032

anime is easier to keep up with since I can set my own old schedule for it. vod viewing isn't really the same

>> No.12543228

>Burned out watching vtubers
>Followed some Anon's advice to only watch your oshi and drop anyone else
>Ended up dropping everyone, because I don't have an Oshi
>Checking out an Utaite channel that I know
>found out he actually has Live2d, info was leaked by his friends
>got hyped and waited eagerly for his debut
>Months later still waiting
>His latest stream was 3 months ago
>Masturbate furiously to his voice, imagining having hate-sex with him
>Realizing he's the only one and my true Oshi.

I don't think I'm burning out from vtubers. I just don't have the energy to watch those vtubers who I thought were my oshis, but actually weren't. Maybe you have similar case, go watch some Indies

>> No.12543247

The magic's gone and it just feels like I'm watching facecam thots with a thin anime veneer over them now.

>> No.12544460

I’m curious about how long people have tried to stay in this game for as well

>> No.12544494

Who is he

>> No.12544531

I'm not gay but that sounds really, really fucking hot bro

>> No.12544659

I was and then I stopped watching Hololive and branched out.
For Holo, I only watch Pekora, Subaru & Noel now (Towa when it's not APEX)

>> No.12545183

Holocaust was the turning point for me. I gradually started to lose interest after that, and by January I felt like I had seen everything Hololive had to offer.
That's when I started to pay more attention to other agencies and indies, and it reinvigorated my interest.

>> No.12545285
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Does your utaite oshi do twitcast at least? Mine streams semi regularly but he does cast more often. That's where you get the sexy intimate voice, way better than a stream sometimes.

>> No.12545495

No because I only watch clips. But there hasn't been any interesting clips since HoloEN became a thing, unironically.
Also not burned out but slowly losing interest because of all the girls like Kiara or Ina says. The avatars lost their magic the moment they start acting like your average Twitch streamer.

>> No.12545524

If you got burned out, you only hopped on this because "le ebin anime streamers" and were never a fan in the first place, just a trend hopping faggot.

>> No.12545691

>Get real connections with other people

>> No.12545725
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Burned out to watch hololive, checked out others, got interested to selen, ayamy, yura, Pochi-sensei caught me and followed her ever since, I am glad that I did.

>> No.12545851

I realized I simply don't have enough time for a hobby like this.

>> No.12546240
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Burnt out in early 2019
It was the same shit over and over again.
Then about a year later I found Asacoco
Got hooked back and haven't stopped ever since

>> No.12546344

Won't ever happen if your oshi is Ayame

>> No.12546384

I was obsessed with vtubers with a little over a year but for the last 3 months they've become just something I put on the background for a while before I go to sleep. That or ASMR. At some point I started feeling like a weeb equivalent of someone who was into films and literature but for some reason got completely addicted to watching the 24/7 live stream of Big Brother (or some other reality TV show).

>> No.12546411

>"le anime streamer"
They ARE anime you fucking twat, that was the whole appeal of the vtubing. The moment you start adding unironically twitch whores jumping on the wagon the whole circle gets corrupted and the quality of the "anime" inevitably goes down.

>> No.12546492

I used to be a vtuber addict but then I discovered /vt/. Now I'm a dedicated anti and proud servant of the CCP.

>> No.12546504

EN Livers are difficult to keep up with. Thank God for EU managing to line up perfectly with the JP timezone. Burn out is for the weak of mind.

>> No.12546555

I hung out with my friends for the first time since lockdown started about a month ago and ever since vtubers seem like a massive waste of time and the content has started to feel really stale and lame. The thing is that I was so immersed in vtubers for so long that I don't really know what to do now -- it's hard to wean myself off them, even if I don't enjoy the content anymore.

>> No.12546558

>no no no you must always love the anime streamers
fuck off, vtubers are no better than ecelebs

>> No.12546577

>Anyone else burned out on vtubers?
/wvt/. To be fair I only have myself to blame.

>> No.12546592

I never liked vtubers. I hate all women and desire nothing but their complete destruction. I'm only here to anti and rratpost.

>> No.12546603

Nope. The Vtubers I watch are fun, entertaining, interesting and always trying something new. They aren't humping Minecraft, Gartic Phone or the same games for the 1000th time so it's hard to be burned out.

>> No.12546676


>> No.12547044

you're not burned out, the novelty just wore off and now it's become part of your routine
I'm guessing you have no other excitement going on in your life so the boredom is settling in again

>> No.12547061

That was my point.
Okay newfag. Literally 90% of vtubers are normalfags, and outright whores.
Go back to the Hololive thread and chat spam about the sports festival.

>> No.12547108

NTA but yep, pandemic buff worse off for the west, so it's less burn out and more "eh" because something that was big in asia and mainly an asian thing is now oversaturated in the west with shit tier vtubers and vtweeters to the point there's no true novelty in it anymore.

>> No.12547512

>90% of vtubers are normalfags
Source : your ass. I'm not even going to bother correcting you because for making such a claim you clearly have no idea from where vtubing actually started.
I bet you're one of those retards that would unironically watch that abomination that was vtuber Pokimane.

>> No.12547576

Most vtubers are autistic and that's not even getting into the 20,000 JP 2views.

>> No.12547798

There's tens of thousands of vtubers, you stupid newfaggot fuck.
I was watching vtubers before the fucking term existed.
There's vtubers that are still around longer than you've known about this fucking site.
Most of them are trend hoppers who streamed previously. Fuck, most of large corporations vtubers were previously regular old ass streamers from niconico douga. Especially all the more popular ones.
There's literally no difference. They are not some special group, there's no effort to roleplay for the majority of vtubers, not even in a corporate setting. The majority of corpotubers literally play themselves with some basic ass lore they maybe refer to once or twice a month at best, if even that!

>> No.12547939
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>burned out on vtubers

>> No.12547966

Been watching em since the 'early' mainstream stages in 2016 so yeah, safe to say I'm not burning out any time soon.

>> No.12548078

No because I follow Hololive, Nijisanji, several small agencies, and a few indies and I have lots of variety to choose from. I also still love my oshi and every day with her feels special.

>> No.12548121

based unitychad

>> No.12552551

at least it isn't fate
