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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 358 KB, 1800x900, menhera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12454461 No.12454461 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save broken girls, /vt? Surely at this point vtubers have become popular enough for mental health to be a concern for many of them. To be clear, this isn't specific to vtubers of course - the entertainment industry as a whole can be extremely harsh on the talents and you've gotta have thick skin to endure all sorts of bullying, threats and even sexual abuse. Granted, the girls in the picture probably had underlying issues long before they became vtubers, but I wonder how we can make this industry more welcoming for people like them and in which ways we could support them other than money and half-hearted messages. Probably by founding an NFP global organisation for vtubers' mental health and well-being?

Related: >>12255870

>> No.12454524

Do you guys think this type of women could make good housewives if they find someone to rely on? Asking for a friend.

Note: The one on the left is a lesbian, so she doesn't count.

>> No.12455119

Only if you have the patience of a saint and never ever yell or raise your hand against them, so at least 80% of the male population is filtered by default.

>> No.12455223

>Note: The one on the left is a lesbian, so she doesn't count.

>> No.12455419

Nope. Menhera turns people on until you encounter one irl. Not worth the stress.
sauce: had to live with one for a bit

>at least 80% of the male population is filtered by default.
which is understandable.

>> No.12455455


>> No.12455510

Yea...the only way to handle a menhera is to be a saint or a demon. One way leads to the path of saviorfaggotry, the other leads you down the path of domestic abuse.

>> No.12455874

Does anyone have a good explanation of why Nerines nuked all her old content?

>> No.12456145

Ok nvm, I see that she restored the videos.

>> No.12456226

>Note: The one on the left is a lesbian, so she doesn't count.
She isn't, if you watched her content from years ago you'll know she likes both girls and boys with a preference for manlets

>> No.12456380

We should have more Menhera vtubers. I personally believe that all vtubers to extent play their roles, and enjoying them in drama play - is underappreciated genre, to be honest.

>> No.12456820

>with a preference for manlets

>> No.12457088

>bi girl
Still yurishit

>> No.12457130

Ok, QRD on both of the girl

>> No.12457646

idk about left one, right one is fallenshadow, she does ASMR RP, delved into VTubing, literally schizo (Not schizofrenia though), had a breakdown when Fauna's roommate left her for HoloEN, i just woke up and been drinking, so some details may be off

>> No.12458541
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Small fry
What about pic related, school dropout menhera shut-in diagnosed bipolar both divorced parents brainwashing her in hating the other with suicide attempts where her dad just brushed it off saying calling therapist or hospital is useless and so on
Her disgusting room she spends all day in https://twitter.com/kukaragomi/status/1416265313650417665

>> No.12458697
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>> No.12458763

This was painful to read, i genuinely want to see her better, but i feel that if i try to saviorfag i'll just make things worse

>> No.12458918

nta but yeah, feels you could break it with any wrong move
doesn't help that - probably from not going to school and other things - she's pretty dumb and barely able to stream
and addicted to masturbation
pushing her to do creative projects seems the only safe way to make her stable

>> No.12458993

Left is Nerine, a swedish vtuber that streams on twitch. She had a past life where she had over 200k subs on youtube. During 2020 her mental health was going down real fast, with stuff like meltdowns over politics on twitter.
At mid 2020 she announced her retirement from youtube and privated all her videos. There's a lot of theories of what happened here, some anons thought she auditioned for HoloEN, others thought she was in a relationship with a guy that destroyed her brand. The official explanation she gave is that a stalker managed to get personal accounts of her she never shared, giving her an anxiety attack and making her private and delete everything.
In her retirement video, she announced a new twitter, Nerines00, where everyone can follow her for whatever plan she has. All in all, she seemed she was gonna stream sporadically and be focused on following a career as a florist.
Since she didn't want to explain why her videos were privated, a lot of fans saw it as a dickish move and started complaining at her and wanting answers of why. Nerine instead of giving a better explanation or ignoring them instead started to sperg out and have menhera attacks. She was so high in her farts that at some point she saw herself as some martyr with stuff like "I'll bring respect to content creators back".
She realised how far she was gone, and announced a break from the internet for mental health reasons. Everyone thought that everything was pretty much over.
Fast forward a few months, she returns as a vtuber with the promise of new content that otherwise wouldn't be possible on her youtube days. She starts to ghost every friend she made during her vtuber days with only Kuma and Mocca remaining. Her streams became hollow. She has no energy, charisma and will to live.
She admits she isn't feeling at all, that's where her depression and anxiety take over her. She starts cancelling streams left and right and this keeps on repeating for the first half of 2021.
In a twitlonger and some tweets, she express loneliness, wanting to have a group of friends to hang out with and to stop being so cold and distant.
She starts to go to a medic. But stream cancellations are still happening.
Close to the anniversary of her ending her career as a youtuber, a thread was made here where anons expressed their annoyance at her actions and how can she be saved. She made a stream where she pretty much adressed to a lot of the things that were talked in that thread. This is where she admits she is afraid of doing new content because she thinks her audience will hate her.
The day after, she unprivated all her old videos and gave the explanation of what happened. She also adressed a particular anon that was really mad at her because he thought she was profiting from her patreon months after she finished her youtuber activities.
She started to take her meds, sometimes she clearly sounds medicated. Expresses once again her desire to have friends. She manages to reconnect with some of her old friends, but not all.
She's currently on the Koopa / Bat / Nina circle but she has trouble even saying hi.
Some stories told by her
>Wanted to get into singing. When her mother asked what she wanted to do, she felt so embarassed she said guitar instead. She followed that lie to the end and failed the test.
>Had an anxiety attack going to college, it was so bad she dropped on the first day
>Grew up playing yokotaro games
>Opened her patreon so she could start living alone. Right now she's living with her parents.
>Knew Mocca, that menhera dude that probably got his ass fucked by bongs, in a personal way from years ago. Mocca is pretty much the reason she was in that among us collab with pikamee
As a last thing, don't expect her to talk to you. She wants friends but she wants important and popular friends. If you are not another chuuba, an artist or popular streamer she won't pay attention to you at all

>> No.12459084

I'd give her a watch but i'm scared that she may feel bad if i can't make it to every stream afterwards
Anon, he said quick rundown, not a bible

>> No.12459222

Don't, there is nothing interesting, unless you get off form absolutely crazy chicks who will have sex with anything what moves and can buy them another dose.
Gomi is a trainwreck and is beyond saving. Let her die from overdose or infection from cutting herself.

>> No.12459290

oh and I forgot about some rrats
>Some said she was dating an underage boy. The proof was supposed to be in tumblr which led to deletion of it.
>Some said she was into older guys and that was the cause of the downfall of her yt channel
>Some said she participated in swinger meetings
>She hates the trinity (Ina, Gura and Ame)
Sorry anon, I just like to talk about Nerine lore

>> No.12459363

No problem, it was an interesting read, but it's not a qrd, that's something like >>12457646
Trips confirm, will stay away, but i genuinely hope next time i hear from her it's because she's doing better and not because she died

>> No.12459638

Most of the blame falls on Nerine but it’s still such a shame since everything looked so bright for her back then, she could’ve even been a big e-celeb right now on insta and even in general with how fast she blew up

>> No.12459666


>> No.12460324

Why does she hate Ina, Gura and Ame?

>> No.12460469

I am the one that made the Neri thread this summer. It's partially why I started coming here, as I had never been into Vtubers before. We found out she was /here/ because she explicitly addressed self-sabotaging, and worded this pretty much like a post in that thread.
You also didn't give a full explanation: prior to the stalker thing, she said she was burntout and that making videos started becoming a chore instead of something fun. She very clearly implied going off the grid to do IRL shit, which is why she deleted her shit and no longer streamed as VA, her previous persona. It's my rrat that maybe she didn't want to become a full-time streamer because if she just wanted "easier" content than YT, she could have streamed as herself and be successful, more than she is now. Her explanation for deletetion was also very weird, something like if you like me and my content please respect that I don't want it in the world anymore. During the stream the day after the thread was up, she said she wanted to do stuff in her streams she wasn't sure people would enjoy, which is an indication of how bad her menhera shit got - she was a successful youtuber and streamer, she must have known that people would watch as long as she enjoyed herself - but alas.

>> No.12460501

you left out the part where inmediately after nuking her YouTube channel she made a new account supposedly dedicated only to gardening, had a friend make her a shitty prototype avatar, and started streaming video games while dropping ban hammers in chat. also some of videos that were wiped being patreon funded and her providing no backups

>> No.12460540

It hurts to imagine them in the future as lonely old women without family around or anyone to take care of them.

>> No.12460651

She was becoming something of an insta celeb no? I rmb her pics getting a lot of traction fast. If she was burnt out she could’ve just dedicated herself to cultivating her Instagram presence and she would’ve still been as successful with her cosplays etc without the ‘pressure’ of making youtube content.

>> No.12460701

Ah, and I forgot to mention
Maybe the writing was on the wall all this time, as she said loved the idolM@ster, perhaps explaining why she wanted to go into Vtubing. Idk about IRL idols, but Nerines is a huge weeb, I think she knows Japanese so I would not be surprised if she liked IRL idolshit. Point being that she very probably applied to HoloEN's Wave 2 and failed the audition. Maybe she also applied to NijiEN. But yes, you can connect the dots as to why someone that loves idolshit, has an opportunity to become an idol of sorts, but doesn't make it, would be discouraged.

>> No.12460825

I followed her, and I don't think so, really. She is a very pretty woman, but her insta numbers were nowhere near her Youtube ones. I think the most "famous" person that interacted with her on Insta publicly was Matt Watson lmao. I recall she had several viral tweets, but I don't have Twitter.

>> No.12460896

Something something self-esteem too low to make it a regular thing but high enough to doll herself up for each shot.

>> No.12460913

Honestly kinda hot, might attend some of her future streams

>> No.12460924

You left out the part where she would bait and flirt with lots of guys in her old circle like a BPDchan and then ghosted them all

>> No.12460961

Rrat or proof. Her old friends of YT are all bi or gay.

>> No.12460977

>She hates the trinity (Ina, Gura and Ame)
I’m glad she’s doing better and unprivated her old videos but god damn she has some shit taste.

>> No.12461282

This might be your headcannon but I can believe her failing holocouncil auditions alluding to her being stubborn in continuing vtubing. nijien is kind of new so I doubt she even applied and seeing as she’s trying to get better- if what you say is to believe, maybe she could try for them this time?

>> No.12461373

That's the future for most women now. They made that choice so just let them die alone don't feel bad.

>> No.12461453
File: 302 KB, 660x649, FeelsPekoMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped watching VA when i learned she was lesbian/bi.

>> No.12461511

What part of it is "my headcanon"? If it is the idolshit stuff, go watch her video on some bitch that is your rival in some idolM@ster game. She loves idolshit, anon.

>> No.12461563

Shadow is menhara as hell but the docile type. I think she could be violent, but she’s also kind of a brat. Her type in men is big, there’s a viking meme in her community because she wants to be put in her place by a huge guy with a dad bod. She also likes cooking and cleaning and is a skilled baker. I’m 6’7 and I cant tell you how much I just want to marry her and get her away from the pain of the internet and mating press her full of babies until the menhara goes away.

>> No.12461641

Anon shes a lesbian. She just says that shit for goslings, in her old face streams she talked about lesbian pride and shit like that.

>> No.12461692

I don’t know who you’re mixing her up with, but I’ve been watching Shadow since her first video in 2017 when she was 15 years old. She hasn’t shown her face, she used to do png streams in 2018 on youtube. She said she was a lesbian briefly this year but then said she was wrong and doesn’t have a label for her sexuality.

>> No.12461745

this >>12461692
and if anon really is 6'7 then a menhera without clear sexuality 'snot gmi

>> No.12461783

Anon shes done face streams, even after getting famous with her Nier analysis videos, not many but she did and talked about lgbt pride, what she looks like is no secret.

>> No.12461803

if I remember there was a VOD with someone where she acted all flirty about. It made me think it was her actual boyfriend. Altough I couldn't find it. But if you have any archive or something share it anon.

>> No.12461826

Thankfully she has literally said she likes men to be men and women to be women. Shadow likes cunny and she likes men to be big and strong. She has specifically said she doesn’t like twinks or short guys, it’s one way all the way or the other. I’m going to impregnate this menhara and you can’t stop me. She knows me by name and when I’m in her chat she lights up and says hello to me. I WILL do it.

>> No.12461851

Anon…. you do not have the right person. Shadow is an ASMRtist who only has made ASMR and switched to twitch vtubing this year. Please do link me to these facecam streams.

>> No.12461860

>Do you guys think this type of women could make good housewives if they find someone to rely on?
No. One of the core issues that make menheras what they are is they can't rely on and can't trust people, often due to abandonment issues or absent fathers. As soon as you get close they internally panic and start pushing you away, often due to a fear of the pain cycle repeating. If you push people away before they abandon you then you can rationalize they didn't leave because there's something wrong with you, they left because you changed your mind about them and got rid of them.

>> No.12461888
File: 65 KB, 417x472, medal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels pretty wrong that an autistchad goes for a low-value menhera but whatever. go for it king.

>> No.12461906

Kz's Whlle crew

>> No.12461951

Shadow is one of the most talented and driven individuals on the internet. She can draw, has a voice range so big she sounds like different people, writes movie level scripts, directs and edits together 2 hour ASMR movies and is a cute and funny streamer as well. If that is low tier menhara anon I would like to know what high tier is. She is loving, driven and dedicated and actually cares about her fans. I WILL save her, make her my wife and impregnate her.

>> No.12461961

Literally who

>> No.12461990 [DELETED] 

Any VOD with KZ's crew or the one dude who used to do let's plays or the Kiseki games and is a BPDchan himself

>> No.12462036

Pre vtuber shit the let's players and streamers she used to hang out with. They run in Kingdom Hearts/Shenpai/SuperButterBuns faggotry circles.

Literalwho's but you asked for names. Any old 2019 or early 2020 streams she would flirt with almost any of them to ladder climb it was pretty cringe

>> No.12462074

you should be going for stacies anon... jesas

>> No.12462173
File: 917 KB, 2151x3000, A4D3FD91-F876-49E8-A3D3-CD546208C5E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t need a stacy, I need a cute talented menhara housewife who will whisper into my ear when I get home from a long day of work and make me lots of babies.

>> No.12462215

Oh shit sorry, im talking about Aurora.

>> No.12462218

She's not actually into manlets, but I'm sure a lot of you are manlets compared to her in real life at least

>> No.12462324

Is she tall for a woman or what

>> No.12462346

Her height? I'm 5'10" and have a hard time finding girls taller than me even if i'm not that tall myself

>> No.12462773

Not gonna watch someone knowing I'll be cucked by a random fag

>> No.12462919

>not grooming her yourself to cuck him before he cucks to you

>> No.12462935

I just realised that there's no archive for 2019 streams. Every archive channel has 2018, a bit of 2020 but nothing of 2019.

>> No.12463044

I only groom JP indie tubers
t. yellowfever chad

>> No.12463132


>> No.12463153

Nerine/VA seems to have gotten stable. Shadow on the other hand, is unhinged.

>> No.12463186

What other known menheras are out there besides these two?

>> No.12463225

she's taller than the average women, she's 5'8

>> No.12463314
File: 37 KB, 600x609, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same faggot behind the "Saving Matsuri" generals? Quit trying to be Captain save a ho, you sad cunt.

>> No.12463536
File: 46 KB, 1366x768, MV5BNmU5MGU5YzktOGVkZC00NjFkLWFiOTgtZjVlNmE0ZjViMDU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc0OTU4NzU@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463664

I do believe that they only need a good dicking with my own

>> No.12463689

>doesn’t have a label for her sexuality
this kinda sounds like the meme in Japan about playing around and pretend "dating" with their friend girls, that they usually grow out of when they get into uni and the working world and start wanting to marry.

>> No.12463695

>Nerine/VA seems to have gotten stable
Yeah, I'm sure her latest social media rant about her being normal was very convincing.

>> No.12463702

>Anon, he said quick rundown, not a bible
That's the quick rundown

>> No.12463741

Holy shit

>> No.12463790

right now she's getting her soul destroyed by apex.
I swear there's something with apex that anyone that plays it more than 1 hour becomes really adicted to it

>> No.12463819

>Wanted to get back into it when it got on Steam
>Didn't/still don't have enough drive space for it
Bless disguised as curse

>> No.12463857

I did like two years ago and didn't get the hype.

>> No.12463918 [DELETED] 

>Can a broker person be in a solid relationship?

>> No.12463986

Hard no. These type of women cheat and they cheat in whatever way fucks with you the most.

>> No.12463987

>Can a dysfunctional person be in a functional relationship?

>> No.12464009

>evidence is gone now haha oopsies please believe me

>> No.12464096

>Grew up playing yokotaro games
being a fan of old bobble head seems to have a high correlation with menhera traits
Of the yokotaro fans I know:
1 is a misanthrope boomer diagnosed autist but with a stable life
1 is a lewd cosplayer turned chaturbate cammer disowned by her mother
1 is an undiagnosed ADHD/autist with diagnosed depression
1 is a passive avoidant type with no ambitions for a career and chronic physical health issues

>> No.12464158

Nina Saotome is slowly healing her.. I hope.

>> No.12464488

>some faggot on the other side of the planet will save a person they never met by consuming content they make
what a fantastically delusional idea

>> No.12464584

>Nina Saotome
You mean the deadbeat?

>> No.12464775

This is the board of schizos, of course people are gonna genuinely believe that kinda stuff

>> No.12464946

I think the idea is that these girls are streaming to maybe 3 people, the saviorfag comes in and starts having conversations with the lonely vtuber, they talk outside of streams and start dating, they marry and live happily ever after.
Just as delusional, I agree, but I think that's their aim or intent with "saving." Basically, them not being alone because faggots here think vtubing is desperate cry for love.

>> No.12464954

Personal rrat: After /cgl/, /vt/ has the most femanons, this is a fact, the rrat is most of them are lesbian or at least bi, this would explain the saviorfaggotry, it's just girls writing out their romance fantasies

>> No.12464965

These women deserve to be alone.

>> No.12465000 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12465030

shadow has openly talked about her shizophrenia, both in her streams and during an interview with another vtuber. do your reps and stop getting all of your information from /vt/.

>> No.12465035

Unfortunately we dont get a lot of normal women, yuri behavior should banned from the site. Open up a dance/club/party board so we get stacies who will in their mod 20s get tired of that shit and wanna settle down and have a family, no more yurishit.

>> No.12465069
File: 171 KB, 418x576, 1517371156351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dated a menhera and she cheated on me twice and blamed me for causing it.
Please do not fall for this meme, they are usually economically and mentally unviable women who lure you in by pantomiming anime cliches and feigning absolute loyalty.

>> No.12465077

Yeah, i'm a straight guy, i never alluded to being a girl or considering myself one
The screencaps said it was schizosomething but not frenia
wdym, yuri is extremely hot

>> No.12465132

Yuri as a fantasy is hot, actual yurishitters who want other girls to do yuri is lame.

>> No.12465173

Where do you guys even meet women, its been years since i sat down and had a casual conversation with a women who wasn't a family member.

>> No.12465202
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Worst mistake of my life, could have been a crypto millionaire if I wasn't supporting a lazy menhera.

>> No.12465239

At least you talked to a women, even if she was a menhera.

>> No.12465395

I don't trust either of you because this whole site in general is way too stupid to know that schizophrenia isn't a catch-all term to refer to mental illness. Schizophrenia is about either seeing hallucinations or hearing voices in your head. Psychosis is the general term used to refer to episodes where a person is disconnected from reality.

>> No.12465420

I don't even know where to interact with people.

>> No.12465508

Not hiring fallenshadow was a mistake. Could have been EN Rusia, instead we get owl bitch who is too busy with school to put effort into vtubing.

>> No.12465534

You're interacting with me right now.

>> No.12465580

I mean in person.

>> No.12465602

My archive reps aren't the best, give me a few minutes

>> No.12465617

You could come to the anime NYC convention and meet up with HLGG niggers

>> No.12465666

I can't take time off from work until January at the earliest.

>> No.12465676

God I want to pump 'n' dump a menhera girl

>> No.12465715

Dated one for a year, she would constantly threaten me with self harm over minor shit including needing to study for tests and would refuse to do any housework / find a job due to fear of "doing it wrong", on top of managing to convince me my friends hated me and viceversa. Then there's also the fact that she cheated on me. The menhera related cute and hot and the saviorfag feeling are not worth it anon.

>> No.12465728
File: 84 KB, 997x247, 1629802817420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it, luckily i remembered one of my posts on that thread and it was unique enough for Nyafuu to point me towards it
Full thread: >>8523849

>> No.12465781

>Sees the whole rest of this thread and the nonsense she got up to
>Nah bro I draw the line at believing she flirted with dudes
Nta but are you retarded?

>> No.12466009

Sorry to hear that Satan

>> No.12466081

The personification of a perfect deadbeat herself. Queen of reps herself.

I wouldn't just say she is part of the Koopa / Bat / Nina circle. I think its just Nina being to some degree part of her friends group through ban_anya.

>> No.12466103

>She's currently on the Koopa / Bat / Nina circle but she has trouble even saying hi.
Why is Nina even with these menheras?

>> No.12466248

So, if Nina succeeds, nerine becomes extended universe ready?

>> No.12466732

fucking menharas

>> No.12466747

Everyone is a menhera in vtubing. Even Nina.

>> No.12466764

Can you share some of your experiences when you were living with a menhera?

>> No.12466790

Really, how is Nina a menhera?

>> No.12466879

She's Emiya Shirou

>> No.12466881

She spoke about it multiple times, she suffers exactly the same as Nerine does but instead of writing on main she just internalizes it - famously you could see it after the Among Us incident. Otherwise the difference is that she knows she needs to work on it and the change is in her hands and doesn't spill her internal fight onto twitter or her streams.

>> No.12466906

Yeah, she's much closer to Anya than Neri.
I think a lot of the girls have an idealized version of Nerine. Alker considers her a pretty cool. So at least there's a will to get close to her, it's just a matter of Nerine not doing something like in her past life and ghosting everyone

>> No.12466927

Yeah that sounds fucking abysmal man, good thing you got out at least

>> No.12467191

I unironically think Nerine's feelings of worthlessness tie in to her very implied Ryona fetish.

>> No.12467264

I need to travel to the nederlands and save a lonely OL magical girl

>> No.12468487

Rushia is a big one

>> No.12469246

Not that guy, but I went through this shit for four years a long time ago.
> Constantly thinks all of your friends and family hate her and everything they say around her is a passive aggressive attempt to undermine her.
> Gets mad if you want to spend time with your family
> Gets mad if you want to do anything with your friends
> Hates everything you and your friends do, so you can't invite her to go with you because that also makes her mad
> Always thinks you are cheating on her no matter what. She kept going through my phone to see if I was talking about her, got pissed as fuck when I put a passcode on it, then threw an actual baby tantrum when I refused to give her the passcode.
> Went ballistic because I wouldn't give her my email password so she could read that too
> Got in so many physical fights that my default assumption was that I would eventually end up in jail
> Stole all the money out of my bank account because I was driving around after a fight and wouldn't talk to her
> Handcuffed me to the bed like something sexy was going to happen, then just had a stupid argument about nothing instead while I couldn't get away
> Never bothered to get a job or go to school, complained if I worked too much
> Went to sleep in another room after an argument, woke up to having a pitcher of water dumped all over my head, got in a huge fight and broke half the shit in the house

> BTW, also if you decide to date someone with BPD or whatever anyway even after everyone warns you, hope you enjoy drinking or dealing with someone else's drinking at all times of the day. And cocaine. And xanax. Boy oh boy.

>> No.12470862

Dating menheras is an absolute landmine, you might get lucky but chances are it'll end badly. My brother has a thing for them and it's consistently fucked is life up, last one ended in a marraige with four kids and an abusive wife culminating in him attempting suicide to escape it. These days his girlfriend is just the useless anxiety ruled kind that can't hold down a job so he's forever struggling to pay the bills and support the kids he managed to win joint custody for

>> No.12470958

I remember once reading about losers. It got my attention because it said that a lot of losers are actually pretty smart and competent, even more than actual successful people, but have some kind of obsession or fetish with their misery, their own greek tragedy. Maybe Nerine has it, what I'm sure is Mocca 100% has it and has been the main reason of his constant meltdowns and menhera attacks

>> No.12471239

Mocca is the most talented incompetent fuck I've ever seen.

>> No.12471329 [SPOILER] 

I dunno about "losers" but I have read that people that are often praised for their intelligence/innate ability in something over their effort in trying something they may ultimately fail at are more prone to giving up whenever they do something they do not immediately excel at.

>> No.12472111

Yeah the text I was reading goes with something like that
>He felt an inclination for someone one would call a "loser". But, what is a loser? A man that maybe didn't have all the gifts, but he did have many, even more than the commons in some men of success. He has those gifts, and he doesn't use them. He destroys them...
Then the narrator explains of how he met one of those losers, and how he easily noticed a wart on a girl he found cute. Pretty much how they can take a distance from the things they see. In a sense it's how philosophers are.
>That aberrant lucidity, of course, sink them even lower in failure

>> No.12473178

my dad does too

>> No.12473524

But anon, i never did anything that could prove to me i'm competent

>> No.12473943

Fucking CHRIST that sounds like a dog shit situation anon, I'm glad you're out of that shitfest. I'll also keep this in mind when I'm looking for a relationship

>> No.12474233

>Nope. Menhera turns people on until you encounter one irl. Not worth the stress.
The sex can be veeery good, but most are complete cum n' dumps, don't even bother calling after, it's not worth the pain.

>> No.12475110
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I still believe he'll turn it around.

>> No.12476613

in all honesty, what Mocca needs to do aside of letting someone to piss inside his ass, is to do something he struggles with or something that with or without talent requires patience.

>> No.12476882
File: 925 KB, 1200x2000, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a Mocca fan is really fucking rough man
So much potential but so so sooo much self sabotage it's ridiculous
I like him but damn he's not making it easy
I guess now he really chose to stay completely hidden and irrelevant if he's happy like that it's fine but still it hurts a bit

>> No.12476915

Ever since the combo of Lyrica using him as dramaclout + that german article about him, he's never recovered

>> No.12476973

That's some insanely good art wtf

>> No.12477069

As much as I monitor him on discord/twitter, he seems to (at least in the public eye) dropped his latest batch of friends (maybe with exception of lilyhops) and just learns now game development.

>> No.12477207

I miss his old piano BGM.... he just stopped using it
Well I guess he also just stopped streaming almost anyway

>> No.12477539

The one at the start here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUW4LwRQ23o ? Yeah it was incredibly solid actually. But time goes and things change that's all.

>> No.12477709

where is this from?

>> No.12477987

If you're not interested in his game or art he's making, why are you still his fan? He doesn't stream.

>> No.12478043

You realistically can't do anything of any significance for them because you're literally just text on a screen to vtubers.

>> No.12478246

I'm interested in what he makes, be it streams, art, game, anything. I also got used to him and invested and now I do worry about how he's doing.
I'm still watching, but ofc it's not like before, I respect his decision, doesn't mean I can't feel pain about it.

>> No.12478297

You seem troubled.

>> No.12478450
File: 305 KB, 1947x2048, 1635633475305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do unstable people make good partners

>> No.12478481

Just like Mocca then

>> No.12478623

>old women
they wont make it that far

>> No.12478679

No, but men are willing to put up with certain degrees of crazy if she has physical characteristics which highlight genetic fitness.

>> No.12478830
File: 384 KB, 389x1342, Mori height tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Likes manlets

>> No.12478883

Dating a crazy woman is like an addiction. They'll love you more than you ever imagined someone could. They'll resist any effort to break off the relationship. And they're so dependent on you for survival that dumping them will make you feel like the worst person that ever lived. And the good times are so good that you'll keep going back over and over even though you become aware at some point that you've completely lost control of your life and you can't even recognize yourself in the mirror anymore. But yeah, looking back I'm glad I got out of that somehow.

>> No.12479288

Sounds very interesting. Please let me know where its from if you remember it later.

>> No.12479525

Don't date people with BPD, guys. It's not fun.
t. also dated a girl with BPD

>> No.12479575

>this many replies
I hate all of you dumb cunts

>> No.12479773
File: 368 KB, 2048x1307, 1625953032521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc She mentioned before being a chubba she was extremely apathetic and isolated herself from everyone. Honestly I could have never guessed that from when I first started watching her, with her charisma, the way she interacts with chat and how other chubbas adore her. Shes a literal whitepill to all menhara chubbas out there.

>> No.12479842

Anon, you WILL regret it. It's not a matter of if you can save her. You're walking right into hell.

>> No.12480654

She is live, come tell her how much you love her!

>> No.12481037
File: 168 KB, 800x1131, 1605032734336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this dumb fucking cute cat fox thing menhera enough to be posted here?

>> No.12481476

people really do not believe mori when she says this right? I cant imagine how blinded simps get, jesas

>> No.12481582

Nerine's doing a lot better recently though. She un-hid her old videos and she's been doing collabs and keeping a consistent stream schedule. The only bad thing about her right now is her chat, but that's never going to change

>> No.12481890

The best way to change the chat is for her to tell Kuma to stop being an asshole of a mod.

>> No.12481961

>tell her how much you love her!
Please don't lie to her.

>> No.12482531

Is it possible to classify the menheras? Because not all are the same, some are more explosive, others more depressive and others are in a constant state of self sabotage

>> No.12483302

BPD is reaching epidemic status among young women, especially those working in entertainment/arts, and deserves to be talked about

>> No.12483723

Most men are tall, saying you prefer small men is just a big debuff

>> No.12483781

If menhera traits among vtubers and armchair psychiatry are going to be a regular topic it may be useful to start classifying the different types of disorders that can affect chuubas both alone and in combination, ie:
Eating disorders
PTSD from Sexual Abuse or Emotional Abuse
Dissociative disorder
Substance addiction
Stream addiction
Impostor syndrome
Autism/Aspergers spectrum

>> No.12483784

Yeah, that was a turn off to learn for me

>> No.12483825

Is she still low energy and "chill"?

>> No.12485027

She's been streaming more hours recently, her sleep schedule is fucked, but she seems to be in a better mood.

>> No.12485496

Is Nina the saviorfag chuuba? I am thinking of watch her

>> No.12485546
File: 15 KB, 400x400, uWyFwbhv_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all his daughters such huge menheras?

>> No.12485911

>Nerine is a menhera with severe anxiety issues and self destructive tendencies
>Mocca keeps on ruining his own life and burning bridges with everyone he meets
>Anya despite his medic's warning, kept on playing fighting games until she got a sprain on the hand
He must be pretty proud of his menhera children

>> No.12486215

>Verified accounts only chat

>> No.12487475

Damn anon, sorry to burst your bubble but I just realized they said the one on the left, I meant shadow who isn't into manlets

>> No.12488160

God wanna save this crazy lady...
and fuck her

>> No.12488210

She started singing karaoke, too.

>> No.12488408

Who's this? Dollar Store Lack?

>> No.12491231

She's just bitchy because she got rejected by Vshojo

>> No.12492046

Kana really doesn't need a group

>> No.12492106

Its hard to tell, I think she is just looking for kindred souls BUT she definitely is a savior to people that allow her to be their friends. Most people I watched have really warmed and became less autistic or menhera once they got to know her better.

>> No.12492380

How does one sprain their hand by playing fighting games?

>> No.12492495

It's over for you if you're searching for threads about yourself on 4chan.

>> No.12492984

What's the appeal of legit menhera chuubas?

>> No.12494057


>> No.12494123

This but unironically. You get to watch them improve and it feels good.
Then they inevitably crash and burn and you repeat the process!

>> No.12494498

Not a saviorfag but menhera seems like a beast in the bed, the concept really turns me on

>> No.12494548
File: 607 KB, 721x693, YUUUNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch her stream tomorrow

>> No.12494720

so the pussy must be THAT good if you're stuck with this bullshit for 4 years lmao

>> No.12494843

Menhera blowjob...

>> No.12494881

Not him but for me it was also the fact it's also really hard to overstate how good things are the rare times when things are good. Like nobody is gonna love you as much as a menhera girl, because it's literally not normal nor healthy, and you get stuck chasing those highs and understating the lows, saying it's just a phase and that she needs your help.

>> No.12494885

I have no idea why anyone would ever stay in this kind of relationship for more than a couple of weeks. Isn't it just easier to ghost and move on?

>> No.12494895

There's been so many blogposts about dating broken girls on /vt/ alone.
Anon(s) are just that desperate.

>> No.12494950

>last pic
nope nope nope nope.
Isn't stuff like that bannable on twitter? I don't think the site is doing anything good for them.

>> No.12495296

No because you feel too much guilt or she might start threatening sudoku

>> No.12495310

I mean you can't hear her threatening sudoku if you completely ghost her.

>> No.12495331

I can save them all.

>> No.12495376

You still know because she's most definitely said the "I'd probably be dead/kill myself if it wasn't for you" line before you ghost her

>> No.12495383
File: 65 KB, 850x821, 1634805699362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are probably the type of woman who created the feminist movement.

>> No.12495412

Well obviously they don't endorse self harm.
But you understand it's self harm from the context, in itself the tweet is not too different from someone saying they got cuts (like from their cat) an being surprised it bled that much.

>> No.12495450

that doesn't make any sense, quite the opposite even, a lot of those girls are often in more traditional roles and can't support themselves. They already have enough trouble dealing with themselves to even think about general values and society and stuff.

>> No.12495486

No I'm pretty sure this is the type of woman that would be taken to the crazy bin that feminists would then write about being abused by mean husbands because they are also crazy whores.

>> No.12495507

Let me guess you're american?

>> No.12495521

Social and political movements can get pretty cult-ish though and cults are like beacons for mentally unstable people.

>> No.12495579

The opposite in my experience, they don't hold any kind of coherent value in general, and a lot of self-blame/self-esteem issues which doesn't really work well with that kind of agenda.

>> No.12499022

Tune in to one of her ASMR or Karaoke streams if you get a chance

>> No.12499316

you can't even save yourself, how tf are you going to help literal whos on the other side of the planet

take care of yourself first, then send superchats if you have the means

>> No.12500718

I Mean, with things related to her old channel and stuff, i think Nerine has a solid chance at recovery, which ironically enough might as well have been caused by this fucking site of all places

>> No.12500812

I will save Nerine and make her a wonderful wife

>> No.12501048

She'll just leave you for a popular streamer/youtuber

>> No.12501227

I'm gonna cure her from her crippling numberfag tendencies

>> No.12502366

no, I wasted a huge chunk of my life trying to "save" my high school girlfriend by not going to the university I wanted to and staying with her while she went to the local community college. I have a huge scar on my left hand where she stabbed me with a steak knife from when I finally broke up with her. Mentally unstable women don't make good significant others.

>> No.12502731


>> No.12502845


>> No.12502948

>As a last thing, don't expect her to talk to you. She wants friends but she wants important and popular friends. If you are not another chuuba, an artist or popular streamer she won't pay attention to you at all
That's sad, cause i also want friends and i would be willing to atleast talk, but oh well

>> No.12502954

That sucks she had some neat videos

>> No.12503168

>but I’ve been watching Shadow since her first video in 2017 when she was 15 years old
>and mating press her full of babies until the menhara goes away.
Absolute groomer

>> No.12503551

Honestly same, i want to interact with others but i just genuinely don't know where do you go to meet new people, i guess bars clubs and shit but people there usually go with their own friends and the ones willing to talk are usually drunk as shit

>> No.12503983

i will...

>> No.12504124

But Shirou is the one who tries/wants to save menheras....

>> No.12504137

i even tried meetups but just couldn't "connect" with anyone there, but at least it was somewhat comforting to see a few autists in the same boat (even a genuinely cute girl). this sounds quite naive but i'd say we've just gotta keep trying because all it takes is meeting 1 person out of a million with whom you can naturally become good friends.

>> No.12504656

I will make her dependent on her than

>> No.12504846

Ah fuck, I think I have watched her before, she seem like introvert type

>> No.12504865

There are no menhera in F/SN.

>> No.12506700

Nerine please stop playing apex

>> No.12506936

Are there any male menheras?
Trannies don't count, pretty self-explanatory

>> No.12508175


>> No.12509045

I'd be crazy too if I played that much Apex

>> No.12509100

And he's the biggest menhera of them all.

>> No.12509485

Honestly this, i remember giving up on making friends and then meeting a few people i got along with, same thing with communities, the thing that makes getting a femanon gf so hard is the fact they rarely admit to being one on site or irl

>> No.12513108

Sakura is literally the menhera route

>> No.12513788
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1524983546257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in here Is saying not to date or associate with menheras
>the despite being able to hide it to a decent degree irl and keeping it from interfering too much Is that in too mentally fucked to deal with regular women women and cant help but feel detached from people (except like family members ofc) in general so menheras are the only kind of women I can see myself with if I were to ever get a woman
>so incredibly autistic as well as having other issues like being deathly afraid of having sex, not really jerking off or being able to cum (not sure if it's a sign of something wrong with me or not since it's been like that since childhood) with my only way of being able to cum is via wet dreams which are already rare as fuck for me
>tfw pretty much a defective male by all accounts, not even fucking trannies and fags want me
I deserve to live the rest of my life alone and to only be able to watch vtubers until I die

>> No.12514339

Nerine is streaming right now if you guys want to see how's she's doing

>> No.12514912

I unironically want to save Emiya Shirou.

>> No.12518382

Don't say that sort of thing anon, you may be dim, but it's always dark before the glorious sunrise

>> No.12518487

Nah. I just want her to suck my brown cock and have her look up at me with her pretty eyes.
