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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 98 KB, 270x270, 270px-Anya_Melfissa_-_Portrait_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1241858 No.1241858 [Reply] [Original]

come everyone i beg you

>> No.1242578

Why not, shark has enough viewers.

>> No.1242626

based gura helping out a friend desperately in need of views. frick it im watching on anyas perspective

>> No.1242660

i want to make her my personal onahole

>> No.1242725

I do not like this child it's smug aura mocks me

>> No.1242745

were not even a minute in the interactions already cute

>> No.1242810 [DELETED] 

She's very arrogant i do not like her

>> No.1242886


>> No.1242957


>> No.1242974

did she do a yab. whats with the hostility

>> No.1243073
File: 800 KB, 736x720, 1613422749943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me lolitubers

>> No.1243193

No yab, she's alpha

>> No.1243200
File: 16 KB, 382x322, 1605568104206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thick fucking accent. I don't think my love for double cunny can even get me through this.

>> No.1243301

glad anya initiating conversation instead of shutting down.

>> No.1243449

If reine is going to force people to collab with anya why can't she pick a game that works

>> No.1243464

fuck thats alpha

>> No.1243591

whats up with indo internet

>> No.1243597

Your viewer boost...

>> No.1243624

Anya's accent is CUTE

>> No.1243640

Hadn't watched Anya before but she seems pretty based. How is this stacked loli not more popular?

>> No.1243697

is her net shit or dbd servers just trash due to being dead or whatever

>> No.1243716

so pissed this cunt wasted such an amazing model

>> No.1243776 [DELETED] 

Watch her VOD, she's very boring

>> No.1243793

Always remember that Anya tops during sex.

>> No.1243795

For people who regularly watch Anya, what is your favourite aspect of her?

>> No.1243829

She hides her oppai under the desk

>> No.1243851

Indonesian debuff and she had a really horrendous debut stream.
She's really funny and witty and the Japanese fans like her since she's more fluent than Kiara.
Unfortunately as shown with other gens the most popular is usually the most loud and obnoxious one so someone like Anya who is softspoken won't ever catch up to Ollie.

>> No.1243876
File: 111 KB, 1051x1035, 1602903096080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This awkward as fuck collab so far
Anya trying very hard to accomodate gura but gura being autistic af isn't helping

>> No.1243878

I dream of a Holo EN and HoloID2 collab

>> No.1243883

>casually watching Junji Ito
is the sword actually Based?

>> No.1243938

>aura being autistic
what. stream looks normal to me

>> No.1243961 [DELETED] 

Fucking hate her for this, i hope her manager told her to expose them titties

>> No.1243987

her debut wasn't actually bad, it was her first game stream. Literal fucking slideshow, and the same shit a few times afterwords.

Also this collab is fucking awkward as hell. They just do not mesh well together.

>> No.1243993

Indo debuff, timeslot debuff, games debuff and she's in a gen with two other strong streamers as well.

>> No.1244007

Sorry dagger I absolutely do not like her

>> No.1244021


>> No.1244102

Rewatch her debut anon. She was the one I was most hyped for out of ID2 but her debut was legit bad. It started off strong with her intro but the combination of her being visibly nervous and the ridiculous slideshow when she tried to show off her model made the viewership drop from like 40k to 10k by the end.

It didn't help that her character is supposed to be smug and sassy so she tried to combine that with her nervousness during her debut and it made things really awkward. She's gotten a lot more comfortable since then but yeah.

>> No.1244122

I mean most streamers are quantifiably "boring", streams of anyone or any kind are rarely good as a single activity to sit down and watch.
every stream? or just this one? big F if all the time, why have the loli oppai if she's just going to hide them baka
ID debuff makes sense, yeah i'm not a huge fan of the loud obnoxious type, i don't begrudge them but i prefer to be able to do other stuff while watching a stream so maybe i'll start watching Anya more often when risu isn't streaming

>> No.1244143

Is this the barefoot ID loli?

>> No.1244155

>Also this collab is fucking awkward as hell. They just do not mesh well together.
Are we watching the same stream? I think they work pretty good.

>> No.1244161

Jesus I'm not the one playing and I'm already stressed out

>> No.1244183

No, Her chat is trash. I would rather just watch Shark

>> No.1244191

Weird ASMR mic, slideshow and she was nervous as hell.

>> No.1244192

Did you watch any Ame x Jp collabs?

>> No.1244247

The bigass haircut gets in the way if she shows off her oppai

>> No.1244262

This isn't so bad honestly compared to Ame's collabs. Gura is awkward yeah but considering it's her first collab outside of EN I'm proud of her for at least trying. They're having fun together and thats what matters.

>> No.1244266

real shit, debut always like that dont ever expect it to be perfect

korone does much worse debut but no one give a shit about it

>> No.1244268

Probably I'm just a little picky but the main reason why I couldn't stand Anya the first days was her horrendous microphone and audio setting in general (the annoying reverb she used to have is gone for god sake)

>> No.1244336

Korone was doing terrible until her clips went viral among EOPs

>> No.1244410

Maybe, but Korone's debut was like "so bad it's good." Her being visibly nervous was much funnier than Anya and her technical issues were less jarring to look at compared to a slideshow. Her debut also hurt her for a long time even with how entertaining it was because people wrote her off as incompetent.

Also keep in mind Ollie had a "perfect" debut with like 70k viewers and still barely breaks 3k viewers most streams. Having a good start matters a lot when you're in a branch that already struggles with numbers.

>> No.1244426

OP is a hero. Fight on

>> No.1244599

Anya the skill checks god damn it

>> No.1244646

Anya should play a game that fits her character, like valkyrie drive

>> No.1244667
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, Anya hiding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single stream.

>> No.1244703

She did a debut review stream? When was that?

>> No.1244747

I think Hololive already past peak numbers, now it's just downhill until it normalizes at some point. Gura used to hit 20~40k like nothing a couple of months ago, and now just in special occasions (like today) she do it. Hololive as a whole reduced their numbers. Probably another resurgence will happen at HoloEN Gen2 debut, or JP Gen6; but it won't have legs as long as before. 2021 will be a test year for Hololive, if they get stall we'll probably see the first voluntary graduations.

>> No.1244815

I think they have a good chemistry together guys.

>> No.1244866

this collab is fine

>> No.1244872

as countries start getting the corona vaccine & wont have to work from home anymore viewership as a whole will start dropping too. gonna be a steady decrease over the coming year

>> No.1245222

I don't think even the lowest Holos have numbers that justify graduation. I've seen Aki and Mel and the ID girls with sub-1k viewers but they're still in the top 1% of vtubers in terms of viewership.

I guess Mel and Aki don't need the money so maybe they'll graduate just because it's not worth the effort of streaming anymore. But if they still enjoy streaming they can keep going as long as they want and Cover won't fire them ever. Keep in mind Nijisanji has talents that get sub-100 viewers and still get a salary.

>> No.1245321

No, I'm doing my archive reps instead

>> No.1245413

What? They are getting along great with like no awkward silences

>> No.1245498


>> No.1245510

Gura had one moment where she was Guraing like she wasn't in a collab but it's generally good.

>> No.1245515

I think this something important to keep in mind, one of the reasons why Hololive got so popular last year was because of corona sending the world into a quarentine that gave most people a ton of free time that most filled with internet, which eventually lead them to Hololive.

Now that things are starting to normalize again and countries start to slowly lift the quarentine there is gonna be less people who will be able to tune into the streams, viewership in general is going to decline considerably during this year unless something happens that sets back things.

>> No.1245543

Gura's model is so tan compared to Anya's. filipino rrat correct?

>> No.1245650

Viewership doesn't really matter that much as long as superchats and memberships stay consistent. Even with Gura's viewership dropping from 30k avg to 15k avg she still gets like $50k/mo in superchats which is quite good. Those wagies who go back to work and can't watch consistently will still tune in once or twice a week to drop a akasupa so their actual income might not be affected that much.

>> No.1246070

These two are so cute together

>> No.1246140

It’s so much better being in Anya’s chat, sure she’s not gonna interact during a collab but it’s small. Gura’s been bullying the shit out of her chat lately and I love it I hope they thin out

>> No.1246291

Oh, I know I was just continuing the train of though from before, mostly 'cause people tend to jump too quickly whenever one of the talent have a significant drop in views.

That said I do think their income will be affected, but probably not by much, especially for the bigger ones.

>> No.1246335

Gura is a weird outlier.

>> No.1246444

wtf anon! why are you so horny for them loli titties?

keris is powerful mystic weapon, they should be sheathed to suppress the aura. if she don't want to show her badonkers like those JP whore then it's fine.

Anya is cute, her chat is polite (maybe bit horny inside idk), and she might not troubled abt numbers that much. let her channel grow naturally

>> No.1246741

I'm proud of Gura.

>> No.1246774
File: 923 KB, 2893x4092, Eu7Pm8OVIAESoSz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you not be horny for them?

>> No.1246961

>all this begging
>wonder how bad it is
>check tracker

how much longer before anya has to start stripping for views?

>> No.1247241

They're having a cute war. Cute.

>> No.1247758

Very cute stream 10/10

>> No.1247824 [DELETED] 

>how could you not be horny for them?
>Post pic where her tits is small

>> No.1247860
File: 86 KB, 405x720, kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I was wrong. Knife is cute and funny.

>> No.1247891

I tried to find fanart where they were big but there's not much fanart out there of her. Time to learn to draw just to give this cute knife proper representation

>> No.1247952
File: 2.00 MB, 2000x2000, 1615001902107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true

>> No.1255891

no wonder no one watches her

>> No.1255975

People did shit on about Korone's debut. Look at the /jp/ archives when people bring it up.
This. Not just holos, all vtubers are dropping in views.

>> No.1256298


>Oppai loli
> Feet
> Fluffy hair

How does Holo ID win so much at designs bro

>> No.1256328
File: 40 KB, 524x336, 1413263225446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like watching a leech

>> No.1256429
File: 330 KB, 2048x1252, e38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't supposed to be an Oppai loli, if you look at her character concept art she was supposed to have an at most modest bust. The oppai was all the work of her rigger, which she didn't have a choice in.

She's hiding her oppai because she neither wanted, nor was supposed to have them. chances are she just wanted to be a regular qt none oppai having loli, and she just wants to pretend she wasn't given them.

>> No.1256454
File: 45 KB, 414x463, 161738753876426752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sassy loli

>> No.1256542

>77K Viewers even with Gura

It's over.

>> No.1256596


>> No.1256617

>Hiding her oppais
Her biggest mistake

>> No.1256659

If Gura actually gave a fuck she would have made the collab to be only on her channel

>> No.1256699

I personally don't like her attitude and I hate her model.

>> No.1256936

thats a huge shame, you'd think she could ask to change the tiddy size but maybe its too late for that.

>> No.1257157

no she sounds like an asshole

>> No.1257195

>the two worst holos making a collab
yeah no mistakes here

>> No.1257344

If she hates her rigging, why doesn't she just change the rigging herself to make them smaller?

>> No.1257653

Why, because she's honest?

>> No.1257725

Anya posts here too, huh?

>> No.1257758

I thought she only browsed /jp/

>> No.1257767

Uh...1m poster ww@?

>> No.1257837

I find it hard to believe that she herself didn't post this thread, in fact I feel that it's almost a certainty. There is a popular rrat going around that this board was made in part at the request Hololive and to help promote, advertise, gain metrics, and gauge reactions to their talents. To me that seems believable especially with such a huge percentage of content on this board being primarily Holo.

>> No.1257862

No, you never just disliked the way someone acts without having a reason for it? I have nothing against her. I just can't watch her.

>> No.1257886

>This sheet Design
Anyone have the webm?

>> No.1257913

>There is a popular rrat going around that this board was made in part at the request Hololive and to help promote, advertise, gain metrics, and gauge reactions to their talents
Nah, I still doubt it. They wouldn't even risk requesting it behind the scenes. There was a huge shitstorm on /jp/ last year between vtuber fans and 2hu oldfags which prompted this board to be created.

>> No.1257965

Now she is a bigger leech than Moona and Ollie. I'm proud of my cute dagger leech.

>> No.1257982

Anya would first and foremost post and browse on japanese sites. She doesn't care about english or indonesian viewers as much as she does for her japanese ones. Her hobbies and interests are also pretty much /jp/ and since she knows japanese very well, she'd rather go there. She also doesn't get many western pop culture references, so that rules out her browsing on english sites. She doesn't know about Halloween, Alien and doesn't really respond to obvious references and jokes in english from her collab partners.

>> No.1257999


>> No.1259138

You shut your whore mouth about Aki graduating, in January she made 25k US dollars in donations, and while both youtube and cover take from that with her membership and merch (alcohol and song) sales shes making more then she would as a dance instructor, I think she'll at least do it for another two years

>> No.1259735

Please Anonymous, dont b8 the b8 u damn retard

>> No.1259892

Guras a weird case. She had a really strong start, but honestly I think its more than anything that she was the first EN vtuber to get mass exposure. As time went on, people either settled into other EN vtubers, mainly her genmates, or moved on from Vtubers as a whole and found and went back to watching anime or regular streamers, or whatever they watched before.

As a result her numbers were huge at the start but petered off fairly quickly. A better person to represent the trajectory of (English) hololive would be Mori or Amelia since they didn't have the "new stimuli" hype behind them like Gura did.

Numbers will probably go down as the world normalizes, but we're less likely to see a long term down turn like you're predicting and more likely a slight drop off followed by continued growth, albeit at a much slower pace.

>> No.1261045

To be fair Gura tries to find topics for content, but it seems to hit either wall answers or loops into a you're cute, no you bit.

>have you seen halloween
>that's who this character is from
>It's a classic
>do you watch many horror movies
>I watch some junji ito stuff recently
>Ohhh that's cool, like
>doing gens
>a yeah the game....

>do you midnight snack like when you wakeup are you hungry
>I eat when I'm hungry if I'm not hungry I don't eat.

>> No.1261299

The only one that was actually bad was her one with Mel. Pretty much if it's the bomb game they try to pick people who are probably going to be the most awkward together. The language barrier is most of the appeal for keep talking and nobody explodes. I didn't see her apex one though with Roboco. The minecraft tour with Gura and moona was okay; but probably more because Gura was being Gura. Moona was more just "this is a thing...yes next thing" until she decided to try and murder them. To be fair though Gura did murder Aqua.

>> No.1261378
File: 107 KB, 1024x576, 49693098153_48a9d04181_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw her I thought she was a mammoth.

>> No.1261529

to be fair, Anya did better than expected
imagine the pressure of being the lowest subbed channel and collabing with the highest one in your environment
and yeah, she a super otaku who likes idols, jpop, vtubers and gacha, she would work easier with someone she shares interests in

>> No.1261614

you're right, im anya

come kneel you faggot

>> No.1261618
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, 1584985784159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot be unseen!

>> No.1261716
File: 108 KB, 1080x1080, 72c91aa934bc040bbebe7a70918332c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously when I fist saw her announced, I was like oh they based one off of that mammoth from seton academy cute.

>> No.1261779
File: 2.26 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the fucking WIDE hair.

>> No.1261818

4chan has seen a lot of changes since the split, hiroshimoot seems more willing to create new boards, unlike back in the moot days where every new board was such an event because it was so rare.

>> No.1261992

>She's hiding her oppai because she neither wanted, nor was supposed to have them. chances are she just wanted to be a regular qt none oppai having loli, and she just wants to pretend she wasn't given them.
(You) don't know that.

>> No.1262442

In her defense her channel is higher growth than average for the amount of time it's been around. EN subs are not the norm. Even the most popular JP idols took over a year to hit 1 million. There are some gen 0 and 1 idols that aren't that far ahead. Like Azki is from 0th and has 364k subs.

Really it's hard to think of who on EN she would actually have good chemistry with. Cali is too much of a shy dork and needs a dom bully to play off of. Ame I don't think is weeb enough for her, and she doesn't play well off of introverts. Kiara could be either really good or really bad considering that she'd either otaku out with her, or she'd pull her inferiority complex and start bullying her a little too much; not much different from Ollie, but Kiara's dutch tone makes her remarks come off as more blunt at times. Ina would be a comfy Collab, but slowburn streams tend not to be the best for sub boosts.

>> No.1262587
File: 22 KB, 464x356, 5xu9r9at3sr51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair she's supposed to be short. If gura had tits hers would be out of frame as well most of the time.

>> No.1263443

The reason why she hides her tits is pretty clear from this thread. Oppai loli fans are all massive faggots.

>> No.1264603
File: 108 KB, 1200x675, EC6ogYXUYAMVETg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get's shilled by Spike chun for playing Crystar despite not being sponsored
>Shills a whole 7 hours after the stream announcement, making it literally pointless.
At least if she's going to play a debuff game the least you can do is put some effort into shilling her live.

>> No.1264670

The people they're shilling to are going to watch her vods from the start. Shilling her live is pointless.

>> No.1264849

I can't get over how she's enjoying this trash and playing it without sponsorship.
Anya and trash debuff games go hand in hand together, another reason she's not getting as much views.

>> No.1264874

She actually likes the game for whatever reason. Anya has an "acquired" taste in kusoge and movies...

>> No.1266272

knifewife cuts deep.

>> No.1266536

she's made it clear her central complaint is her hair taking up too much screen space. given that her hair is like three times her body width *at chin level*, the only way she's gonna keep it out of the way is putting the model down so low her chest gets hidden as a consequence.
cover really needs to have the model tweaked to do something about that. you can be fluffy without blotting out the sun, after all.

>> No.1266679

She needs some kind of alt where her hair is more straightened out. Extra stuff is fine, but it's stuff like this why Ina almost never busts out her tentacles/halo. At least those are accessories, but here it's literally integrated into her design, so half the time you'll only ever see her as a head on a table.

>> No.1268517

She did an Unravel collab with Ina.

>> No.1273164
File: 100 KB, 270x270, 1614994416039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would look so much better with pupils.

>> No.1273786
File: 107 KB, 242x288, 1614651688548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They RUINED IT what the fuck bro

>> No.1280076

NEED to see her feet

>> No.1283218

Nice to see vtubers without fucked up hands. Really cute feet too.

>> No.1290087

If she just had her feet on screen at all times she'd have 10 times as many viewers

>> No.1290362

The rigger did her a favor, now she fills a niche that was pretty much empty. It's pretty much the only mildly interesting thing about her too. If she were smart she would capitalize on it.

>> No.1294517

Stab me

>> No.1294653

>leeched from my oshi
Is she that desperate for views?
How deplorable.

>> No.1297374

Such a waste of a great design

>> No.1297421

i will watch anya getting raped by 3 fat ugly bastards in all her tight little holes oh god im cuming already
