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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12352522 No.12352522 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P (embed) (embed)
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed) (embed)
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Phase Connect Generation 2 (deadline 10/31)
Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

Previous Thread: >>12136304

>> No.12353689

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>> No.12356043
File: 136 KB, 304x406, pekosign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ies, do you ever get paranoid about small shit giving away your location or identity? I was thinking in posting some handwriting of mine on Twitter, but I thought on the off chance someone may recognize my handwriting and now I'm here trying to come up with a signature/autograph like pic related.

>> No.12356280

i'm not famous enough for audiences to give a shit about a signature of mine so i don't bother

>> No.12356362

i dont think anyone is autistic enough for that and if they are, more power to them for exerting their autism to such an extent

>> No.12356389

no because it doesnt matter. no one is going to find you, no one cares about you. youre a nobody and even if you werent someone knowing your state, even your city inst a big deal nor is them knowing your handwriting. you do realize someone recognizing your voice is a lot more likely than your handwriting, right?

>> No.12357294

I'm a filthy ESL and some don't quite recognize your voice when talking in a different language.
I'm more concerned about people from roomate's lives suddenly noticing the writing or voice. It doesn't help that in college I learned how to identify people's handwriting and speech patters when speaking or writing, so I'm likely just looking too much into shit that only I, and maybe a couple people, will actually notice.

>> No.12357332

1 - are you important enough for people to give a shit?
2 - why are your roommate's handwriting samples located close enough to your vtuber shit that people would notice?

>> No.12357554

after i joined an virtual event in my country my irl peeps recognized my voice
later on some discord related to the event i saw
"hey I think I know her irl LMAO"
then I saw rumors about me being on this or that convention years ago
what do
graduate and change persona?

>> No.12357565

ignore it. it's gonna happen eventually.

>> No.12357568

btw I DO modulate voice on streams/prelections so.... fuck

>> No.12360909

you want us to choose for you? are you fucking retarded or something?
only you know if you want to accept it or run away from everything and graduate

>> No.12361363

The struggle is real being m*le. Can't find good artists that draw cool m*les

>> No.12361868

A technique I use for finding fanfiction, but which works for pretty much everything, is 'zigzagging'.

For reading, you find an author you like, then read their favourites (if they write well, they probably have discerning standards).

For art, you need to find someone with a good model, and then go to their artists. It's MUCH quicker than searching for artists, then finding out they don't do males.

Fiverrs also a good bet.

>> No.12361956

I only know a handful of m*le vtubers that get art for themselves. I found like 2-3 nice ones. Also, fiverr takes a big cut off artists so all the good artists don't use it. Wish skeb got tags

>> No.12362325 [DELETED] 

How much of a debuff is being shit at vidya but not tilting as a m*ale?

>> No.12362373

How much of a debuff is being shit at vidya but not tilting as a m*le?

>> No.12362405

>being shit
There's your problem. If you're not funny, why would I watch you be bad at a game?

>> No.12362411

completely irrelevant in any sort of way
your job as a streamer is being entertaining, a vtuber is just a streamer but you pipe your camera output through some live2d stuff
if you are shit at games but you are funny and entertaining it doesnt matter in the slightest

>> No.12364073

Are you entertaining? If yes, it's not a debuff.

>> No.12366211

Just wait until art starts coming for the Tsunderia males and go from there. People who draw good men usually are fujo

>> No.12366413

My chara designer is a japanese fujo. Thats a good point, thanks

>> No.12369278

don't die on me

>> No.12369769


>> No.12369839

I'm still waiting on that fujo-pandering style guide that was promised a thread or two ago.

>> No.12370296

so i dont actually watch streams, but is there actually an expectation for the streamers to follow a rigorous schedule with minimal breaks ?

this doesnt make sense to me considering its not like the streamer gets consistent views, so its obvious that viewers come and go based on the content being streamed, but the expectation of a schedule with minimal breaks implies people want to tune in every single time and watch the whole stream without deviation.

>> No.12370488

It's not that there's an explicit expectation that viewers have of streamers, it's that it is easier for a streamer to get viewers with a set schedule. Just like with anything else, a consistent routine will make for better results. Viewers are also more likely to recommend a streamer they enjoy to someone else if they can tell them when the streamer is likely to be streaming.

>> No.12370809

nta but im glad that we've gone two threads with someone else making the new op I've been asleep when the thread has died recently

>> No.12371240

>is there actually an expectation for the streamers to follow a rigorous schedule with minimal breaks ?
no. until you've established your brand, there really is no expectation. if you're indie and sub 50 views, everyone knows you're just doing this as a hobby, they don't put expectations on you because they have plenty of other chuubas they can watch when you're not live. that's from the viewer's pov.

from your pov, having a consistent stream schedule is pretty vital because it creates a time window when audiences can expect you. they like you material and know you'll be live again tomorrow at the same time and can tune in. if you only do guerilla streams it'll be a lot more difficult for viewers to anticipate and watch you.

other benefits include being committed to your streams and developing better habits. like Mori says, it's not an easy job and there are days she wakes up and doesn't want to stream at all, but she's got a schedule and needs to keep it. because at some point, it stops being about you and starts being about your audience. and you're creating content for your audience. they always come first.

>the expectation of a schedule with minimal breaks implies people want to tune in every single time and watch the whole stream without deviation.
you will get regulars who do this if you keep it up long enough.

>> No.12371916

What's your budget? depending on the look you're going for I might be able to help
t. artist

>> No.12373109

Has anyone tried making a furry model? I've always heard furries hash out a lot of money but I don't think I've seen any make it big. Or maybe it's just because I don't go anywhere near furry stuff.

>> No.12373474

there are hundreds already. don't put one on unless you actually are a furry.

>> No.12374461

If you don't go near furry stuff why would you make a furry model? You'll be both unhappy and completely lost.

>> No.12377358

it's been posted in /asp/ a lot of times but what does it actually mean when you're making your streams entertaining? so many other streamers just turn on their streams, play games and get ton of superchats. what makes the difference? is it just the model? i don't get it.

>> No.12378168

>so many other streamers just turn on their streams, play games and get tons of superchats

Do you really believe this?

>> No.12378668

that's what i see them doing. i'm a noob what are they doing differently?

>> No.12378733

It's sounds like they really do. Not sure if one would make it with that kind of attitude

>> No.12381727


>> No.12382041

i genuinely want to blow my head off when i watch streams, literally no one is able to be entertaining just chilling playing a game, whether its vtubers, jerma, shroud, tyler1, whatever. i like live shows and the likes that have more planning, but any stream where its basically just a lets play is a no go. i feel like back in the lets play days they try super fucking hard to fill dead air or make jokes, but some how the streaming format makes it ok for the streamer to literally say the bare minimum and replace effort with "chat interaction" which is just thanking donos or retarded shit like that

>> No.12382135

Who are "they"? Give us some examples.

>> No.12382520

Kiara, Gura, Ame, Elira, Pomu. they all just log in, play some games, talk and thank people for giving them money.

>> No.12384700

First it was "turn on stream, play games, get money" now it's "turn on stream, play games, talk and thank people for superchats."

They're providing entertaining commentary for people and even just judging by the clippable moments that aren't just lewdbaiting, they provide a fair amount of higher-quality commentary per stream. That coupled with a personality people find enjoyable, experience in streaming, and a massive multi-milllion dollar company's backing typically means they'll have viewers. Even without that company, they've all proven they can maintain some sort of audience prior to joining their company.

>> No.12384756

>literally no one is able to be entertaining just chilling playing a game,
the hundreds of thousands of people who watch this content seem to disagree. you can't just objectively say it's not entertaining when it's just clear it isn't what you prefer.

>> No.12384961

>First it was "turn on stream, play games, get money" now it's "turn on stream, play games, talk and thank people for superchats."
it's the same thing what are you trying to say?

>They're providing entertaining commentary for people and even just judging by the clippable moments that aren't just lewdbaiting, they provide a fair amount of higher-quality commentary per stream. That coupled with a personality people find enjoyable, experience in streaming, and a massive multi-milllion dollar company's backing typically means they'll have viewers. Even without that company, they've all proven they can maintain some sort of audience prior to joining their company.
what's the difference with every other entertaining streamer then? there's plenty on twitch who never get noticed. the only thing i see is that they're part of a company that spends money advertising them. is that all i have to do too?

>> No.12385276

have you considered watching different streamers? I don't watch any that stream like that

>> No.12385337

Where's the damn fujoshi pandering guide? The people demand it

>> No.12385351

Who exactly do you watch? Because you'd be hard pressed to find a streamer who isn't either watching videos and talking or playing games and talking.

>> No.12385488

If you need it then you've already failed.

>> No.12385637

>what's the difference with every other entertaining streamer then?

Just going by the short criteria you've given "stream, play games, talk", nothing. People find them entertaining because they can carry a conversation, tell a story, keep the audience engaged, etc. You can't really think it's as easy as "hit live say words get money", right?

> there's plenty on twitch who never get noticed.
and there's plenty who do

>the only thing i see is that they're part of a company that spends money advertising them
you don't need to spend money running ads to promote yourself, very few other successful chuubas (or streamers) have done that so it's silly you'd think you need to.

I'm just grabbing two randos, but art assets aside there's a clear difference between the two (personality being the key factor) and probably some not-so-clear ones like time spent off stream growing their channel.



>> No.12385852

Fair point, but I was really chomping at the bit to read an anonymously-written "how to pander to fujoshi" pdf

I'm watching avoidingthepuddle right now and that guy manages to make his streams entertaining despite just playing games or watching the occasional tournament or video game press release. I'm just saying that if you have enough charisma and things to talk about that you can make the bog standard twitch stream a good time

>> No.12386052

>there's a clear difference between the two (personality being the key factor)
then what's the point of streaming if personality is what the key factor is? just take a personality test first to see if you'll make it or not.

>> No.12386309

i cant tell if you're baiting me or if you just have autism. A "personality" is more than just "u gud streamr or nah?". There's plenty of ones "compatible" with streaming successfully and it isn't solely streaming alone that can present success, much of your growth should be happening due to things you do when you aren't live.

I'm gonna go ahead and just stop replying because judging by how you're responding it's pretty clear you don't have much of a shot anyway.

>> No.12386373

unironically seek help

>> No.12386432

>much of your growth should be happening due to things you do when you aren't live.
then why does /asp/ keep saying streamers should use twitch? vods only last for 2 weeks and then disappear. if you're not live how are you growing?

>> No.12386537


>> No.12387053

The difference between Twitch and Youtube is ultimately the amount of Live viewers you'll receive and the amount of donations you'll receive. Remember, you're an indie not Hololive.

>vods only last for 2 weeks and then disappear
If only there was a way to maintain that content and highlight the better parts in some sort of....highlight-video and place it on another platform where a majority of the world watches their videos. That'd be insane.

>> No.12387102

clips? highlights?
so many people have said to stream on twitch and keep to a vod archive on youtube separate from your main youtube channel for clips and other content this isn't anything new

>> No.12387754
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1635816259729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the people that auditioned for Phase Connect, have you guys had anything more than 30 seconds of watch time, multiple views or where reached back? Should I just give up all hope or think they are just being slow in watching videos? Saw some anons talking about the same thing in the past thread but I'm still worried about it. (Talking to people that auditioned at the beginning of Oct mid-October, not before since I know some anons from that time did get interviewed)

>> No.12387972

its obvious that most of people just want a friend simulator or a parasocial relationship. objectively, the content is shit as far as entertainment goes. clips are good because it compiled all the moments of a stream where things actually happened. its not worth it to sit through hours of stream with something entertaining spread out once every 5 minutes. theres the argument that its live and theres an interactive element, which is non existent unless you donate and half the time they say some mundane shit anyways. i feel like you need some form of mental cope to pretend like the streamers actually reading the shit you say by you being part of the chat hivemind so that you can adopt the chat's behavior as your own or some shit

>> No.12388135

>theres the argument that its live and theres an interactive element, which is non existent unless you donate

Not sure what streams you're watching, I've even seen Silvervale responding to randos in chat when she's not focused on the game and her viewership goes up to the thousands.

Sure, the biggest streamers with tens of thousands of viewers probably can't respond to many chat messages but in the low hundreds and low thousands I see plenty of chat interaction aimed at specific messages from people who aren't even donators.

>> No.12388244

make your money and views on twitch, advertise and market on twitter and youtube since those sites actually allow for things to go viral then shill your twitch from there, then suck dudes off on discord so they stick around. this is the most basic fool proof formula that anyone can do to maintain success and grow

>> No.12388248

I auditioned twice and both videos were watched over 10 times with over 1 minute of watch time. I'm kind of nervous because it's either a good thing or a bad thing... I haven't been interviewed yet or asked but I really want this.

>> No.12388279

that being said im not watching because I'm hoping they'll read every single one of my messages, I watch lives because i genuinely like the streamer's personality and the entertainment they provide, watching VODs and highlights are fine for some streams but I usually prefer the livestream

>> No.12388323

Did some anons really get interviewed already? Do I even have a chance still?

>> No.12388350

thanks for sharing this anon. i'm gonna make it.

>> No.12388399

so why are tens of thousands of people watching a big streamer, where the content might as well be prerecorded since theres minimal chat interaction and your comment is a drop of water in an ocean?

>> No.12388483

No problem. I really enjoy this video, it's what got me started streaming but now I just focus more on LARPing manager for some close friends and do things like provide content ideas, find editors/artists, provide info on trending things, etc. I enjoy doing that more but even now I'll stop back to this video once in a while.

>> No.12388484

i don't know and i would like to know that, but /asp/ seems to be filled with trolls tonight just being rude assholes because anons don't come into the thread already understanding the secrets of the universe. if i knew this crap i wouldn't be here asking about it, now would i?

>> No.12388504

Same anon. I really like the talents so joining would be a dream come true. I hope it goes well for you! If I can ask, when did you audition and when did you have the views?

Some where claiming they did get auditioned and/or got emails in past aspie threads. Best of the luck anon. Have you had any views on your audition?

>> No.12388597

Everyone has a different reason. Some like being part of the hivemind, some want their messages/donos read, some just like being "there" for the experience and probably plenty of other reasons or combinations of reasons. I'm of the latter for the bigger streamers, I enjoy getting the content as it's happening instead of hours later and there's plenty cut that never makes it into the highlights. It's like watching a show you like when it airs VS a rerun later. Smaller streamers the chat engagement is nice but depending on who it is I'll just have them on in the background and enjoy it. People watch for a variety of reasons honestly, it's too hard to single out just one

>> No.12388604

I auditioned mid October and then the day before Halloween. My latest video has 15 views already but I don't know how YouTube numbers work. It's unlisted and only has 2 viewers.

>> No.12388625

I got interviewed in oct

>> No.12388650

Not sure which anon you are, but plenty being asked here is flat out retarded and deserves a shitty response because there's gotta be SOME baseline of information people are aware of before wanting to stream. The personality test question for example was extremely autistic.

>> No.12388718

Have you passed? Has it been a while since they've contacted you?

>> No.12388733

>there's gotta be SOME baseline of information people are aware of before
so if they're completely new, go fuck them, right? better point them to twitter so they can become a vtweeter instead

>> No.12388853

Yes, if you're completely new and lack the critical thinking skills to think "Well if VODs disappear then how will people see them?" as if there isn't a slew of other sites for your highlighted and non-stream content to go I do think you're either too stupid to consider an alternative or haven't done BASIC research on your own. At that point it's wasting people's times.

>> No.12388883

For anons that have been interviewed by Phase Connect: have you been contacted again? Was it just a round 1 audition?

>> No.12388934

the thread dies daily without bumps every 7 hours and >we are just gonna shit on new anons

>> No.12389028

Could you tell us a little about the interview process?

>> No.12389082

There's a difference between being new and being an idiot. What chance does someone have if they lack the minimal thinking skills required to realize that there's other sites for your content to go? Maybe if they've never been to Youtube, and never seen Vtuber content on youtube, and then also never seen vtuber content on any other site, but at that point how the fuck do you even know what a vtuber is?

>> No.12389276

yeah thanks anon, this wasn't a bad watch. made me feel like all of this daydreaming and avatar designing is really gonna get me somewhere someday.

>> No.12389801

Said I had to wait until their audition period was over then they’d contact me for further steps

It’s not really different than any other interview process. call, why do you want to do this, general chatting, do you have any questions about the company, so on. It really didn’t feel different than any other interview I’ve had for other areas of work

>> No.12389826

>then also never seen vtuber content on any other site, but at that point how the fuck do you even know what a vtuber is?
nta but i never cared for youtube until covid hit got sent to work from home and was browsing youtube while bored. saw cute anime girl doing cute things and wanted to try streaming since i had free time.

>> No.12390255

I sent my audition in around a week ago and got one view with around 3-4 minutes of view time. Is this good?

>> No.12390383

The one view must be them watching it fully.
Just wait a bit longer to see.

>> No.12391271

Fuck it's so hard to stream.
Also how do you get rid of that slight buzzing noise that's always there when your mic is on? It gets covered up by the bgm mostly but it still bothers me.

>> No.12391374

EQ out the frequency or noise gate it out, or it might be a mic issue

>> No.12391485

Phase Connect only has 4 slots left...

>> No.12391582

Considering they’ve had auditions open for three months and they only have 2 people they’re for sure taking, it actually sounds like they’re hurting for good talent

>> No.12391653

Wait... It's been 3 months? I had no idea. That makes me feel so much better.

>> No.12391670

I'll try the EQ. Tried noise gating earlier but even with the noise gate maxed out (to the point nothing should work) it was still there.

>> No.12391772

I do wonder if PC will go the nepotism route. They've made some solid connections with more traditional indie chuubas over the past few months.

>> No.12391935

What do you mean?

>> No.12392340

would you guys recommend uploading full twitch vods to youtubes, just clips or just do both? leaning towards both myself, one for the sentimental value the other for the push

>> No.12392393

Private the VODs to have them on hand, make clips and edited content to be public. You want those backed up either way, though.

>> No.12392532

oh you know what that's a good point, thanks. any good free editing software you know btw to make clips like adding subs or music over them? otherwise i'd just be using the bare clip itself

>> No.12392591

DaVince Resolve 17 is free and pretty much an industry standard. It's very robust and there's lots of free tutorials online for it.

>> No.12392616

I've enjoyed hitfilm express, but what do I know I average 0 viewers a stream

>> No.12393041

I think anon means since PC may be hurting for talent via auditions they may go the recruit route and poach indies who their current gen knows

>> No.12393895

Any good games to play when you got shit for viewers?
Thinking movie/story based games so you can mostly just mute the mic and eat grapes while playing and the content is the same. Since nobody is listening to your sperging anyways

>> No.12393928

This is a good idea actually, it makes sure you never get any more viewers since, when they join, it's constant dead air. Good idea ngmi-chama

>> No.12393931

>Thinking movie/story based games so you can mostly just mute the mic and eat grapes while playing and the content is the same.
why would a viewer even check out your stream then?

>> No.12394003

This sounded like a good idea for half a second

>> No.12394341

Interest in a game they don't care about buying. Same reason anyone would click on a 0view

>> No.12394465

but i can just watch a youtube video at that point without some random avatar blocking a corner and a useless overlay taking up 30% of the screen

>> No.12394544

Yes but that argument still holds out for literally anything about a stream.
There's no real reason to watch any stream except that you feel like it.

>> No.12394602

>literally anything about a stream.
...except for all of the best streamers who add something of value instead of a muted microphone. go neck yourself, Zylphe, you're a shit streamer and you're never going to make it.

>> No.12394667

>something of value
Not really.
At most they add a few comments here and there, mostly with humming or other random background noises at best. At worst it's usually just people screaming nonsense and "LETS GOOOO"

>> No.12394701

I just looked this up, how did you even find this?

>> No.12394792

>how did you even find this?
he selfposted several months ago asking if he was gonna make it. /asp/ told him no and he went on a malehera spree shitting up /asp/ and /wvt/ until he got temp banned. he's shown his face once or twice since then but never for long. at best, he's an example of what not to do as an /asp/ie. the only saving grace of his is that he's stopped being an incel and tweeting out his personal rants about how women have it better as streamer because they have tits and he doesn't.

>> No.12394925

holy shit what a clown

>> No.12394980

ok I just looked at his twitter and holy shit what the fuck is a non-vocal streamer lmfao

>> No.12395059
File: 92 KB, 1000x1050, okretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a mute streamer please do not be able-ist some people cannot speak

>> No.12395078

schizo posting aside i'm pretty excited to start streaming soon. not sure if i'll self shill in /wvt/ quite yet but i might drop a link for curious watchers.

>> No.12395129

he has a mic but chooses not to use it. and has his chat set to followers only. in a delete tweet, he basically told his non existent viewers that he doesn't think they deserve to hear his voice but will change his mind once he hits a certain number of active chatters. i don't remember because this was a couple of months ago.

>> No.12395178
File: 53 KB, 1044x582, 1614815454119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a retard lmao

>> No.12395200

Is it like an elaborate shitpost?

>> No.12395229

no he's been on twitch for something like 7 years and bitched about the lack of viewers constantly.

>> No.12395243

i mean there's streamers like corpse and hauntuber and zen who don't speak with their voice and that's fine but i'm pretty sure zylph is essentially paywalling his own voice lmao

>> No.12395293

I wonder the kinda life he lives

>> No.12395399

you can drop a link here first if you just want to make sure everything is running fine and then drop by /wvt/ afterwards, multiple people have done so

>> No.12395427

This is Zylph isn't it

>> No.12395507

Some people are just so autistic that they lack the ability to function in normal society AND abnormal internet ones. Online there's so many niche groups that cater to a huge variety of people, so many that it's REALLY pathetic when you're shunned in even the weirder ones like vtubing.

>> No.12395523

i might end up doing that. everything though looks great so far. i'm just doing some pretty basic stuff like finding good bgm over (some) of the games i'll be playing for a pretty nice time.

>> No.12395668


It's so easy to spot you, you're really sad.

>> No.12395778

bruh, why do you even stream? streaming is a form of performance entertainment and you hate the literal purpose of livestreaming to entertain strangers. also
>streaming career

>> No.12395809

holy shit it really is him

>> No.12396124

oh my god he's one of those vtweeters that just throws out his retarded replies to everything with really dumb takes.

>> No.12396337

why has it taken me months of reading /vt/ to read this thread. holy shit lol

>> No.12396406

are you just a random passerby from the holo threads
you picked a good time to stop by; we only get graced by zyphie's retarded schizo presence once every few months

>> No.12397201

a couple of months ago I would have said yes but I'm a genuine /asp/ie as of just recently. I posted a vocaroo of a shitpost reading a couple of threads ago. I feel a little mean saying this but seeing a genuine ngmi makes me feel like I can make it

>> No.12397714

God I guess I really should just kms then if I haven't heard back. Can't make it there can't make it anywhere.....

>> No.12397720

oh understandable
i'll be honest for a thread that has been around for 10 months and with on and off activity i'm both surprised and glad that the worst schizo we've gotten is Zylphie
anyway don't feel bad it's nice to learn from the mistakes of others

>> No.12397774

Any advice on how to start an audition video? I've auditioned for about every open company this year and I've never had an audition be watched for more than 10 seconds... I've changed things things up a few times from an self-introduction, gameplay, to even a hand-animated opening. I'm not sure what I'm doing so wrong.

>> No.12397830

both of you anons should really just stop applying with nothing. go and stream, build up a portfolio and get some actual experience.

>> No.12398043

I've been streaming consistently for 8 months ;_;

>> No.12398101

you could be streaming to 0 viewer for 6 of those months and only just figured out what to do in the last 2. just time spent streaming means nothing. Zylphe's been streaming for 7 YEARS and look where he's at.

>> No.12398142

yeah this is why I started streaming too. It is way too idealistic to think companies would hire you based solely on your auditions. No matter how good your audition is, the portfolio is what matters.

I only started like last month and the reality check of having to balance audio levels and EQ to minimize noise hit hard. I have a long way to go before I'm even half as competent as a big name corpo chuuba.
t. 0view aspie

>> No.12398307

I do anon

>> No.12398332

which of the two anons are you?

>> No.12398502


>>12397714 but I was being melodramatic
Been streaming / averaging 17 viewers for a while so felt like I had a shot but I'm just going to assume disinterest and keep on streaming and enjoying myself once the rejection sting wears off

>> No.12398603

>averaging 17 viewers
that's pretty low. how long have you been at 17 viewers?

>> No.12399451

Isn't this the loreautist from last thread?

>> No.12399510

no, Zylphe doesn't care about lore at all. even if he did, he's mute and has follower only chat on, so who would he sperglord out about lore to?

>> No.12399555

Not sure if Zylph is Loreautist but you can identify him pretty easily when he starts bitching about "loud" (speaking at any volume) streamers, rude partners, and Twitch. Not to say anyone who dislikes Twitch is him but the way he goes about it and promotes shitholes like Trovo make him stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.12399577

Not the original anon, but now I want to write a fujoshi pandering guide. Just give me a few more threads to produce absolutely nothing and vanish.

>> No.12399622

I'll pander to fujos with you
no homo

>> No.12399623


it's extra pathetic because he tweets about it right before coming /here/. if anything seems off, you can check to twitter and ID him real quick.

>> No.12399762

I'm a male but I want to have a female avatar. I want to train my voice so it passes as a girl's and then just jump in. Will people hate me if they find out I'm a male somehow?

>> No.12399800

that's called babiniku.
people will be able to tell.
why do you care if they care?

>> No.12399941

Please do. I was really hoping to see what wisdom I was missing out on aside from "be or act gay." I seem to remember them saying they would divulge something specifically about tropes to avoid or something

>> No.12399988

>"be or act gay."
you don't even know what this entails.

>> No.12399998

I guess I was worried about it bothering people.

>> No.12400024

why do you care?

>> No.12400148

The people it'd bother probably aren't the people you'd want to watch you

>> No.12400189

He sorta does, weirdly enough.

>> No.12400194

I am being completely serious: please enlighten me. I clearly do not understand the mind of the fujoshi

>> No.12400264

i know you're just shitposting with that comment about "being gay" so i know you're not serious. it would be a waste of effort trying to explain anything to you. the only thing i can say is
>treat women like humans
but i doubt you understand what that means. go flex your toxic masculinity someplace else.

>> No.12400271

How do you guys find the motivation to keep consistent when life shit is keeping you down?
I'm very careful to not let this level of depressing things into my stream, but sometimes it's hard to put on a happy face when I'm on the verge of facing homelessness, even when streaming is the only thing that makes me happy these days.

>> No.12400371

I have no idea how you reached this conclusion about me, anon. have a wonderful evening

>> No.12400392

>explained how
>lul you just don't get me

>> No.12400394

>treat women like humans
I was about to agree with you, but then I realized none of the vtubers who are pulling the fujo audience (shxtou, kitty, ais, etc) are doing that. They're manipulating them the same way GFE streamers manipulate men. They're flirting with them and drawing them in but it's with the intent to get their money/time. Is that really treating them like humans?

>> No.12400429

>They're manipulating them the same way GFE streamers manipulate men. They're flirting with them and drawing them in but it's with the intent to get their money/time. Is that really treating them like humans?
and yet here they are with numbers of fujos and you trying to make gotcha posts on /asp/. interesting. how many more fujos do you pull compared to them, again? oh, right.

>> No.12400441

I thought I was making it clear that I thought people who pander to fujos are being a little manipulative. I legitimately did not realize this was such a sensitive issue and I'll have you know I'm very nice to the women I come in contact with, thank you

>> No.12400468

>I'm very nice to the women
>literal "i'm a nice guy" walks into the thread
jesus christ, i didn't think you incel niceguyfags actually existed. but fuck me, i guess.

>> No.12400480

honestly there's some nuance in fujo pandering that I've thought of over the past few months.

first off, pairing.
While you can pander solo if you have a deep voice, there's no denying that having a friend will help. This will help you more naturally fill the uke/seme dynamic that fuels their fantasy. Ideally your friend should be able to play off getting bullied or vice versa.

Secondly, if you just be/act gay you're just gonna pander to gays instead. You have to bait the whiff of homo. Its the little things. The awkward friendly interaction, the teasing, the light sexual harassment.

Third is to never confirm anything. Say some dumb shit like "yeah we're good friends". While giving the illusion that there's something more going on behind the scenes. Be it through twitter interactions or zatsudan tangents.

I have plenty of fujo friends and acquaintances and this is how I generally view their interests. I'm still waiting for that other anon to post his guide so we can compare notes.

>> No.12400554

I'm not the same anon nor am I trying to get an all female audience, it's just my observation. It isn't a "gotcha" post, I just don't think the goal is to treat them like humans because if it was you wouldn't be "trying" to get them as an audience to begin with. Clearly they're manipulating them.

All's fair in streaming and while I personally don't like GFE/BFE style things, you can't really argue they're just "treating them like humans" otherwise they wouldn't pump out content specifically targeting lonely, easily influenced, and manipulable men/women.

>> No.12400579

I really should have realized the appeal was in how vague it is. Thanks for sharing; this is probably the closest I'm gonna get to that style guide. Can you help me understand why I've upset the other person so strongly

>> No.12400581

>I just don't think the goal is to treat them like humans because if it was you wouldn't be "trying" to get them as an audience to begin with. Clearly they're manipulating them.
since you're not that chuuba, nor are you trying to appeal to fujos, okay. you're entitled to your opinions.

>> No.12400611

I think you're confusing fujos with otomes.
Fujoshi = woman who loves watching male x male (romantic) interactions
Otome = woman who wants the boyfriend experience

>> No.12400808

yeah if you frame it the same way goslingposters work you'll start to get it. The appeal is inherent in the fantasy and imagination of the poster.

If we're talking about the dude rambling about toxic masculinity I legitimately don't know. From that one post it seems like he thinks being nice to women is enough to make them like you.

>> No.12400954

I think you might be talking about both of us? I said I was nice to women in response to them insisting I don't treat women like humans and now I'm an incel niceguyfag. I just meant to say that I try to be nice to people IRL, not in the "I am owed pussy because I am nice" way. My mistake if I am misunderstanding you or being a weird nerd about this

>> No.12401098

yeah it basically went
>be nice to women
>i am nice to women
>wow, nice guy faggot

>> No.12401185

oh mb I was talking about the toxic masculinity anon >12400264
Maybe he thought you were joking about it lmao or that it is somehow dehumanizing to try to understand how fujoshis view their media

>> No.12401370

It's probably my bad honestly; I should be asleep instead of posting rn. I had no idea I would get under someone's skin asking these kinds of questions

Thank you both for making me feel less insane

>> No.12401546

Thoughts on getting stoned before a stream?

>> No.12401723


>> No.12401899
File: 128 KB, 1422x751, ldwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll bite.
1) 15.11.2021
2) 50+ viewers, 10K+ Youtube subscribers, maintain 5 streams a week for at least two months, make a karaoke stream that's not painful to hear
3) ymfah, Mandalore (since these two are not streamers, I'm speaking mostly about their manner of speech), Spiffing Brit

>> No.12402256

> 3)
You might want to reconsider streaming at all, it seems like the ones you want to emulate are all good at scripted youtube videos that don't benefit from anything but maybe a few anime-person PNGs for reaction faces, not live streaming with a 2D/3D model.

>> No.12402544

One of my regulars is another streamer, but he's currently on hiatus whilst moving into a new flat. But he was saying last night he spent two months before starting streaming watching four or five streamers a day, making notes on how they interact with follows/subs/donos, seeing what worked, looking into the different assets, and then built everything off of that.

That's just autism, right, not actually a sensible idea?

>> No.12402594

sounds like someone who is wasting time on everything except learning how to be a good streamer.

>> No.12402627

It shouldn't take months, getting the gist of "how to stream" should take a few hours at best. Watch a few smaller streamers/vtubers and you've learned all there is to know as far as the basics go. Definitely autism and a waste of time. If they have to spend all this time "learning" second hand how to speak to another human being then they're already ngmi

>> No.12402706

>spent two months before starting streaming watching four or five streamers a day, making notes
this is retarded. your pal would have no idea what to look for or even what the shit he sees on stream would require. something that goes smoothly without any apparent effort on stream may have taken a week to set up and properly organize and you would never see that on the stream. there's so much behind the scene crap that goes on. your friend is retarded.

>> No.12402762

Oh thank fuck, I was thinking this was the complete opposite of what I did (I pretty exclusively used to watch partnered streamers, decided I'd give it a shot).

>> No.12402920

>this was the complete opposite of what I did (I pretty exclusively used to watch partnered streamers, decided I'd give it a shot).
this is just as retarded, so sounds like you're in good company.

>> No.12403005

sounds like a twat
if you dont have experience as a genuine audience member then most of that analyses is meaningless because they're framed as engagement statistics rather than what runs through the minds of the audience when they see those things

>> No.12404315

So a funny story, I have known Zylphie for longer than he has been /here/. If you want to know some juicy drama essentially he got scammed out of a ton of money and gift subs but an unironic e girl vtuber. Before that he was at least some what stable. He also claimed he was donating plasma to fund his gift sub addiction and got banned from a handful of streams - including the e girl he spent thousands of dollars on.

>> No.12406657

Keeping the thread afloat.

>> No.12407203

i've got a model upgrade coming soon. should be done in two weeks. i also planned on upgrading overlays and alerts and stingers.

should i do it all at once or do as each comes in?
model reveal goals are stupid? not worth doing? and redebut when i started in last five months is greedy?

>> No.12407297

If the overlay/alerts/stingers are all made to match the upgrade I would start using them at the same time.

As for the model reveal, I'd just say do it. Some people think they're annoying but if it gets you traction then just do what works. If you don't feel comfortable calling it a redebut you can just have a model 2.0 stream. Don't worry about what other people think if it works for you

>> No.12408967

Is there even a point in making a dedicated stream for overlay and alerts? Just drop a tweet like "btw how do you like my new overlay?" when you get it. Seems like too small of an improvement for "reveal" kind of attention.

>> No.12409170

does anyone her still live with family that can be a little loud at times? How do you guys deal with the noise? My house is pretty small so if you yell from the kitchen you can hear a bit of it in my stream. I want to try streaming again but it was way more easy to do at our old house since it was bigger and the noise wouldn't be awful. At this point I'm wondering if I should rent an office space for a day or something when I want to stream.

>> No.12409331

For me I inform my family when I'm streaming and for them to keep it down, and I usually stick to late-night streams (not sure if that'd work for you)

>> No.12409493

oh no, not new stream to announce them, but just have them in stream when go live, or should save until i have everything ready to go?

i stream later, and overfilter mic. it has aggressive filters, but cuts out all noise

>> No.12409789

Like others said, making good use of filters can cut out lots of background noise.

Also microphone type can make a difference. Dynamic mics should capture a lot less noise for example.

>> No.12410339


>> No.12410423

Like >>12409789 said.
A dynamic mic is great. It does not even pick up my phone sounds even when its almost directly next to it and will pick up my voice just fine. This can all be changed with settings too.

>> No.12410549


>> No.12410649

I just tell my mother i'm going live and she understands that is only an hour or two

>> No.12413572

Overlay and similar knick-knacks aren't that big of an impact to save them for later. Just use it whenever it's ready.

>> No.12415477

I wanna try drawing a vtuber
what are the best poses
I hate the ones that show arms on the side because it looks like they arent doing anything but if the arms are just resting it becomes boring

>> No.12415874

Think on Zentreya, he streamed VRchat for like 2 years without saying a word

>> No.12415995

Hmm part of the reason just having the side arms is popular is because it makes the rigging of models much simpler.

Not too mention why focus on a part of the model that will be offscreen in most setups.

Personally I just have myself holding a plushie.

>> No.12417415

I've been thinking about doing a stream getting the speedrunner achievement in Shantae ATPC, should i use the Speedrun tag even if i don't really plan on submitting the run on any leaderboards?

>> No.12417469

Yeah, should be fine

>> No.12417939

do it because it'll help the general speedrunner community find you. maybe they'll like your attitude, maybe they just want to see people learning how to speedrun for the first time, etc. use every tool you have to aid in discoverability because organic growth is incredibly rare nowadays with tens of thousands of people streaming on any given day.

>> No.12418377

Alright, gonna go ahead then

>> No.12418380
File: 202 KB, 506x900, 1be23536eb2b8483ecd5603be81d67c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you planning on doing a Christmas outfit?

>> No.12418390

I think I know why /asp/ies keep getting confused between Youtube and Twitch as it relates to "Discoverability".

On Youtube, "discoverability" takes the form of recommended videos that are passively delivered to you by the algorithm. No one is actively making the decision to pick and choose a video to put in your recommendeds. This is why seemingly random videos may hit out of nowhere and go viral.

On Twitch, "discoverability" doesn't exist outside of the tiny 5-6 chuubas that appear in the "We think you may like" and that's it. That's the only form of "discoverability" you have. Yes, there are technically raids, but you're only raiding and getting raided by people you know. And of those, raids don't work to retain viewers because everyone leaves right after spamming the raid message. So that requires someone to actively be online and going through the list of streaming chuubas for you to get "discovered" and at that point, the raider is just given a huge list of thumbnails that they have to go through.

You need to create content that will work with the algorithm so that your material can be passively recommended even when you are not live and even when someone isn't actively looking to raid you. That's how you get consistent and regular growth.

>> No.12418720

I'll put a Santa hat on.

>> No.12418749

>Christmas outfit?
png christmas hat asset. can't afford a seasonal outfit that i'm only going to use once. i'd rather save the money for a 2.0 model in the future.

>> No.12419252

Is it around 50 or 60 Hz? That would be powerline hum.

>> No.12420198
File: 140 KB, 2048x1535, E2Lm800XoAMqHbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to become a goblin vtuber

>> No.12420483

People could be retarded and say you stole Honey Goblin's gimmick but i don't thing there are more goblinchuubas than here, i'd say go ahead

>> No.12420503

Probably not. While I'm here: why do so many of us have a goblin fetish? What happened

>> No.12420535

*than her, i really shouldn't drink before posting

>> No.12420558

I will never understand this fetish, honey goblin looks repugnant to me

>> No.12420594

Its a glorified onahole.

>> No.12420619

delicious fuck me eyes

>> No.12420651

But why does it have to be puke green and have ugly features? I prefer human shortstacks.

>> No.12420680

That's a child you fucking pedophile.

>> No.12420704

a big titty, big assed THICC child? then call me a pedo bro

>> No.12420748

Putting big tits and ass on a child just makes you a bigger pedo.

>> No.12420765

yes and

>> No.12421168
File: 129 KB, 1200x1067, 71cb74fdf831bab2d3a3338a23b6fb1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I not going to have an audience if I go for a little more monstery looking goblin?

>> No.12421833

design doesn't matter. make good content. there are people who buy pictures of shit online for the composition and flavor. just focus on the content you're making.

>> No.12422078

Design matters to a degree but ultimately content matters more. Your design is basically the "thumbnail" to your content, it'll be on every piece of content you make so it should be something decent. It doesn't have to be some amazing 2,000 dollar design, it just hurts for it to look like shit.

>> No.12422129

>d-design doesn't matter! j-just content!
>he cries as irys and sana, the 2 most talented holos, are the 2 most unsubbed.

>> No.12422182

It's really a shame. They're both cool character designs, the outfits are just a little overdesigned

>> No.12422275

Iron mouse and nyanners have some of the worst designs i have seen yet they are the biggest Vtubers on Twitch

>> No.12422312

>Iron Mouse and Nyanners
>Bad design
okay faggot.

>> No.12422352

they look like pink puke, Ironmouse i have no idea what it is supposed to be it just looks like an egirl with daddy issues

>> No.12422508

"Bad design" isn't the same as "I don't like the design".

You're also comparing people who changed their design after they were extremely popular (or who were already extremely popular in Nyanners case) to someone starting from quite literally zero. You don't have a backing force like VShojo, Niji, or Hololive. There's nothing "vetting" and advertising you to a massive audience the way joining VShojo or any of these other companies would. You could literally take a vtuber that's just a default anime boy, have it join vshojo, and they'd have a default audience based solely on that as long as their content is somewhat mediocre.

>> No.12422578

horns and a pointy tail don't bring anything in particular to mind?

>> No.12422604
File: 731 KB, 1000x1910, 1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to hate on someone for being in vshojo at least bitch about something relevant. there's nothing wrong with this desing aside from maybe the eyes being a little weird

>> No.12422786

It just looks incredibly fucking generic, half of female vtubers are pink and dress like e-thots. Thing is, at the end design doesn't matter unless it's just hideous. Weebs don't have taste, if they had they wouldn't be weebs in the first place.

>> No.12422850
File: 783 KB, 2591x3624, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic isn't bad.
Nico is one of the most popular girls ever created, and she's just a generic loli with black twintails.

Generic will still get people to give you a chance, its only ugly designs, like a fucking goblin, that filter people.

>> No.12422871

can you show up a good design without using some low quality self-made "MUH KINO SOUL SO BASED" trash?

>> No.12422931

>its only ugly designs, like a fucking goblin, that filter people.
Again you not liking it doesn't make it ugly. I don't watch her, but Honey Goblin's model looks fine, it's a cute cartoon character. People bitched about Krimbo's too and he seems to be popular enough and his model is literally created to be unattractive, it's just stylized properly.

>> No.12422981

you are currently posting on the virtual youtuber containment board on 4channel.org, a containment website

>> No.12423050
File: 701 KB, 1433x1012, 39d74f0342c5993e9962f8185441d8ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, it takes some of the most generic vtuber design quirks and makes the work

>> No.12423082

wow thats cluttered. i'll take a generic catgirl over that.

>> No.12423101

That's not that good though.
>Asymmetric leggings
>Asymmetric horns
>Asymmetric jacket
its fucking garbage.

>> No.12423111
File: 954 KB, 4096x3151, f67ca653eaa59c3ca01e16e0de46a476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have something simple and cute then

>> No.12423124

no anon it takes those and totally makes it work you dont understand man thats all its just so good even though i admit it takes generic design quirks and bashes them together!

>> No.12423154

>taking low effort holobronie tourist bait
i'm disappointed, /asp/

>> No.12423159

her old model was better, this is just the typical Post-Genshin redesign a lot of chuubas do. It's cute but I don't really think it's PEAK DESIGN. Nyanners is fine, and so is this.

>> No.12423222

These threads have really lowered in quality in general recently.
Its all "muh content" and betamale posting.

>> No.12423272
File: 1.56 MB, 822x1287, PINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of female vtubers are pink and dress like e-thots
all this pink, its driving me crazy!

>> No.12423324

>all those 100-200 views
vtubers finally making it.
I see some males in there too.

>> No.12423355

What number of viewers actually counts as 'making it'

>> No.12423388

imo 100+ consistently is making it.
Not top tier or anything, but it means you have a large and consistent audience. Enough you could sell some merch if you really wanted.

>> No.12423391

why are all these 2views getting so fucking butthurt when I said at the end design doesn't matter despite how generic it is? sorry you spent 5k on a generic kawaii sugoi loli and aren't making it despite that

>> No.12423728

No one is butthurt, just wondering where all the pink is since I thought at least half of these would be pink.

>> No.12423732

because they have literally one joke and nothing else

>> No.12423857

It's the most prominent color among them all

>> No.12423885

Because design does matter and the original claim was it not mattering at all. People refuted it and the goal post moved to "it's not the only thing that matters", which is true.

>> No.12423933

>Because design does matter
it doesn't though

>> No.12423960

If design mattered that much the phrase ''wasted design'' wouldn't exist though, it just seems stupid to fixate so much in such a minimal aspect of streaming, you can always upgrade it in the future anyway

>> No.12423980

5 have pink as one of the main colors. At least 5 have blue, 5 have purple, 7 have white, and I won't even bother counting black.

>> No.12424055

Saying design doesn't matter is like saying video thumbnails don't matter. The design is literally the face of your content. It's one of the biggest reasons people click any of your socials, your videos, or anything else that has your face on it. If your content is trash they'll just click off anyway so you still have to be decent for retention, but saying that the design doesn't matter ignores so many factors.

>> No.12424174

>Saying design doesn't matter is like saying video thumbnails don't matter.
it's not and you're making a retarded comparison. one of the best performing indies is a skull with a giant tongue. design doesn't matter.

>> No.12424198

>one of the best performing indies
and either way a skull is a decent enough male design.

>> No.12424236

>one of the best performing indies is a skull with a giant tongue
And it's a good design. A design doesn't have to be complex with 50 addons and a thousand anime tropes to be good. Him being a more toony styled vtuber is what drew a lot of people who didn't noramlly watch vtubers to him to begin with, even he's acknowledged that much.

>> No.12424326

I'm a noob who also plans to become a skulltuber. mind sharing who this is?

>> No.12424346

>it's not and you're making a retarded comparison
How? Where are all these viewers coming from then, if not from your off-stream content? It's where a majority of viewers end up coming from, and them even giving the first click depends a lot on visuals.

If people are giving something a click it's because it caught their eye, not because the content that they haven't seen yet is good. They STAY because they like the content.

>> No.12424354

you're confusing "character design" with "my personal taste in avatars". stop that. it's retarded. design does not matter. there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch streamers, you filter one or two because they don't want to fuck your model, and nothing is lost.


>> No.12424378

What's the right way to go about premiering your vtuber

>> No.12424388

Male rookie Vtuber here.
I want to have more followers in Twitch so someday I get incomes from it. But I just don't feel like playing the games in the list.
Right now I have 7 followers and I stream early il everyday in the morning before job, excel the days my big brother comes visit home and stays on my room.
Is there any advice I can get to be more popular?

By the way, I drew my model and right now I have made just one skin, so I have two models.

>> No.12424442

buy ads, buy connections, show up and shill yourself in other streamer's streams, pay people to talk about you and start "organic" conversation about this up and coming vtuber, stir up a ton of talk about yourself then debut with an original song and extremely polished model with rigging.

>Is there any advice I can get to be more popular?
why should anyone watch you?

>> No.12424653

Because in my head I'm awesome

>> No.12424953

hope your viewer numbers can reflect that. good luck anon.

>> No.12425669

I believe in all of you that are trying to become up-and-coming talents. All your hard work will pay off.

>> No.12426484

I don't really know what I'm trying to do.
But playing video games alone is pointless, so I want to at least git gud at entertaining people or talking while doing so.

>> No.12426909

Thanks. It's so hard trying to train my voice to sound like a girl's

>> No.12427827

is making a patreon for exclusive and lewd content as a vtuber a jew move?

>> No.12427853

why does it matter

>> No.12428101

thanks much, anon

>> No.12428203

Thanks, i just want a comfy community

>> No.12428240

I think it worked for Silver but i don't recall other such cases

>> No.12428645

Leaving this here for inspiration. My project is dead, like buried alive.

>> No.12428701

Sounds kino

>> No.12430686
File: 71 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1596122672772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need recommendations for a good camera

>> No.12430858

there's a bunch of goblinchuuba indies out there but Honey is definitely the most known of them, yeah

>> No.12431512

I'm so sorry

>> No.12431662

what happened here?

>> No.12431783

yeah but I'm a vroidcuck so I have to find something on booth

>> No.12432685

Hey, I'm Yuuko, I sing, compose and rap in Japanese. (。・∀・)ノ゙

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>> No.12433435

Seems like you're just a cover youtuber rather than a vtuber.

>> No.12433620

i think we call those "utaites" around here and they're fairly adjacent to vtubers

>> No.12433834

>not making your own stuff

>> No.12433945

I mean I do make my own stuff for the most part, its just that I suck with accessories

>> No.12434093

ah fair
you can find modeled accessories to import and attach all sorts of places

>> No.12434932

That's good, it's just like practicing talking to customers at a job, you will get good at it eventually. I believe in you.
Don't worry so much about it, it will get there. Talking to chat while voice training is a great way to learn. Have fun with it as well.
I do as well, I hope we can get there!

>> No.12436247

Do you think it will ruin my debut if I sound like a guy while vtubing while voice training? I feel like I should voice train first then vtube

>> No.12436509

Not trying to be mean but you'll never reach a point where you sound like a real girl, not in time to debut or anything. It takes years and I know people who have worked at it every day all day and still barely manage to pass over a shitty mic in a low quality chat.

9/10 times the voice is an easy tell and I wouldn't delude yourself into thinking you're the 1/10. Either don't do the voice and debut or do the voice and deal with the fact you'll filter most people.

>> No.12437119

That's not mean I'd rather people just be honest about it, so thanks

>> No.12437162

I think it really depends. If you want to follow that route of voice training then debuting then that is perfectly valid. On the other hand, you can just debut and voice train as well and yes it will make some people leave, but the people that you want will stay. Just look at Artsy Vr. She didn't start with voice training, but she still retains the audience that she wants. So really you have 2 options, wait until you are comfortable, or just wing it and hope for the best.

>> No.12437452

Also want to say its best to be enthusiastic at least and comfortable with what you are doing. If voice training makes you comfortable and more energetic, then yes, great, do it. Cause people do not want to watch someone that is constantly uncomfortable. Well, except for the ringo posters.

>> No.12438564

You'll never sound like a real woman so just start streaming

>> No.12438779

>Vroid 1.0 finally drops
>Completely fucks up all the old accessories I had because they were just textured hair groups
lol lol lmao lmao

>> No.12441267

Sana took a three-week break soon after debut. The rest of holoeEN gen 2 has equally hideous gacha-tier designs yet are doing fine.

>> No.12442081

nta or much of a hololive viewer bu wasn't she the lowest prior to debut as well, the time when design is the only reason people are following?

>> No.12442124
File: 3.00 MB, 2000x4792, Sekprev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the Anons who helped me out with art critiques about my commission a thread ago, managed to finish it for my friend and took your feedback in mind. Here's the finished look

>> No.12445203

i was the anon who said her head was too thin, it looks so much better now. good job anon

>> No.12446468

If you stream around same time say 6-8 evening your timezone you don't need a schedule.

>> No.12447487

heyo, anon from >>12442432

im planning on going about my vtubing career in the form of medium-to-long form video essays in conjunction with streaming. something along the lines of commentary videos for YT and streaming basic vidya for twitch. any other chuubas who have interest in scripting/editing content similar to video essays?

>> No.12447741

ant-hime and natsumi_moe kind of has something like this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZpA94lumULLV3OOdfgzUYQ
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBePKUYNhoMcjBi-BRmjarQ + https://www.youtube.com/c/RavenManor/videos
i don't a lot of people get into video essay because it's really aids to edit and when you first start it's super hard to get traction with just videos

>> No.12447795
File: 3 KB, 161x93, chrome_hf90lE6O7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started streaming 50 days ago and this is where i'm at so far, am i gonna make it bros
(not streaming every day probably like, 4/5 days a week on average)

>> No.12447908

congrats, anon!

ant-hime is a lot less structured than what im going for, reminds me of leafy-tier commentary when im going for more of a turkey tom-tier. natsumi moe is a bit more of what im looking for and id not heard of her prior, thanks!

>> No.12448125

yeah I wanted to link both since they're the only people that come to mind when it comes to video essay stuff, Moe is an oldhead so she has droves of content spanning the past 2 years that you can look at

>> No.12449144

female artist?

>> No.12449225

not an artist, i just play games

>> No.12449374

yeah, it's pretty good for less than two months streaming. Be careful not to mention a b-b-b-b-b-boyfriend though

>> No.12449389

>only one joke

>> No.12449639

plenty of people in public relationships make good money, it's the ones doing GFE even if it's "unintentional" that suffer

>> No.12450374

whats GFE?

>> No.12450549

girlfriend experience

>> No.12450796

i see, kinda glad cause i really dislike the idea of doing stuff like that kek. but do you really think people who do that suffer/struggle? i thought some of the biggest vtubers did that type of thing.

>> No.12450992

no, I'm not sure what that other anon is talking about, people who do GFE and excel at it obtain a massive audience, I imagine he means the suffering is they have to walk on eggshells regarding relationships

>> No.12451063

ah yea that makes more sense kek i was gonna say...how is it possible that gfe is bad (for marketing ofc)

>> No.12451393

I mean suffer financially when it comes out they have a boyfriend. Being in a publicly known relationship is perfectly fine. If anything hiding it is worse unless your goal is GFE, everyone gets found out eventually.

>> No.12451556

no that was me i specifically replied to someone posting this guy to say his stream sucks to begin with so i couldnt give the slightest shit what lore he may or may not have.
also wow you guys are still talking about me? kinda sad and also comes across far more autistic than you make me out to be desu

>> No.12451671

GFE is great for growth... If you can manage the schizos that come with it, on top of the normal ones for being female.

I mean, the whole point of the GFE is the PSR. If your viewers ever realize you think of them just as piggybanks, normally by you breaking the illusion, then they're gone. There's other GFE streamers out there, and some lean much more into it than others (see Halo)

>> No.12452135

>n-no u

>> No.12453131

>i don't get it

Do you literally mean that you've never wanted to watch a stream and still want to be a streamer? I don't like watching streams in general, but I still remember an entertaining stream or two. If you literally can't empathetically feel what is entertaining about watching streams at all I would reconsider doing this as it will be extremely difficult for you.

If you don't understand streams, then understand it like being a good friend or conversational partner. People want to hang out IRL with someone who occasionally says funny shit or is pleasant to talk to. That's it, except you can fill the dead time with some gaming.

>> No.12453390

Ignore them, that's just Zylphe shitting up the thread. You can get an idea of who they are just looking through the thread.
