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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 451 KB, 839x899, 1614165654003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1231991 No.1231991 [Reply] [Original]

> No JP/EN collab cause of one incident in Among Us (Likely)
> Forced Haachama to leave the EN server and stop the 0th gen gimmick with Coco (99% confirmed)
> Blocked Pekora from playing on the EN server for the same reasons (99% confirmed)
> Blocked a Gura/Haachama collab (VERY likely)
> Forced Haachama to stop and abandon her lore videos AND remove all of it, causing her to announce a break from streaming which is either a punishment or Haachama being depressed (100% confirmed)
> Blocked COCO from EN collabs (100% confirmed)
> Told Gura to not say 1 million (100% confirmed)
> Blocks Mori from doing some JP collabs, especially the fabled Suisei collab (Possible)
> Is Korean (100% confirmed)
> Cut Ina's karaoke list in half due to songs "not being approved", despite the stream being unarchived (100% confirmed)
> Stifled any real relationship the EN JP and ID girls can have to a point where it feels dead (100% confirmed)
> Her ultimate goal is to segregate EN and JP so hard they feel like entirely different companies (75% complete)

>> No.1232006

Stop making threads about me, take your meds

>> No.1232008

Based ENMA.

>> No.1232056

"Enma hate thread" thread HATE,
Low effort baitposting HATE,
Weak unsubstantiated rrats HATE,
And most of all,

>> No.1232101
File: 407 KB, 691x708, risushotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeb thread died for this, off yourself

>> No.1232128

based OP

>> No.1232267

I love you Enma!

>> No.1233051

I hate you all

>> No.1233197
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>> No.1233203


>> No.1233244

oh look it's this thread again

get better material Buggy McZhang

>> No.1233261
File: 555 KB, 1052x1600, 92D6CB94-7436-4AA3-8B0E-097BE3E35225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enma is for rape!

>> No.1233280
File: 255 KB, 850x1372, B1C8490A-1B69-401D-8AD2-F074EE57DE7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cute tho.

>> No.1233308


>> No.1233329

I don't know who this Enma is but I came here just to say that I want to have sex with the anime girl in the Original Post's attached image.
Have a nice day, anons.

>> No.1233453

Being korean realy is an illness.

>> No.1233467

Why does she hate JP/EN collabs?

>> No.1233516

She doesn't, its just an excuse because the only EN anyone wants to collab with is Gura and Gura's fans are too insufferable so Gura doesn't want to

>> No.1233535

She knows that EN is a bomb of time just like CN.

>> No.1233647

>blocked a Gura/Haachama collab

>> No.1233672

> No JP/EN collab cause of one incident in Among Us (Likely)
> Forced Haachama to leave the EN server and stop the 0th gen gimmick with Coco (99% confirmed)
> Blocked Pekora from playing on the EN server for the same reasons (99% confirmed)
can anyone elaborate on this for me?

>> No.1233738

Gura had a bad time playing among us so her retarded fags bullied iofi on Twitter for not translating. Wasn't fun for anyone.
The minecraft stuff is beyond me, its one of the best games for impromtu interaction

>> No.1233741

> No JP/EN collab cause of one incident in Among Us (Likely)
Some shit about Gura getting salty about Among Us and iofi not doing her job as translator made Guras 5 year old fans get mad and harrass iofi. (as much as the schizo gura fans on /vt/ try to deny)

> Forced Haachama to leave the EN server and stop the 0th gen gimmick with Coco (99% confirmed)
> Blocked Pekora from playing on the EN server for the same reasons (99% confirmed)

Exactly as it sounds, she blocked them from being in the EN server because they arent EN. Even though EN and ID have been in the JP server a few times by now. Also Haachama tried doing the 0thgen thing they told her to shut it down until she said UNNOFFICIAL

>> No.1233790

dude. watson's been playing apex with aqua off stream. theres interaction between branches, its just most ENs arent bilingual enough to make it happen. As for the minecraft EN server, they are likely waiting for EN gen 2 or even 3 before they let JP on it (so ENs dont get overwhelmed and it doesnt just become JP server 2).

>> No.1233808

damn wtf, thanks for the context

>> No.1233825

Among Us shit is just made up, people are mad because they haven't done anything together since the disastrous second Among Us collab because chumflakes harassed Iofi and Risu over it

Haachama was joining the holoEN minecraft server and started building shit there, until all of a sudden she destroyed everything she built and left the server and said she would stop doing holoEN gen0 shit. It was so out of nowhere the other girls didn't know she was gone until after it happened

Pekora outright said she wasn't allowed to play on EN server which only reinforces the idea that Haachama got booted by management

>> No.1233848

Trying to turn this shit into Niji 2.0. Next thing we'll find out this person is an ex upd8 employee. Lol imagine.

>> No.1234811

People so quickly forget the shit storm that happened with Huke playing on the EN server. It's not Enma it's the stupid fans fucking it up for everyone.

>> No.1234904

I never saw evidence of this supposed huke harassment, it was probably Kiara just freaking out over 1-2 hater comments like she always does. And huke was a cheating faggot so good riddance.

>> No.1235511
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Is there any actual evidence or is this all just conjecture

>> No.1235604

Anon, Niji's are notorious for having less restrictions than Hololive.
> Next thing we'll find out this person is an ex upd8 employee. Lol imagine.
Top tier shitstorm, but I think it's impossible, as Enma lives in NA.

>> No.1235764

It literally tells you how much evidence there is for any particular point

>> No.1235857

it just says what percentage is confirmed and thye dont list the evidence. I love you /vt/faggots but I'm not retarded enough to take your word at it's face value, let alone OP. It's literally heresay unless someone is autistic enough to compile and organize actual screenshots or archive links or however you fags gather evidence.

>> No.1235937
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Every time you forget to add this fact:
>Banning ENs from collabing with ANY outsider EN vtubers rather than having the obvious shitlist like VShojo (it's well known Melody is YABAI to Cover) and ex-CNs to avoid shitstorms
>Mori wanted to collab with a lot of people....none of them got approved
>Gura is stuck in her own bubble because she can't talk to the japs unlike almost everyone else

Like people might not care much about EN collabs but as long as it's people who can be vetted, aren't out to leech off holos and are decently known, it won't be a mess. Nobody's asking for 1 viewer vroid model nobodies here.

>> No.1236092

>another le rrat thread
stop, take you're meds

>> No.1236123

EnMa is Coco!

>> No.1236139

It's super easy to know that it is bullshit. ENma isn't the only Hololive EN manager. These are decisions made at the Cover HQ level.

It's just such obvious BS. She isn't Haachama's manager, how would she be responsible for the lore videos being removed. Gura has the biggest case of imposter syndrome error and felt akward beating the JP senpai to 1m that is why she didn't mention 1 million. Enma is NOT Mori's manager she has nothing to do with Mori collabs, never mind blocking a Suisei one.

>> No.1236206

There is a reason Trash Taste was approved. It's the reason that NoriPro was created. Hololive will allow collabs as long as there is an actual company behind the person. If for example Mori were to collab with Cr1tikal live on her channel and then suddenly he says something (I know he wouldn't) like "the holocaust wasn't real" that would cause literally millions of dollars of damage to cover. They need to make sure there is a company they can sue.

>> No.1236236

I'm not gonna get into the specula and conspiracy theories here, but I wonder if part of the hesitation to have EN involved with JP and ID more is the money angle. HoloEN launch coincided with a large boost for most of the other Holos, and it's not hard to see why the talent with some level of bilingual understanding would have a major leg up.

So maybe to avoid friction between their core JP operations, they want to avoid large amounts of collabs. Otherwise it could devolve into a bunch of Duolingo streams and cringey Engrish like Haachama does, pissing off their main market.

>> No.1236297

Maybe they should have a time-delay for collabs then and pay for an actual engineer/mod?

>> No.1236446

Because the evidence is known if you're not a fucking newfag.

>> No.1236560

Holos were collaborating with Tamaki long before NoriPro. Heck, Ina is collaborating with Pochi.

>> No.1236620

Yet people kept thinking a Gura / Pikamee collab would be good, and considering she has done stuff with Holostars and ID, it should be allowed no problem right?

Nobody is getting through HoloEN. ID2 came out a few months after EN and they're allowed to collab with whoever. That's the fucking problem here.

There are decent EN vtubers out there who would be easy to work with them and know not to fuck it up for other people, let alone themselves. Anyone with a brain knows there's a shitlist with vshojos and ex-CNs and certain people won't ever be allowed near them. Instead EN managers be like "fuck that, they're staying in the hololive bubble forever".

>> No.1236661
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kuso thread

>> No.1236670

OP thinking Enma is Mori's manager makes the whole post invalid. There is no evidence for most of it.

>> No.1236720

Pochi has contracted with hololive via Reine. She also has her own company established.

>> No.1236907

Enma is a representation of everyone's manager you fucking nigger

>> No.1236983

You really need to do your reps. You are a few months behind.

>> No.1237734

I'm curious, what's her company?

>> No.1238673

Don't know the name she just calls the other vtubers she brings on "family" https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/jpl15h/hi_im_pochimaruiidapochi_vtuber_and_mangaka_of/

>> No.1239533

Nice rrats but not enough spice, 7/10.
Next time less fag more creative

>> No.1240166

someone should compile all the evidence of Enma's evil deeds to redpill people on her, which would save the effort of having to explain shit.
plus it's retarded for us to expect newfags to just take our word for it when we're the ones who aren't supplying proof for our claims.

>> No.1240492

>implying there's any evidence

>> No.1240610

I'll compile it when I'm not lazy
For now have this

>EN collab. EN collab. I've been asking for EN collab but haven't gotten an answer back. I'm always asking. Huh, if I'm asking all the time, but not getting a response, does that mean I'm NG? Haha!

>> No.1240765

then why should anyone believe any of this about Enma?

>> No.1240791

you shouldn't

>> No.1241484

then this thread is a lie and pointless

>> No.1241507

Yes, no fucking shit, just like the last two or three times it's been posted.

>> No.1242545

but several questions still remain, why is there this weird thing where coco can't collab with HoloEN? and what's with Gura not collabing anyone in holoJP despite getting along with them?

>> No.1246144
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>> No.1251194
File: 72 KB, 922x247, Iofi among us collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still trying to push this hlg narrative? Iofi ego searches after the among us collab, finds a chink comment calling her out for not translating. She pins it, deletes the tweet saying she would translate and throws a pity party on twitter by retweeting more criticism.
Do your archive reps but you faggots already know its a fake narrative that makes Gura look bad so you continue to spread it.

>> No.1251440

>ENma isn't the only Hololive EN manager.
This. Kiara said in one of her streams that not even she and Calli have the same manager, and they have separate managers from the other EN girls. She also said that each manager in the company is in charge of 2-3 girls.

>> No.1256355

Neck yourself cumshart

>> No.1260028

> No JP/EN collab cause of one incident in Among Us (Likely)

> Blocked EN from entering the HoloLive Sports Festival despite even IN getting in (Likely)

> Forced Haachama to leave the EN server and stop the 0th gen gimmick with Coco (99% confirmed)

> Blocked Pekora from playing on the EN server for the same reasons (99% confirmed)

> Blocked a Gura/Haachama collab (VERY likely)

> Forced Haachama to stop and abandon her lore videos AND remove all of it, causing her to announce a break from streaming which is either a punishment or Haachama being depressed (100% confirmed)

> Blocked COCO from EN collabs (100% confirmed)
"EN collab. EN collab. I've been asking for EN collab but haven't gotten an answer back. I'm always asking. Huh, if I'm asking all the time, but not getting a response, does that mean I'm NG? Haha!"

> Told Gura to not say 1 million (99% confirmed)

> Blocks Mori from doing some JP collabs, especially the fabled Suisei collab (Possible)

> Is Korean (Likely)
Lives in Canada.

> Cut Ina's karaoke list in half due to songs "not being approved", despite the stream being unarchived (100% confirmed)

> Stifled any real relationship the EN JP and ID girls can have to a point where it feels dead (successful)

> Her ultimate goal is to segregate EN and JP so hard they feel like entirely different companies (75% complete)

>> No.1260178

Ah yes linking social media posts by unrelated parties as evidence. Might as well have linked OPs post.
The managers take orders from Cover HQ. They are literally managing geopolitical shitstorms, youtube fuckups, and international copyright law with potential millions at risk for every stream. People need to chill the f out.

>> No.1260300

Coco collabs bring the bugman bots which EN has been free of so far.
I think people forget that the girls are competitive. Almost every single JP girl has wanted to collab with Gura. Picking and choosing who gets to collab is like picking and choosing teams for dodgeball, people are going to get left out and get pissed.

>> No.1260460


Oh look, yet again an Indog nobody cares about gets high-profile JP collabs before any EN is allowed too. What a coincidence! It just keeps happening, what a crazy coincidence!

>> No.1260683

Kiara has had plenty of high profile collabs tho.
Gura, and Ame, just straight up doesn't know any Japanese to even try. Even if Ame has gotten a few higher profile ones, like Haachama and Roboco.
Ina has had a few fun ones with the later gens.
Mori had some, but is probably more into doing collabs with indies, and other shit tier Vtubers.

>> No.1260728

>4chan posts as proof
holy shit my sides

>> No.1260754

Haachama and Roboco are hardly high-profile.
Ina actually knows JP well enough to collab yet coincidentally she's somehow only ever allowed to collab with the bottom feeders like Mel.
And let's not forget about the magically canceled Marine collab

>> No.1260810

It's aimed at people who have the bare minimum of awareness,, not complete newfag retards, so it is expected that you know all this happened without need 5 trillion timestamped videos.

>> No.1260905

> Told Gura to not say 1 million
At least it wasn't 6 milion

>> No.1260945

you lack so much self-awareness it's not even funny anymore, take your meds

>> No.1262174

Fubuki, Marine, Subaru, Haachama, are as high profile as it gets.
Forgetting the Nene Ina Polka date stream as well.
Gotta work on your reps so you can make up fake conspiracies easier.

>> No.1262606

Kiara doesn't count since she lives in Japan
