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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12299382 No.12299382 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you masturbate to your oshi anon? Do you do it while watching their streams?

>> No.12299406

I don't masturbate to holomems, it feels wrong.

>> No.12299434
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twice a day

>> No.12299458

My oshi is the only holo I don't masturbate to.

>> No.12299493
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She makes me treat my dick like I did when I was 15

>> No.12299494

The only cum that I will ever lose for my oshi is cum that will end up inside her womb

>> No.12299533

isn't that cheating anon?
You don't want to make her sad, do you?

>> No.12299594

I only do it off stream and only because the one fanfic porn an anon wrote in /jp/ is good. I swear I gap to the fanfic more than to her

>> No.12299618

It isn't wrong, in fact they quite like it.

>> No.12299661

Which one?

>> No.12299689

I'm pretty sure most of them don't

>> No.12299746

I am a whore. I have 2 Oshi's Gura and Miko an have a rule I won't jerk off to them, it's getting extremely difficult to keep that rule though.
Gura makes me horny every time she's a Samegaki.
Mikochi's art and model definitely make my dick hard so I'll probably lose it on her.
Luckily Haachama has liked some sexy art of herself so I'll cum to crazy instead of Pon.

>> No.12299769

Marine does for sure

>> No.12299775 [DELETED] 

My oshi is only for platonic love, not for committing lustful and impure acts

>> No.12299813

I don't have an oshi.

>> No.12299826

Yeah that's a given

>> No.12299849

Ngl the NTR one that was made with my timeline of PekoMiko as inspiration almost made me give in to jerking off to Miko.
.t baseballanon

>> No.12299860

Not my oshi but i fap to Suisei often. She is just pure sex.

>> No.12299863

who do you cum for then?

>> No.12299916

Never. because I see her as a person, not a sex object.

>> No.12299960

All the time. Not during streams, though, she asks people to not cum during streams, and I can't hold for 3 hours of superchat reading.

>> No.12300054

In fact, I have a policy of not seeing or doing anything inappropriate while listening or seeing something I like.

>> No.12300121

No, it's fucked to jack off to people you know. That's like you're jacking off to your female friend that you see every single fucking day, completely psychotic

>> No.12300449

Not at all. My oshi is an idol, she wants to be treated as such.

>> No.12300504


>> No.12300741

>it's fucked to jack off to people you know.
>That's like you're jacking off to your female friend that you see every single fucking day

but you dont know them and they dont know you, parasocial FREAK

>> No.12301062

I don't masturbate

>> No.12301118

you wouldn't cum on your hand first if you were to meet them at a handshake event?

>> No.12301174

>jacking off to your female friend that you see every single fucking day
I've done this my whole life to almost every lady I've ever known

>> No.12301325


>> No.12301478
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I'm pretty sure that makes you a disgusting coomer

>> No.12301507

The more often I see a woman the more likely I am to jerk off thinking about her that's just the way it is. She's got to be exceptionally unattractive or annoying to prevent it. If a single part of her body looks good it will at least be on the road to getting me there, even if I don't finish to it.
Any man who says they don't do this is either lying or doesn't jerk off without porn.

>> No.12301564

Jacking off is for retards. Cumming feels like fucking shit

>> No.12301601

sorry that you were molested anon

>> No.12301620

Anon do you want to talk about it?

>> No.12301757

Nobody actually likes blowing a fat fucking ropey load. They just do it because of peer pressure

>> No.12301810

I only did it twice and I regret it desu. Not watching her stream though.

That was one of the two times for me... At that point I already felt guilty over the other time I jacked off to her but I couldn't help it, that fic was too hot.

>> No.12301860

Once, and it felt like a betrayal of trust my oshi had in me. I will never do it again.

>> No.12302041

I do it to my oshi's members only ASMR streams.

>> No.12302416

cartoons dont make me hard

>> No.12305721 [DELETED] 

3 times a day to my avatar, once if I'm too tired

>> No.12305879

never have and never will

>> No.12306024

All the time and no I’m not telling you who my oshi is

>> No.12306071

Among vtubers: Matsuri, Haachama, Gura, Mumei, and Sana.

>> No.12313254

I treat Ame like my wife and Miko like my daughter.
I don't fap to my daughter and regularly fap to my wife.
I fap to Marine, Shion, Suisei the most

>> No.12314821
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Maybe you just havent seen the good stuff yet

>> No.12321281

i don't masturbate to anything even remotely tangibly related to reality

i ain't letting my chimpbrain get the wrong idea while it's flooded with dopamine and serotonin

>> No.12321362

Absolutely based.

>> No.12321527

I will during next asmr stream

>> No.12321978

Something in my wires crossed so that I can only orgasm to sneezes, masturbation without it is legitimately impossible. So vtubers have given me a bonafide constant stream of material.

>> No.12322128

how long is a sneeze good for? do you have to keep rewatching the sneeze over and over again

>> No.12322723

If it's a particularily good one I only need to listen to it once

>> No.12331534

I don't masturbate to vtubers, much less to my oshi, because I don't treat them like dopamine burst jack-off material. Got plenty of other women for that purpose.

>> No.12340809


>> No.12351512

Every day but I can't bring myself to do it during streams

>> No.12351558

Zero, idols are not to be sexualized.

>> No.12352874

my oshi(s) made me stop fapping

>> No.12353037

If that RP ASMR is any good, I might have to do one to her.

>> No.12353107
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>Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation. If this paste belongs to you, please login to Pastebin to view it.

>> No.12353237
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Haven't been keeping count

>> No.12354816

Anon... normalfags jerk off to their freinds of the oppoiste gender all the time. If you dont it just means 1 of two things, either you have no friend or you're friends are ugly

>> No.12354936

Porn has ruined my perception of normal sex and beauty. I don't find my female friends attractive even though they aren't bad looking. I only enjoy sex if it's with a prostitute or escort. Something about paying the girl and owning here makes my brain go crazy.
Yes, I'm aware I'm fucked up.

>> No.12354973
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Yes, I imagine she also faps to random guys she finds hot. it's natural. very rarely during her streams or her asmr

>> No.12355027
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I can’t masturbate to my oshi even if I want to because Elira said its No Nut November

>> No.12355096

My oshi is Selen. I couldn't masturbate to her if I tried. I don't find her attractive like that.

>> No.12355099

Same I start edging for 8 hours without realizing it and I need to hire an escort in the hopes that I can cum

>> No.12355541

Fucking weirdos

>> No.12355597

If you jerk to your oshi, she’s not your oshi

>> No.12355694

I agree with the idol fag for a change I watch because I enjoy there personalities not coom bait

>> No.12355727


>> No.12355753


>> No.12355798

Hate to break it to you bro but no it's easy not to jerk off to your friends

>> No.12355893

Cope harder weirdo

>> No.12355910

No it’s not, I literally can’t stop

>> No.12355940

Do you know them on a personal level? And if yes I’m sure you also went to the doctor yesterday. Yeah didn’t think so

>> No.12356055 [DELETED] 

I imagine gura taking a massive shit, and then she tells me to clean it up. She let's me free from my cage after taking off the dark blanket. I hesitate due to the smell but she grinds her foot against the back of my head forcing it down into the slightly moist mound. I feast while she giggles. Jay then enters the room. A massive black man with a huge dick. He laughs at me for my small cock and shit covered grin. He kicks me several times till gura stops him to make sure she gets attention. He makes sure to satisfy his every need, her small cunt being nearly torn apart. All I can do is watch and wait. And then I hear the all too familiar sounds of her shark climax and watch his studly seed drop down her leg. She orders me to clean up. I go towards her to which she kicks me away saying she meant Jay. I oblige of course, gura is my queen. After I'm finished my mouth is held closed till I swallow and I get tossed back into the cage and promptly covered once more.

>> No.12356110

Teenager confirmed. Go to bed you got school in the AM

>> No.12356181

Uhhh you say that if you know these girls why the fuck would they "like it" knowing a bunch of Horny fag Teenagers are coming to there jobs?

>> No.12356241

Mmmm yes keep going

>> No.12356262

>Anon contradicting himself

>> No.12356300

Must suck having erectile dysfunction at 30 huh

>> No.12358637

Sorry I'm retarded
>"Hoshimachi Suisei suddenly goes missing"
>That's what I'm reading on a certain imageboard
>Everybody is still wondering why this comet idol who usually updates her twitter everyday suddenly goes radio silent
>Nobody knows the truth about what happened to her
>I smile, looks like I still have a lot of time before the police eventually get me
>I turn off my PC and head to my basement
>There I see her, tied up on a bed in an X-shaped position with a gag in her mouth, still in her plaid outfit
>"Good morning Sui-chan, seems like you are already awake"
>I slowly walk toward her
>I can see her deadly stare, she looks like she's ready to murder me if she's not tied up
>"Don't stare at me like that Sui-chan, we are going to have lots of fun today"
>I say that as I inject her vein with a drug
>She starts breathing heavily, seems like the drug works faster than I thought
>I start undressing her, slowly unbuttoning her coat and blouse
>Soon enough, I'm staring at a topless Suisei with her cute little pink nipples exposed
>"They are even smaller than what I imagine them to be"
>"But that makes it even better"
>I touch her nipples with my cold finger and she immediately jolts
>Her nipples must be really sensitive
>I start kissing her cheeks, neck, and slowly going down until my mouth finally reach her nipples
>Then I start kissing, and then sucking her cute little right nipple while she starts moaning more and more
>I start licking her nipple, still inside of my mouth. At first I'm licking it slowly, then I speed up the pace as her muffled moans get louder and louder and she starts thrashing around trying to break free from her binding
>After I'm done, she's breathing really heavily, trying to take a break and getting as much oxygen as she can

>> No.12358661

>But I'm not letting her, I immediately go for her left nipple and start sucking and licking it just like what I did to her right nipple
>Again, her muffled moans become louder and louder and she starts thrashing even more violently. She must be screaming right now if not for the gag in her mouth
>After being done with both nipples, I rip off her skirt and her panties
>I can see how wet her pussy is. Her love juice is still dripping from her pussy
>"I can't believe you came this much just from having your nipples sucked and licked"
>"But don't worry Sui-chan, I'll make you cum even more with this"
>I pull down my own pants, revealing my massive cock ready to rape the living daylight out of her

>> No.12358929

It's disgusting

>> No.12359298

Shion is not my oshi but i get hard when i see her mesugaki face so i go back to that doujin that Nigiri Usagi draw of her and destroy my dick

>> No.12360490

There's this fucked up abuse ryona fan fiction that I masturbate to almost daily thag features different characters, but I just replace the character with my oshi. One of the chapters has the character getting a pipe shoved up her privates

>> No.12360565

Almost the same, but for me it feels like weird watching them kno, after knowingly I've masturbated to them.

>> No.12360617
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It feels weird. It's also harder for me to not masturbate to my oshi, because she's built for rape.

>> No.12361351

I have an extremely hard time getting off to my oshi, gotta go real death grip on it and even then I can't get fully hard, no idea why
The other holomem though, oof

>> No.12361741

Whenever my oshi streams i'm there with cock in hand, edging. Whenever she doxxes herself I stop holding it in.
I'm going to run out of cum, send help.
