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File: 3.99 MB, 2204x3180, yande.re 840009 hololive hololive_english mile_(off8mile) no_bra sketch tsukumo_sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12193525 No.12193525 [Reply] [Original]

>17 days off over her dog's death

I'm starting to believe the theories about Sana now. She either:

A. Killed her own dog for vacation time
B. Her dog isn't dead and just wanted vacation time
C. She never had a dog and just taking vacation time

>> No.12193592

*cums on you*

>> No.12193697

Shes already graduated

>> No.12195076

>D. Dog is code for close friend or family member.

>> No.12195657

>17 days living inside OP's head

>> No.12196417

In the real working world, your boss would fire you for having 17 days off for the death of your pet, some would even do so if it was a relative.
Her continued absence will only further stunt her growth

>> No.12196554


>Kill dog after 5-10 years of training and care expenses
>For 3 weeks off the free money job


>> No.12196600


Yes, in North Korea, calling Kim Jong Un a fat fuck willl get you in a pickle. But Hololive is not a place for working stiffs like you and me

>> No.12196733

*Cums on you*

>> No.12196998

wth (what the heck) nijibros, cover was not a black company all along??????

>> No.12198247

This makes no sense. Hololive works on your own income of SC's.
No idea why she does this given that Hololive is the life's lottery.
I think she died or Hololive is graduating her due to shit numbers

>> No.12198466

It feels like she's just ghosting us/Holo overall, such fucking piss-poor motivation is starting to do what seemed impossible and make me dislike Sana.

>inb4 ayame, mel etc
Ayame literally streamed more on daily average in her first year on the job than Sana has now. Back when she was new the oni would go almost every day/every other day - new streamers generally are at their most vigorous fiery growth phase when new. The Ayame you see now is basically partially-retired 3 years later - two years longer than HoloEN itself has existed. Similarly Mel and Choco etc used to also be very active.

The closest analogue you can draw with this is Aki, who had a hip surgery not long after starting which stunted her momentum when she was new. And guess what, she's still on the bottom rungs even today. The interest in council burned out real fast as it is and so she's missing basically the only easy-street road for subs right now almost entirely. She'll definitely need a Nene-style reboot of a model IMO to even have a chance.

>> No.12198693

She pushed the dog in her snatch too deep she couldn't get it out. She thought it was dead but the dog start moving after her tweet. She is enjoying newly discovered pleasure anon

>> No.12198973

Have you seen the crazy stuff thing on in Australia? She could have been arrested for being out of her house for more than 15 minutes.

>> No.12199065

Maybe she actually loved her pet unlike Shion who kept her cat in a cage until it died.

>> No.12199328

My rrat is that cover saw that they fucked up with tbe model, the numbers, the subs etc. And now this is their way of quietly showing her under the rug by having her be ona break for a month and then having her announce that she wont be able to go on and graduate

>> No.12199551

I believe it. This is something a small Japanese company would do.

>> No.12199687

What's wrong with Shion?

>> No.12199771

I dont get it, does she get payed in monopoly money that her job isnt real?

>> No.12199820

Why did you make 6 threads that are up right now about this shitpost? Where the fuck are the mods?

>> No.12199854


>> No.12199911

Anyone that needs 3 weeks to get over a fucking dog isn't an adult and I don't know how they can function in society.
They would have been fired from a regular job even if it was an immediate family member.

>> No.12199936

Yeah but why haven't they rugged Mel or Aki?

>> No.12200012

Sounds like the perfect Hololive hire.

>> No.12200089

Hololive pays a salary too. It’s incredibly low, but is something on top of SC

>> No.12200101

I hate you fags so much

>> No.12200163

>Ina died
Oh no

>> No.12200212

What if the pressure of streaming is getting to her...

>> No.12200249

>In the real working world, your boss would fire you for having 17 days off for the death of your pet, some would even do so if it was a relative.
In the real working world people get 6-12 month sick leave for depression, anxiety, stress and other very vague shit that's extremely easy to fake. Also I've seen a shitload of people get 6-9 months off for a "traffic accident" (in reality they scratched/hit another car in the parking lot or at a traffic light at extremely low speeds, and pretended they injured their neck in the impact)

>> No.12200257

Why, for making you think about how ridiculous a situation this really is?

Do you know anyone not just in work, but in school, in grade school, who would have taken 3 weeks off for losing a pet?

She's either used it as an excuse to just blow off this job altogether aka practically wants to be fired/ignored, or it's a cover story for something else because it's rather implausible at this point that that is the sole explanation.

>> No.12200308

More like the pressure of not streaming at this point.

>> No.12200360

The majority of holos can't function in normal society, to be fair. Not all, but definitely most.

>> No.12200440

The dog wasn't even living with her, it was at her parent's place. Probably had hardly seen it for years anyway.

Thing is, if she had to travel back home to say goodbye, I'm thinking her parents basically kept her there to hang out because they miss her (you know how they can get) and hence she took an extended time off from it.

>> No.12200566

I had to take several weeks off from school when I was little when my dog died, though the circumstances were that it was choked out by our other dog's chain leash when they got tangled up, that really fucked me up ngl.

>> No.12200636

After reading this post i realize youre from a place that says shit like 'snatch' with a straight face. I laughed.

>> No.12200745

If Cover were to graduate people cause of numbers then Anya and Iofi would be the first to go and not Sana lol

>> No.12200781

If my dog died I would probably kill myself. I can't see what you fucks are so confused about

>> No.12200869
File: 169 KB, 1026x660, councilsuperchats only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana is the 2nd highest earning vtuber in council despite taking a break for 17 days
Your words are irrelevant

>> No.12204487

>Ina died
>HoloEn has to break the news to the takodachis
>Instead Sana manages to copy her voice, mannerisms and art style
>Gets her channel from management and streams on it pretending to be Ina
>Everyone just rolls with it because they're too shaken to think reasonably
This is my new rrat and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.12204637

Yeah making a stream where you cry about your dog for donations surely didn't impact those numbers at all

>> No.12204679
File: 25 KB, 714x155, muh pityearnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made more money playing a tranny platformer

>> No.12206294

A friend of mine was scolded by his boss because he got off work early on the day of his grandmother's death.

>> No.12206940

Functioning adults don't go and pretend to be anime girls online anon

>> No.12207549

>This is my new rrat
Our rrat

>> No.12207790

Her dog was her boyfriend. Not a metaphor or euphemism, she was fucking and dating her dog.
