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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12171414 No.12171414 [Reply] [Original]

Why is that when I watch this girl, I have the need to converge on my own thoughts about female virtues in a convalescent situation, but the thing is this would only apply to said vtubers that are truly struggling with real life problems that could affect not just their job, not just their daily routine, but their own lives and have an implicit bias towards others around them including their loved ones that may or may not now what said vtuber is truly doing, only to find out when it's too late and the series of unfortunate incidents take place which in other factors brings up the possibility of psychosis and ptsd through electromagnetic fields from brain to brain, which you could also call a kind of telepathy, the direct conveyance of feelings from one person to another which is startling, but the nodus of certain mindsets, especially with how each vtuber project themselves and how certain attributes or trademarks of their character could influence and even limit their cogitations due to their time they've put down doing this and how much effort was made, it is a subversive baseline that all branches, all companies, all indies will come to realize one day as a revelation sets in on this phenomenon, just like how people treat the stock market and how any parabolic shift always comes crashing down due to the greater fool theory, it will suppress, nullify, and annihilate every presentiment and/or concept of what we have come to start to gather on what is and what means of this whole conceptual and anomalistic conception, a real life fantasy on the brink of destruction.

>> No.12171479

dumb it down in 10 words or less because I am not reading that

>> No.12171544

nigga i aint reading all that.
im happy for u tho or sorry that happened.

>> No.12171568
File: 739 KB, 750x545, 1631035059954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words, words, words
don't care

>> No.12171624

Step away from the Vollmann, anon

>> No.12171721

you took too many meds sir I told you do not redeem the meds SIR!!! you took ALL THE MEDS DO NOT REDEEEEEEM WHAT A HELL ARE YOU DOING ON THE COMPUTER

>> No.12171813

Mucho texto nigger

>> No.12172053

We should expect a new wave of mental illness to come forth which should give us and the rest of the populace something to consider, there is no reason for our current culture to continue the way it is.
This kind of thing happens all the time, but the vtuber's are the most well-known faces of this whole phenomenon that is already going on, the rest of us are the ones that will suffer for this, that's if this ever gets to that point. It's important for us to be careful and not allow this whole thing to get way out of hand, just like the stock market, they can make it look so normal and in the beginning so calm, we need to be ready for whatever the next thing could be when it happens, that we know of. People will also think that because this phenomenon is occurring that there is a conspiracy theory around the fact that we are all being mind-controlled, a thought control, by these brain-waves. But as they say, no matter how crazy or what your theory is, they won't ever find what you are looking for.
The way to combat these conspiracy-theories is to look at what it is that we think about and try to gain some idea, that's why some people, before they die, make a will, and some people are a total basket case and never get it, that's why some people just don't believe in this life after all. And in a sense, they are right, there are no guarantees in this world, all we can do is make the best of what we have here. It's time to move on, live in the moment, and be grateful to what we have.
In fact, the fact that vtubers are trying to brainwash and control people, even if it's all just done through a microphone and headset, we can all see what they are doing and can all make the choice not to give in. No brain damage, no thought control. All that we need to do is remember that we are living beings and we are in control of our actions.

>> No.12172248

I read all of it and OP is correct. Imagine having the attention span of a rrat.

>> No.12172298
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, cocopot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called having a crush
Get over it

>> No.12172352


>> No.12172357

I'm not ESL, I have trouble reading run-on sentences.

>> No.12172544

This feels like it should make sense but despite being bored enough to read it I have no fucking clue what the point this retard's trying to make is

>> No.12173196

Why? Maybe you long for what she used to be. Because she discarded those virtues upon graduation to enter her convalescent state. But that's called a major cope. She's just one of many that signify the fragility of this expression.

>> No.12173420

Jesus fuck OP, at least do a TL:DR

>> No.12173569

I struggle with that too, OP. I feel you.

>> No.12173607

format your posts dipshit

>> No.12173646
File: 331 KB, 372x537, 1635069527023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writing all that shit

You should see a psychiatrist. And then go shoot yourself.

>> No.12174062

Wait, was all that just some "I found out my idol was a whore all along and now I'm sad" faggotry?

>> No.12175032

i noticed that actually, it seems long complex sentences are something you find more in romance languages. Everytime i make one of those, which would be considered pretty elegant in my language, with no grammar error or anything, american readers end up telling me that they didn't understand or that they had to reread multiple times.
Is that why americans consider the proper use of commas to be difficult?

>> No.12176155

As native English speaker, when I directly transcribe my thoughts as I would speak them, it ends up in long sentences with many commas. However, when writing most of the time, I write my thoughts and then break them up into simple or two-clause sentences. People respond more positively to shorter complete sentences, and I do not know why. If I were speaking, there would be no periods, only pauses, and I never understood why writing should be any different.
And don't even get me started on semicolons or em-dashes.

>> No.12176684

Learning Japanese is giving me even more perspective on sentence construction. Japanese only does relatively simple sentences, you are done with your subject verb complement you finish the sentence and start another. On the other hand, some word repetitions that are considered ugly and redundant in our european languages are perfectly normal in Japanese. For example "this book is my book" is redundant .
Really interesting in any case.

>> No.12176722

It's because you should not be typing the same way you speak.

>> No.12176811

>People respond more positively to shorter complete sentences
Because it's easier to digest. At least when speaking, you're actually doing it real time and you just go with the flow, there's really no way to go back and reconstruct your sentences. With written words, you can revise and adjust them to make them easier to understand and less painful to look at.

>> No.12176894

But why not? Is it not more natural and more direct? Obviously I would not write down verbal stalling such as "uh", "um", or conversational backchanneling, but aside from that, what difference does it make to anyone?'

> there's really no way to go back and reconstruct your sentences
I guess that's the difference? I edited papers when I wrote them in school, because it was gamified for me to do so, to get the higher score. But when typing conversationally online, I just write what feel I should write, and typing is done when the thoughts are done.

>> No.12177483


>> No.12180078

This still image gives me fear from the sheer power emanating from that giant plastic bag

>> No.12180102

In a non essay format please
