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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12102531 No.12102531 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to think she's not that all bad

>> No.12102571

I'm starting to think I want to kick her ass

>> No.12102599

I'm starting to think I want to fuck her ass

>> No.12102604

Built for ryona

>> No.12102649 [DELETED] 

I used to hate her but honestly, now I think she would be my favorite chuuba if her roommate wasn't a whore.

>> No.12102681

If her voice wasn't so unbearable I'd probably watch her. She seems alright.

>> No.12102694

Of course not, she’s YOU

>> No.12102749

she and Mori have a more real relationship than two internet people bragging that they're in love

>> No.12102766

I don't really like her streams but she understands how to (mostly) act like an idol and she seems to genuinely appreciate her fans unlike some other people

>> No.12102831

>she understands how to (mostly) act like an idol
>wont shut the fuck up about her piss/scat fetish

>> No.12102878

>Defends her coworkers from Omega's tyranny and delusions of becoming his XIV guild
>Tells it like it is ALL the time
>Has endured so much abuse she became unbreakable, doesn't gives a fuck anymore
>Loves her fans
She's good.

>> No.12102912

I'm starting to think I want to eat her ass

>> No.12102945

Reminder that she genuinely appreciates her fans the most.

>> No.12103107

Don't forget mentioning her period during the Alice Madness Returns stream. Disgusting behavior

>> No.12103133
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>hard working and consistent with streaming
>rarely takes time off even with health issues and with a broken neck
>stood up for Ame and Gura when being interviewed by a disrespectful journalist
>helps organize fun collabs unlike Omega Tranny who's job it is to do that but instead tweets all day
>is constantly attacked by deranged trannies but keeps her chin up

>> No.12103164

t. KFP

>> No.12103175


t. Samefagging rrat tranny

>> No.12103190

>hard working
Where are the German language streams? Where are the new games? Where are the new songs?
>keeps her chin up
She's the mopiest holo, she can't stop whining about one thing or another.

>> No.12103241

All the holos are whiny especially at EN

>> No.12103406

She never was bad, her voice just filters me hard.

>> No.12103437

>Where are the German language streams?
Planned with Flare
>Where are the new games?
Literally played Alice yesterday
>Where are the new songs?
Song cover release is literally on her schedule

Please tell me you did this on purpose. You can't possibly be that much of a thread reader.

>> No.12103480

>She was never bad
She's arguably still bad but even her most loyal supporters agree that she was straight-up unwatchable in the first 6 months

>> No.12103603

>straight-up unwatchable in the first 6 months
It was 3 months and it wasn't as cringe as you think it was. Sure it was scuffed and it felt like being a saviorfag back then, but certainly not unwatchable. She was always cute even back then.

t. KFP

>> No.12103726

When did you get chickenpilled /vt/? For me it was her skyward sword playthrough.

>> No.12103762

>German streams
Flare collab iirc
>new games
Not sure if you mean new releases or new for her but Alice is new for a Holo, Ori next week, etc
>new songs
3 covers on the way (one of them sunday) and already mentioned starting stuff for the next original, think it's a ways off though
>can't stop whining
only if you're a filthy clipnigger

>> No.12104040

>stood up for Ame and Gura when being interviewed by a disrespectful journalist
context for this? was not aware this happened

>> No.12104054

She's not bad, her voice is what filters most people, too high-pitched.

>> No.12104057

You've been stuck in this shithole alongside kfp for too long anon, you've got stockholm syndrome.

>> No.12104062

When she called Cover "Big Brain Management"

>> No.12104146

The Kiara /vt/ Redemption arc will never cease to amaze me, let alone amuse me kek.

>> No.12104278

basically this >>12104062 and when she shat on tranny lore along with Omegatroon. Also not too long ago an anon exposed a discord tranny being involved in all the Kiara Antis threads so it all made sense

>> No.12104328

Kfp keeps posting these exact same fake "I totally used to hate Kiara like (you) but turns out she's not so bad" posts as some kind of correct the record campaign to change public perception. Faggots probably have a discord to coordinate.

No other fan base does this shit. When Ayame fans make an Ayame thread it just straight up says "Ayame is the best stay mad fags". Only KFP feels the need to run this psyops shit of pretending to be a non fan who's opinion got swayed

>> No.12104385
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>> No.12104440

dunno why she puts on that voice when everyone knows by this point what her roommate sounds like

>> No.12104476

>it gets literally proven that discord trannies raid /vt/ and make kiara antis threads
>other anons suddenly realize Kiara isn't that bad and discuss about it
>"oy vey these threads are a psyop! shut it down!"

Just rope yourself already.

>> No.12104507

Her shadowban arc made me really curious and I started watching her regularly, and then her cute audience interactions around that same time kept me interested enough to member.

>> No.12104558

How many rrats did you believe anon?

>> No.12104645

Nice try chumbud but you're fooling nobody

>> No.12104836

>other anons suddenly realize Kiara isn't that bad and discuss about it
Bullshit you kfp fag. Every chuuba gets shit on on VT, everyone's Oshi is hated by someone else and they will let you know. These threads somehow ONLY exist for Kiara. Do you see any fucking "hmm Mori's not that bad" threads despite VT throwing around 5% all day? Seriously, search the archives and find me a Mori thread like that since she gets almost as much hate as Kiara. Deadbeats stay in their split and worship their wigger queen, only you kfp faggots feel the need to lie to try to convince people to watch your 2 view waifu

>> No.12104946

Meds now.

>> No.12104974

>Every chuuba gets shit on on VT
Are you suggesting that we should numberfag the number of anti thread? I'm not sure you can win this one.

>> No.12105057
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>> No.12105076

Kind of a tradition with that game though, pewds was making that joke ten years ago, and I hate that you made me refer to him here

>> No.12106631

In the very first con event. The host kept skipping Ame. Kiara had to intervene once or twice (idr) to tell the host "oi you skipped Ame" or something like that

>> No.12106990

just because the rest of the branch is utterly shit, doesn't make her good absolutely anon..

>> No.12109446

High risk, high reward.

>> No.12109516

HoloMyth (sans Kiara) is literally the strongest holo branch after Fantasy
HoloCouncil is kind of meh, but at least it's got Fauna

>> No.12109595

Fauna has such a weak presence everybody forgets her all the time kek , just look at among us or phasma

>> No.12110511

That's a funny way to spell Sana

>> No.12110841


>> No.12110912

Your whole existence ? Yes!

>> No.12110941

if a woman's body disgust you that much, just watch vshojo so you can grow a spine, virgin.

>> No.12111002

that's a funny way to spell kronii

>> No.12111065

that's a funny way to spell Mumei

>> No.12111402

>can be a huge bitch but mostly accidentally because of her own issues, genuinely appreciates people who come to see her and knows idolfags are ugly sons of bitches so she doesn't judege

The other one
>is above average in intelligence and believes herself to be a walking goddess, considers her fans garbage to step over to gain more wealth, probably hiding more yabs in the closet, quite literally a sociopath whose first instinct is to immediately and casually shift blame to the person who has firsthand evidence of seeing her committing crimes

Kiara is only bad if you are a pussy.

>> No.12111545

>Being a good impostor in amogus makes you a bad person

>> No.12111618

>being obviously a bad person makes you a bad person

>> No.12112750

anonchama this is 4 chan logic is illegal here

>> No.12113201

>wont shut the fuck up about her piss/scat fetish


>> No.12113448

kill yourself, YWNBAW

>> No.12113539

>within seconds beats the shit out of Nyanners
Yeah, she's Gold in my book

>> No.12114919
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>> No.12115043

Kiara is a low tier gamer in EN but she literally beat the SHIT out of Nyanners. How bad is pink cat at videogames?

>> No.12115240

pink cat talent is reacting to internet videos
she gives the best reactions

>> No.12122171

You call that talent ?

>> No.12123957


Would you sit and hold her hand while she recovers?

>> No.12124677

One of your discord buddies did the thread so you could post this and invoke the same reaction on newbies.
It's getting old.
Actual kfp stay on their containment thread and only rise to defend if you keep poking the chickenhive.

>> No.12128183

She's not bad at all she just has a slightly annoying sounding voice and sometimes talks too much and can get insecure from time to time. These points are no reason at all to justify the amount of hate Kiara gets from some people.

>> No.12128307

Kiara antis are legit psychos, I don't know what she did to piss those people off so much

>> No.12128726

>When did you get chickenpilled /vt/?
A mix between finding out her leading anti is a literal tranny during the /jp/ days, and her early superchat readings which were practically hours long zatsudans
The contrast between how hard she made 4channel seethe and how much she cares about vtubing made me give her a honest try
She's exactly on the other end of the spectrum opposite of western "vtubers" like vshojo who don't give a fuck about being a vtuber at all and are just a streamer with an anime avatar
She knows that there is a difference between the two

>> No.12132104

She was referencing this

>> No.12132113
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She reads this board, please so not be so rude.

>> No.12132488

Was the journalist Japanese? Seems pretty dumb either way.

>> No.12132525

>Where are the new songs?
Nowhere. She got salty as fuck that Sparks didn't do as well as she hoped and Irys got more support from Cover, so she's not doing any more. Pretty gross considering Watame has been pumping out originals and none of them have hit 1 million yet.

>> No.12132629
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Fucking kek

>> No.12132647

Holy shit kiara has good taste

>> No.12132827

She just announced a new song cover coming up. Heck, it's even on her schedule.

>> No.12132881


>> No.12132895

KFP propaganda is getting worse and worse. You guys gotta step it up.

>> No.12132929
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I fucking hope she does, the fanbase she created is toxic, disgusting, and actively ruining almost all envtuber discussion. She's not a terrible person, but she actively cultivates her fans to shit all over everything so she can continue numberfagging.

>> No.12132990

>A literal tranny
A fat bald dude that uses a recliner as a gaming chair. Where did you get tranny from? I get calling him Egg because he is bald, but when did you look up his skirt?

>> No.12132996

Kiara is a real hardoworker appreciate her more

she takes all this with her
She is also the most open among her batch mated

>> No.12133022

She sought out and collabed with vShitshow.

>> No.12133069
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ok, so let me break this down, I wanna make sure I'm getting all this right.
>A mix between finding out her leading anti is a literal tranny during the /jp/ days
I like her because of the people that hate her
>and her early superchat readings which were practically hours long zatsudans
I also like her because of something she used(?) to do, that most other streamers also do this. Ame is a prime example, alongside 90% of people with super reading streams.
>The contrast between how hard she made 4channel seethe and how much she cares about vtubing made me give her a honest try?
I like her because of the people that hate her
>She's exactly on the other end of the spectrum opposite of western "vtubers" like vshojo who don't give a fuck about being a vtuber at all and are just a streamer with an anime avatar
She employes moe and kayfabe which almost every other non indie/vshojo does.
If I'm getting all this right, you like kiara because you're some kinda contrarian, right?

>> No.12133110

I see this all the time but I've never seen it, was this during a SC reading?

>> No.12133139

She is a g*rm she can't help herself, preaseu undastandu

>> No.12133146

she's just old. She's literally a Christmas Cake.

>> No.12134205

why does she laugh like HAEUHAEUHAEUHAEU

with +100 volume??

I cant be the only person who finds this really ear grating to listen to.

>> No.12137833
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>Kiara was the the one that made KFP Toxic
Your statement only applies to the KFP /here/ and its the fault of the tards who wouldn't stop making thinly veiled bait threads.
Its impossible for any criticism against Kiara to be taken seriously because of shit like pic related.

>> No.12138409

This. Retarded Kiara antis made any Kiara criticism impossible to make. Now everyone will just associate you with eggs if you say anything relatively bad of her.

>> No.12138463

her virtues are honesty and courage. they hate that the most.

>> No.12138485

>hard working and consistent with streaming
Like many other vtubers
>rarely takes time off even with health issues and with a broken neck
If she leaves for a long time, she will lose the rest of the audience.

She could be a regular vtuber, but her nasty voice, terrible personality and excessive openness turn viewers away.
She can stream a lot, but content won't get any better.

>> No.12138662

if kiara had a gun pointed at me, I bet I can beat the shit out of her

>> No.12138683

>with a broken neck
I need a kurt angle edit of her bragging about that.

>> No.12138755

i dont know if you noticed but most vtubers, especially in EN, are some of the laziest inconsistent messes i've ever fucking seen.

>> No.12139000

She actually did the opposite of what you would expect and changed her roommate's voice. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with her head.

>> No.12139029

>These points are no reason at all to justify the amount of hate Kiara gets from some people.

>> No.12139113

>especially in EN
For me, this problem does not exist when i watching en.
It makes no sense to consider the indie scene, many vtubers do it as a hobby and have a regular job

>> No.12142123

>JP days

>> No.12142635
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>> No.12142729
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>Like many other vtubers
>hard working

>> No.12142781

i'm talking about hololive EN, dipshit

>> No.12142790

>>hard working and consistent with streaming
>Like many other vtubers

What is it with you eggs that try so hard?

>> No.12142828

>those writing skills
>that reading comprehension

Dare I say, an Indog?

>> No.12142865


>> No.12142901

you say that like its a bad thing

>> No.12142919

>forces collabs with vshitshow
No, she's still shit.

>> No.12143591

This is not even the toxicity I'm talking about. I'm talking about on twitter, youtube, twitch, etc. These people go out their with their dumbass employee names, constantly talking about kiara on 2viewer streams, saying they need to collab with kiara and shit like that. Hell, I've even seen someone donate to an indie with only a few hundred views saying "Sorry kiara but she's earned it"

>> No.12143647

Never was.

>> No.12144275

Anon, when she said that "Kiara is in control", it was a cry for help...

Her roommate will become Kiara

>> No.12144627

no, she isn't. she's just bad where it matters the most.

>> No.12144808

When has she ever encouraged that shit?

>> No.12146733

are you being serious?

>> No.12146828

NTA, but she always reminds people about not mentioning other vtubers during stream and she recommended once to remove the KFP and oshi marks when they are watching others.

Not her fault it some people are retarded.

>> No.12150853

ill kill her for you

>> No.12150992

It's really commendable how hard she works, and manages to keep smiling despite some extremely shitty people hovering around for months.
