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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11929899 No.11929899 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11929970 [DELETED] 
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>She's the only one not showing up
Can't make this shit up. How will you defend this deadcucks?

>> No.11930093

deadbraps getting dunked on for like 2-3 days after the collab with that anituber + people bringing up her shitty behavior was one of the only times this board was useable outside of staying in one's oshi's general

>> No.11930118

Lost in translation

>> No.11930205

>[EN]: as for those wondering for Calliope -- unfortunately -- with her schedules -- she couldnt participate --- well -- i mean- theres also things on scheduling too during the event time --

>> No.11930647
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imagine not showing up in your company's biggest even of the year because of your over inflated ego

"Hololive family" my ass

>> No.11930749

why won't mori play blocks with us.

>> No.11930789

Welp this is the reason

>> No.11930792 [DELETED] 

More like 4%

>> No.11931008


>> No.11931652

>biggest event of the year

>> No.11931692

Please understand, that's the date and time she's booked in for the Charlie collab.

>> No.11931810

She's recording something that is more important than your shitty event, no one cares.

>> No.11931854

yes it is a big and important event
keep coping

>> No.11931906

>over inflated ego
That must not be that big then.

>> No.11931923

kys deadbrap

>> No.11932157 [DELETED] 

Should just quit and go be an irrelevant indie rapper instead of abusing her colleagues she doesn't give a fuck about for money.

>> No.11932219

Stop overreacting.

>> No.11932388

please explain 5% to a non-deadbrap

>> No.11932512

no do your reps newfag lmao *cums on you*
mori said her time streaming with hololive is only a percentage of her time and it gets misquoted and overblown

>> No.11932624

She has a rare form of autism that makes her understand only 5% of all information, which is why 95% of her lyrics are just meaningless fillers. She said that she tries to learn to beatbox to cheat that system and even out the percentage by making herself beleave that random sounds are part of relaying information
Maybe her lack of ability to convey appreciation and keeping promises is the reason why takamori fell apart with Kiara being disappointed.

>> No.11932767

Ayame, Korone, and Shion are there but 5% skips out. Wow.

>> No.11932810

I'm looking forward to her next mediocre rap.

>> No.11932817

It's her job to play blocks and earn hundreds of thousands to do so. Just show up.

>> No.11932834

>S-she has a good reason for not attending, I swear!

>> No.11932872

I stopped listening to her songs right after debut. The only reason I streamed the KING cover is because Gura was in it.

>> No.11933007

It's not a misquote. You just take her words as acceptable but others do not. Imagine telling fans that the stuff you do for them is only 5% of your time. It wasn't even in the context of her simply being busy, as her defenders imply, but she said this in response to not completing a game and having chat complain about it. She responded that way to say she has more important things to do and Hololive streams were the small part of her life.

>> No.11933225

>but she said this in response to not completing a game and having chat complain about it.
Because it has been a while what game it was because i don't remember it was ever about finishing game?

>> No.11933545 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, another shitty TT podcast. How important.

>> No.11933627

She'll be there in spirit. Just play one of her MVs in the background while the event is playing.

>> No.11933650

Anon, it is music.

>> No.11933690

>deadbraps waging war on every holo chuubas
pretty based

>> No.11933859

I would like that to be real just for the mass breakdown it would cause here

>> No.11933899 [DELETED] 

I don't want to hear her shitty wigger music. The ACTUAL vsingers decided to show up for the people that got them where they are.

>> No.11933977

I Mean it wouldn't make sense to complain about her not finishing a game if it hadn't been a while would it? if some time had not passed then chat would just look like anxious schizos

>> No.11934441

This but unironically. You baited a lot of people with this post though. The amount of sperging over a shitty minecraft event that's going to be full of technically difficulties is as perplexing as chinks throwing a hissyfit about taiwan. I don't care if the woman is recording a song on her kazoo, this amount of sperg out is unwarranted.

>> No.11934789

Great now apply the same logic with everyone else in the conpany refusing to ever show to projects pitched by oyher members because 'they got better shit to do' and see how it ends

>> No.11934804

I think she meant that lyric writing, recording, meetings, singing practice, stream preparations, and the stuff she needs to do in order to stay in UJ are the 95% of her time you don't see her in a stream stream.
It's in either this stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_nv-hpwaD8 or (more likely) a drawing stream after that.
>biggest event of the year
That's not even factually correct. The biggest event this year was Coco's graduation. And even then you have the Usaken Summer festival, and several anniversaries and other events where her attendance is more important. You know what fucks me up? That none of the Stars is there. It isn't fair. It isn't right.
It's the most accessible game for Unitiest (multiple-gen, interbranch) collabs. It's literally the biggest collab to date. Don't be silly.

>> No.11934938

She said streaming takes up 5% of her dat, not all the other shit she does. It’s still untrue because while she doesn’t stream chicken amounts, she’s still in the upper percent for stream time among the EN girls.

>> No.11935009

You don’t want to see here there either you retard, you just want something to bitch about. Mori gets far more views than the ‘actual’ vsingers do anyway.

>> No.11935045 [DELETED] 

>Calli's music is more successful than Suisei's
RUMAO, do deadcucks really believe this?

>> No.11935173

>biggest event of the year
You have to be 18 years old to use this site.

>> No.11935187


>> No.11935192

Instead of talking about her being at 5%, how about we imagine her at 100%?

>> No.11935221 [DELETED] 

It's not that it's a shitty block game stream but a collab that was supposed to be all of Hololive but she decided her own personal stuff was more important even though others probably cancelled stuff for it.

>> No.11935465 [DELETED] 

This is like skipping out on the yearly company BBQ because of some random date with your girlfriend and justifying it because it's just a BBQ. What the event is isn't important, the fact that it involves the whole company is.

>> No.11935485

anon... you do realize that cover themselves agreed to this right

>> No.11935497

Tell me you don't have a gf whiteout telling me you don't have a gf

>> No.11935506

>company loyalty
Coping mutt.

>> No.11935698 [DELETED] 

>not making friends with your coworkers so they trust you more so you can get away with shit

>> No.11935740

>own personal stuff
Is making music for Hololive personal really?
And because it is in studio and it probably is with some big name producer she really can't move it just for block game event.

>> No.11935743

>rent free

>> No.11935754 [DELETED] 

Let's see how ghosting her coworkers when it's convenient for her but not the other way around works out for her.
It went awesome for Matsuri.

>> No.11935767

She gets more views and makes more money off it. So yes, by definition she is more successful.

>> No.11935791

Anon, your numberfag reps...

>> No.11935792

Do you know what ghosting means? Because this isn't one.

>> No.11937291

it is big even for all the holos
why do you think Mio and others cried during and after it happened?

>> No.11937370

You think a Minecraft collab is bigger than HoloFes? Or Bloom?

>> No.11937419
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>all these deleted post in /hlgg/, /morig/ and in these few split threads
Man, this nigga was waiting for this to happen.
What kinda mental illness is this?

>> No.11937451

Video of her drinking wine talking about drake being her favourite rapper and anouncing a collab with a twitch e-thot

>> No.11937454

Who knows. Deadbeats all have mental illness
