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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11886753 No.11886753 [Reply] [Original]

>Mori has technical issues again due to no prep, complains about not getting impostor despite being terrible at it.
>Sana and Bael drowning out discussions with their loud, unintelligible convict language.
>Kiara ends up doing the same amount of translating as the EN x Nepolabo collab.
>Ame barely participates in discussions

>> No.11886928

>Kiara ends up doing the same amount of translating as the EN x Nepolabo collab.
They all speak english though..

>> No.11887068


>> No.11887135

Australian shitposting is not English.

>> No.11887343

A shitload of bantz that schizos will turn into deranged rrats and spam /vt/ with for the next three weeks.

>> No.11887405

They wont. Council is too weak willed to bully their senpais and we all know Myth can't bantz for shit.

>> No.11887447

>Ame feels imaginary pressure from her chat to be more social, and makes several passive aggressive comments while barely saying anything to other holomem

>> No.11887471

Why are SEAniggers/KFP like this?

>> No.11887520

>Bael drowning out discussions with their loud, unintelligible convict language
this mythfag has never watched council collabs where the rat is always the third wheel that's barely heard on stream

>> No.11887525

>>Ame feels imaginary pressure from her chat to be more social, and ma
is she like that recently?

>> No.11887550

Gura has a fan expo thing only an hour before, so she'll definitely be late and then have technical issues on top of that as she won't have time to set up properly beforehand.

>> No.11887584

Kronii will not stream her pov that leads to a nuclear meltdown worse than chernobyl within her already upset and broken community.

>> No.11887588

>Mumei will steal the show once again
As always.

>> No.11887598

JP Minecraft festival

>> No.11887668

That's the problem. She's a bit awkward to join in on the conversations and eventually does an Ame and just sits back and lurks.
Fucking autistic rat, I love her.

>> No.11887960

How has Kronii had a major fan-split already? What are the factions?

>> No.11887993

Mori will finally get imposter and be really happy about it but be a terrible liar and get evicted immediately, that is if she doesn’t reveal herself right away because of the proximity chat
Gura will get bullied and her fans will go nuclear again
Kronii will be borderline silent during meetings, which will sus her out. She is always suspect even when she’s innocent.
Gura and Mori hold a year long grudge against Ame and attempt to vote her out as often as possible.
IRyS has the highest survival rate, both as survivor and impostor.

>> No.11888001

It's better than English.

>> No.11888065
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Ame wins, simple as.

>> No.11888160

You can't lose if you leave your stream for 2 hours and are then forced to return by your manager

>> No.11888499

Kiara and Mori as imposters, The chicken betrays ya boi and she wins at the end the game by herself. Massive drama after that move

>> No.11888588
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Technical difficulties due to a lack of preparation will derail the entire stream and force them to do a branch wide minecraft collab as a cope.

>> No.11888634

They'll cancel it last-minute cause a majority of them will not give a single fuck about it and just do their own thing.

>> No.11888858

If you have 10k people watching you of course you'll feel that way, that's pretty a pretty normal feeling

>> No.11888864

Kronii looks high

>> No.11888927

Yeah that’s never going to happen. Have you never watched Kiara’s among us streams? She sucks as imposter, no way she wins

>> No.11888931

Why are Chumpoops like this?

>> No.11888944

Trainwreck of 12 people yelling over each other that I'll enjoy regardless

>> No.11889000
File: 121 KB, 250x300, Takanashi_Kiara_Ch._hololive-EN_7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor egg... Mumei can barely function on her own, Kiara will carry HoloEN again

>> No.11889042

who's the last mem?

>> No.11889055

She will never be Gura.

>> No.11889079

>Anon trying to find something else to complain about because none of his schizo grudges were hit on

>> No.11889102

Omega, they/them is debuting today in the amogus collab

>> No.11889156

She was 5% Kiara maybe. Don't understimate our fuhrer

>> No.11889181

I just hope Gura gets imposter at least twice this time

>> No.11889229

fairly certain the expo thing isn't actually at 8pm est

>> No.11889431

We could make a bingo at this point and I will add:

>15 minutes of introductions and explanations.
>Technical difficulties because of proximity audio mod.
>Collab is less than 2 hours because of timezone differences or Mumei's battery.
>Kiara will make fun of Gura the first on the opportunity she has.
>Calli will be an imposter but will suck at being one. As Calli can't do anything wrong people will make bad memes about it no matter what.
>Ina and Ame will be chilling all the time.
>Gura will go on tryhard mode because she is still salty from the last time.
>Mumei gets impostor and she will go and kill Kronii.
>Kronii will be used as a scapegoat and she will be terrible defending herself.
>Others will pity Sana because of hiatus.
>IRyS and Fauna are surprisingly good or at least better than the rest.
>Bae will be overreacting with screams everytime she can.
>Someone will get disconnected mid game and they will start over.
>At the end KIara will give a thank you speech at the end where each one will have a moment to talk, but Kiara will talk inbetween everyone's time.
>Someone will say thank you to Kiara for organizing and the rest will have to give a forced thank you too.

>> No.11889501

Yesmen armchair psychologists who think that Kronii is depressed and they can save her vs fans who just want her to buck up and stream more.

>> No.11889694

I will have Bae, Irys and Kronii up. Bae has a grudge with her ex-love. She never got to consumate the marriage. Kronii is bitter because well... she's always bitter and Irys is such anime protag that Kronii always misunderstands her. Irys is a bad liar. She looks funny when trying squirm her way out of anything. I hope she gets impostor every single time. Maybe pull Fauna up if she gets impostor since mother nature is quite suave with her words. I might open Mumei up if she gets impostor. Might. Her mumbles and "gee wheez. I don't what to do" sometimes irks me.

>> No.11889861


>> No.11890040

Kronii and Mumei are too weak you mean?

>> No.11890073

>>At the end KIara will give a thank you speech at the end where each one will have a moment to talk, but Kiara will talk inbetween everyone's time.
>>Someone will say thank you to Kiara for organizing and the rest will have to give a forced thank you too.

This and Ame introversion can go on every collab bingo kek

>> No.11890165

Weak willed? Sana recently roasted Ollie about her ruining her approachability by playing too much Apex. Plus the whole coffee argument with Ina

>> No.11890231

Kiara will ask everyone to go round in a circle and take turns thanking her for organising the collab

>> No.11890317

Yeah this sounds about right

>> No.11890594

Don't forget someone mentioning le EN curse.

>> No.11890657

She doesn't want to be Gura.

>> No.11890665

Someone in Council or Myth is going to make sub-1k numbers and /vt/ is going to go ballistic

>> No.11890689

Make a Bingo board. Please.

>> No.11890702

It's called EN law now, keep up anon.

>> No.11890819

You'd have to be blind to not realise Kronii is depressed

>> No.11890823

>Omega, they/them is debuting today in the amogus collab
If thas true, then:
- Omega forgets it turn off the mic and he exposes himself

>> No.11890872

Are Kronii and Sana not streaming their PoV?

>> No.11891115

sana dont look…

>> No.11891321

Sana isn't streaming and I don't think she'll be on voice either, she tweeted that she'd be there but not wanting to stream until she could be happy in front of everyone

>> No.11891387

I’m not underestimating anything, the chicken is a horrible liar and spazzes out under pressure. More likely she’d kill someone in front of the other members and get unanimously evicted. Or wait too long to do anything and get gutted by the timer

>> No.11891514

jfc it’s just a dog, that was 10 years ago get over it bitch

>> No.11891569

>At the end KIara will give a thank you speech at the end where each one will have a moment to talk, but Kiara will talk inbetween everyone's time.
lmao yeah this is the best one

>> No.11891617

That's the same group you retard.

>> No.11891666

>Knowing the council's names
Omegatroonchama.... doushite....?

>> No.11891770
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You don’t watch her so why do you care

>> No.11891827

>Stream is delayed because Kronii oversleeps due to sneaking on Minecraft

>> No.11891896

It's not fair that she's suffering so much and I am unable to hear her delectable sobs
I need to destroy her for my amusement
