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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11735540 No.11735540 [Reply] [Original]

>enter random 2view stream on a whim
>don't say anything because you usually just like to lurk
>streamer starts talking to you
>you say hi back just to be polite
>streamer starts trying to converse with you
>now you feel obligated to stay now
How do you deal with these situations?

>> No.11735591

don't get yourself into those situations to begin with, or log out of your profile and lurk.

>> No.11735702

>>enter random 2view stream on a whim
>kronii as OP pic
fat chance this is true, holobrony.

>> No.11735713

"Not now, babe. I'm trying to masturbate."
"O-Oh, okay, heheh..."

>> No.11735786

I only watch Gura and Ina on occasion. Beyond that I almost watch indies exclusively. I just happen to like Kroni's design.

>> No.11735810

You gotta just pull the plug and say you need to leave. No point getting attached to someone that will quit within a month.

>> No.11735895

ive never had a twitch account so im fairly certain they dont even know im there

>> No.11735956

"Y-you need to leave? Oh... okay anon, thanks for stopping by.... :("
I can't live with that shit on my conscience bro

>> No.11736046

I remind myself that if it was the other way round, they wouldn’t give a flying fuck about how it would make me feel. Dislike, shitpost in the chat then leave the stream.

>> No.11736055
File: 225 KB, 334x405, IMG_1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's when you GROOOOM, newfagchama.

>> No.11736073

You can save them

>> No.11736114

Or maybe Kronii's expression fits the situation but you can't understand that because you're a fucking idiot that doesn't charge Hololive for rent.

>> No.11736117

rename your account to 'gasthebikes1488'
always works

>> No.11736218

Just sign out before entering.

>> No.11736476
File: 856 KB, 1163x1000, 1627062446054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do this to autists all the time its how I escaped 2view territory.
its a ruthless business and the autistic retards come to vtuber streams to be exploited, thats what they get.

>> No.11736592

what are you now? 5view?

>> No.11736861

OK Haachama

>> No.11737836

i don't understand enough japanese for them to do anything but say thanks and continue streaming

>> No.11737843

>he stays
>“hehehe we got im boys”
works everytime

>> No.11738579

I'll try this next time

>> No.11745725

Grow a fucking spine for starters

>> No.11745784

die out nijibrony nigger filth

>> No.11745868

based reverse groomer

>> No.11746006

I just fucking run away and never open the channel ever again. I do type and I do want to have human interactions, but when they actually reply it brings light to my pathetic existence and that's one thing I'm trying to forget about. Happened with Pippa and some others, top 20 worst episodes of my life.

>> No.11746254

That's why I only leave comments after the stream is over or thank them when it's about to end

>> No.11746314

kys, spinefag. invertebrates rise up!

>> No.11746338


>> No.11746403

For me it's more about how I use these people as background white noise while I play vidya and having to take breaks to reply takes too much effort

>> No.11746490 [DELETED] 

Ask her to talk dirty and count down.

>> No.11749505

this happened to me but i was just curious and clicked on an ad to a regular dude streaming, i just left without saying bye or anything, its just too weird. his last post was exactly 2 years ago and he even got a new PC to stream

i dont know why i still remember him, its just really fucking surreal to be someone's first viewer, and their absolute desperation to engage with you is so incredibly uncomfortable. I really dont understand 2 views, i dont think anyone whos had any success actually starts as a 2 view. usually they have some sort of circle or following that they transition into their streaming audience then go from there but streaming purely seems to have so little natural growth

>> No.11750141

Treat it like entering chat room and talking to random people on the net.

>> No.11750360

>usually they have some sort of circle or following that they transition into their streaming audience

True, networking and clique like circlejerks are a big must if you want any kind of audience or at least the illusion of a following

>> No.11750394

Just copy and paste some ads, make them think it a bot

>> No.11750540

Anon, as someone that is easily guilt tripped, I must say that you just gotta leave

>> No.11750687

You need one of two things:
1. A network.
2. A popular clip/video.
Then and ONLY then can your personality carry you to stardom. And sometimes you need both just to get off the ground, like Miko.
Streaming 7 hours a day into the ether is soul-crushing and fruitless. You need support and some kind of hook.

>> No.11750823

Are any of this 2views girls hot and can you like date them.

>> No.11751950

Company chuubas get easy 50-100 viewers minimim, from employees alone. This is one of the smallest buffs a large company gives, but it's not insignificant.

>> No.11752618

Just say brb and never came back

>> No.11754055

thanks for stopping by bikes

>> No.11754325

True but what companies would pick you up if you're some 2 viewer shitter

Unless you can really sing or have a unique voice I guess

>> No.11754586

Honestly this is better than commenting and knowing they saw it because you’re one of the only ones in chat but they don’t respond

>> No.11755308

Gura was basically a 2view shitter despite her viral videos.

>> No.11755719

how do you guys even find 2views?

>> No.11756902
File: 100 KB, 1000x563, Dead_dream_Yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I close the tab, delete my channel and never came back, you can't save everyone Anon-kun

>> No.11757596

I ignore their greeting and therefore don't feel pressured to do anything. I usually have them on as background noise. I'm not there to validate their existence. They can think I'm a bot for all I care.

>> No.11757897

It's like ripping a band-aid. You just have to click out.

>> No.11757936


>> No.11758501

The indies I watch are exclusively Japanese. I still try to strike conversation when I have an opportunity even though my japanese is bad, but I can't say much

>> No.11758807

I couldn't even bring myself to member during streams, I hate being called out that much, and that's even with a username that's just initials.
Too long as anon, in part, I guess.

>> No.11762357

>自己紹介 video
>interesting highlight gameplay playthrough
>short funny/interesting clips but don't overuse it
>tweet interesting things
>monthly highlight (FUNNY MOMENT)
>gather small followers

I don't know why someone would stream from zero views.

>> No.11762398

I just say hello and good job in the comments.

>> No.11762436

This is why I dont watch anyone with under 20 live viewers.

>> No.11762471

Don't do that.

>> No.11764225

Stop making me feel bad with these threads faggot, that's exactly the reason I don't watch 2views.

>> No.11765831

i just leave

>> No.11766306

This one is pretty easy to check and see that no, while not very popular, she wasn't a 2view.

>> No.11768113

there's a browser plugin that lets you join a channel without showing in the viewerlist

>> No.11773870

She had less than 100 watching her streams as HER sometimes.

>> No.11773926


>> No.11773979

search “vtuber” and advance filter by “last hour” and “live” works for me
