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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11706524 No.11706524 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Phase Connect Generation 2 (deadline 10/31)
Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

Previous Thread: >>11482436

>> No.11709712

how do I become more consistent with streaming times

>> No.11710095

Post a schedule, keep it.

>> No.11710178

Anybody know how Rosemi does the reflection effect with her model in this video?

>> No.11710224

Probably a second source of whatever she uses to display her Live2D flipped and made transparent

>> No.11710227

flip the model and make it transparent

>> No.11710488

Thanks, this is working for me.
(For anyone else curious the opacity slider is in the Color Correction filter on OBS)

>> No.11710714

Good morning anons, I've got a YouTube-related questions to ask!

A) Do tags _work_? I put them in my videos, the basic anime/vtuber ones. Are there more tags I should be aware of? I stream in two languages, so I also put the languages there too.

B) Am I doing the right thing by planning to not only upload Twitch VODs on YouTube, but also short clips and small, silly videos? I will also switch to some YouTube-only streams later to mix the platforms up. I am a "literal who" with 7avg, so don't think creating two seperate channels for clips and VODs would be smart. I only saw big chuubas doing that.

Thank you!

>> No.11711797

There's no "exact right way" to do things. Most people aren't going to watch VODs - I saw one piece of advice was put them all as private (anyone with link), and then make public playlists for each game.

Clips and small videos should definitely be up there, but can also on your tiktok, twitter, and relevant subreddits. Just any way of getting extra eyes on you.

>> No.11712578

Tags are not really useful anymore since they were abused in the past so Susan nerfed them.
It's all about the video title and video description.

I also suggest making a seperate channel for vods anyway. People will usually find your channel bc of clips/silly videos. It will look better, link the full stream in your description (that goes to your vod channel)

>> No.11714144

It's unlisted video btw

>> No.11716743

Making clips is a good idea for sure

>> No.11719758


>> No.11719999

Let's say I learn how to use the Unity editor to rig my VRoid's face to be more expressive. Do I still need an iPhone or is any camera fine?

>> No.11720300

Is it safe to stream pirated games?
I know it's kind of scummy since in the best of cases I will get paid for this but there are some games I can't play without pirating like Soldier's Soul or about any old nintendo/sega/ps1/ps2 game.

>> No.11720652

No one cares

>> No.11720984

I really like learning new languages and I think I could stream myself practicing new languages, but... is that interesting to stream?

I'd watch someone streaming it but I don't know if I should wait until I get an audience or do that from the start and all.

(btw I haven't started streaming yet, it's just one of the ideas I had for when I start doing it.)

>> No.11721232

you got top streamers streaming games from old consoles in higher resolution which is impossible with the real hardware.
Nobody cares at the end of the day, just dont advertise it.

>> No.11721484

>is that interesting to stream?
ask yourself if you'd watch other strangers doing that type of content. rule of thumb is to make content you'd watch yourself.

>> No.11722107

What about games that were on Steam not too long ago but were retired?
I wanted to share the magic and the mystery of Saint Seiya but Soldier's Soul was one of such games.

>> No.11723024

It's a complete non-issue.

>> No.11723163

I just wanted to make sure since a friend told me something about that but since I've never been good with this licensing faggotry I had no idea if it was true or not.

>> No.11724678

I’ve got 5 views on my vshojo app can they please just. Email me or something it’s torture

>> No.11725854


>> No.11728586

Don't die

>> No.11729866

Does anyone have any tips, guides or exercises to make your voice sound better?
I know that it can get better on it's own, but I'm wondering what I can do to help it along

>> No.11730257

Define better? Speaking more clearly, practice speaking with a pencil in your mouth and make it more clear. Getting rid of saying "um"s by recording yourself and listening to it, and getting used to being silent while you think of the next thing to say. To stop mumbling you just have to practice speaking louder and enunciating your words clearly (like with the pencil) which also helps with eventual face tracking your mouth movements. I'm going to assume any guide to teach you to sing better is also good practice for a "better" voice.

>> No.11731151

>speaking with a pencil in your mouth
What? Like, held between my front teeth across my face, or between my molars at one side, or stuffed inside my cheeks like a squirrel?

>> No.11731673

front teeth, speak into your mic or phone or whatever and make sure you can clear enunciate your words.

>> No.11734979

if i bump 3 times, i'm leaving this dead thread for good. but don't give up hope, you might not make it into hololive, but this can still be a very rewarding hobby where you can meet some incredible people who become wonderful friends.

>> No.11735827
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t. the OP

>> No.11736027

>how hard is it to become one?
it's dumb simple. get a png image of your avatar, use discord reactive images for open mouth and closed mouth and you're good to go.

the face and eye tracking thing uses Live2D software that requires a specially made model that is also specially rigged. on average you'd be looking at 1 month for a model to be completed, and 1 month for the rigging to be completed if you're getting any amount of quality. this is why /asp/ recommends you start as a .png and practice streaming for that time while you wait for a model.

there are dozens upon dozens of male vtubers. you just never see them because the overwhelming majority of them suck in one way or another. you have to realize that the market you're entering into is male dominated. it's mostly males who stream, and it's mostly males who watch.

this is why it's so easy for a woman to put on a cutesy anime avatar and get 20 viewers off the bat. but as easy as that is, it's almost impossible for them to grow past 50 consistently. but for males, you need to have some actual presentation and performance. all of the top performing streamers on twitch are men who have a charismatic personality, some high professional tier skill, or some combination.

>> No.11736229

>Live2D software that requires a specially made model that is also specially rigged
I've been looking at VRoidStudio to give making one myself ago, but I also looked at some of the prices for model creation and some aren't too bad. I don't want to blow more than $400. I don't need anything too flashy or glittery, as that might take more attention away from the stream itself
>there are dozens upon dozens of male vtubers. you just never see them because the overwhelming majority of them suck in one way or another
>you need to have some actual presentation and performance
I used to be in plays and did some voice acting for some animations, but that was a while ago.
>high professional tier skill
What would that include? I'm a /k/ autist so maybe that could be a part of it. My day job is in IT and I work remote, but I doubt people want to watch a dude stream coding or something

>> No.11736548

>I've been looking at VRoidStudio to give making one myself ago
don't. you'll do so much better as a half decent png over another vroid studio default model. there are literal hundreds of defaults and the only thing is some changed hair. don't use a vroid, just don't.

if you're just starting out as a streamer, use a .png as a placeholder for your model. the first thing you need to figure out is whether streaming is something you want and or can do. just use the placeholder and start streaming on a regular and consistent schedule.

>What would that include? I'm a /k/ autist so maybe that could be a part of it. My day job is in IT and I work remote, but I doubt people want to watch a dude stream coding or something
the weird thing is that almost every single /asp/ie has some talent or skill. it's just hard to define and describe it because to each /asp/ie, it's just part of them and how they live ever single day. so their talents just seem like baseline default traits they think no one would be interested in.

the general rule of thumb is that you should be creating content you want to watch yourself. would you want to watch a chuuba just stream coding? there was some teen who made a big splash a couple of years ago by streaming himself coding robots that would react to chat or some shit who got a ton of viewers tuning in, mostly because he made it an enjoyable experience to watch.

>> No.11736792

>you'll do so much better as a half decent png over another vroid studio default model
I wouldn't use a default, I've been looking up videos on how to make my own clothes. I have lots of experience making images and some art in GIMP, but 3D modeling is a new realm for me, aside from unity projects where I used google sketchup to make buildings and furniture.
Model prices don't seem too bad. I wouldn't mind shelling out $500 (preferably less) for a good custom model
>so their talents just seem like baseline default traits they think no one would be interested in
How does one even go about figuring out whether or not your talent or traits are interesting?

>> No.11736986

>I have lots of experience making images and some art in GIMP, but 3D modeling is a new realm for me
just from this anon, i'd ask whether you want to be a chuuba or you just want to learn how to 3d model. because a month you spend working on a model is a month you could be streaming and becoming a vtuber. there's an infamous chuuba from /asp/ who has been working on his 3d model for 7 months and has still yet to actually stream because he keeps telling himself that his model needs more work. would suck if you ended up like that.

>How does one even go about figuring out whether or not your talent or traits are interesting?
stream for 2-3 hours. watch your vod. ask yourself if you'd watch you. if the answer is yes, then congrats. if the answer is no, ask yourself what you'd like this streamer, yourself, to do in order to hook your attention. treat your vod like it's a completely different streamer and like you are a fresh viewer just popping in.

some of the important things you'll be looking for are moments where for example there is text on the screen. you know you're silently reading that text on it, but you can read a lot faster than viewers might be able to process it. so on your vod, maybe you flick through dialog much too quickly. or maybe the viewers don't know you're reading something, but you've stopped talking so it seems like there's just dead air. stuff like that.

over time you'll start to notice that you do some things pretty well and other things not so well. start working on fleshing out the stuff you do well some more, while looking for ways to improve on the stuff you don't do so well. things that naturally come to you become the baseline for where your interesting talents and strengths can take off.

>> No.11737714

>has still yet to actually stream because he keeps telling himself that his model needs more work. would suck if you ended up like that.
Damn. I'd probably keep telling myself that too. I can't stream where I am currently at (family makes it too awkward) but I got mortgage approval to get a place. So it might be a while and I'll have plenty of time, including during the workday, to try to make a decent model myself.
>treat your vod like it's a completely different streamer and like you are a fresh viewer just popping in
I've never actually watched twitch streamers. Do people just "pop in" to streams with 10 or less views?
>or maybe the viewers don't know you're reading something, but you've stopped talking so it seems like there's just dead air
I guess i'd have to get used to reading stuff out loud

>> No.11738090

>I can't stream where I am currently at
one of the more successful chuubas out of /asp/ started out making 1-2 hour long locally recorded youtube videos. because they had no chat, it forced them to practice constantly talking and engaging with the fake 'chat' in their head. helped them get creative by doing things like pointing out what was happening, then leading into a tangent like "x thing happening in the game reminds me, this one time" and they'd go off on a story. can be a good way to practice filling dead air.

>Do people just "pop in" to streams with 10 or less views?
yes, and they will continue to do so regardless of your size. a small 20 view chuuba might become featured on the homepage because they're playing games that a certain viewer likes. remember that twitch's algorithm is designed to try and pair up viewers and streamers together that the algorithm believes will make a good combo. that means the viewer stays on the channel longer, sees more ads and maybe donates bits or subs, which is where twitch gets their revenue.

the more you stream, the more algorithm figures out what kind of streamer you are. and then slowly will push your streams towards views that it thinks will enjoy your content.

>I guess i'd have to get used to reading stuff out loud
expect it to be bad. pick a game that you've played before. for example Half Life 2 or Portal are very good games. minimal exposition outside of one or two cutscenes. mostly just quiet puzzle solving. this gives you an opportunity to practice filling up that time. also helps if you've played the game before so you're not struggling to play a new game, solve new puzzles, and manage the plot of the story while also trying to juggle chat.

the biggest thing is that it takes time. which is why /asp/ recommends getting started sooner than later.

>> No.11740270


>> No.11740995

I was watching some of those streaming >"gurus", not too many because some of them seem to be unironically deranged, and one of them said to avoid popular games and instead play games that are streaming staples.
What kind of games are those? Something like Portal? Well-known but not overwhelmingly popular, not competitive, can be played at your own pace, and old so people are not stepping over each other to stream it seem like things that would make it a good game to stream but I'd like to know if that's right and if there's something like a list of these games so I can pick something to start.

I thought of starting with dota 2 but there are thousands of dota streamers already and I'm barely herald. Another was Webbed but it's kind of short, I could see myself finishing it in a week. I also have Magicka, which seems to have a really active community judging from its activity timeline on the library, but I haven't made the research on how popular it's on streaming sites yet.

>> No.11741124

ignore the "gurus" most of them are bullshit clickbaiters. they are the face cam version of Jusagi, making videos for vtubers about how to grow or get lots of views while barely breaking 20 on a good day themselves. play games you enjoy and can make into an enjoyable experience for viewers.

>> No.11741824

>I'm barely herald
Being a top player is only one way to succeed. Dunkey was barely Diamond when he got famous in League. If you can find a way to make a game of Dota fun for people to watch then go for it.

>> No.11744923

>be streamer
>start talking about owning guns
What percentage of normies would get turned off by this and stop watching you?

>> No.11745161

it would depend on whether they gave enough of a shit. if they came to watch you play games but you spend all your time talking about guns, they'll probably click away because they don't care about it.

>> No.11746493

idunno, two of them, the most mental-looking, had decently sized channels on Twitch; unless the scale for normal channels is bigger than for vtubers.
The one with the biggest channel was actually advising to move to youtube because of all the issues with twitch's moderation and their fucked management of DMCAs.

I guess I can always try.
My two favorite dota streamers are not actually good at the game but I fear I might get too quiet while playing because it's a pretty demanding game.

Either way, I wanted more options in case any games fit my >lore.

>> No.11746687

>advising to move to youtube because of all the issues with twitch's moderation and their fucked management of DMCAs.
eventually chuubas will all move to youtube. but right now that's just fearmongering bullshit. twitch's "moderation" is meaningless when channels are moderated by the streamer and their own mod team. the only "twitch moderation" that happens is selective banning of titty streamers and political channels that go too far.

the DMCA thing is always fucked on both platforms so it doesn't really matter. an /asp/ie chuuba here who goes by Bloom is a professional level singing and got his acapella songs flagged by the algorithms because he was too on key for the songs. it's a mess either way.

>> No.11747143

God, I fucking hate copyright.

Only Twitch does that gay shit of not allowing you to stream simultaneously on other sites, right?
I guess I'll just stream on youtube and odysee and archive my streams on the latter. Shit's fucked on Twitch.

>> No.11747260

>Only Twitch does that gay shit of not allowing you to stream simultaneously on other sites, right?
if you're an affiliate, yeah. if you're not affiliate you can multistream, if you're partner you have the option to negotiate it.

>> No.11747324

not that anon but is affiliate even worth it?

>> No.11747495

personally speak, i think it's worth it. i started this as a hobby and have made about $500 in subs and donos in my 8 months of streaming. i've got a couple of emotes and a bunch of channel point redeems that my chat loves to mess around with. i could have gone non affiliate, and that'd just be 8 months of streaming without that extra $500. i know some chuubas who also get around the affiliate thing by setting up streamlab or nightbot to simulate channel points, but it's a lot of effort.

what are they downsides you think don't make it worth? might be able to explain some of them.

>> No.11747968
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Sorry, reposting because I posted it right as the thread died and would like to hear some more opinions.
So this is the concept I have been auditioning with to some companies. Since I'm finally going to be able to upgrade my pc I'm going to start streaming on my own, for that I need to redraw at least the "normal" model (left, she's supposed to be a magical girl, right is magical form) to separate the layers and rig it. I would appreciate some feedback on any of the designs! I am aware that she doesn't look too much like a magical girl but thats kind of a part of the lore. And also if some name comes to mind when you see her, I would appreciate that too, been having a hard time picking one.
Also >>11704921 thank you very much anon!

>> No.11748440

I like the design, looks more lolita than magical girl. I'd say look at Peronas design from One Piece to get more design ideas. The 1st dress gets a bit bland, maybe adding a belt would accentuate it some more?

Second outfit is better but due to the similar pinks and purples tends to get the hair and dress sorta blending in a visual way. Maybe using a darker shade of pink might help break it up. But either way I like the design anon

If you do end up leaning more into the magical girl, id say use that rabbit head and the whole bandage motif on a staff for her, would really complete the look. Like some sorta gothic card captor sakura

>> No.11749733

>So this is the concept I have been auditioning with to some companies.
As in, telling companies you want to stream with this model?

>> No.11750147

I need a really good rigger for this model.
Money is no object.
Who do I get?

>> No.11750180

>As in, telling companies you want to stream with this model?
nta, but anon probably means using the model for audition videos. because the applications say that you're allowed to use existing vtuber models for audition tapes. but whether or not they're allowed to keep the model is a different story.

Iron Vertex

>> No.11750748

>Iron Vertex
Someone whos coms arent closed.

>> No.11750775

There is one thing I didn't like which were the small colony of piercings on her right ear but that's a personal preference thing.
I'm the kind of weirdo that liked edgy and futuristic things, as well as magical girls somehow, but hates piercings and shaved heads on female characters.
I'm also a sucker for pink and purple, and your model reminded me of one of the best Love Live girls so I was due to like it. Don't worry much about that "errata".

Also, if I can guess by design alone she is going to be something like a sickly magical girl. Looks a bit like a more cheery Yakui-san now that I took a closer look at her.

>> No.11751646

>Become an indie Vtuber
>Collab with Kson on her morning show
>Get 2k free subs
It's literally that easy.

>> No.11751860

good luck, they're all filled up right now
yes it is. i don't know why no western chuuba has ever thought of that yet.

>> No.11751931

There's gotta be SOME god tier rigger whos available. Or even just available soon.

>> No.11752076

waitlists is probably the best you're gonna get. at this stage in the game, all of the best artists and riggers are booked for months

>> No.11752347

@typeou on twitter said he's going to open a slot soon
he's pretty low-key but what you get for the price is pretty good from what I've seen

>> No.11752390

I guess a wait list is fine since my artist needs to finish the model first.
Do you get on a waitlist by commissioning a booked person or is that rude.

>> No.11752506

whats a model "rigger"?

>> No.11752622

Yeah this guy's stuff is great for only 200 followers.
Will keep him in mind thank you!
(Do they specify how long soon is somewhere by chance)

>> No.11752879

reach out and see if they have waitlists or not. if they do, ask if it's open and how many people are on it already.

it's the person who applies deformations to the model so that it can accept facial tracking. so when the face tracking program receives the data "the operator is opening their mouth" it tells the program "deform the mouth layer to open the model's mouth" the rigger is who works on that second half.

>> No.11753162

You can throw him a message and ask, he's pretty open about that stuff. Might be good to contact him since I'm not sure if he'll queue up people if their models aren't finished yet.
He does rotate openings in a queue instead of wait-listing, since he's still small. Which means that he isn't ever really "booked up." He opens more slots as he finishes models.

>> No.11754922
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Thank you! The "more lolita than magical" is intentional! I love the fashion so I took a lot of inspiration from it. She does have a "thingy" who is the one that basically tricked her signing the magical girl contract. Pic related of course. He used to have a bandaged ear and a old school nurse cap, but instead I went for just the bunny head and made it a plain bunny mask that he wears to look "cute" but fails and just looks eerie, kind of a Kyubey from PMMM kind of thing.
More as in some companies let you have creative input about the design of your character, so I've put the speedpaint of the two models in the back while I introduce myself and talk! Not telling them that *is* the model I want to stream with, but more like the concept I would like to have. Either way, not the smartest move in some cases, I know.
Did it remind you of Rina by any chance? If so, she's one of my favorite Love Live characters too! And you hit the nail right on the head, sickly magical girl is exactly what I'm going for, almost a menhera-esque theme. Took some inspiration from Yakui, Rina, Amagai Kosame and Riamu Yumemi. I'm glad that you liked her, even with piercings and all!

>> No.11755419

do you have a twitter or anything or are you waiting until you're actually able to stream to make one?

>> No.11755987

>it's the person who applies deformations to the model so that it can accept facial tracking
I wasn't sure how live2D worked, I thought it might have done that automatically if you have different mouths saved.

So how much is it for a model (nothing too flashy) AND rigging?

>> No.11756177

>So how much is it for a model (nothing too flashy) AND rigging?
i don't know what your definition of >nothing too flashy is. so here's an example of a commission prices with examples https://teefy.carrd.co/#comms

>> No.11757144

I do have one, but it's mostly fanart and not of something good so I plan on either rebranding or making a new one when I start streaming!

>> No.11758783

>Did it remind you of Rina by any chance?
Yeah. The color scheme along with the ahoge and the paper strips hair are very similar to Rina.
I do think it's a nice design, even more if someone can read that much into it, but you might want to make it less Rina. No idea how much looking about 60 percent like a specific character from an anime affects people's reception of one's model but it might be something to take into consideration.

>> No.11759001

I've been thinking for a while of getting into vtubing and even have a friend that is thinking the same.
Should we practice speaking for long periods of time together while playing vidya or is that too different from normal streams that aren't collabs?

>> No.11759071
File: 2.35 MB, 2000x1124, 20211021_004742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to get some actual nonbiased feedback on the Red Riding Hood character design I'm finishing up now before I start her final model. Originally she started as an audition for Prism but I'm just keeping her instead because I got attached.

>> No.11759784
File: 175 KB, 395x330, chest and up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without the hood you don't really have many unique characteristics, since pic related is what audiences will be seeing the vast majority of time. put some more artifacts on your shoulders or maybe add a strap of teeth to add some flair above the waist area of your model. otherwise, it's looking good.

both of your full body art can be used as png right now. just get get a pic with the mouth open. and then stream to get experience under your belt while you get the model put together and rigged.

>> No.11760521

can anyone recommend me a good mic for karaoke streaming? was thinking of getting a shure sm58. works with me having a fan in the BG too. can shell out up to 300 USD but preferably don't want to go that far lol

>> No.11761296

that'll be more than fine for karaoke. you don't need to spend $300 on a super quality mic when all it's gonna do is pick up every echo in your room.

>> No.11764691

Make sure you have an XLR to USB interface

>> No.11765472

Your character has too much focus on the part that will rarely ever be shown, below the shoulders. I agree that there should be some sort of accessory near the neck or at least some bright color somewhere shoulders up whether it's in the hair, hair clip, something to spice up the shirt she's wearing, etc

>> No.11766864

Dang, thats a good chunk of change
Maybe I'll try winging it on my own.

>> No.11767131

It costs as much as you put into it.

For example, I've seen figures on Cimrai's art/rigging costing into a minimum of $4000, before any animations, alt-art or stickers (pre-mapped movements, facial expressions with tracking, and changes without tracking [like X for eyes]).

But then checking out this one https://missvyris.carrd.co/#home it's less than $300 for art and rigging. Now, she's not amazing, but gives you a low-end.

>> No.11767315

>but gives you a low-end
the quality looks good compared to the other carrd shop, they just didn't do lots of accessories like extra clothes layers and stuff

>> No.11767359

nta, but the thing about skills that you said is something I find confusing quite often, because I look at myself,and I genuinely do feel that I have no skills. Decent at video games, don't make music, trying to get into 3D art, can't draw well. Any way to figure out what said skill is? Should I ask my friends?

>> No.11771686

You can ask friends (although they might be kind), or do what I did:

Watch other people streaming the same thing as you, and see what they fuck up.

I've been complimented on my reading, so I try to add poetry in when appropriate; and on my teaching, so I do semi-dives through each campaign, explaining as if to entirely new players. Currently working on 100%ing CK3, and the majority of my viewers have said they don't play it, but they like learning how it all comes together

>> No.11772764


Much appreciated! That echoes what I felt. I was thinking about two toning the inside (Underside?) of her hair red / figuring out how it rests over her shoulder and am going to try to add a bit more without overcomplicating it.

I actually have "scuffed PNGs" in that they're animated gremlin chibis I plan to use when I start streaming with her soon. But wanted feedback before I finished them.

>> No.11775569

Love the design! Like the other anon said, there's a good amount of stuff going on on the lower body that no one will see; try adding a bit more to the waist up for when the cloak is off!

>> No.11778737

>Any way to figure out what said skill is? Should I ask my friends?
one of the best ways to find out is just start streaming and see what people will comment on. start off with the idea that you're streaming for yourself, make content that you'd want to watch and then see how people respond to it.

>because I look at myself,and I genuinely do feel that I have no skills.
yeah because you've lived your entire life as yourself that you're just used to it. you know your what to expect from yourself and there's no real surprising yourself with a talent or skill. but that's not the perspective everyone else will have. the fastest way is really to get started and start getting feedback.

if it makes you feel better, when i started 8 months ago, the viewers i had for the first 2 months never came back. a handful of people would wander in, chat me up a little just because i was a 0view, and then leave. none of them stuck around, so i took the chance to be experimental while streaming to review my own vods about it. some of it worked, others didn't. and now none of my regulars even know about what i messed up back then because the vods don't exist anymore.

>> No.11781420

Thanks a ton! I think in fear of adding too much and worrying I would overcomplicate the design I went too far the other way. Going to figure out an emblem or something for her collar and nail down the hair/ hair accessories.

This was more helpful than my supportive albeit way too nice friends thanks y'all!

>> No.11782723

Why not just have the Hood on and the hood down but the cloak still attached. Otherwise you wouldnt see the red riding hood theme either.

>> No.11785735

Live2d isn't actually that difficult to figure out of you arent a complete fucking mong. If you should splurge on anything it's the model art.

>> No.11788286

This thread goes up

>> No.11790917
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>> No.11793728


>> No.11794704

do you guys ever do voice training? would some training be a good idea?

>> No.11795440

It's a pretty big buff and often necessary if you're male and not a natural extrovert or are used to speaking a lot

>> No.11798079

Any good sources for this kind of thing? Most of the stuff I’ve found is just like “read stuff out loud!”

>> No.11798233

Doing trimble reps are good even if you don't plan to sing. There's a lot of ways to go about it, if you want acting practice look up tabletop roleplay guides or look up some way to practice improv. If you want just technical knowledge you can look up resources that focus more on voiceover like Booth Junkie.

No matter what though you need to practice it a lot.

>> No.11798420

Thanks for all the advice anon, I guess I'll start streaming and just see where it goes from there. Do you think people would be interested in watching me learn a new skill? I was thinking about streaming learning blender, but I feel like that'd be boring compared to learning an instrument or how to draw.

>> No.11798537

nta but what do you mean by trimble? I could only find something about a guy named Michael Trimble, is that who you're referring to?

>> No.11798582

Yeah, it gets you doing breathing exercises and all the usual stuff you need to know to sing or do voiceover or act. People usually point to his youtube lessons because they're very well explained and easy to do on your own.

>> No.11799242

>if you're male and not a natural extrovert or are used to speaking a lot
welp, I guess I'm going to have to find myself some singing lessons, self teaching never seems to work for me

>> No.11802771

I'm planning to play a game that blends well with my character's gimmick... it's not played by many people but I really like this game. I hope someone notices it. :)

>> No.11804177

This is kind of aspie level shit but I have found what helps me most is when alone driving or whatever pretend I am on a podcast snd interview myself. Or just. Talk?

It really helps you figure out how to just keep talking without stumbling but you also seem like a lonely faggot so

>> No.11804265

Based schitzo anon, I do the same when im practicing my reps

>> No.11805355

even if you were to get professional training, this is exactly what you'd be doing. the only way to get better at speaking is to speak. pay close attention to your lungs, your throat, your cheeks, your lips, where your tongue is, how much you're inhaling and exhaling. all that shit contributes to a certain type of sound. you squeeze your throat and you make one kind of sound, relax it and it makes another kind of sound. get used to talking and pay attention to what your body is doing when it's making certain sounds and adjust as needed if you find yourself not making the sound you want.

everyone has a voice recording app on their phone so you can really do practice anywhere.

>> No.11806276

Everytime i record something in OBS there is like a beeping sound that i have no idea how to stop, it's constant and repetitive

>> No.11806483

open your sound mixer or windows volume mixer and see what's lighting up. it's also possible that you've downloaded some cracked version of an audio tool that's adding the beeps to prevent pirating. but it's pretty much impossible to know without seeing what programs you've got going on when you work with OBS

>> No.11807959

I changed my mic to USB 3.0 and it stopped somehow, anyone knows why?

>> No.11808183

you provide zero information, there's literally nothing any anon here would be able to tell you. problem is fixed so who cares.

>> No.11808319

why so mean

>> No.11812502

I'm two days late, but you still need an iPhone because of the special camera. No webcam will be able to do what FaceID can. I'm guessing you found the HANA tool?

>> No.11813980

There are webcams that can do what FaceID can, the difference is Apple made their special sauce software open for other programs to tap into.

>> No.11814260

>There are webcams that can do what FaceID can, the difference is Apple made their special sauce software
this is being pedantic, but when chuubas refer to FaceID, they're referring to the infrared dot matrix depth mapping as well as the API that feeds the data to VTS. do webcams exist that have similar tech? sure. but is it relevant to the discussion of vtubers? no.

>> No.11815057

>HANA tool
No, I just saw a video of some indie talking about a Unity-related program her rigger used to rig her model's face. I've heard only good things about HANA but I have no idea if I'll need it to get a more expressive model and I'll have to use that other program to give my VRoid sharp teeth anyway.

If there are cameras that can do that I'd like to know. I'd rather not give Apple a cent.
My plan was to buy a stolen iPhone if it was absolutely necessary for it to work but I don't really want to deal with the hassle of finding someone to break into their autistic security measures.

>> No.11815257

>If there are cameras that can do that I'd like to know. I'd rather not give Apple a cent.
none exist for vtubers. that's all you need to know.

if that's not enough for you, here's an equivalent webcam that does what FaceID does from Intel. https://store.intelrealsense.com/buy-intel-realsense-depth-camera-d455.html now good luck finding any developer who has written a program that accepts Intel's API. oh wait, they don't make that accessible by developers.

>My plan was to buy a stolen iPhone
this is retarded. just use a fucking $45 webcam. if you're that strapped for cash, you won't even have the rigging and modeling required to take advantage of iphone tracking anyway.

>> No.11815312

Anon you're very stupid. Please learn the technology before you talk about it.

>> No.11816253

Just buy a second hand iPhone you retard what do you need to "break into". People who understand this little of technology will just be a burden once they actually download OBS

>> No.11816645
File: 163 KB, 1024x576, 20191208_002514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get the courage to start streaming? I tried doing a private stream today and i froze and couldn't speak. Do you have any tips to do before you start that helps you be more relaxed?

>> No.11816680

just keep going live and get used to it over time.

>> No.11817404

Literally just keep doing it until you're desensitized

>> No.11817510

I'm a bit of a boomer, yes. But you see, there are people in my country crazy enough to try and succeed in doing that kind of thing, though I haven't checked yet. Either way, I just wanted to avoid Apple if possible because I've always thought they were a terrible company.

As for HANA tool, it's been a while since I last read on it but if there's another program that I'll absolutely have to use for something else that also does what HANA does but slightly worse, wouldn't it be a good idea to go with that?

It's not about the money but about not giving money to Apple, but I repeat myself.

>oh wait, they don't make that accessible by developers.
Man, that sucks. I guess I'll have to rethink if I really want to use a 3d model as anything but a transitional model.

>> No.11817543

Stop getting hung up on brands. You're just kneecapping yourself because you're susceptible to advertising.

>> No.11817616

You could buy a used iPhone, if it means that much to you.

>> No.11817629

You clearly have no idea what HANA does. And you're still going to have the same problem going Live2D where you'll need an iPhone to do the best tracking. Seriously, read the OP FAQs and do some research instead of being an actual retard while posting.

>> No.11817635

>It's not about the money but about not giving money to Apple, but I repeat myself.
>>oh wait, they don't make that accessible by developers.
>Man, that sucks. I guess I'll have to rethink if I really want to use a 3d model as anything but a transitional model.
jesus christ if you're this much of a bitch about companies you're ngmi. just stop right now and go eat your horse dewormer.

>> No.11817699

Ok, did the test stream, but I realized the stream was super behind me and yt only saved 6 minutes of the 12 i did. Are my settings wrong or is my internet super laggy?

>> No.11817719

>Are my settings wrong or is my internet super laggy?
what are you settings?

>> No.11817847
File: 1.49 MB, 2048x1536, D2431DC1-6C8A-4DA8-8804-AE35790855E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ve been sketching up a design all night and wanted to get some criticism the heavier the better!

>> No.11817921

Haven't changed anything from default OBS.
SEXXXXX i like it

>> No.11817922

pretty generic, but your design doesn't really matter since it'll be your content that makes or break you as a chuuba. might get in trouble with twitch, though.

>> No.11817977

>Haven't changed anything from default OBS.
OBS determines your settings based on your internet connection. so what are your settings?

>> No.11818081

i didn't know about that, where do i check my settings?? sorry, i swear i watched videos about OBS

>> No.11818101

>i didn't know about that, where do i check my settings??
how did you know your settings were "default" go back to the window where you found that out and just take a screencap.

>> No.11818244

>how did you know your settings were "default"
I just meant i didn't touch anything from the settings since i downloaded the program

>> No.11818270

but it literally tells you when you first set it up....

>> No.11818360
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I set it up a long long time ago to film one speedpaint. Sorry for being so dumb I swear it's not intentional.

>> No.11818406

run the start up wizard again. take a screencap of the settings. you can uninstall, delete settings, and reinstall it again.

>> No.11818496

thank you wise anon

>> No.11819789

breasts that hang that low make it look like she's permanently leaning forward.
Personally, I hate 'gimmicky' asymmetry'. I don't mind with jewelery and flourishes on clothes, but wearing only one sock looks stupid to me.
Other than that, if this is just a design, don't worry about the anatomical problems, but the face, the way that the legs look, and the mismatched shoulders filter me hard.
If this is your actual work... Uhhh... You tried!

>> No.11819799

hmm yeah it probably wont matter much in the long run but when it comes to myself im always faster to click on a stream with a chuuba model that i really like when their small so i want to make it as good as possible for the initial draw any advice on how to leave the more generic territory?

also ah didnt really stop to think about what twitch would think about it thanks i’ll try and make some changes there too

>> No.11819832

>any advice on how to leave the more generic territory?
it's a female model so there's no way to avoid being generic unless you're willing to drop the vampire slut look entirely.

>> No.11821146
File: 1.57 MB, 2048x1536, C994800A-4D86-472C-8A30-20351A24BC90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright take 2 would this be better? and yeah the style is kinda fucked since its a very rough sketch just have it like that so that i can change things as fast as possible

mm makes sense since its so overdone well i’d still rather avoid dropping the kind of character i like so too bad i guess

>> No.11821327

Honestly I'm kinda surprised that people like Aqua could stream considering her extreme social anxiety, but I guess you could learn something from her. Maybe don't look at the chat as people?? Although I wouldn't be able to guarantee any good from that

>> No.11821721

NTA but boycotting a brand has nothing to do with advertising.

>> No.11821880

>take 2
Yeah, much prefer it! Especially if this is rough sketch phase

I view chat in general as a singular person. I might talk to some of my regulars one-on-one, but normally, I'm talking to the singular "chat"

>> No.11822512

I'm getting close to getting my model done, and I've picked out the artist and rigger. Now just looking to get all the expressions I want ahead of time:

>big smile

Do you really need other expressions/face sets, with the base tracking for L2D, or is that sufficient? As for animations, I was thinking on getting something I can use as a scene transition (like, reach down, and pull up the bottom of the screen); but I don't think much else is needed?

Anyone got thoughts on what you like seeing/using most?

>> No.11823389

For chuubas with low voices, how do you make the mic pick up your voice? I added some filters to my mic because the noise was afwul but since i naturally talk very low the mic only pics up when i scream.

>> No.11823871
File: 83 KB, 648x936, 1634901777691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you are filtering me in a way I didn't even know was possible. It looks like you can't decide if pander to lolicons that are into kusogakis or coomers that love huge tits, you can't have both. Saw take two and I like the proportions way more on that one. I'll go a little heavy on you because I can see mistakes that I've made. First, straight lines on character reference sheets are a MUST, believe me, it will save you a lot of time and probably a headache. Don't follow the anatomy of the picture to a tee since I just used it to illustrate my point. I feel like the head is too big, the heights between your 3 sketches don't make sense at all, side profile is completely fucked and head should be more forward, again, use a straight line if you need. As other anons said, pretty generic and overdone concept, easier to get lost in the sea of vtuanon, give us something that we can remind you with besides blond slut with horns because theres millions of those in the vtuber tag, reminds me a lot of La Signora from Genshin Impact. But honestly the most important tip and criticism I can give you is to not listen too much to other anons, at least in your creative decisions. Don't change your stupid asymmetrical sock if you don't want to, make something (you) are going to love and something you would want to see, is the same with content. Take things you would like to see and bring them to life, have soul. I believe in you anon.

>> No.11823959

Do you mean quiet?

>> No.11824056

Unfortunately I think the only way to do that is to speak up more

>> No.11824568

Yeah sorry ESL, please andestand
That sucks... i am going to strain my voice that way.

>> No.11825798

Turn the input levels on your mic up until it captures your comfortable speaking voice. That shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.11826220

I see a lot of diamonds. Is that your theme?
I'm trying to understand what you were going for before I give advice.

>> No.11828327

It's good practice to review your vods, right? Do you just watch it in double speed? Cause otherwise I could see that taking a long time to do.

>> No.11829454

Yeah I'm sure it's actually an ethical issue and he found the one phone manufacturer who isn't exploiting workers

>> No.11831920


>> No.11833845

I skip around and see how it was. I don't usually have time to watch a full 4+ hour vod, but skipping around gives a good impression of how I'm doing at filling the space.

>> No.11835232

First check your mic threshold. It may be too high, so it's not picking up your voice without you having to scream into it. Aside from having a noise suppression filter, you may have to manually reduce your noise in the background (running fans, for example). Make sure your voice hits the yellow consistently when you're talking to it.

>> No.11835539
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Sorry for not just asking emu gen but is PS2 emulation reliable for streaming? Would I be better off running burned discs on real hardware even if it's more annoying?

I'm mostly curious if anyone who has done it found any compatibility issues or anything.

>> No.11837360

Jesus. I hope you're actually making it because you sound deranged.

I know it's used to edit the blend shape data on VRoids but I've seen some indies commission artists to do that in Unity as well. Is HANA just that much better and easier?
Because I'll have to go through Unity anyway for the sharp teeth I want to give my model and every tutorial I've seen uses Unity to do that; or misplaced hair but hair is already enough of a hassle to fiddle with it to have it not clip through the face when it moves.

>> No.11837373

Check, some games emulate better than others. Real hardware is always nice imo

>> No.11837558

who are you quoting? and you've already been told what to do. buy used. apple doesn't get money you spend when you buy it off craigslist or ebay. why are you so fucking retarded, anon?

>> No.11837932

Okay, okay.
What do I do about HANA tool then? Or will it be completely wasted if I don't get the iPhone for the facetracking?

>> No.11839983

I feel like VTubing and streaming in general requires a level of basic technical knowledge that you don't have and probably need to learn.

>> No.11840411

you stop. you're not cut out for vtubing. if you have to ask these basic questions throwing out buzzwords left and right thinking you know shit, you're not gonna make it. just stop and leave.

>> No.11840450

you can make it as a pngtuber

>> No.11840480

Little_S has literally done this. but what he makes up for lacking a live2d or 3d model he has an actual personality.

>> No.11840622

yeah, there's also people who have just a literal gif that doesn't move that get 200+
buffs like high end tracking and an expensive model are nice but unless you're willing to spend an extreme amount of money on the highest end everything it wont make up for being boring. There's also sub 20 view streamers who spend thousands on their model.

>> No.11840918

Zylphe since you're still lurking here, you could have done something like this and actually gotten a good model. something worth the $4k from TheArtGun.

>buffs like high end tracking and an expensive model are nice but unless you're willing to spend an extreme amount of money
honestly, the bigger issue i've seen isn't the money. there are plenty of people who have moeny to throw away like Moneybird. but the problem is that they don't even use the assets they spend money on. all those fancy animations? she forgets to use them half the time. expression? unless there's something obviously shocking or sad, she doesn't even trigger the expressions. what's the point in spending all that money when you don't even remember to use the assets?

>> No.11841239

You're not the same guy who was trying to stream on Trovo or some other bullshit platform no one care about, are you?

>> No.11841440

How do you figure out what design to go for? Ive' been playing around with picrew to get something im happy with. Do the others do the same too?

>> No.11841492

i slapped together a generic design and got started streaming asap without caring too much about the design.

>> No.11841646

>good modell
>the Art Hack overpiced samegremlinface

choose one

>> No.11841708

eiuther are better than a faceless and expressionless model used by a mute chuuba who just coughs and sneezes into the mic thinking his nonexistent viewers will donate him akasupas and say bless you in chat.

>> No.11841744

I gathered a bunch of different references from characters with physical traits that I liked and gave that to an artist along with a short description of what I'd like then found an artist with a style I liked and thought could portray the character the way I want. I gave them a bit of creative freedom in since they're ultimately a better char designer than me and I'm really happy with what I got.

>> No.11841810

the crazy part is the one masculine design they did turned out totally different because it's not a sameface anime girl, but no one else has gone to them for one.

>> No.11845512

What kind of character do you want to play anon

>> No.11845693

Well, yeah, I've never streamed but I can always learn.
Right now I'm just looking around to see what are my options to do this and what I need to learn so I can start studying this stuff without taking any useless detours.

Yeah. As I said then, I just don't like Twitch and I'd rather stream there, even as a nowhere platform owned by the CCP or whatever anons said, than Twitch but I might just go on YouTube in the end.
I think that if this is something I want to have fun with I can only make so many concessions until it feels like I'm taking on an actual 9 to 5 wagie job.

>then you're a NGMI
How am I going to even know if I want to make it when I don't like the site I'm streaming on?
I've gone to Twitch to watch the one streamer I like and that's about all I could take of being there. Maybe I will like streaming once I start doing it but I doubt I'm going to like it when I have all the shit Twitch has done rumbling in the back of my head.

>> No.11845982

this is the thought process of someone who has never committed to a hobby in their entire life. they keep telling themselves that they need to do more research and read more about it before ever getting started. they go hard like this for a couple of weeks and then move onto another "hobby" because they never start.

this retarded mindset of "i just don't like Twitch" despite it being objectively the best place to start as a beginning streamer also reeks of bullshit morals and misguided standards that no one cares about other than this delusional chuuba "hopeful"

just stop, you're never going to make it because you'll be second guessing literally every decision you make because you will never be happy unless it's the "perfect" decision based on retarded principles that don't matter.

>> No.11846261

If someone were to meta numbers, what games do viewers want to see that's not a debuff? (Long boring story games or possibly apex)

>> No.11846294
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I think you're probably being overly harsh with them but you're not wrong. People who are that picky over brands for arbitrary reasons are NGMI unless they can get over themselves. Wanting one billion dollar corporation over another because of irrelevant politics is really silly.

I think people need it drilled into them that if you want to go beyond just a surface level consumption of a hobby and actually get into making things you can't really afford to do anything other than a practical mindset. Engaging in brand awareness is for consumers only.

>> No.11846378
File: 68 KB, 418x396, sullygnome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what games do viewers want to see
i genuinely don't know what you're expecting. some magical game that no one on the planet is streaming but has audiences of thousands just waiting for an awkward mouth breathing png who stutters a lot to stream?

>> No.11846441

>People who are that picky over brands for arbitrary reasons are NGMI

I'm not saying you're wrong, but semi-linked to this:
In a streamer discord I'm in, one of the other users was talking about how they were approached by RaidSL about doing a sponsored stream; and didn't know whether to do it. One of the mods said "If you don't play the game, why would you want to do the sponsorship?"; whilst my point of view is "You're gonna get ~$100 for getting five friends to spend fifteen minutes playing through a game they can auto, and then dump that into streaming. Run it as a guerrilla/bonus stream, and they don't even have cause to complain".

Guy checks with his viewers, and comes back with "apparently they're not interested, so I won't"

What's everyone elses thoughts? Would/did you do the Raid sponsorship? I'm completely unashamed about doing it, as it gave me the money to get overlays, emotes, and panels done by someone with skill, rather than being something I kitbashed in paint.

>> No.11846689

>What's everyone elses thoughts? Would/did you do the Raid sponsorship?
my rule of thumb for sponsorships is that i don't participate in them unless i actually like the product itself. i've got a liveable income as a wagie and streaming is a hobby. i could supplement it but selling out for a $300 sponsorship Raid Shadow Legends stream is a waste of community good will.

>> No.11846755

I wouldn't call a sponsorship an arbitrary reason. Also it depends on how your viewers would take it. Doing it as an early preamble for the stream can be fine. As long as you're not using it to wall other content.

If I took one of those mobile game sponsorships I'd just say I'm starting x minutes early for sponsored content then doing the regular stream normally.

>> No.11846873

Yeah. Just be honest, let them know that you're gonna spend 15 mins talking about Raid. Im sure they'll understand that you'll get money for it and if they dont like it they can just skip it until your normal stream.

In the end earning money as a streamer gives you sustainability and independence and im sure your audience will understand it as long as you dont turn all of your streams into a shill stream.

>> No.11847049

A lot of things in life are a balance of transparency and drawing lines. Some of the streamers I watch have been doing it for 10+ years and being genuine and honest about sponsored content and clarifying when and where it will appear is definitely the best way to go about it.

>> No.11847220

>community good will
So one of the streamers I sometimes watch REALLY fucked his up (he did one about a week before I got the offer.
He said, and I quote, "All of you who've said "I'd love to subscribe, but I can't afford it"... Well, each player who completes the tutorial is worth several months worth of subs. Put your minutes where your mouth it"

Now, getting past both the sheer balls to say that live on stream, and the witticism of the comment, that was a pretty fucking major blunder. Thankfully, he was affiliate without prime, so the vod was only up for 7 days. But that soured a few people on him.

>early preamble
Yeah, I did mine as a bonus stream. Normally I do three a week, but I did this one on a day/time I don't normally go live. Everyone gets their normal content, and then this on top.

>15 minutes
As a live stream, *I* had to stream for a minimum of four hours in a single stream (if stream cut out, then that was fine, but I couldn't do it over two streams), and a minimum of 2 hours had to be playing their game.
You also can't say bad things - either say nice things, or don't say anything. But you also have to say one of their canned phrases every 60 minutes through the whole 4 hours.

Honestly, I don't regret doing it.

I am, however, pissed at how few of my viewers did it. I got 15 people total complete the tutorial. 5 of those were IRL friends who know I stream but don't watch, 2 were family members, and 4 were repeats of the previous. Only 3 of my regulars did it. Also, I did it. Some of the repeats might have been me.

I had one regular in my stream the next day saying "sorry I can't sub to you, money's super tight right now, but I can watch you, and I might watch others later". I just felt like saying "great, so are you going to do the fucking sponsorship? It takes LITERALLY fifteen minutes, and will get me $15. That's 6 months of sub payouts (as no cut to twitch), and you've got seven days to do it in.

>> No.11847332

>Put your minutes where your mouth it"
jesus christ. shit you don't say as an indie streamer. you might be able to pull that off as a big name partner as part of an act but god damn.

>> No.11847481

When? I don't think I ever heard Zylphe sneeze before.

>> No.11847522

I know, it was fucking hilarious.

I mean, it's also clever. Because it was said in response to someone, so I don't think it was planned (unless he'd prewrote it, in case it came up), but jesus did it go down like a fucking lead balloon

>> No.11847944

Wouldn't recommend being a Vtuber unless you can fake positivity 110% like most Japanese Vtubers and never ever engage in anything debuffering such as toxic viewers/toxic followers/antis and such nature.
Only reason why people become Vtuber is that 110% they are unsuccessful in life and live in a fantasy that they can be someone but they can't really in the end leading to many graduations and self-imposed endings of selves.

>> No.11849374

>Wouldn't recommend being a Vtuber unless you can fake positivity 110% like most Japanese Vtubers and never ever engage in anything debuffering such as toxic viewers/toxic followers/antis and such nature.

Doesn't apply to indies, they can quite literally do whatever they want and succeed if people find them entertaining

>> No.11849434

Debuff games do not exist. If an audience finds you entertaining they will watch you. People STILL marvel in awe when they see some VTuber doing well playing DBD or Valorant. It's because they like the streamer, not the game. I will legitimately watch a streamer play the most garbage games or even genres I don't really like if they can be entertaining while they do it.

>> No.11849551

That said, there are buff games, and they might surprise you.

I did Dungeon Keeper last month. Went from an average viewership of 6 to 10, was getting raided by the same two or three channels each time, and got a bunch of follows. Probably don't stick around much anymore, they'll just be major fans of that one game, but if I moved into something adjacent, they'd probably show up.

>> No.11849608

Fat chance. They won't make it.

>> No.11849871

That doesn't make it a buff game you just found a few fans, the only buff games are ones that are trending. Things like Jump King when all the big streamers were playing it, GTA if you're doing RP, etc.

>Fat chance. They won't make it.
Tell that to the ones at the top already. They've all engaged toxic viewers, followers, etc by standing up for themselves or making fun of them. The rules don't apply to Twitch chuubas because it's a different audience entirely, especially the bigger ones who have tapped into the bigger Twitch audience as opposed to just vtuber viewers.

>> No.11850024

None of the posters here are at the top. You are shouting into a void of always has been always will be losers that will never be financially successful from streaming.

>> No.11850133

>None of the posters here are at the top.
Doesn't refute the claim that you can do just about anything you want and still be fine in the end as long as people find you entertaining. Bungo Taiga was "cancelled" by hundreds of people and only keeps growing and that's not even taking into account his inflated numbers today.

> losers that will never be financially successful from streaming
I've made a few grand just fucking around and playing games, I'm pretty happy with it. Not everyone is trying to get rich.

>> No.11850268

Show bank statements to prove your claim else you are just preaching conjecture.

>> No.11850557
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This doesn't include Streamlabs donos ($716.35) but here's Twitch over the last year or so.

Again, plenty of chuubas have engaged with asshole viewers, drama, etc and do great. Even the biggest streamers on the platform do it, for some it's content. The only thing people care about is being entertained they don't care what you did outside of that as long as you didn't fuck a kid.

>> No.11850626

>t.bungotaiga poster

>> No.11850677

I don't care for him personally but you can't argue that he's successful despite everything that happened. Viewers don't care.

>> No.11850716

Hes got his oiler that gives him +1000 gifted subs a month, that alone is enough to live off

>> No.11850839

Going by Twitch leaks, I'd say he's made at least 60 grand without the guy in less than 2 years. With him, well over 150k.

>> No.11851571
File: 496 KB, 367x1352, idfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought your base design was cute so I fucked around with what i assume your idea was as a warm up today

I think there are some fun things you could do with the idea even if "Vampire anime girl" is generic. I would recommend at the least using a different type of cut for the boobs rather than generic cleavage shot.

Good luck anon

>> No.11851703

Is it really possible to make it as a PNGtuber if you have a good personality?
I hope so. But well, I won't know unless I try, right? :)
btw, would it be weird to do karaoke streams as a PNGTuber? (I don't sing well but I really like the idea of streaming karaoke weekly or twice a month to practice singing and get better over time and all)

>> No.11851771

my oshi does karaoke and shes not even a png, she only got a background picture of her character design (it is high quality)

>> No.11851770

>Is it really possible to make it as a PNGtuber if you have a good personality?

>> No.11851787

Your drawing is nice but it doesn't capture the feeling of the original.

>> No.11853936

He simply piggybacked off of other Vtubers and had them raid him. YozoraAoi had Sex Appeal. BasedKaz has personality and a few other tubers he collabed with. By himself he really all that great in making content but with others he does ok. Without those Vtubers personally he is no one special.

>> No.11853976

kek, this is peak cope

>> No.11854105

It's not just getting raided, it's the ability to hold those viewers after getting the raid. Could you keep the viewers interested if Yozora raided you?

>> No.11854189

Probably make sex jokes about how a snake is like a dick and appeal to their horny with a Vmodel with bouncy breasts and other othodox sex appeal.

>> No.11854200

>Could you keep the viewers interested if Yozora raided you?
obviously he's gonna say yes

>> No.11854324

>Turning down a sponsorship with a reputable brand
That's fuckin retarded, even if you don't like raid you can use the fact that you've been sponsored by them and other eventual companies to pivot into gettiing sponsorships from brands you actually care about in the future

>> No.11854329

Getting raided is meaningless if you don't have content to back it up. How many times did Spacer receive large raids and retain none of it a few days later? Even I'll admit I've received some damn big ones when I was starting out and only retained a bit of it.

>> No.11854399

>i dont actually watch but yeah dude he totally does this stuff man can you believe him?

Companies don't care who you've been sponsored by, they care about your numbers. Companies also know that they'll literally give Raid sponsorships to people as low as 10-20 viewers and that they aren't an accomplishment. You won't pivot into shit.

>> No.11854412

Obviously its a she

>> No.11854470

He isn't far from the truth however. He makes lewd jokes from time to time.

>> No.11854475

Would be weird for a girl to be bitter about a male streamer

>> No.11854511

>Companies don't care who you've been sponsored by
That's not true at all, If you dont move the needle for shit like raid and prove to those companies that you have a meaningful conversion rate to go along with your viewers than advertisers and companies won't sponsor you.
T.have done sponsored shit for art companies

>> No.11854515

It would be a nice change of pace from the typical male bitching about female for once.

>> No.11854679

A lot of people make lewd jokes from time to time, it doesn't mean 100% of their content is just talking about cum. I don't know why people get so mad about him "leeching" when it wouldn't matter if people didn't just genuinely like him

>> No.11854721

It does happen, they're usually just not as open and dumb as guys. The reason why it seems like guys do it more is because they're more likely to match a stupid whinepost about it openly.

>> No.11854856
File: 3.83 MB, 2478x1490, wye15.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I just post this and males roll in with excuses as to why these males seem to be doing fine, but can't refute the entire list. The copium usually just boils down to "i dont like them so they dont count"

>> No.11854908

>you can use the fact that you've been sponsored by them
this has lost all meaning after the first year it's been around. Raid Shadow Legends sponsorships are automated by twitch, this isn't a flex.

>> No.11854926

I can't stand the red haired dude but I really like Randons content

>> No.11854980

The sponsorship isn't the flex, your conversation rate is. If you can show that you can convert at least 15-20 per 100 viewers into trying out your sponsorship, you can easily pivot that data into approaching companies you actually care about and getting better sponsorships. Thats advertising business 101

>> No.11855029

>your conversation rate is
no one takes raid shadow legends conversion rates seriously.
>15-20 per 100 viewers
if you have 100 viewers, you're well beyond Raid Shadow Legends tier baby's first sponsorship bullshit

>> No.11855101

Hi anons!
I've been wanting to become a chuuba for really long time. I was saving money for a live2d model, but I had to spend it on an emergency. I really want to start streaming and I was thinking to make a vroid model myself until I could comission a live2d one. Is this a good idea or should I just wait a bit longer?

>> No.11855117

Anon companies dont give a shit which companies you're using to convert (as long as theyre not radioactive) as long as you can show you can convert. Companies care about their bottom line and if they think youll get actual paypigs into their products they'll line up but you need to prove it to them via data

>> No.11855140

> 15-20 per 100 viewers
They give it to people as low as 10-20 viewers anon. Zero companies are impressed by a Raid sponsor, aside from maybe another shitty mobile game.

>> No.11855143
File: 185 KB, 394x373, 1574361650881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a test stream, please tell me how i did and what should i improve if you have time.1 hour is as long as I could go before my throat started to hurt. Is there a way to last longer or is it something that's build-up with time?

>> No.11855244

You cute af

>> No.11855282

Cute and ESL? You should just start ASAP, people love cute girls with accents.

>> No.11855401

Finish your transition tranny

>> No.11855414

Have you done streaming before? You should get stream reps in even if you're just a png or vroid. You can even make a new account and just stream whatever to see if you like it. Honestly I would suggest just slapping a png on OBS and trying it if you haven't gotten a handle on streaming yet.

>> No.11855478

Did you even listen the vod

>> No.11855518
File: 50 KB, 500x400, 1605908492039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is something of a male debuff/bias it's just the people complaining about it wouldn't be making it as a girl anyway since they don't have the self awareness or drive to make up for a minor disadvantage. I think the "male debuff" is just you have less room for laziness since you're more scrutinized. I'd compare it to something like starting without being able to make or afford a nice model which is to say not actually a debuff and not actually that big of a deal.

>> No.11855624

>as long as you can show you can convert.
Raid Shadow Legends sponsorships are automated. no one cares about these numbers.

>> No.11855739

Yes! I've streamed plenty of times before, mostly gaming.

>> No.11855776

BUT, MAYBE THE RAIN…isn’t really to blame…
So, I’ll remove the cause…

>> No.11855936

Well then I'd say go ahead and try your hand at a vroid or whatever you like to get started. Just remember to swap out the original textures with something better either on your own or from booth or wherever. Especially the skin and hair textures. Vroids can actually look pretty decent if you do that.

There's lots of good tutorials but you could always DM Picky if you have specific questions about it. She loves vroids

>> No.11855974

I usually just see the male debuff as most of the Vtuber audience pool you have to draw from being interested in female vtubers, so you'll have a harder time bringing in viewers but there's still plenty interested in watching guys.

>> No.11856040

Males just need to know who they're pandering too. Most of the fem vtubers are providing a GFE while males offer that buddy/friend experience to lonely guys

>> No.11856042

Hey I think that's pretty good for a test stream. Your audio levels are a little unbalanced between the duolingo sounds and your voice with duolingo being a little too loud so that's something to look out for next time.
>Is there a way to last longer or is it something that's build-up with time?
Build up with time but also avoiding sugary drinks, drinking lots of water, hot teas with honey and steamy hot showers can all help.

>> No.11856161

I don't think calling it a debuff is exactly accurate it's just what the community decided to call it. I think we're on the same page in that it's more there's a smaller market for guys so you need to be a bit more competitive (or rather there's just more competition built in.)

>> No.11856304

I'll do that then, thank you! I always thought most people don't like Vroids. Transitioning can be a bit of a bummer, but I think it's a better option than commissioning anyone cheap and being displeased with the result.

>> No.11856605

Hey guys, I'm currently waiting on my model to be finished rigging wise, any advice on how i should promote myself via twitter and shit in the meantime? If I draw should I be drawing fanart in the meantime?

>> No.11856756

Anyone heard anything from Phase? Their audition are closing

>> No.11856789

Thank you, I was very nervous about my voice so I was surprised by all the nice comments!
>Your audio levels are a little unbalanced between the duolingo sounds and your voice with duolingo being a little too loud so that's something to look out for next time.
Thank you i didn't notice!! I will fix that for next stream.

>> No.11856798


>> No.11856820

Drawing art of your oc and posting it on #Vtuber #ENVtuber #VtuberUprising etc really helps. You can also do a "Help me unlock my model with X number of followers/retweets" which is pretty scummy, but works most of the times.

>> No.11856864

Well vroids get a bad rep because people leave the default textures or don't understand them that well. I like 3D models and vroids definitely can look really cool.

Poke around vroid hub and you can get some inspiration

>> No.11857007

Ama is playing Earthbound!

>> No.11857020

>Drawing art of your oc and posting it on #Vtuber #ENVtuber #VtuberUprising etc really helps
Oh really? I'll try and post something like that then

As for the model unlock thing, it feels scummy just thinking about it lol but you're prob right

>> No.11859408

>As for the model unlock thing, it feels scummy just thinking about it lol but you're prob right
if you don't want to do it, then don't

>> No.11861199

All those all so pretty! I just made one with some Booth textures as a base adding a bit of my own touch, but compared to the ones people make it still looks quite generic.

>> No.11861313

Don't feel bad especially if you haven't been doing it for long. A lot of those really nice ones people work on for weeks/months.

>> No.11861555

I figure! I probably won't spend that much work on it since it won't be endgame but at least I want to get the concept right so when I transition to a live2d model I don't look like a completely different chuuba

>> No.11861778
File: 420 KB, 612x445, 1607679949338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people start with vroids while they save up for L2D so if you have a concept already it's a pretty good path. LzySusan was a vroid for some months before she got her L2D. So you're on a pretty solid path I'd say.

>> No.11862622

Has anyone actually bothered to do the separate windows profile thing in the opsec guide? Seems overkill unless you used your real name for your PC name.

>> No.11862687

i do. saved me from a dox in a game that i played a month ago. the game is called One Shot, if you're curious.

>> No.11862770

Oh yeah, I guess games like that would straight up desktop dox you. Is there something in OBS you can do to avoid that?

>> No.11862811

>Is there something in OBS you can do to avoid that?
no. because the game uses the windows profile path to dox you. OBS wouldn't do anything to prevent it since the only thing it does is broadcast what is shown to you.

>> No.11864130

>watch vod
>audio normal
>drop in Davinci
>audio deep fried
Any idea why this is happening?

>> No.11864205

I've had similar problems where my audio gets ridiculously designed in davinci and I can't figure out what settings to use to make it not do that
As for why your audio is deep fried I'm not sure; if you open it up in like, windows built in video player does it play fine?

>> No.11864866

Yeah, works fine in VLC. I’d try it in Vegas but they won’t accept MKVs.

>> No.11867645
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>> No.11867748
File: 47 KB, 428x424, 1632548402878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I wanna become a chuuba

I'm stuck in a country where I barely speak the language because I'm a government contractor and having barely anyone to talk to without speaking like a retard is driving me crazy

Should I babiniku or just stay as a guy. I don't even care about money I just want to talk to people

>> No.11867962

...whatever happened with V-Katsu? I know for a long time Kson's model was from V-Katsu, but I only see people talking about VRoid. Is V-Katsu just more limited in customization?

>> No.11868633

Showing as m*le will filter people out of your stream in the first place. They will avoid you. But this means that (the majority of) those that stay will actually be their for your content, not your jiggle.

Being a babi means you'll get more eyes on you immediately, because boobs, but you might lose those who just want a game stream - personally, I've unfollowed streamers when they/chat get too coomerbrain. Also, you'll get the fetishists there who are into fembois/traps/crossdressers, who think that's who you are under the mask. Final point, if you can't do a good girlvoice, then you'll also get lumped in with the alphabet soup people (lgbt, not fbi).

I think babi will give you quicker growth, but coomerbrain chat. If you're doing it to chat with people, then m*le might be the way to go

>> No.11871081

I like your voice and you're doing okay for a complete beginner. You need a better mic though, that's the first thing people notice when they watch your stream. I look forward to your future though!

>> No.11872466

There's actually almost 0 babis people watch. It's a bigger filter than guy in a hoodie.

>> No.11875771


>> No.11877122

any anons have a guide on how to get a consistent theme? i have ms paint tier assets, my backgrounds and schedules are all random stock photos i poorly edited. i want to have a consistent asthetic but don't have the money to pay for designers.

>> No.11877678

Hey, nice to see you're starting! I've been following your Twitter and you seem fun. I hope you can bring that to your streams.
I'm sure you'll get better as you continue and get more comfortable, but I think you look and sound good for now. Do your best and good luck!

>> No.11878148

You either learn to do it or pay up. No other option. That being said, you can get feedback for free here, use it.

>> No.11878211

Character design is really hard I've found. Talking to media savvy artists has helped me a lot. You shouldn't be afraid to get opinions.

>> No.11878425

i already have a character and its a bit generic but it can work with all sorts of assets like those vtuber hand assets on twitter. it's mostly all the other stuff like backgrounds, schedule art and credits scenes.
don't really have the time or patience for that. guess i'll keep what i have now and look for an affordable one when my monthly payout comes through.

>> No.11878482

Character design still extends into development of the character after the exist. If you want just thematic consistency in aesthetic pay an artist to draw up a character bible for you.

>> No.11878507

i already told you, i have a character already. that's not what i'm looking for.

>> No.11878535

Bro are you fucking dumb

>> No.11878578

you keep talking about unrelated shit. i HAVE A CHARACTER DESIGN. stop talking about character design, i don't care.

>> No.11878640

Maybe there's an advice thread in your native language that can help you better rude ESL.

>> No.11878699

>ask a question
>gets an unrelated response
>why are you so rude at accepting my unrelated response?
no wonder everyone hates /asp/ you're all fucking retarded

>> No.11878732

>dont know what words mean
>get angry when you're confused
>wonder why you get called retarded

>> No.11878954

Retard character design doesn't just mean what it looks like you ESL fuck

It's an overall theming term that you don't understand and therefore should research before you try vtubing faggot

>> No.11879000

Maybe you should learn reading comprehension and what words mean anon

>> No.11879907

>/asp/cordfags start rushing in to defend the thread
even more fucking pathetic

>> No.11879945

You two better make up right now. This is supposed to be a happy place to support each other. Cmon anons, you can do better than this.

>> No.11879991

Just learn to read or go ask twitter for help if you need ESL faggot it's not that hard

>> No.11880028
File: 14 KB, 251x262, 1610573678738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm grumpy and hate when people say stupid things with 100% confidence

>> No.11880125

It's allright stepping back it's not that hard, all it takes is someone to do it first.

>> No.11880251
File: 2.60 MB, 728x728, 1634847854433.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize for namecalling but they should be more willing to understand what people are saying if they're asking for advice instead of immediately getting upset because they didn't get spoonfed hard enough

I'll be nicer from now on. I'm just shifting my frustration because I'm trying to figure out a solution to missing a nut for my shock mount I thought I got a good deal on

>> No.11880496

If there's another similar one on there you could take it to a hardware store and find one with the same pitch for pretty cheap. If the manufacturer isn't a total fly by night they would probably send a replacement if you explained and asked.

>> No.11880725

It's okay, I personally understood what you meant but it wasn't that obvious. It's normal for people to be defensive /here/ where most anons will criticize you for literally anything.
>I'm trying to figure out a solution to missing a nut for my shock mount I thought I got a good deal on
Did you lose it yourself or was it missing from the box? In any case, try contacting the seller. Pretty much what >>11880496

>> No.11881508

Thanks for the encouragement! I will open commissions to save for a mic!
Thank you. I have tons of ideas for streams i can't wait to try, but i need to get more comfortable with my english first.

>> No.11881615

I got it used and didnt notice. A replacement one is like $20 somehow at which point I might as well just go buy a tap and die set

>> No.11881839

Anon I think your voice is soft and comfortable I would judt suggest some quiet lofi or soft bg music to fill any dead air!
Very cute voice though

>> No.11882136

If you don't wanna spend more money maybe you can try some wacky DIY solution like using a slightly bigger nut and gluing it. It might ruin the setup but better than just storing it away forever.

>> No.11882628


There's a couple more, I forgot

>> No.11882662

Aren't Bungo and Feef just femboys

>> No.11882748

feef's bio literally says babi
he just has a voice that fits the model

>> No.11882903

I have odds and ends so I'll figure something out I just don't want to fuck up the boom arm. Worst case I'll modify the shock mount since that's already pretty well used.

>> No.11882977

Why does /a/ hate chuubas so much? I thought weebs were the main audience for them

>> No.11883056

Because they like anime and hate whores and every streamer and entertainer is a whore of some degree. and also it breaks the magic.
Basically this but anime

>> No.11883242

there's a difference between a live streamer just playing games and a scripted, pre-rewritten and recorded anime character that goes through a plotline.

>> No.11883684

>vtsings in the chat

>> No.11886262

Anyone here used a Genki Shadowcast before? It seems like a really low cost solution for HMDI capture, but it sounds almost too good to be true.

>> No.11886335

first thing i came across when googling this is a kickstarter which is a huge red flag for me
