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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11650432 No.11650432 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, I just saw this and her model mogs every single holoshit one into oblivion. Great facial tracking and fluidity of motion. Her defunct corpo model looks like a lifeless puppet in comparison. She made a great choice leaving that technologically backwards company. No longer bound to their crappy tech and subpar riggers.

>> No.11650529
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hey man, im just like, trying my hardest at riggin yknow

>> No.11650631
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ohh nyoooo

>> No.11650823

I still prefer the old one. It was a more colorful LA CREATURA with a tail. Now she is just vanilla Yakuza anime girl with vanilla light colors.

>> No.11650877

bad taste

>> No.11651146
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>just vanilla Yakuza anime girl
for one, that's probably one of the least common anime archtypes. secondly yakuza never dress like this ever, this is bosouzoku style
and uhh yeah cause there's millions of those like... uhh... that one... from that show... yeah... you know, the show that exists....

>> No.11651182
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Rhombus Rigger

>> No.11651268

How the fuck is that yakuza?

>> No.11651284

yeah im sure she was totally given enough time and budget to make a proper model for risu, cause we all know cover is generous... that's why their talents pay out of pocket for literally everything and STILL have to give a cut of all their profits.

>> No.11651296

>least common anime archtypes
Literally Kunieda Aoi with glases

>> No.11651303
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>and uhh yeah cause there's millions of those like... uhh... that one... from that show... yeah... you know, the show that exists....
Are you a zoomer, perhaps?
Hell, it was still a popular archetype spawning an entire genre of live action/tokusatsu.
Hell, the fuck do you think the whole plot of Kill la Kill coming from?

>> No.11651343

it's called being a zhang, you don't know what anything is because you're behind a great firewall and can't actually know jack shit about japanese cultural groups, so everything "rebellious" is "yakuza".
they didnt cover it in the bilibili videos.

>> No.11651361

You okay OP?

>> No.11651429
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Yup, currently binging Reconguista in G. Pretty underrated Tomino show, really.

>> No.11651436

>Kunieda Aoi
yeah man ONE chick from 10 years ago, SUCH a fucking common trope.
holy shit are you fucking retarded. there were 6 dragon girls THIS YEAR in anime, and like 20 dragon vtuber debuts. name ONE bosouzoku character or vtuber from the last 3 years even.

>> No.11651647
File: 309 KB, 328x770, Yuki_Takamiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the main characters from a popular game release last year.
Sukeban girl/Banchou characters just got rare because of the said generation of delinquent growing up and the next one instead of being more of an anti-authority, counterculture group, it becomes more vicious into outright teenage prostitution ring or just normal bullying. With smartphone anywhere, no one wanted to be recorded being that kind of delinquents.

>> No.11651703

I would not be proud to admit to being that schizo.

>> No.11651778

bosouzoku styles did have some overlap with delinquent styles but they have a lot of major differences. also bro those series are live action mostly, and all from like the fucking 70s and 80s. you're really gonna say that's even kind of relevant to anyone on the internet? lol imagine thinking "disco" is "common" by todays standards.

>> No.11651889

still conflating teenage delinquents in general with biker gangs i see. even combining them you have to reach. that should show you how rare it is, and yet you just wanna keep going. meanwhile there were no less than 15 dragon girl characters on mainstream popular anime airing on television this year, and at least 2-3 in almost every major mobile game for the last 5-10 years. but please talk about what's "generic"

>> No.11652169

>got rare
therefor not common anymore. thanks for proving the falsehood in your own argument. no one gives a shit about 40-50 years ago.

>> No.11652271

It's just banter and shitpost, really. If Kson went well with her indie route then good for her. Watching chuuba isn't my main past time or anything...
>what's "generic"
And just because it got rarer nowadays doesn't mean it's not generic. Maybe if it was something following the style of Leiji Matsumoto's Starsha or Maetel then maybe it would be less generic instead of a popular tropes still being referenced in 2019-2021

>> No.11652578

Guess what, based on the Collab yesterday the rigger mention that she is still not done with her yet. She plan to add more.

>> No.11652662
File: 752 KB, 489x581, s65g1e961j65g164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck do you think generic means my dude?
not only do you ignore that none of these use biker style, which is more than just "be a tough girl" but specifically is overly flamboyant and has tons of additional personal details, but even then the characters are themselves fairly unique because they are very specific and don't share traits with many characters other than the other once-in-ten-years characters which take inspiration from them.

>> No.11652736


>> No.11652987
File: 154 KB, 736x1052, 3afb27ae6fa7b4e0d19732971991599c--alternative-comics-mecha-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not only do you ignore that none of these use biker style, which is more than just "be a tough girl" but specifically is overly flamboyant and has tons of additional personal details, but even then the characters are themselves fairly unique because they are very specific and don't share traits with many characters other than the other once-in-ten-years characters which take inspiration from them.
generic is generic, dude. Ishikawa's mecha design is iconic for combining both the early tube-like proportions and enough spikes and edges to stand out among Jeeg or Mazinger. The whole Getter spawned enough of variations of similar designs, a more famous example would be the Buster Machine that I would still call something following that kind of designs generic if it was released this season.

Hell, both Bosozoku and sukeban/banchou style stuff already got a resurgence with Tokyo Revenger.

>> No.11653021

Made me give up entirely on Cover. Thx m8

>> No.11653157

so literally all vtubers are generic then, with the exception of like maybe 1 or 2 of them.

>> No.11653465
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>so literally all vtubers are generic then, with the exception of like maybe 1 or 2 of them.
Yeah, do you think any of them are actually "unique" character designs? Hell, if you evaluate them fairly, most of chuuba designs fit into your typical character designs for eroge or otome stuff.
Generic large eyes woman with post 2010s moe aesthetic or generic ikemen post 2010s with variations in style. Something more along the like of YAS's semi-realistic character like pic related would probably stand out way more than most of current roster of chuuba from a character design standpoint.

>> No.11653559

Not only did this take a lot of time and money but it was a passion project for everyone involved. Your bait doesn't have much edge to it anyway because Keffiy's Coco 2.0 was a top tier model in its own right.

>> No.11653603

some parts of the rigging stretch uncannily, like they were trying too hard

>> No.11653797

nah that looks generic to me, literally every anime woman from the 70s looked like that. harlock, lupin, gundam, even tons of shit now takes from that. daft punk had a whole series of videos in that style.
no vtuber will ever be unique by your standard unless they make their own artstyle and character design not based on any historical or modern character archtypes or artstyles.
i mean it doesnt matter that this is probably the first biker gang vtuber that anyone on /vt/ has heard of, someone from 40 years ago made some shows about something kinda like it so it's not unique.

>> No.11653919

Obviously because she made so much money off Hololive she has enough pay for a good model. Probably cost her thousands of dollars overall.

What is Kson aka Coco's schtick anyways?

Being an ""American"" making fun of America (even though she hasn't been there in over a decade)?
Being a ethot showing off her boobas?
Swearing and being a """bitch""" onstream?

I don't get it.

>> No.11654103

she is the comical archetype of an extrovert gaijin that love japanese stuff.

>> No.11654124

>literally every anime woman from the 70s looked like that. harlock, lupin, gundam, even tons of shit now takes from that. daft punk had a whole series of videos in that style.
Then you are fucking retarded. Monkey Punch's style is different from Leiji's which is different from YAS's. Just comparing Fujiko vs Emeraldas, for example. Notice the focus Leiji put on his female eyelashes and conveying more of a willow-like, lithe sihoullete vs Monkey Punch's comically absurd curves. Or compare any City Hunter/Cat's Eyes women vs YAS's. Despite both following more "realistic" style, Hojo's chars have wider shoulder and generally more thicker limbs than YAS's who put more focus on the eyes and portraying the character leaner.
Daft Punk got that design for Interstellar 5555 because they got Leiji working on it in the first place.

>> No.11655030
File: 189 KB, 1462x1462, 1237894641243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"pic related would probably stand out way more than most of current roster of chuuba"
Are you a feminist, by any chance?
Male body, below average fashion (shirt and vest really? in grey and magenta holy kek), granny era hairtyle, and stuck up face. You really think THAT design would stand out among current chuuba? You can't be serious..

>> No.11655168
File: 146 KB, 675x1000, __kei_yuri_and_mughi_dirty_pair_and_1_more_drawn_by_yasuhiko_yoshikazu__46c20d91132027341395f93517169012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a feminist, by any chance?
I know /vt/ is full of zoomers but I would at least expect you guys to know who YAS Yasuhiko is. Don't tell me you never watched Dirty Pairs as well because holy shit, most JP chuuba probably mogs most of you in anime taste.

>> No.11657310

Stop responding to bait

>> No.11658096
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>> No.11658169

To be fair, the rigging is not that good. When she moves her head, the upper part of her torso starts to stretch a little bit, like a png that's being stretched in photo editing tool. Looks very unnatural to my eye.

>> No.11659519

Trump should have revoked her citizenship while he was in office. That is the entirety of kson's schtick. She's a menopause Finana

>> No.11659545


>> No.11659555

Am I the only one who thinks their outfits are hilarious as fuck? Like, who'd ever think that's dangerous or threatening? They look like fucking clowns

>> No.11659568

>She's a menopause Finana
I'll end her menoupause

>> No.11659710

>Holy shit, I just saw this
No you didn’t and your oshi would be a literal 2view without YAGOO’s massive dick in her sexual history

>> No.11660706

Theres obscure indies with better rigging than that.
Gura has one of the shittiest riggings ever.
Meaning, that shit doesnt matter at all.

>> No.11661294
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>> No.11667525
File: 1.36 MB, 723x675, 51hg9ae1g3dfg8a4e651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not necessarily meant to be threatening, it's meant to be expressive. they often put slogans or sayings. they are "gangs" but most of them just loiter around and make noise. think of them more along the lines of greasers, punks, or anarchists.
their intent is just to say "fuck society" because they had trouble fitting in. they rebel against japanese norms

>> No.11670564

but it costs a lot

>> No.11674802


>> No.11674828

Does she speak English? No? Don’t care then.

>> No.11674953

Underage detected
