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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11603244 No.11603244 [Reply] [Original]

what are the things that makes you jealous about other's vtubers/fanbases?
what are some qualities that other chuubas has that you want your oshi to have?

>> No.11603285
File: 142 KB, 324x438, 1634146533210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you call someone your oshi if you didn't think they were perfect? Do other fans actually have to deal with imperfect oshis? That sounds sad as fuck.

>> No.11603320
File: 46 KB, 276x138, 1632142765830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm jealous of any chuuba that doesn't regularly destroy her throat.

>> No.11603336

i want my oshi to be rich, i will rob a hundred banks for her

>> No.11603374

Gura numbers
Ayame cuteness
FBK camaraderie
Pekora adaptability

>> No.11603385

Toxic mindset, if you truly loved your oshi it wouldn't be because you think she is free of imperfections, but because her imperfections endear you more to her.

>> No.11603426

There is no imperfect oshi. There are only fanbases with no tastes.

>> No.11603443

Kiaras outgoing personality and her talent to make everyone happy...

Lmao just fucking kidding my oshi is 100 times better than any whore, like she shits on 99% of them specially compared to the low tier ones like kiara and indie/nijiggers

>> No.11603450

Based and truthpilled

>> No.11603687
File: 68 KB, 813x840, goslina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloods & bones i love my oshi the way she is
but sometimes im jealous of turkeyfags, the way their oshi display her /u/ power level
i want my oshi to be more honest to herself just like reine, i want my oshi to show her dykeness more.
everytime there's a /u/ thread these turkeyfags always flex about how dyke their oshi is, cocksuckers always rubbing it in on my face

>> No.11603781

its ok irys, you need to beleb yourself

>> No.11603965

If you like an imperfection, it isn't an imperfection retard. You aren't as smart as you think.

>> No.11604006

I just want to say I made this pekora. I love it and i'm glad you're all using it.

>> No.11604078

I wish she streamed more

>> No.11604204

>hurr it doesn't matter what the person I love thinks, only what I think
>You aren't as smart as you think.
Yeah, you'd best remind yourself that, and often.

>> No.11604394 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 822x613, the ayames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one?

>> No.11604495
File: 126 KB, 822x613, the ayames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one?

>> No.11604591

Haaton here, I just wish she cared more. Understand that she's going to college and is putting vtubing second, but use twitter and update us, it hurts how Marine and Subaru were destroyed by having to take time off yet Haato can't even update on twitter when she's going to fuck off for 2 weeks. Making me wish I didn't get attached to her in the first place.

>> No.11604656

I imagine she thinks it's better to just say sorry than deal with backlash or banal platitudes like
>enjoy your time off Haa-chama! We'll be waiting for you patiently
and shit.

>> No.11604740

I hate to see nijifags having fun so i have to shitpost about their oshis

>> No.11604759

I think my oshi is perfect but I wish she was more loved. That her fans had immense drive to make wonderful things, you know? Me included.

>> No.11604877

Who's your oshi anon

>> No.11604932
File: 56 KB, 270x283, pray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi
>literal perfection
other people's oshis
>okay I guess, but they don't mute their stream when they sneeze
just once, unmute, free me from having to imagine what it sounds like when you mute and i see your live2D silently sneeze 3 times in a row, it's probably the cutest sound on earth

>> No.11604939

I never said that and you don't have a better retort than to use mine against me, neck yourself.

>> No.11604986


>> No.11604989

I wish my oshi called me a loser and hated my guts. Then I can maybe enjoy her more.

>> No.11606562
File: 375 KB, 850x1202, 19B6FC4E-6260-4BC6-8FAE-6AE114B156E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. She's perfect.

>> No.11606654
File: 315 KB, 2500x1750, Lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only quality that I want my oshi to have is more confidence in herself. She's witty and entertaining and obviously has the makings of someone who could succeed in a large corporation. The only thing that I get jealous of is the Holo-tubers is their view count. I want my oshi to pull in those numbers and rake in the supa chats. She deserves it.

>> No.11607873

I'm honestly surprised that some people hurt when they can't do their hobby, and it made me come to the realization that I have no real hobbies

>> No.11608085

>what are some qualities that other chuubas has that you want your oshi to have?
The fuck? If i oshi someone that Mean i like them as themeself, why would i want them to be a Copycat and ruin their own personality?

>> No.11608906

I'm jealous of ayamefags, at least they have time for their own life while watching few streams a month. And here I am, watching streams everyday and wasting my time, i can stop it

>> No.11608949

*I can't stop.

>> No.11609391
File: 36 KB, 460x349, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished she stopped being an autist and goes back to collabing with Miko-senpai. Seeing the top 2 streaming Vtuber in the world being at odds just makes me sad and disappointed. I can only imagine how far they could go by planning stuff together.
Imagine you and your best friend reach the top 5 in the world at something, like a sport, but you start hating each other when if you worked together, you could literally become top 1.
I know we like to meme about it with multiple Pekomiko "What happened to them" thread a week, but I see wasted potential.

>> No.11609853

wrong thread, anonchama

>> No.11612504

They have convenient scapegoats to shift blames to.

>> No.11612814

I just wish she played better games. She has a habit of playing a good game maybe once and then finishing it off stream or just dropping it entirely, but will play debuff games all the time.

>> No.11613057

My oshi is perfect with her imperfection, I love everything about her.
I wouldn't change anything but I welcome any changes SHE wants, I support her regardless... Unless you're an Ayame cuck, I'll gladly spit on your grave once you're gone cunts.

>> No.11613641

saying words in my native language so i'm happy that she doesn't hate my own kind
