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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11589936 No.11589936 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11589984

I never had anything against her though

>> No.11589988

No way fag
t. deadbeat

>> No.11590046
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I don't even think about her. Being condescended to was never my fetish.

>> No.11591400

She hasn’t done anything that requires forgiveness

>> No.11591402

mori has always been the worst EN for being unintentionally rude or neglectful but i've been finding myself forgiving her and enjoying her karaoke streams lately.

>doesn't know chester died

nvm i hate mori now. i have to respect how disconnected from the internet she is.

>> No.11591462

for what?

>> No.11591489

>invokes Kobe Bryant
>falls a great distance

>> No.11591490

No, I once again had to turn off a collab because her of all people decided to buy a monitor with a nonstandard aspect ratio. Couldn't get OBS to work with the nonstandard aspect ratio. And told chat that fixing it in the nvidia control pannel "sounded too hard".
Why couldn't she just buy a standard monitor if she's too lazy to learn how to stream EVEN AFTER A FULL YEAR OF DOING THIS FOR A LIVING.

>> No.11591514
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who is this >we? are you french or some shit?

>> No.11591609

She introduced me to my oshi, Milkyqueen. I forgive Calli for any and all infractions.

>> No.11591652

This, all it took was watching 1 stream of hers where she was being a fucking bitch and condescending to chat and I dropped her.

>> No.11591684

What stream was that?

>> No.11591717

opinion discarded

>> No.11591729

I have never watched a solo stream with her and tune out whenever she speaks in collabs

>> No.11592370

????? what'd she do?

>> No.11592440

What did she do that's so bad

>> No.11592499

You are acting like chat was in the right? I don't like Mori, but chat in any stream is always fucking retarded.

>> No.11592713

For what? Being an aloof whore?

>> No.11593320


She used to not care about Holo, her senpais or genmates, the latter she cared a bit more than the fomer. She only wanted to use her newfound fame to shill her friends: MilkyQueen (who fucking deserved the shout out and got it) and her indie rapping ''friends'' who conviniently started contacting her more after hearing she was famous, but thanks to the autistic JP management she couldn't shill her rapper friends, which caused them to leave again apparently telling calli she no longer had the sovl of an indie rapper, in short, the leeches couldn't leech.

So now after that she realized she has a place in Hololive, she still has some rapper friends who are proud of her and also goes out with her senpais and Irys IRL from time to time.

My schizo side tells me that her rapper friends started talking smack about Hololive, management, her senpais and genmates when she repeteadly gave news that her collab project with them got a NO from management and Calli being the wigger who wanted to fit in with the cool indies just went with the flow, causing her to be an uninterested bitch to her senpais, you know, just like when a fucking twitter retard starts hating on Holo or Niji just because they read a post from the ''edgy cool guys'' on VT.

>> No.11593489

she put an unprecedented and still unmatched level of effort into her debut and has continued to for a whole year, inclining and trying new things where her genmates have faltered, and (You) still genuinely think there was ever a period where she didn't care

>> No.11593668

Man, she can care about her own career, which she did alright, releasing music and doing what you said, what i'm talking about is her Senpais and Hololive, some times her genmates, it almost felt like she wanted to be a solo act, she started progresively caring about those two, but you cannot tell me she cared 100% from the start for anything apart of her own music career as mori.

>> No.11593729


>> No.11593776

>She used to not care

>> No.11593822

Her Japanese is dog shit and she's a shy, introverted person. If you've ever been in that situation where you're already self conscious about your skill in a language and you're trying to talk to a native speaker, it's kind of intimidating and embarassing to constantly be second guessing your speech and whether or not you make sense or sound like a dumbass.
As for her genmates it's a two way street made more difficult by the rest of them living on the opposite side of the world. Some people work better as a solo act and trying to force themselves not to be just makes things worse.

>> No.11593856

Her job isn't just promoting her own solo rap career.
You can't fucking deny that a shitload of her collabs have been a disaster because she didn't put in the 10 minutes required to prepare for the stream.
Around April this year she kept ruining collab after collab for fans of other chuubas.

>> No.11593985

Promoting her music career under Hololive directly promotes Hololive and makes them money. She produces the songs out of her pocket with her own connections, literally all they give her is exposure, and she's helped build the brand more than any other EN except maaaaybe Gura who got lucky rather than put in the work like Mori.
>she kept ruining collab after collab for fans of other chuubas
Lmfao close your fucking eyes if she works you that hard you fucking mark

>> No.11594037


Seriously, grow some thick skin. Holy shit you guys sound whiny when you complain like that.

>> No.11594068

I liked her for the most part up until June with a few misgivings here or there, but after the rough patch at the beginning of the month she's been on a hard incline and I don't really have anything to complain about these days. I think HoloDeath is a good example, I'd have dreaded that collab if that was Mori back in, say, May, but I figured it would be fine and it actually turned out to be a really fun collab.

>> No.11594106

>beginning of the month
Beginning of that month, I meant to say, meaning June.

>> No.11594118


Mori might make mistakes but she works her ass off and has genuine talent.
Stop treating these Vtubers like GFE's and treat them like human beings instead.

>> No.11594191

>She used to not care about Holo, her senpais or genmates

It wasn't hololive, she didn't care for idols and idol culture in general.

>> No.11594215
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Here comes the deadbeat discord white knight brigade. Like clockwork. Can't wait for them to spam their copypasta.

>> No.11594246


This is true, a bunch of faggots by default color the category of the chat, but you can see just what context the Vtuber chooses to characterize the chat with by how they interact. If I get the sense that the theme of the room is for the tuber to treat the chat like paypigs or take out their aggression from daddy issues, I bounce. It's a niche market that filters out those it's not for and I respect it from a distance. I'm here to have a silly goose time not get femdommed

>> No.11594382
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You can say what you want, but I don't see any arguments bro.

>> No.11594392 [DELETED] 

I just have this image she's overweight and has like blue or pink hair with blm feminist stuff everywhere. I literally haven't watched a single stream of her because of this view formed only from hearing her when watching others.

>> No.11594405

Incredible stuff man

>> No.11594407

I follow Mori peripherally but I distinctly remember the Cuphead collab where her own day 1 members were trying to warn her the speed of light exists and it just wouldn’t work and she ignored them and didn’t even bother to test it. In general the level of professionalism and tech savvy among Hololive is pretty poor but that was notably bad even grading on a curve. I sort of dropped her for a while after that but she’s improved quite a bit since then.

>> No.11594421


>> No.11594489 [DELETED] 

Roomate is blonde, nice hourglass shape and big tits, she is kinda a SJW yes, you hit the spot on that at least.

>> No.11594490

There's a difference between chat being retarded and chat being in the right and the streamer refusing outright to take advice from chat and being a bitch to them because SHES right, Ame does this a lot too which is why I haven't been watching Ame outside of karaokes or collabs and even then she's off to burnout lala land.

>> No.11594520

That's some heavy 2015's projection right there

>> No.11594645


>> No.11595366 [DELETED] 


>> No.11595721 [DELETED] 

You can literally google it anon....

>> No.11595795

people still watch Mori? Kinda pointless with Kronii being a thing

>> No.11595863


>> No.11596840

So incredible tranny jannie deleted it along with a reply to it

>> No.11597330

>Search up MilkyQueen
>Design seems familiar
>Wonder where she's from
>3rd result is "Flick the Future"

Also is there any sauce for her rapper "friends" leaving her or is that just a rrat

>> No.11597577

>Also is there any sauce for her rapper "friends" leaving her

>> No.11597718

It's not a rrat. She talked about it.
Also it's fucking hilarious because deadcucks kept calling it a rrat around the time when she was touring with a bunch of faggots that showed up to ride on her coattails. Before she talked about it.

>> No.11598586

I'm glad all that happened, Mori 2.0 seems way more interested and is actually having fun.

>> No.11598832

>the leeches could'nt leech
I don't watch Calli but i can say that this is my first time in a while seeing management doing something relatively good for EN.

>> No.11599008
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I’ll never forgive her and never watch her outside of a collab.

>> No.11599044
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She was on trash taste. I dont care about collabing with male vtubers like playing games or whatever, but this was completely different and imo had the potential of completely ruining something that i like. I remember how after that podcast, a bunch of people (mostly reddit and twitter fags) wanted to see other Holo members on that show (like Coco for example), and encouraging collabs with Connor (some still do), and GGk.

>> No.11599114

That collab happened because Kadokawa insisted on it for Cover to gain shilling contracts. They're paid kadokawa shills.
Also Calli stayed friends with them ever since because they're all shitty expats that bonded over their mutual hatred of Japanese culture.

>> No.11599356

Who is chester?

>> No.11600548

>their mutual hatred of Japanese culture
lol, no.
me too.

>> No.11602077

The bathroom incident.

>> No.11603607

I think you have some problems dude

>> No.11603943

opinion disregarded retard

>> No.11606098

Kronii is boring as fuck. People might compare them a lot but they have two completely different energies, senses of humor, and personalities in general. Kronii isn’t an upgrade, she’s just something different and I don’t particularly enjoy that something.

>> No.11606439
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There was nothing to forgive

>> No.11608028

I'm kinda glad that most of the other vtubers from holo stayed away from them other than....yknow....Ollie

>> No.11608243

Every single "criticism" of her from this trash pile boils down to this. You niggers are still assblasted about this podcast, that's why everything she says or does aggravates you.
