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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11587149 No.11587149 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11587234

>mumei can't come doesn't explain, /vt/ rrats
>ame can't come, tommy hertz
>chikin voice will be omnipresent during meetings
>generally boring with no funny interaction or arguments

>> No.11587347

Tourists not doing catalog reps

>> No.11587724

Mumei doesn't show up while notifying Kiara at the last possible moment without telling her the reason.
Collab is delayed by 90 minutes because Calli can't get shit to work. Spends the rest of the game mumbling autistically.
Gura pretends she's assblasted for the content. Her autistic white knight cumbuds think she's serious and harass the other holos on twitter. Gura has to tell them to stop during her next stream and doesn't collab for a few months after it because she's scared it will happen again.
Amelia doesn't care and says jack shit during the entire collab because she's too cool for Among us and doesn't want to be there.
Kiara starts seething more and more during the collab because of all of these events. Has a breakdown during her next donation reading and cries because "nobody likes her" and "nobody appreciates the work she puts in".
Irys genuinely has fun and has a great time.

>> No.11587874

They will play Amogus

>> No.11588001

They choose the most boring maps

>> No.11588040

Someone isn't going to show up has to get replaced with Ollie and Reine

>> No.11588077

I hope it's Fauna and Mumei

>> No.11588082

Mumei won't be there
Ame won't be there
Council won't say anything during meetings
45 minutes of technical difficulties

>> No.11588133

They choose the wrong amount of imposters.

Someone end up being imposter way too many times

>> No.11588695

the only ones that seem right are ame and irys. kys for everything else

>> No.11588884
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>not forming a 50 member english speaking team for gundam online wars using chubas from Id, Niji en/ed, tsunderia, and prism project to go up against a cross agency team of jp chubas
>not doing 4v4s in gundam battle operation 2
>not doing a smash tournament
>not training amiibos for smash and commentating on an amiibo tournament
>and minecra
It's time. Crash the market.

>> No.11589213

>Both EN Gens means twice the amount of tech issues
>Kiara will go full german authoritarian
>Ame will be silent till detective moment
>Gura will get bullied, chumkeks enraged
>Kiara and Bae will have a screeching contest to see who has the most annoying voice
>Irys will team up with Ina
>Someone will get imposter too many times
>Calli potentially rages again
>Cringe teetee moments will possibly happen from Council first spreading throughout
>Kronii will either be a terrible lier or the best
>antis will either spam all channels or one specific channels
>KFP, Chumkeks, Irsytocrats, and Kronies will feature in a contest on being the worst fanbases during this collab
Alright that's all i can think of so far, maybe more to come

>> No.11589315

fuck off.

>> No.11589654

someone will chimp out

>> No.11590507

last few rounds they do shots just like the JP girls

>> No.11591866

Someone ditches
Omega is a replacement
Omega forget to turn mic off
Male voice is heard
Shit show still happens, even though we all knew

>> No.11592228

I will not watch the VOD unless there is Gura rage

>> No.11592472

gura will get ptsd will be quite all collab

>> No.11592568

There wasn't any real Gura rage the first time.

>> No.11592650

The fuck are you talking about. She was pretending she was seething because she was dead for most of the stream.
Her chumbuds thought she was serious and harassed Amelia and Iofi on twitter.
She had to tell them she was pretending to be mad for the content and to stop being retards and leave her colleagues alone the next stream.

>> No.11592955

That is what I was saying. Gura was never actually mad. Bored maybe but not mad.

>> No.11593194

>Fauna: "Come on Kronii, throw away the chicken shit gun, you don't just want to pull the trigger, you want to put the knife in me, and look me in the eye, and see what's going on in there when you turn it, that's what you want to do, right?"

>> No.11593318

>Bae will be miko, always dying first or getting voted off
>Mumei will dump her rp to become botan
>Irys stream will be so bright it'll even make Sana's png look white

>> No.11593752

they were greyname among us autists sent by sykkuno. they're always harassing people.

>> No.11593941

>50 member gundam online wars
That is the most based suggestion ever anon.

>> No.11595886

One or more will mess up joining the session and the collab will have a rough start or be delayed at least 10 minutes.

Someone will get disconnected and will have to wait doing nothing or the rest will close the session and start over if it was starting a new game.

They will just play 3 games, because having so many people and timezones someone can't stay more than one and a half hours, or Mumei will run out of battery to keep playing and everyone will end it too because of her.

>> No.11596219

We know how EN1s are at amogus already generally so nothing new to talk about there.

Will be loud and annoying and bad at the game and die 1st/2nd quite often. Would be outed almost immediately if she got imposter.

Will either die instantly or actually be clever and manage to hold out long. I can see her being very inquisitive as a crewmate and helping figure things out. Would be a good impostor I think.

Legitimate not-acting, actually-autistic rage seems quite possible when arguing/debating things. Doesn't seem like she'd be a particularly clever crew or impostor, probably middle ground but might have the most quotable lines of the collab easy.

Will just be laughing and going "ooh noo too bad :)" or "oops I died :)" and not really care about anything. Would be guessed quickly as impostor I think because she'd giggle or something.

Probably a crap crewmate, but could be absolutely terrifying as an impostor. She might however crumble under interrogation if she isn't Lex Luthor-y enough to blame/throw in doubts. Or maybe she can, we'll see. This will be the interesting one to watch IMO.

>& Irys
Similar to Sana I think, she'd be too nice to push hard in discussion and probably would vent in front of everyone if she got impostor. People would feel almost bad voting her out because she'd be so bad at it.

>> No.11597110

the problem with EN and its fans is that they always make drama of everything considering they just playing games lol

I hope they just have fun on this upcoming huge collab

>> No.11597221

the problem with EN and its fans is that they acting sus

>> No.11597385
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>> No.11597485

Calli and Kronii will be imposter game one, Calli and Bae will be imposter game two, Mumei and Ina win be imposter game three.

>> No.11597685

Nice made up story you got there bro. We usually show evidence of facts and not assume people watch every stream or know every twittery post made.

>anon poster complaining about made up drama while on /vt/.
Have you looked in a mirror recently?

>> No.11597795

Will be interesting to see who Chumbuds will harass this time.

>> No.11597864

Multiple rounds where the imposter is completely incompetent and easily discovered (Mumei, Sana, Calli) leading to boring gameplay

>> No.11597869
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Good fucking luck if you think Cover is going to involve themselves with any other company en masse. Let alone get permissions to do gundam.

>> No.11597932

>Nice made up story you got there bro
Nice job revealing yourself as a newfag. The entire catalogue was shitposts about it when it happened after Iofi replied to one of the people shittalking her.
Can't remember if it was on this place or still on /jp/ though.

>> No.11598694

I predict bae and mumei will be the 1st duo to win as impostor

>> No.11598937

Sana coming back? So there's still hope that council won't just die before this year ends?

>> No.11599023
File: 130 KB, 900x900, Austrailiakeepswinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she is coming back. Australians are able to recover from tragic events.

>> No.11599124

Ah, the threads will go really fast. Those 2views...

>> No.11599259

She's good with mind tricks

>> No.11599315

i really hope they recreate the Gura bullying just to have sharkie tilt again

>> No.11599350

Boring. Something they did so they can have a full branch collab of exaggerated reaction interactions for muh clip content.

>> No.11599354

How little do you invest in Sana if you think she's not coming back? She fucking said she'd be back on her first few tweets following doggo ripperino

>> No.11600926


>> No.11600978

newfag spotted kek

>> No.11601720

>Presented by KFP

>> No.11601880

I’ll cum to the death wails of each crew member while playing the Benny Hill theme song in the background.

>> No.11603477

What are you, eight? You can stay up till 3am easy

>> No.11603576

Mumei is in the middle you retarded schizo.

>> No.11603817

Although Kronii has said that her minecraft rage stays in minecraft, it would be funny if she was constantly calling Fauna sus at every meeting or always killing her first as imposter

>> No.11603940

Kek, I’d love to see that.

>> No.11604953

>IRyS would vent in front of everyone
Why the fuck would she make the same mistake that she caught Miko doing?

>> No.11605148

>"nobody likes her"/"nobody appreciates the work She puts in"
>only ones
>he lacks the information

>> No.11608435

A clusterfuck.

>> No.11608525
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>> No.11608612

no haachama no watch

>> No.11608682

kek, Im hoping for the best for the collab, but this made me laugh. thanks.

>> No.11608710

Calliope will never be imposter

>> No.11609128

we could have had a watching paint dry collab but instead we got this

>> No.11609742

Gura, Kronii, Kiara and Bae will dominate the discussion. We will have heated discussion when any of them is at opposition.

The rest will speak when needed to.

Also 30 mins delay before starting, Calli will accidentally call someone nigger, Ina/sana will slip up and call their roommates name, IRyS will show the lobby's code in her stream.

>> No.11609793

Rent free

>> No.11614196


>> No.11614220

>pictured: HololiveEN vtuber Gawr Gura after Among Us collab, 2021 (colorized)

>> No.11614378

They'd be stuck with basic set for GBO2 and it'd be painful as fuck to watch. I remember that tuber who was doing GBO2 streams and it was just Ground Battle Bluezook every single map.
Like use something interesting for once instead of Power GM, Efreet and GM Trainer. Or was she too retarded to DARE to go off meta.

>> No.11614404

You will one day learn that people usually have a job.
