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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11526019 No.11526019 [Reply] [Original]

How will it go?

>> No.11526116

Yura and Pippa had one of the most funniest collabs and there were no clips.

Will there be clips for this stream?

>> No.11526160

I think clippers are just avoiding Pippa for some reason. Pretty understandable because most of them have shit tastes

>> No.11526168

No. Prism needs to incline!

>> No.11526249

most autistic collab to ever happen in 2021

>> No.11526427

who cares about these literally whos

>> No.11526473

Badly, women born after 1993 can't cook.

>> No.11526503

>heretubers and pandora
why overcooked, doesnt everybody hate that?

>> No.11526577

Never watched any of them, but give me a link so I can watch this load of autism

>> No.11526738

So far only Pandora announced she'll be streaming.
There are still 7 hours until then.

>> No.11527040

4 /here/ factual /here/ shitposters, Pippa is a menhera and election tourists on top of that
How do you think it will go?
Minimun 1 Sneed and feed
Minimun 1 Lumi asking Pippa to slit her clit with her feet
The Panda is the seiso tard wangler

>> No.11527084

Will be a chill and cool stream.

>> No.11527095

Pandora is not /here/, not to anyone's knowledge at least.

>> No.11527130

i miss typed, yeah Panda if not /here/ atleast hides it

>> No.11527170
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>> No.11527238

Mind you, she is use /pol/.

>> No.11527262

pandora will feel out of place

>> No.11527481

Gasp, the forbidden board. Woo. This place gets more like leddit every day.

>> No.11527586

>all of the memetubers from /vt/

When anons get together we get along swimmingly despite being assdicks to each other normally. So I assume the opposite happens when femanons get together.

>> No.11527736

Wrong Bear

>> No.11527778

>election tourist
fuck you retard. Ron Paul memes and "it's Happening" predate the election by years.

>> No.11528039

They wanted a bear who takes baths so that they wouldn't faint from the smell.

>> No.11528211


>> No.11528659

Oh no!! How awful!!

>> No.11528694

Who is the bunny on the far right?

>> No.11528736

her >>11507842

>> No.11528760

Thanks, her design appeals me so I shall research this further.

>> No.11529476
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how horrifying!

>> No.11531861

Do those three know that sounding like she's crying all the time is part of her autism rather than her being constantly upset?

>> No.11532076

I don't know

>> No.11532121

Wooow she went to kym to read up on 4chan history? Should I start kneeling now, or later when she references Pool's Closed, meaning that she was there when it happened?

>> No.11532181

Absolutely based.

>> No.11532224

poltroons seethe

>> No.11532235

Wow the /here/ motherfuckers...this is going to be weird.

>> No.11532296
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>3 /here/tubers in one collab
Fucking yikes. There's no way this is a coincidence, right?

>> No.11532414


>> No.11532700

Consider the fact that Kiki is a no-name indie whose only relevance is on this board, and yet she's collabing with 3 corpochuubas. What do you think?

>> No.11536841

Has she ever actually admitted this?

>> No.11537214

Yeah, the gigantic corporations of cyberlive and phase connect.

>> No.11537466

Way back in her first ever threads she said she browses /pol/ and /r9k/.

>> No.11537546

Wait, is this collab real?

>> No.11537569
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>> No.11537692

Thanks, just unsubscribed. I don't watch literal election tourists.

>> No.11538301

t. loser.

>> No.11538839

What do you mean save? She's been at it for a month and is at 700. That's pretty damn good for a pure indie.

>> No.11539001

Ita overcooked, so like all overcooked streams go. Game actually requires you to focus.

>> No.11539992

/news/ is better in my opinion

>> No.11541001

she also said that was years ago
get your rrats right, antifag

>> No.11541955

Is that Italian? I'm so sorry.

>> No.11543839

what channel is it on anyway, I thought it'd be on all four but not seeing any frames

>> No.11543855

Pandora's Twitch.

>> No.11543991

ah damnit, who's idea was it to lock the three /here/ tubers behind a twitch stream

>> No.11544037

pippa just changed her title and thumbnail from the F.E.A.R. stream she had planned

>> No.11544123

Pippa POV

>> No.11544258

>PhaCon's financial is currently 2.5 times deeper in the red than initially projected
Enjoy while it lasts because Pippa has a graduation incoming.

>> No.11544343

source: anon's arse

>> No.11544729

Pandora's POV

>> No.11544846

Who's late?

>> No.11544884


>> No.11544985
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Was there ever any doubt?

>> No.11544997

Pippa will literally drop spaghetti

>> No.11545027

>Amaris Yuri might be subbing in for Kiki!

>> No.11545053

blew it

>> No.11545172

She's not American though so it's okay.

>> No.11545233

And, like that, all my interest in the collaboration has evaporated. I don't know any of these indies besides Kiki.

>> No.11545273

You're trolling right?

>> No.11545280
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it's ogre

>> No.11545299

I'm not trolling. I legitimately don't know who any of these girls are besides Kiki.

>> No.11545315

Ohhhh shiver me timbers I’m so scared

>> No.11545334
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You're missing out.

>> No.11545346


>> No.11545349

Kevin hasn't denied it yet so probably true. Also inb4 PhaCon hiring new accountant in 2 weeks.

>> No.11545527

I might be. To be honest, Kiki is the only indie I've ever watched / am watching. I'm an EOP and I mostly watch HoloLive EN. Selen Tatsuki is an exception (because it's fucking Selen).

Who's this?

>> No.11545547


>> No.11545574

None of the collab except Kiki is indie, the rest is corpo

>> No.11545579
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Kaneko Lumi, queen of /vst/

>> No.11545585

So who's gonna be the one to get the VOD privated? Kiki or Pippa?

>> No.11545639

>Yuri joins collab
>Yuri leaves collab
My heart was not prepared for this emotional rollercoaster

>> No.11545643

>Election tourists
Nah she's a /nsg/ regular

>> No.11545668

Lumi is a strategy gamer from CyberLive. Pandora does a lot of chatting and RPGs, also from CyberLive. Pippa is weird and covers interesting topics, she's from Phase-Connect. None are really indies.

>> No.11545729 [DELETED] 

The ones that aren't kiki are lumituber, elira pendora and yuniluna

>> No.11545828

is this fornite?

>> No.11545848


>> No.11546014

I wasn't anticipating Pippa being the second most socially retarded rabbit in a collab

>> No.11546043

I want to protect this dumb rabbit.

>> No.11546089

I guess this is the collab thread now

>> No.11546219

honestly they should keep on zatsudan mode and not play the game, this is kino

>> No.11546261

....wait which one

>> No.11546462

Kiki POV

>> No.11546821

waiting for Kiki to muster the ability to say more than one sentence at a time

>> No.11546925


>> No.11546945

What character does Pippa's voice remind me of?

>> No.11547141

How did Kiki get into this circle? Shills from this board?

>> No.11547158

based kiki shitting on keanu redditors

>> No.11547212

rusty wheel that has not been greased in a while

>> No.11547229

Pippa is a kiwifarms degenerate that lurks /vt/ and found her threads

>> No.11548630
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>> No.11548965

Lumi and Pippa are both /here/

>> No.11549282
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I love these girls but honestly, being pandered to like this still feels weird.
Like, why? What do they see in this place that makes them want to keep us around and do these kind of things for us? It's not like 4chan is that big or wealthy either. I just don't get it.

>> No.11549366


>> No.11549424

The answer is simple anon, it's not pandering. They genuinely enjoy the humor and community. (This doesn't include Pandora)

>> No.11549488

if I were a /here/tuber I would much rather have an audience that matched my sense of humor instead of pandering to larger communities that I have less in common with and would probably scold me for saying trap or some other dumbshit

>> No.11549773

For the same reason shit like holofightz or various guilds and clans exist on /vg/, for the same reason /o/ has car meetups, /r9k/ has meetups, for the reason /tg/ runs games and parties. We freaks gotta stick together.

>> No.11551651

The vtuber subreddit is a wasteland, at best you get a pump and dump from there.

>> No.11552344


>> No.11552446

Start: 10/10
Game: 7/10

>> No.11552746

pretty good/10

>> No.11552942

Carried by Lumi/10

>> No.11554361

I liked yuri /10

>> No.11554669

The start was much better than the game.

>> No.11555974

Is this just the best place for western vtubers?

>> No.11556517

It was great. I felt a bit bad for Pandora though, at some point it got a bit circlejerky and Pippa basically called her a normalfag.

>> No.11556688

Chuubas in general, really.

>> No.11556975

Anon there’s only so many people you can pander to on this board.

>> No.11557308 [DELETED] 

She felt that one.

>> No.11561454

It'll be great.

>> No.11562801

>Literal who 2views
Kek got some paint I can watch dry instead op?
