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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11518514 No.11518514 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speak, what do you think will be Hololive's final yab?

>> No.11518556

Pekora confirming that the rape rrats are true

>> No.11518639

Pettanko necromancer

>> No.11518673

Bought out by a megacorporation

>> No.11518680

One of their Roomates visit Yasukuni Shrine

>> No.11518686

Something like what happened to Blizzard/WoW...

Yagoo left Cover, and higher up replaced by the marketing team that only cares about money to please shareholders.

with that said the real Gura killer is Gura herself, Gura will act like Festival right now and forgotten like Kizuna Ai

>> No.11518699

Gura's boyfriend walks in and says
>"Yo wassup, I brought my niggas over for that gangbang shawty."

>> No.11518724


>> No.11518766

Whatever controversy that would cause Fubuki to leave out of protest of Cover. That'd be the only thing that could collapse Hololive.

>> No.11518773

>New gen of holostars/EN holostars and one of them eventually commits sexual misconduct on a holo
>Rushia bf/male interaction reveal, COVER gets kyoani’d
>Massive internal company fraud exposed that reveals the talents aren’t getting the money they’re supposed to get
>Meiro-Roa style bullying incident that severely fractures the sense of family Hololive has

>> No.11518787


>> No.11518838

>what do you think will be Hololive's final yab?

>> No.11518839

>the sense of family Hololive has
That's long gone anon.

>> No.11518943

I don't talk like that

>> No.11518986
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>holo en real life meetup
>Kiara brings her gun
>becomes the top holo en in one night

>> No.11519048

>biggest Vtuber in the world
>stole Calli from Kiara
Gura is a deaad fish

>> No.11519056
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>> No.11519179
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I'm seriously wondering if someday the ENholos' home will be identified and the girls will be shot at by some crazy incel

>> No.11519195

We can only hope

>> No.11519234
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Ame shoots first

>> No.11519270

Realistically it'll be a mass walkout of talent after the money starts drying up and management is forced to be ever increasingly more hands on and restrictive with the content
When will that happen? Who knows.

>> No.11519310

Multiple core members leaving, if only one person leaves then they can manage, no matter who
But if multiple of the girls leave at the same time, then the total collapse is near

>> No.11519316
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The final yab is going to be my foot up your ass

>> No.11519346

looking at recent events, the biggest downfall of companies tends to be #metoo shit or just weird sex stuff in general so hololive should be fine since they are mostly isolated in their own homes outside of the mel stuff. realistically the biggest threat is tencent or some mega chink company buying hololive

>> No.11519454

Covers main weakness is their huge middle management bloat
Only managers that actively get the talents sponsorships, merchandise and permissions are worth anything

>> No.11520010

me fucking your mom

>> No.11520400

I don't think there could be a singular yab big enough to end cover, since they could always just remove whatever talent was at the center of it. I can't think of any Holos that were hard fired, but I'm not too familiar with Cover's history. The only thing that could end Cover, I think, would be money moving away from them.

>> No.11520434

Assuming stalker-kun makes it through the minefield and the booby traps first, yeah.

>> No.11520587

What if yagoo get me tooed?

>> No.11520861

>This game's boring, where's the prostitutes?

>> No.11520983

Something taken to far. Like the girls being teetee.

>> No.11520989
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Final yab = Cover Corp pulling the funding from hololive because they no longer see the venture being worth it for them. That is the final yab it wont be the girls that bring cause it. It will be the parent company Cover Corp wanting to move on to other things. Things that do not require a virtual idol group project like hololive.

>> No.11521040

They hoarding most of money they get from Hololive

>> No.11521140
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>> No.11521293

Yup your right cover corp are already greedy bastards. So there is not much stopping them from pulling all funding entirely one day. It is a very real and likely scenario that could play out.

>> No.11521316

Aqua getting stabbed irl by an anti

>> No.11521402

You forgot one. EN holostars surpasses everyone expectations and the men become vastly more popular and successful than the women

>> No.11522435

>>New gen of holostars/EN holostars and one of them eventually commits sexual misconduct on a holo
Mel's manager power harassing her for months with sexually harrasive behavior, getting fired and then sending her threats for months had zero effect on Cover once it came out

>> No.11522497

What if EN Holostars become super popular but the JP Holostars remain at their low numbers? Imagine how that would feel.

>> No.11522540

A behind-the-scenes manager doesnt compare to an actual talent.

>> No.11522546

manager =/= talent
if something like the Peko rape ratt happen, it will kill the atmosphere of Hololive, especially in collabs

>> No.11522548

The final yab happened this morning.
It's the start of a long and painful death for Hololive where every member will see that there are better options and that they can make more money while being less restricted.

>> No.11522702

It wasnt their manager retard and it wasnt sexua harrasment. It was someone close with Mel's roomate that has nothing to do with cover. The manager rrat was nothing more than that, a rrat.

>> No.11523356
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One year ago i would've told you something related to Fubuki graduating as she was the face and pillar of support of hololive, but now Hololive is too big to crumble over a single talent, it would've to either be multiple unity talents leaving at once or Hololive being sold out to a megacorporation

>> No.11524708
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>> No.11524728

Fuck, wrong thread, sorry

>> No.11525656

There is no final yab. Hololive will just slowly die out and be forgotten.

>> No.11526901


>> No.11526959

A Korean Vtuber agency enters the market

>> No.11527703

Sony's venture into the VTuber market goes extremely well and they end up doing a hostile buy-out of Cover Corp. graduating all of the cachacters as they don't match with Sony's current branding nor their diversity quota.

>> No.11527786

Amerimutt Woke army/SJWs cancel and destroy and subvert Holo EN and IT WILL DEFINITELY HAPPEN.

>> No.11527796

Man, you made me genuine laughed aprub.

>> No.11528184


>> No.11528309

Purchased by Chinese investors, most of the talents do not renew their contracts, new waves of Holos spammed Nijisanji-style, company is basically run into the ground until it fades from relevance.

>> No.11528310

purchased by Tencent
League of Legends K/DA become chuubas
Riot sells chuuba skins

>> No.11528461

Unironically this. I can see Sony trying.

>> No.11528831

One of the girls becomes a vindicative bitch after forced graduation and exposes cover's less legally sound practices, as well as doxxing all of the talents with their roomate pics, also showing their shared boyfriend(me)

>> No.11528940

one of the non JPN Holos will expose one another. likely Anya or Ollie because they seem to gossip like teen girls. I assume they will expose some personal business like Ollie sending nudes or Ollie having a age gap boyfriend

but likely not since these people seem intelligent and know to stay quiet

>> No.11529154

Mel was getting harassed by someone who knew her personal info and schedule through throwaway emails and twitter accounts, Cover was pointed out her manager was misbehaving in conduct just normally and fired the manager, Mel was continued to be harassed and Cover was like well at this point what are we supposed to do, Mel got the harassment to stop with a lawyer, Cover changed it's internal policies to make it so talents if they have problems get protected better/quicker.
That's the official story as far as I know. If Mel elaborated further on stream or anywhere else then feel free to add.

>> No.11529897

>Managers cancels Pekora's big event for her fans that came from her out pocket and made her cry
>Made fun of Gura for asking for permissions for some games
>A manager told Lamy to never collab with anyone because she wasn't that special
>Obligatory Mel harraser
>Blacklisted and isolated Coco making her quit
>Forces ''Lore'' on new EN members

Anyone wanna add to the list?

>> No.11530010

turbo rrats on this post

>> No.11530156

only the pekora one seems damning, qrd?

>> No.11530449



I'm looking for the lamy one currently

>> No.11530547

They didn't approve something Pekora wanted to do and she got upset. They didn't cancel anything, Pekora did not lose any money.

>> No.11530627

Cover is in a huge building, it’s impossible to kyoani it

>> No.11530647

In terms of people who didn't get things approved, Astel also was very upset over his project not getting approved.
That's less management incompetence though and just Cover not being able to approve everything. Reason Pekora was upset was because she thought other people were getting similar things approved so why did she get denied.

>> No.11530689

Matsuri committing suicide on stream

Zhang already tried to get FBK out and it didn't work.

>> No.11530717

Probably some tax evasion shit, but hopefully it's a sudoku

>> No.11530797

No, whatever controversy would make Fubuki leave of her own accord from Cover as a protest of Cover, not just Fubuki leaving or being fired or controversy in general.
If Fubuki left as a protest that essentially makes the audience lose all good will people think of Cover, and given her bunch of direct ties to other members like the Gamers branch which will also piss them off, makes the entire pyramid collapse. What would cause that? Idk, but that's the only conceivable way for it to collapse.

>> No.11530798

Lamy is source hard to find. She talked in a member stream about it. Apparently she said Towa told her to ignore the manager and they didn't know what they were talking about. The manager was soon replaced. This has added to the rrat of Towa's untouchable rep with management.

>> No.11530857

Zero new talents for next two years. Old guard leaves for Kson model.

>> No.11530901 [SPOILER] 
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It already happened with Coco's graduation.
We're all just still here to suffer before the curtain falls on this black company named Cover.

>> No.11530922

Towa talking her not being a controlled car makes me think she was talking about her manager. Add on her my pace thing and forces the manager to be on her side.

>> No.11530963

Matsuri gets arrested for CP.

>> No.11531110

I mean I could only add vague statements of dislike of management & people being happy that their manager changed.

>> No.11531189

Cover and Anycolor will both slowly fall behind indies and upstart groups which invest in their talents and attempt to push for new things, while management that is out of touch/trying to secure elusive chinabux will end up alienating talents. Coco's loss was a large blow to the overall revenue Cover was getting, alienating more big talents over time would ruin them and they will certainly do it.

"Final Yabism" is like "happooningism", it assumes a single big nuke will drop and wipe out 20 million people at once causing an immediate chain collapse. In reality it's more like a slow bleed out over time that is already occurring. By 2024 Cover will be passed up by other talents and companies and in hindsight people will say it was obvious and inevitable.

>> No.11531286

>"Final Yabism" is like "happooningism",
Not just like, they're exactly the same shitposting jutsu.

>> No.11531327

Half of the jps are pedos.

>> No.11531427

Too early to say if hololive will stay this big, but the blizzard/suicide route seem most realistic.
The people who cared in the first place will gradually leave/be replaced by people who are in just for the money and at some point there is just leeches left.

>> No.11531545

that will most likely happen. English viewers aren't as close minded about "female streamers only", you can see that on twitch. Only talent matters. JP primarily just cares about "hrr drr cute anime girl on my screen huehue".
I have a feeling holostarsEN might actually become more popular than holocouncil

>> No.11531695

What would be the final yab to kill vtubing in general?

>> No.11531737

There is no final yab. Vtubing just requires a live 2d model. The culture will evolve or change, agencies will die, but vtubers will never die.
it's like wondering when anime profile pics will die out and stop being used on twitter
it's not going to happen

>> No.11531819

Basically this. Core and Old Guard start to graduate moving on with their lives or try new things. Maybe some just get tired of Cover and want to go out on their own. That monkey paw Yagoo wished upon finally demands for a price to be paid.

Essentially this. Looking at how previous online groups grew, peaked, and finally ended this is will be how it ends. Essentially death by 1000 needles. Though Cover and Hololive won't die they will just be left a shell until a renaissance period begins.

EN side has a LONG history of Boys Playing Video Games groups being very successful Super Best Friends, Game Grumps, Achievement Hunter. The list goes on forever.

>> No.11531855

Kronii will take too many drugs

>> No.11532032

When all the Holos get exposed for me being their boyfriend and the infighting destroys everyhing

>> No.11532218

Ths final yabe when (You) get tired of them

>> No.11532447

>A manager told Lamy to never collab with anyone because she wasn't that special
This is too much without a source. If you are a manager and say this to your talent you not only need to get fired immediately, you need to neck yourself.

>> No.11532926

He was fired.

>> No.11533274
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>be future time?
>autistchama doesn't make it into holostars EN
>Decides if he can't be a part of EN no one can
>spends a year triangulating the streams, the timezones, the moon and stars to find the locations of all EN holos
>In the course of a few days visits them one by one shooting them point blank range
>girls don't even get time to mourn their friends before

>> No.11533300

i'm worried that only longer time viewers would feel this way. Fubuki's personal importance in Hololive has declined quite a bit (or rather others have risen), she doesn't hold the same sway she used to from what I can see. I say this as a year plus sukonbu. Because of this the personal responsibility on her shoulders has fallen somewhat, which is a happy thing I think as she can take it easy now, but her resigning in protest wouldn't be the end of cover at this rate, not for many of hte newer viewers. I dunno, maybe her continued importance is still there, only to be revealed during truly serious crisis. I know she still had a huge amount of pull during the taiwan issues.

>> No.11533500
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Source or rrat.

>> No.11533510

Yagoo goes all in on his 'wannabe VRCHAT project' and it goes completely bust

>> No.11533888

A hololive Fappening would kill /vt/, but normies would keep watching.

>> No.11534048

I mean... we would keep watching too.

>> No.11534413

Would this include all members?

>> No.11534509

Not the japanese, and that is whre most of their income comes from.
The en holos would be fine but the rest would be fucked.

>> No.11534805

With the irony of the situation being that the management being too hands-on is what caused the money to dry up in the first place.

>> No.11535253

Mori and Irys in Japan will be fine, but the ENs in the America are dangerous. There is a real possibility that this could happen. (idk about the security in Australia and Austria)

>> No.11535420

They have already been found. No one is hurting them, they are just having sex with all the fans every night

>> No.11535667

An actual troon.

>> No.11535716

Something involving sex with HoloEN, because we all know how western women turn out.

>> No.11535992
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I am in the process of watching the member stream itself right now but here's a screencap of the chat I saw on jp.

>> No.11536591

Regardless of the reason, the day that Hololive finally falls will be a great day for the rest of the vtuber community.

When the close minded Holo monopoly is removed, many diverse vtubers indies and groups will take their place in a new golden era.

>> No.11536782

I heard said manager got banishment roomed, hope ita true.

>> No.11536816

Fandead wouldn't Kyoani Cover HQ, they would riot all of Tokyo until Rushia and her bf sacrifice themselves. They could try to escape overseas, but fandeads all around the world would commit low-scale massacres to show their support to the JOPs.

>> No.11536858

The moment a flip enters EN3.

>> No.11536890

not yet anon.

>> No.11536950
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The final yab will include omega alpha, and probably holoen girls talking about him in the member streams. The one to spill the beans would probably be Kiara, who's the most open about everything.
What would the final yab include? For starters, we know he's a power-hungry, controlling, self-centered cunt who ordered himself an avatar, despite having no need for that whatsoever.
What might potentially happen? Who knows, maybe something like Mel went through, but with holoENs.

>> No.11537248

I heard that alongside Mel requesting further assistance as the harassment continued after the dude got shown the door, she also wanted the company to cover the expenses of a move since she didn't feel safe staying where she was any longer.

Cover apparently felt they had done enough and weren't legally obliged to do anything further and a stalemate ensued for months until Mel got the gumption to lawyer up and call out the harasser's and Cover's bullshit.

>> No.11537552

Sounds like it, they didn't last much beyond debut, Botan also talked about that same manager telling her she shouldn't cry when she did the stream with all of the remaining gen 5 talking about Aloe graduating.
I just watched this member stream because I saw this rrat floating around and wanted to check.
After the stuff in that screen shot Lamy talked about how happy she was that Haato reached out early on to collab and that Towa gave her a lot of advice and told her to be more straightforward, she really appreciated that. She also thanked Matsuri too.
After her talking with her senpai the manager was replaced not long after; a few weeks after debut.

>> No.11537845

Aloe ran into similar issues and Shion to a degree. In Aloe's case Cover did take the majority of harassers to court but even after that harassment persisted for almost 8 months until Aloe now Delta hired a lawyer to deal with it on her own dime. Shion also had to take harassers to court with her own money.

It's generally believed this is the same manager that horrendously botched everything with Aloe. That one still really fucks with me though because despite her being menhera Cover really really failed that girl and honestly they didn't learn their lesson. Hopefully Kson can grab her by the hips and finally help her get everything right.

>> No.11538043

Probably the same manager. Aloe should have got another chance and a manager with half a fucking brain, maybe she would have made it... but that said, the girl is a walking yab machine.
That kson stuff though, that's pure wishful thinking, not going to happen anon, no way.

>> No.11538123

Jesus Christ, imagine some mad man with the patience of a monk, slowly but throughly obtaining nudes of the holo's roommates until he gets a large enough amount of them ensnared in his web to feel like dumping it all at once.

>> No.11538443

They follow each other on twitter and Delta was SUPER excited when Kson followed her back... meaning there is 0 chance it will happen...

Also yeah someone higher up should have stepped in at that point and said no you are not canceling your fucking contract instead of just tossing a girl you invested money into and clearly needed support to the curb. It sort of backs up my theory that cover is a black company they are just so incompetent they can't even do that right.

>> No.11538688

>They follow each other on twitter and Delta was SUPER excited when Kson followed her back... meaning there is 0 chance it will happen...
Did you just... literally contradict yourself?

>> No.11539615

Yes. On purpose because I really want it to happen but every time we say something will happen the opposite happens. You know what Delta and Kson hate each other and will never EVER collab.

>> No.11539927

do you want them to collab or not holy shit stop being a contradicting faggot

>> No.11540055

No. Most definitely not. I would sure hate it if they collabed and did a meme review. I would really hate it if KSon had a reference to Aloe and they both laughed about it. Hope that shit never happens.

>> No.11540126

Meh, if it got the boot I don't think that would take down holo, let alone cover.
Same thing with specific yabs like matsuri offing herself or being arrested or other harassment situations like Mel (it would have to be a Blizzard scale, c-level corp culture of harassment for that to matter).
It would have to be big enough break the talents' and the public's trust in cover as a business, individual bad managers don't do that.

>> No.11540434

Are you retarded? Just say yes or no.

>> No.11540546
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>> No.11540577

He's a schizo, anon, leave it.

>> No.11541108

Anon your the one being autistic if you can't see the other anon is believing in the inverse of what they want as a gag.

>> No.11541646

He's not just a manager. He's more like an "owner" or a guy behind the entirety of hololiveEN, organizing everything in the west.

>> No.11541968

The talents have to realize that they have more power than omegatranny, while Hololive gives you a considerable boost, it is the talent's talent that makes the difference.

>> No.11542302

The original Fappening was a simple phishing scheme as well. One dedicated autist sent emails claiming to be Apple, asking for the celebrities to verify their login details, then he went through their iPhone cloud storage looking for nudes.

Hopefully the hololive girls have basic internet security, but odds are at least one of them is dumb enough.

>> No.11542403

you're delusional and/or underage

>> No.11543999

the real final yab happened, hololive was going to rule the world until haato decided to mess with the cockroach army, which in turn brought coco into it, the singularity happened, now it's down from here instead of the timeline where cover gets to become a FAANG

>> No.11544345

/wg/ you’ve done it again

>> No.11544369

matter of perspective, the phone market did have the iPhone as a nuke, but it took several years of failed adaptation to giants like Nokia and Blackberry to basically die from it
There is always one big meteorite that doesn't instantly kill the dinosaurs, but they still go extinct as they fail to adapt.

>> No.11544429

Sometimes I get visions when I'm off my meds.
Ame's paranoia will get the best of her and she'll end up shooting a trick-or-treater by mistake.
This will not be the final YAB itself but will be the first trumphet.

>> No.11544469

Good. A Vtubing Company becoming a FAANG would have been the actual death of VTubing. You think things are bad they could be worse. Imagine Cover being owned by a majority of Chinese investors. Imagine Cover being forced to capitulate to Chinese demands.

>> No.11544711

I don't know what people expect cover to do after firing sexual harassers and taking doxers to court since Jap police are the ones not doing shit. Hire a PMC and have them gun downed?

>> No.11544883
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Yes. Violence is the only thing they understand.

>> No.11544990

Literally what does Cover have without Hololive?

>> No.11545033

that would have been its own final yab down this other timeline, but the current timeline already had its yab

>> No.11545208

True it's just that Final Yab would have been worse because it would affect all of VTubing.

>> No.11545431

coco died for the vtubing world, think about it

>> No.11545562

Narukami said Aloe didn't get fired. She quitted herself.

>> No.11545661

She quit herself and the door was open for her to rejoin ACCORDING TO HER OWN WORDS. This isn't a rrat. If you paid attention to her you'd know she's a bit fucked in the head and makes Matsuri look sane.

>> No.11547017
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>> No.11547319

Someone hacking into Cover's database or an employee leaking all of Cover's information all over the internet, including personal information of all of Cover's talents and employees.

>> No.11551093

>Hopefully the hololive girls have basic internet security
The entirety of EN is so lacking im technical computer skills that they found it necessary to turn it into a meme: the EN curse.
It's only a matter of time and a dedicated enough autist.

>> No.11551376

That wouldn't be too hard to do since they all live in the same house with me as my wives.

>> No.11552333

Fist fight on collab stream.

>> No.11553017

Disney is more realistic.

>> No.11558645

Showing them tits on cam peko while her boyfriend is right there.

>> No.11558822

Bonus points if Korone is throwing the punches.

>> No.11561259

I remember she was talking about being paranoid and whenever she hears bubba bark in the middle of the night she "get my g- baseball bat and check the house"
Ame does shoot first

>> No.11561308

Cope, it's only a matter of time before she gets raped by some schizo. Instead of denying this fact you should strive for it to be you.

>> No.11563816

no it's not

>> No.11563853
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A realistic yab that could crash the company is a talent suicide.

>> No.11564090

Jesus Christ, that's completely fucked up

>> No.11564122

But they already have nijisanji and this VEE thing...

>> No.11564713
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>Realistically speak
don't tell me what to do

>> No.11566249

yes, mostly with me.

>> No.11566343

A lot of #metoo stuff was fake though and Western media might turn on hololive for multiple reasons, that vice article from last year was pretty bad already.

>> No.11566364

a VR ping-pong game

>> No.11567951

That guy was the hero we needed. Many great faps were had

>> No.11569395

A journalist digs into VTubing and finds multiple talents openingly lusting after children. The outrage causes YouTube to crack down on VTubing like PornHub did. VTubing dies an ignoble death.

>> No.11569732

Too big to fail any time soon outside of all the talent just suddenly leaving in one go. A steady decline before levelling off to a niche but constantly refilled audience. Reminder there are still Harlem Globetrotters shows touring the globe despite not being relevant for decades, so Japanese girls doing cute/funny things will at least always have a home in Japan.
The bigger issues will be for vTubers as a whole where they’ll get increasingly commercialised and oversaturated by big businesses wanting a slice of the pie by telling one of their interns to go talk to nerds online, building up to one getting their own heavily scripted American late night talk show.

>> No.11570813

I don't know what it will be but it will definitely come from Matsuri or HoloEN

>> No.11572336

Agreed, the whole “idol”-esc way holo tends to handle things is becoming more and more blatantly obsolete over time.

>> No.11576944

It gets shitted on in an episode Family Guy

>> No.11577217

Nothing can take down Hololive except for Yagoo or management committing a huge yab. Anything stupid a chuuba does is her own fault and doesn't reflect on the company. That's one of the biggest benefits of giving them so much autonomy.

>> No.11583603
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Real talk, who's the holo most likely to kill themselves?

>> No.11583669


>> No.11588265


>> No.11589203

a death

>> No.11592240


>> No.11597029


>> No.11601745

RBC will rip a fart so fucking loud she can't ignore it like she usually does
Two of them already have

>> No.11601808

No, it's only gone for those that expect it to work across branches. Every Branch is like their own side of the family that occasionally get's together for big events.

>> No.11601969

Honestly we're so lucky that Aloe didn't off herself after graduation. Hololive would've ended right then and there, just like Terrace House did.

>> No.11603047

