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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11507054 No.11507054 [Reply] [Original]

You do know that they will ditch you the moment they get popular, right? That's just the nature of an e-celeb, they'd throw you under the bus once you're not useful anymore. It happened with Reviewbrah, it happened with nyanners, it happened to merryweather. There's in no way it wont happen again. You've been warned

>> No.11507080


>> No.11507173

Everyone's /here/

>> No.11507248

that’s what they are supposed to do though anon.
You will always be their founding peace.
They will never have achieved anything without your boost or help.
You raise the chuuba to stand on their own, even if they have to betray you to appease the mainstream.
Nyanners was the ultimate version of that.
You can’t keeep directly associating yourself with here.

>> No.11507253

That's fine. They'll never find satisfaction in having the adoration of normalfags no matter how many they get and they'll wind up empty and depressed. The big secret is that entertaining is like retail x100. Nothing makes you realize how braindead the hordes of NPCs are than having to cater to their whims for popularity.

>> No.11507309

4chan is the minor leagues. Just be happy you helped get them to where they are.

>> No.11507393

I just hope they keep in mind that, regardless of where they go, this is the hell they cannot escape. Mentally, physically, it matters not; until the end of their days, they’ll be aware of what’s behind the curtain, and of what it thinks of their betrayal. Success isn’t as sure as to say it’ll last forever.

>> No.11507749

This is a complete beta outlook in life. You're being taken advantage of as they throw you like a damp rag once their 4chan grift isnt worth it anymore. Im tired of these honorless faggots. Yea I know Im a worthless piece of shit. I just hope e-celebs wouldn't remind me that I am nothing but given that they're mostly driven with attention, I doubt they even see the posters here are human an not mere dollar signs

>> No.11507857

I mean your grooming them for failure if they keep trying to appeal to you. Your chuuba will either abandon you to get popular or abandon you when they are being tossed out on the side of the road for being an honorable 2view for you and getting evicted.

>> No.11508104

>give a beggar money every day for months as you walk past her
>one day she decides it's not enough
>she starts stabbing everyone who gave her money in the back as they walk past her, and she takes their whole wallets
>the beggar uses the money to advertize her begging service to a broader audience
>she becomes one of the biggest beggars around
>you see her on the tv while lying on the hospital bed
>you can't move for the rest of your life, but at least you can be happy that you helped her get to where she is now

>> No.11508269

Everyone ditches me eventually, anon... It doesn't... hurt... anymore.

>> No.11508426

Yeah. Isn't this accepted? I've also encouraged people to just denounce 4chan for goodie points if the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.11510348


>> No.11512089

There's a difference between growing beyond /here/ naturally and what nyanners did, ascending beyond being a 2view naturally isn't a betrayal

>> No.11513145

what whims? The issue with normies is that they become more and more casual as fans until the content doesn't matter, only the advertising does. Hence why most content creators just jump on new trends, collab with popular people, or bait views with drama, rather than bothering to improve their content.

>> No.11514729

I'm on a steady decline. Less than 100 viewers last stream. Will denouncing 4chan give me updoots? Probably not.

>> No.11515069

>start by appealing to here
>normals start taking interest
>"disown" this place to gatekeep your new fans so they don't come here and shit the place up.
Sounds like you need to lurk more.

>> No.11516467

>normals start taking interest
Normalfags are heavily engrossed with the stigma, plus they get filtered by a single use of “nigger”, at least most of the time. If anything, chuubas and other various knowns distance themselves solely to not get fucked by the inverse lynch mobs.

>> No.11516545

You know what's not beta? Killing your chuuba for abandoning you. As a bonus, you'll get plenty of solicitations from women while in jail.

>> No.11516600

Please, normie's norm is changing constantly. Next generation will embrace avatars just like previous embraced social media.
That's why this field is so interesting, you can see the future from here.

>> No.11516638

It will, but with people who only support things on an ideological basis.
They will not care about you in particular
they will not care about your content beyond how it furthers their beliefs
They will only be interested in a talking head
If your actions ever go against their beliefs they will stab you in the front and encourage others, who may not have even heard of you before, to do the same.
This is what awaits all dramachuubas.

>> No.11516683

Women only like fit serial killers.

>> No.11516712

Also they're all fucking crazy

>> No.11516742

Fine, kill a few then.

>> No.11516895

/here/ chuubas are for grooming not supporting!

>> No.11516980

I’m fairly certain they’ll take being a hugbox frequenter over having to read and interpret discourse they can barely comprehend, or that outright appalls them. They are fickle, though, I agree to that notion.
Twitter might be the exclusion to that suggestion, considering it’s a cesspool of dramafaggotry

>> No.11520377

donating to a trend hopper....

But that's such a horrible out look to the people you are watching. I don't think they'll forget about us viewers. They are grateful for us always being there for them. They need us just as badly we need them.

>> No.11520559

I think that parasocial relationships for everyone

>> No.11522673

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a fan of a herefag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are watching, subscribing, membering and superchatting a girl for at least 18 weeks solely so she can go and get ravaged by another fanbase. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - commenting in her streams, posting feedback on her videos, making sure she had a discord, clipping her, playing games with her. All of it has one simple result: her channel is more enjoyable for the man that will eventually fuck her in every hole while she sends you a tweet about how she's changing her audience.

Raised the perfect vtuber? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random /wvt/ 2view who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who fucks her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who is a herefag, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 weeks of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.11522788

I wish the 4chan vtuber contest actually came into fruition

>> No.11523144

>You do know that they will ditch you the moment they get popular, right?
They can't ditch me if this never happens. The key is to whittle them down till you find the ones that don't care about inclining.

>> No.11523588

This guy.... I know this copy paste well. What is wrong with you all? Vtubers aren't suppose to be solely streamers for your sole viewing pleasure. They're meant for everyone. If you want a real relationship with your procaster. Then unironically ditch the roasties and watch male vtubers streamers. They'll remember forever and never forget you.

>> No.11523694

Who hurt you, OP

>> No.11523809

I think he realize streamers are only in it for the money and fame. They are ethots that are sucking money from weebs newfag.

>> No.11524024

I'll only watch males after voice changers get so good that I won't be able to tell they're males. Aside from their physique, males are better at being females than females themselves.

>> No.11524102

>be me
>watch random /here/tuber stream
>participate heavily in the chat
>tell them how entertaining they are
>drop them after two weeks
You're fucking welcome /vt/

>> No.11524184

There is no difference between a /here/chuuba's thread and a Discord.

>> No.11524267

give me a comprehensive list of chuubas that post here with evidence to back it up, and I will comply. If you are unable to do so within the next 24 hours I will assume your claims are false and ignore any similar posts or threads that appear in the future.

>> No.11524600

I will fuck every /here/ chuuba just you wait

>> No.11524833
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This. And this fact is the world's most bitter blackpill.
