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11457904 No.11457904 [Reply] [Original]

>EN minecraft server
>Filled with Japanese shrines and onsens
>No churches or castles

>> No.11458115

A Gothic cathedral would honestly be a great project for HoloDeath to make, but I doubt they're that coordinated.

>> No.11458143

Hey, Ame built a really ugly burger, that's gotta count for something

>> No.11458171

The culture is the vast wilderness around, but jp ruins that too with flattening

>> No.11458210

Kiara banned western style buildings because they're imperialist

>> No.11458255

I can't wait for all 12 of EN to have the minecraft christmas collab

>> No.11458331

Yes, I’m sure EN wants to build a church and subject itself to the sneering of nihilists and Marxists aggressively tipping their fedoras in chat. Only way it wouldn’t become a shitshow is if they called it “building the Church of Lightning McQueen” or something equally infantile.
They only get away with shrines because no one takes yellow mysticism seriously.

>> No.11458347

Haachama built a nice church to marry Watame in JP, perhaps you could ask her to make a pilgrimage when she returns.

>> No.11458369
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They could build this and they build another dumb Shinto Shrine instead.

>> No.11458406


>> No.11458435
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>holoen are architectural historians that are prevented by management to build landmarks considered controversial by the thousands of teen nihilist and marxist stakeholder that surround the branch's every movement

>> No.11458440
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There's a church on the JP server and nobody bats an eye. Anyway I only mentioned churches because they're some of the best examples of classical western architecture and would be a good pick to give the EN server a western feel. They could also build an Eiffel Tower, Big Ben or Goldengate Bridge.

>> No.11458470

>tfw there is an actual church in the JP server
Lmao ENcucks

>> No.11458488

I love JP flattening stuff only because of how much it makes people seethe.

>> No.11458540

In a year from now where en is an exact copy of jp server you fags will cry about the flat

>> No.11458551

>No pyramid
>No saloon
>No Egyptian themed Holo
>No wild west themed holo

>> No.11458557
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Post builds that should be made on EN to make it more western

>> No.11458590

>No pyramid

Sana will build it

>> No.11458642

They should make the twin towers so pekora can't blow it up or trap it

>> No.11458681
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>Mumei will never build New Constantinople

>> No.11459331

This. There is a church on JP, however Haato explicitly stated from the beginning that it was so she could marry Watame, to keep the fedoras away

>> No.11459375

They should build freedom lady so Miko can finally pata pata her

>> No.11460207

That's Auschwitz, you sonuvabitch

>> No.11460255

Nah, it's the KFP training center.

>> No.11460289

Right this minute, Pekora is flattening on the EN server.

>> No.11460430

spot on

>> No.11460593

Shinto shrines are easier and faster to built in the block game

>> No.11460728
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The EN girls should've built statues of themselves to welcome the JP girls like the Argonath from LotR. It fits the lore too

>The Argonath was originally constructed after the year TA 1248 at the order of Rómendacil II to commemorate his victory over the Easterlings and to mark the northern border of Gondor

>> No.11460771
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>> No.11460842

None of the girls are into heavy redstone shit like hermitcraft.

>> No.11460916

Fun fact, there are more torii gates on the EN server than the JP server

>> No.11460939

Kiara build a concentration camp, doesn't that count?

>> No.11461025

Its a shame autis-i mean atheists can't be murdered without consequence for fagging up religion discussions with their reddit worldviews

>> No.11461265

>JP server
>filled with castles and amusement parks
>no meiji imperial palace

>> No.11461854

Then build them, and fast

>> No.11462300
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>> No.11462403

Based and very logical, when I said I wanted to "go back to 2011" I didn't mean the shitty parts of 2011.

>> No.11462486

>nobody bats an eye

Because the types of westoid atheists that would complain don't want JP except for Haachama.

>> No.11462525

it would’ve been nice honestly, where it’s mainly a japanese stereotype of how EN, or in this case westerners, would look like with a landscape filled with castles and cathedrals. the closest thing going on is gura’s (unfinished) temple, you can obviously see the greek architecture going on there

>> No.11462550

>JP server actually has a church

Fancy that

>> No.11462655

Gura made a point to visit it when she first explored the JP server too

>> No.11462666

Ironically enough, it is Haachama that built the church

>> No.11462793

what did you expect from Weebs? this is as cringe as people who cry at japanese songs in EN karaokes

>> No.11462911

>ID server
>actually has indonesian monument
come home white man

>> No.11463067
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>literally half of them are gooks and a couple disgusting Mutts.
>only 1 pure blood European
What the fuck would bunch of gooks and mutts know anything about castles?
Miko's shike Demon Castle is the only okay castle in both servers.

>> No.11463095


>> No.11467496

>why dont autistic weebs build with classic european aesthetics
Dunno lol

>> No.11467547
File: 1.25 MB, 2570x1831, Schloss_Schoenbrunn_August_2006_406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara is the only one of them that saw a real castle
Please Kiara build Schonbrunn as your seat of power for the reconstruction of Austrian Empire.

>> No.11467884

ENs are full of weebs and JPs are a bunch of westaboos, so why the surprise?

>> No.11468239
File: 141 KB, 1532x881, 2DCA9447-282B-427D-AAD7-04EF9D82F1A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023, Irys completes construction of her “Hall of Hope” on the EN server

>> No.11468367

Amerimutts and Canadians are related to castles and churches as much as Indians are related to pyramids. It's sad seeing mutts with zero culture pulling the WE WUZ KNIGHTS AND CRUSADERS N SHIET.

>> No.11468631

I was one of the biggest fedora tippers around and I love the way cathedrals look.

>> No.11468668

Do you think americans appeared out of thin air? You are correct that European-american was never popularly adopted but that doesn't mean the majority of americans aren't from there.

>> No.11468925
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ugly, looks like a pajeet temple

>> No.11469011

Majority of americans are from africa and central and south of america. The few minority who are from europe were a bunch of british, irish and french degenerates, or eastern european jews. So yeah, castles, churches and shit like that is not your culture or cultural heritage, you should look into building totems for rain summoning or whatever shamans do, it's closer to your culture.

>> No.11469066

I mean the church funded a huge part of the colonization of canada on the name of a christian mission. Quebec was built on christianism and jesuit missionaries.

>> No.11470157

seanigs -> "sea"thing

i've cracked the code

>> No.11470582
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>churches and castles
fuck that. It's the most overrated shit that happens. Gimme some Hanging Gardens of the Babylon, or one of others of the Wonders of the World.

>> No.11470621

This is all Kiara's fault.

>> No.11470713

Its taking Nene and Haachama months to build their western castles

>> No.11472100



>> No.11472630

They should build a 1:1 copy of the Okinawa US military base and cause the final yab

>> No.11473323
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They should build a nuke.
