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File: 267 KB, 1016x1248, ironmouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1133801 No.1133801 [Reply] [Original]

This new model looks like complete shit. How is it an upgrade to give her dead eyes, worse proportions, and a worse artstyle?
Did she pay a lot of money to commission it and then felt obligated to use it, rather than asking for her money back?

>> No.1133809


>> No.1133829


>> No.1133831

Just an awful thing all around. She used to stand out, but now she's just proto Nyanners.

>> No.1133840

Soulfags need to be shot. Every single one of them. Nobody agrees with you that shitty old models are better. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.1133867
File: 117 KB, 798x428, VShojo_Founder_Members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironmouse, from Vshojo. She is really cute and funny.

>> No.1133871

Her models just keep getting worse and worse. Fuck you.

>> No.1133884

You must be blind if you think her new model is better

>> No.1133907

idk I like the new model more

>> No.1133922

the bottom one is better

>> No.1133924

I like my Puerto Rican bubble girl because of her personality. The model is almost irrelevant. I did like that one quip she made when a guy called her voice fake, then she proceeded to muse on the state of his vocal cords and how they had taken lots of dick. Wish she had stayed independent or at leas stayed away from living shit like Nyanners.

>> No.1133957

I got excited when you said dead eyes, but those look too lively to me.

>> No.1133959


>> No.1133989


>> No.1134012


>> No.1134025

All her friends and fans are a bunch of Yes-men. They'd approve of her drinking poison if she suggested it.

>> No.1134027

She has no shoulders...

>> No.1134221


>> No.1134652

she does a whole 'seasons' concept and multiverse schtick, she's going to change it again sometime i'm sure

>> No.1134696

It's literally because of nyaners's influence. Mousey wanted to have the same artist mama as her so they could be sisters.

>> No.1134873
File: 8 KB, 157x161, 20210210_120142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this way about Zentrya, I loved her when she had a 3d model, her physical comedy was so on point, great reactions, then she switched to 2d and it RUINED it.
Her constant collabs with Froot didn't help either, Froot is so "socially alkward" it's hard to listen to.

>> No.1135202

I want to eat her hair.

>> No.1135516

I like the new model

>> No.1136766

How did she get AIDS?

>> No.1136792

What? If you have some inside rrat that all her health problems come from AIDS it would have to be from birth.

>> No.1137248

She has what can be described as non sexual, non contagious aids. She was born like that and her immune system is very weak.

>> No.1137287

>non sexual, non contagious aids
So just an auto immune disease?

>> No.1137459

As someone who has never watched her based on those screenshots the one on top looks amateurish to me and the one on the bottom looks of a professional enough quality side by side with the majority of company level vtubers in execution at least if not in concept.

>> No.1137479

Specifically CVID: Common Variable Immune Disorder.

>> No.1137485

She's very open abiut her helath issues

>> No.1137538

Autoimmune diseases refer to conditions in which the body's immune system attacks itself. So Mousey has AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) but minus the A - specifically, CVID.

>> No.1137579

Her new model is atrocious. I hope she gets a different one or back to her old one soon. At least fix the proportions.

>> No.1137590

>Forgot to add:
she has no immune system, let alone one that attacks the body by mistake

>> No.1137609

I really like the new model, only issue is it looks too much like Nyanners

>> No.1137635

Soul vs Soulless (shoulder-less too)

>> No.1137728

i can see why people prefer old but it is a shame that the fanbase is so extra toxic about it. tho i suppose i can't read moon so i don't actually /know/ what the nips do when a holo outfit they don't like comes out

>> No.1137790

>5 whores, a man, and a mouse walk into a bar

>> No.1137879

This model looks like total shit next to Nyanners. I do feel bad because she probably paid good money for it, but it's legit worse than the old one. Maybe it could be improved by giving her proper shoulders, a thicker neck and transplanting the old eyes in, but she might as well just roll back to the previous version instead.

>> No.1139161

Can't she get some sort of treatment in the States?

>> No.1139223

>Getting medical treatment in the US
She's only recently been able to afford good drugs and necessary equipment. She feels better than she has in a while, but it's not like there's a cure. It's all a matter of management and treatment with drugs.

>> No.1139257

You're a fucking contrarian if you genuinely think that this new model is better than her previous one. She looks absolutely soulless now.

>> No.1139933

>dead eyes
If anything they look less dead compared to the old example you posted. Maybe fittingly demonic-looking but not dead.

I do miss the spiral eye toggle she had on the last version of her S1 model though..

>> No.1140061

Whatever you say Nyanners.

>> No.1140146

The new one is better, but they need to fix the shoulders

>> No.1140190

I like the new one expressions too, I more think the hair needs a rethink.

Overall i think Mouse and Mel are the only tolerable ones in the Vshoujo. Mel i dont watch but shes a good girl and she seems genuine and nice so I hope she keeps doing well.

>> No.1140198

Don't mess with us Vshojo fans, we prefer our vtuber models to look like shit

>> No.1142272

I thought the dragon 3d model was hideous and rather derivative compared to the military outfit they were using before.

>> No.1142386
File: 134 KB, 850x1294, 1522221331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your days are numbered, rat.

>> No.1142462

found the cuckold

>> No.1142483

Yeah the military outfit was pretty cool. Constant downgrades.

>> No.1142553

She is cuter now

>> No.1147016
File: 157 KB, 932x1658, 1614741419569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really say you love your waifu if you don't put her on your body?

>> No.1147106

Zen's change was easily the worst. >>1142272 isn't wrong about that, but at least that and the dragon alike had exaggerated tracking, so her physical comedy made up for the text to speech. Without it, I just don't really feel like watching her new stuff.

>> No.1147172

I like Mouse's new model, it grew on me. I hated it initially but now that I've watched it, I like it. The shoulders even bother me less now.
Nyanners is getting a new model soon too, so they won't look like siblings anymore.

>> No.1147274

Just like her health.. you won't find another kino tuber this committed to their lore!

>> No.1147393

Oh no, it looks worse than I thought at first. If you're going to get a tattoo of your waifu, at least make sure a good artist is doing it. That face is fucked

>> No.1147394

Holy shit that’s trash

>> No.1147591

Which one of you drunk suicidal fucks was that?

>> No.1147727

The hell just happened in her stream?

>> No.1147787

Did something happen?

>> No.1147791

Trying to figure that out myself. For some reason she turned on emote only chat while I was away.

>> No.1147846

She does that sometimes when she sings.

>> No.1147857

$420 dono with a depressing message made Mouse feel bad.

>> No.1147900

What was wrong with the previous one?

>> No.1147906

I must've missed it. What'd it say?

>> No.1148007

Some fag was sending $100 donations about how he's drunk, sad, and lonely and was begging Mouse to help him feel better.

>> No.1148050

Some guy dumps over $600 in 6 minutes with some self-deprecating shit.

>> No.1148085

Chat was going apeshit over the suicidal guy so it looks like the mods turned it on.

>> No.1148485


>> No.1148682
File: 259 KB, 463x379, 1614611084161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking God I hope that guy was just being a fag thinking he was funny. He'd been making donos since the start but I guess he decided to make them worse as the night went on.

>> No.1150710

If Nyanners makes her happy then I’m gone with it, I’m a sucker for her situation and I wish she could hang out with vshojo irl someday except for Zen cause hairy legged transbians are weird

>> No.1150811

Jesus Christ, stop fucking dumping your own shit onto girls who already have their own issues. It's unfair to put them on the spot and ruin the entire flow of a stream, just for a few seconds of awkward attention.
Also RTDP.

>> No.1151074

Well , I guess you've got bad eyesight then.

>> No.1151173

Maybe she just prefers the new one?

>> No.1151205

Where did her shoulders go

>> No.1151261

It's too late now, but if this is you, you should know that colored tatoos fade away in a few years.

>> No.1151782
File: 2.43 MB, 2926x4096, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1152493

Let her be, she doesn't got much time here.

>> No.1152748

This board has been taken over by holosimps, just ignore them and their bait.

>> No.1153105

I heard they are making 3D model for that new 2D model.

>> No.1153213

Now only the shoulders and its good imo

>> No.1153238

Also i would never be rude to or about Mousey shes seems like a good girl. But i hope she gets a worthy live2d model. Not this current one. It doesnt do her just.

>> No.1153292

She NEEDS to get her money back or at least take steps to force the artist to fix it.

>> No.1153445

Why is everyone assuming that Mouse didn't approve it?

>> No.1153617

I'm not assuming that. I'm saying it's shit and Mouse should get it fixed, regardless of what she originally thought of it. Maybe she thought it was good. She was wrong, it's shit. It literally has no pupils.
