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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1119792 No.1119792 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all the vtubers use this shitty bird in their language learning streams?

>> No.1119819

Brand recognition

>> No.1119822

probably cause it's the easiest way to stream it

>> No.1119822,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dunno any better

>> No.1119847
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You cannot escape it.

>> No.1119959

Duolingo is pretty indo European focused so maybe its not terrible for English.

>> No.1120366

I hate the ugly fucking character designs in this app so much. Also, a lot of the example sentences they use are really random and not something that anyone would actually say in real life.

>> No.1120405

watashi wa ringo desu

>> No.1120419

Because it's a game. Do you expect them to stream a textbook or something?

>> No.1120430

It's really easy to use, I do not think using some obscure method of learning Japanese will attract viewers.

>> No.1120434

I'm pretty sure I could complete a full duolingo course without learning anything if I really wanted to

>> No.1120442

anki reps stream

>> No.1120569

Not the textbook itself, but learning grammar points and doing actual exercises on stream would be great. I haven't seen a single streamer ever do that.

>> No.1120594

I think sora has done English streams like that. If I remember right people were calling her a boomer because she has a hardcover English dictionary that she kept referring to.

>> No.1120602

You do not want to watch someone do exercises that doesn't involve moaning and suggestive noises.

>> No.1120631

>boot up duolingo japanese to try and learn nihongo to land mad jap pussy when this pandemic shit ends
>1 hour later and this green bird cunt keeps saying watashi but my oshi never says watashi, she was boko or some other weeb shit
>Assume the bird is lying to me and uninstall

Did I fuck up? Did Duo fuck up? Watashi wa confused.

>> No.1120695

Your oshi says atashi and when you land in japan you should say that too

>> No.1120738

Because it actually helps normies learn languages, and isn't some scam for coping retards that says "you can just learn language with anki and anime, now gib patreon money pls"

>> No.1120762

And that's why Sora's English study streams are my favorite

>> No.1120783

Why would you have to give patreon money to use Anki and watch media in other languages?

>> No.1120784
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>it actually helps normies learn languages

>> No.1120815

Just doing a shitty duolingo stream (not even good use for learning another language)
>BASED and Cool
Using what you've learned during a stream for the full duration of said stream.

>> No.1120820
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Based Sora

>> No.1120833

You don't appreciate my great advice? What are you? Ungrateful or something?

>> No.1120860

So is duolingo bad for learning Japanese? What should i use?

>> No.1120861

you have earned my kek, good sir

>> No.1120875

I hate the pakistani man that blows you kisses when you get the right answer. I am okay with the goth girl with purple hair.

>> No.1120876

>So is duolingo bad for learning Japanese?
It's terrible for any language.

>> No.1120944


>> No.1120961

Yeah that guy is really fucking weird, who came up with that shit?

>> No.1120984

I can't wait for unenthusiastic clapping duolingo goth girl's vtuber debut

>> No.1120990

there are guides how to learn japanese on /jp/ and /int/

>> No.1121006

Wouldn't flash cards be better? https://www.studystack.com/Japanese
I try to focus on words I think I'd need most of all but I suppose expanding vocabulary is always the goal.

>> No.1121081

It’s not “bad” in the sense it’s teaching you anything wrong, but you shouldn’t use it expecting a comprehensive coverage of the language.

If you don’t speak any Japanese at all then the first 1 or 2 lesson groups will teach you hiragana, katakana, basic vocab, some kanji and some simple phrases.

It’s downfall is the lack of any detail in the lessons. Every lesson has “tips” which you should 100% read and study, but even then they’re not great. Duolingo becomes more of a game than a study tool when you’re just clicking the words to match the translations.

Using Duolingo + wanikani up to level 3 + watching JP streams and videos can give beginners a good start and is 100% free. It’s also not boring which is a big reason people give up. After that though you shouldn’t rely on it as a “good way” to learn Japanese. Continue using it if you want but seek out additional sources for better understanding of grammar, sentence structure and vocab building.

>> No.1121127


>> No.1121181
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>> No.1121628
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Mostly because it's as easy to digest for JOP viewers as it is for the vtubers to breeze through it. It's actually surprisingly fun to watch vtubers who have a modicum of intelligence use it, because they either get angry at it for being Fucking Stupid, or get invested in things like redhead oneshota boy and whatever story it shits out.

>> No.1121723

The point is not to clear the courses by speedrunning duolingo. I can read a book without learning something from it, but I might as well stare at a wall. And maybe u do it, but don't assume everyone does

>> No.1121777

All apps are inefficient compared to serious self-study and immersion. But if you must, use Lingodeer. It was actually built from the ground up to teach east asian languages.

Duolingo was built mainly to teach people vacation level Spanish, and it's ok at that. But it loses relevancy as you leave the romance family.

>> No.1121877

If you really want to slay jap puss you should use "atai" to refer to yourself

>> No.1121884

Hopefully Moona listened to Coco when she said that Duolingo sucks.

>> No.1122046

Not him but unironically yes, it uses a lot of pattern recognition which is the best way for me to learn anything. It can only really teach the basics but considering I had issues with the basics, this helped me a lot.

>> No.1123040

Thanks anon, gamification helped me a lot.

>> No.1124387

Both Ina and Calli did some JLPT stuff early on, but they weren't allowed to archive them

>> No.1125423

>Duolingo becomes more of a game than a study tool when you’re just clicking the words to match the translations.
Or you can use the browser version and write with the jap keyboard instead

>> No.1125469

This is most certainly a stupid question, but what exactly do people mean by self-study? Reading a textbook?

>> No.1126046

>but what exactly do people mean by self-study?
anki droning

>> No.1126206

what about learning bahasa indonesia?

>> No.1126413

Flashcards with single words are a good way to lure you into thinking you know the language much better than you actually do.

>> No.1127073

It's a good "icebreaker" if you can call it that. Basically an easy way to take the first step.

>> No.1128020
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They see their points go up and think that they have actually learned something and they feel good about themselves, but the reality is that they are never going to remember enough kanji and voc to do anything with the language aside from saying "kore wa pen desu". Just do Tae Kim, RTK, 6K anki deck, start reading and after a while start watching videos in Japanese, it's easy.

t. reads a light novel every week

>> No.1128173

Duolingo is very good for the couple of languages its good at. For the rest its just ok.
Its gameified langauge learning, and thats a good way to get people to learn a language. For a board that cant speak japanese you people sure are experts on language learning.

>> No.1128191

Dunno, I actually started picking up phrases and context just after a week. Maybe you're just a brainlet?

>> No.1128328

Self-study is whatever you want it to be really, that's the "self" part
It could be anki reps, it could be autistically reading textbooks, it could be some other thing, what's important is the self-directed nature of it

>> No.1128426

It is a decent supplement
