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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 277 KB, 600x608, yaaaay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10984633 No.10984633 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all just take a second to appreciate the fact we live in the 2020s and something like vtubing is even fucking possible at all?

>> No.10984659 [DELETED] 

Sorry to say this but your post is Reddit

>> No.10984707

You have to go back

>> No.10984723 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1024x614, chillyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the negative waves man?

>> No.10984748
File: 215 KB, 1977x1125, 1633233673705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10984767 [DELETED] 

>you're not allowed to be happy
Kill yourself already if you're that miserable you obnoxious cretins.

>> No.10984805

It's pretty fucking hellish.

>> No.10984811

no kys

>> No.10984850 [DELETED] 

Quit samefagging and at least learn frogs aren't welcome on this board before getting defensive.

>> No.10984926 [DELETED] 

I'm not samefagging, take your fucking meds before assuming everything is a conspiracy you schizoid fuck.

>> No.10984966 [DELETED] 

I don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to be able to view the IP count.

>> No.10985071 [DELETED] 

I'm not trying to hide it, why are you assuming I'm pretending to be different people?

Like I said, take your fucking pills.

>> No.10985101 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10985104 [DELETED] 

Feel free to stop seething at any time and take the time you would spend replying to lurk more.

>> No.10985210 [DELETED] 

And jaks?

>> No.10985234 [DELETED] 

Why in the fuck would I do that? To get your approval? Fuck you.

>> No.10985333 [DELETED] 

You made this whole thread to jerk off over how wonderful you perceive vtubers to be and are now seething when people disagree so yes, I do think you care about my approval.

>> No.10985348

The 2020s are fucking awful holy shit take me back to 2008 before motherfuckers could earn millions like pewdiepie 'streaming games' or flipping shitcoins. Everything is so horrible, out of whack and the entire employment system doesn't make any fucking sense- they won't pay you anything decent to work, then complain they can't find workers. No one produces anything, it's all FED fake money and illiquid assets of theoretical value that will collapse (evergrande) as soon as someone realizes they don't have the cash to cover. All of this is beyond horrible.

>> No.10985391 [DELETED] 

No, I made it to express an opinion.

As far as fitting into whatever kind of board culture standards you're trying to foist on me, I most certainly don't care about those and never will.

>> No.10985451 [DELETED] 

>No, I made it to express an opinion
>Can we all just take a second-
An opinion you asked others to share in and cannot accept that they don't, which is why you can't let my mildly rude comment go to begin with.

>> No.10985495 [DELETED] 



>> No.10985592
File: 204 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20211003_214735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes fren

>> No.10985599 [DELETED] 

Wanna know how I know you're really, really, really new?

>> No.10985699 [DELETED] 

So long as this thread exists I will never let it go because this thread exists for no reason except to either A) feel good because people agree with me or B) yell at people because they don't, which is also fun.

>> No.10985722

I'm still waiting for the real VR matrix level that we were promised decades ago,

>> No.10985889 [DELETED] 

Nice, anons kicking the frog posters back.
If only we could kick the Gosling autist shitting the Kronii general back to /tv/

>> No.10985934
File: 36 KB, 299x400, 1461961685927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty cool
wouldn't have thunk it possible 5 years ago

>> No.10985937 [DELETED] 

not him but anything past smug pepe is reddit as fuck. 4chan grabbed the sad frog from a children's book and made him happy and smug since he no longer cared about his past troubles. Reddit and twitch grabbed him and made him sad again and eventually deformed him.

>> No.10985951 [DELETED] 

Why have you people disowned the frog? The frog is ours, always was.

>> No.10985997 [DELETED] 

I don't.....care.

>> No.10986050

god this board sucks

>> No.10987335


>> No.10987621

im still waiting for the possibility of VR sex with my oshi

>> No.10988231

I want to be a tyrant duke in the medieval ages where I can abuse the peasants at will.

>> No.10988885

Nah, it actually should've possible much sooner. Problem is the hype for this sort of technology has kinda slowed down despite vtubers' success, both hardware and software still have a long way to go.

>> No.10989002

frog dumbposter

>> No.10989067

Seething millennial

>> No.10989184

Post industrial society is a hell scape, look at Weimar Republic, any society that is infested so greatly with debt and a disparity of wealth between the public and the elite class are horrible malignant but somehow even worse because they appear on the shallow surface to be functional and fulfilled. I'd rather be surviving in a pre industrial society where my life doesn't feel like I'm trapped in a false world thrown upon the actual world.

>> No.10989207

I agree. I share in your joy, in the awe of the moment. Quite the neat thing, which I didn't see coming in precisely this way.
However, I am also required to cast scorn on you for the frog.

>> No.10989270
File: 353 KB, 1366x768, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could've been born fifty years into the future, and be having virtual sex with my oshi. Well, if the environment isn't completely fucked by then.

>> No.10989283

>I'd rather be surviving in a pre industrial society where my life doesn't feel like I'm trapped in a false world thrown upon the actual world.
Only issue with that dream, is that whiny shits like you wouldn't survive.

>> No.10989285

I agree with your message but I'm contractually obligated to shit on you for using a frog image

>> No.10989344

Why are zoomies so spaced out and fucking retarded? You can't even pay attention to anything more than 5 seconds, you never question the world and live by Realpolitik of integrating into what is expected of you to be, and what "philosophy/politics" you should follow, but you're probably a hedonist in spite of this not to mention your entire generation is full of narcissists somehow worse than mine because at least our narcissists pretended to care about things rather than regurgitation of what your favorite news source tells you. Not the same anon by the way, but zoomiecaust when?

>> No.10989348

Poor boomer. Keep seething and getting older

>> No.10989428

That's retarded, just because I hate this empty world it says nothing about that. You probably whine about racism on Twitter, I doubt you can survive a day camping in a park

>> No.10989470

I'm so fucking glad I was born after the internet was invented. Got a good roll on the dice there.

>> No.10989544

too early for space travel and colonisation though, i don't think elon will deliver. that's been humanity's dream for centuries.

>> No.10989571

>lost job
>job applications all rejected
>unemployment ran out
>all money saved is going towards utility and internet
>in student debt
>no friends
>no wife/gf
>about to get kicked out my shit studio apartment
>can't even afford wendy's
>eat one wawa pretzel for meal whole day
>drink only water
>thinking about becoming png vtuber
I am absolutely glad vtubing is possible, don't know what else i'd be doing with my time.

>> No.10989587

Don't talk to your superiors like that zoomie, millennials built this site and it was objectively better when we were in charge, you crashed this site and the internet with no survivors. Except the only problem is you aren't a big guy, thus it will be extremely painful for you.

>> No.10989704

itt: cynics unleashing their repressed their "i would be much happier if the world was a better place" spiel on the one thread that explicitly doesn't ask for their shit takes

>> No.10989745

Why the fuck would you want to live your life cooped up in a bubble on Mars or something? Everything outside of this planet is utterly inhospitable, there is literally no reason to ever go out there except exploration clout.

>> No.10989829

>vtuber is the only thing that makes me happy
kys faggot

>> No.10989848

I would like to populate a planet with my oshi. My superior genes shall overcome any inhospitable situation.

>> No.10989876

>Everything outside of this planet is utterly inhospitable, there is literally no reason to ever go out there except exploration clout.
stfu titor and stop fudging with the timelines

>> No.10989895

Your genes will literally get atomized by solar radiation.

>> No.10989900

No one asked for your take, also you didn't greentext correctly faggot

>> No.10989942

> You can't even pay attention to anything more than 5 seconds
And, yet, after acknowledging they don't have the attention span to read it, you wrote a whole ass mini rant anyways. This simple inability to connect two things together is why your whole generation is a flop. Stay seething.

>> No.10990006

youre that greentext cuck, fucking go back to pol retard nobody asks for your greentext standardization enforcement, literally worse than a janny

>> No.10990139

I fucking WISH I was a shortstack commando with a time machine.

>> No.10990184

Learn how to punctuate homo, you type like a 5 year old. Why don't you go sneed and seed?

>> No.10990523

See >>10989344

Literal fucking teenagers not understanding if things were shit during 'the good years', they're obviously going to be infinitely worse for (You) now that things are getting a lot worse. Literal fucking cretins who can't even learn from the most recent history.

>> No.10990591

No he's right and

>why your generation is a flop

Protip retard it's a cascade of shit from the peak in 1973 with gen x having it worse than boomers and y having it worse than x. Tiktokniggers being unable to understand that means, yes, your permed low IQ selves will have it worse than millennials is a given because the problem is systemic rather than "millennials, like, ate too much avocado toast to take out a mortgage" you absolutely dumb fuck.

>> No.10990836


>> No.10990838

Yes. Crypto + Vtubers has been max comfy.

>> No.10991013

> >ITT: x
