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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.17 MB, 2046x1446, 1617243587060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10958451 No.10958451 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10958864
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1631763799832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows that ass

>> No.10960036
File: 18 KB, 393x399, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese ass
maybe by japanese standards

>> No.10960299

Incredible in a pathetic sense someone spent likely hours making this image

>> No.10960352
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1633488682493.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the athleticism of a bowl of oatmeal.
Her complete lack of body movement skill is comical. Even otherworldly.

>> No.10960356

Where's the fart edit?
>inb4 anti
No, I'm just a degenerate.

>> No.10960490


>> No.10960673
File: 411 KB, 1751x2048, 1626941505869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10960734 [DELETED] 

>He lacks essential roomate info

What a faggot

>> No.10960804

She has improved significantly since then

>> No.10960885
File: 580 KB, 1220x1480, 1633241524203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just so beautiful

>> No.10960899
File: 11 KB, 803x432, FTFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally remade it in 1 minute, while commiting a few mistakes and being generally shit, i'm sure someone competent could do it in less time

>> No.10960923


Marine Piggu

>> No.10961165

I agree. I still watch her 3d performances to be amazed at her complete lack of coordination.
She moves much more similar to a human being now.
Me and my gf have philosophical conversations as to what kind of life history leads to negative coordination. I used to be a really awkward person, so its interesting to me.
I'm glad she's getting better. She'll live longer that way.

>> No.10961195

Is that the esophagus?

>> No.10961235

I'm guessing she has a complete lack of movement (she's admitted to just sitting at her home all day ordering uber eats) and then I'm guessing she's super self conscious and nervous doing 3D and she gets flustered and overthinks things

>> No.10961246

I'm pretty sure her earlier issues are due to her rigging, Korone had similar issues with the model when they switched models that one time and we all know how Korone moves normally

>> No.10961347

Negative coordination.

>> No.10961442

>gets flustered and overthinks things
Perhaps. I used to do that too

>> No.10961516

Someone post that gif where Nekomiya Hinata is groping Marine's ass and her hands are more than 10 cm away from the model.

>> No.10961578

Imagine sodomizing senchos overweight ass as she squealed at the top of her lungs

>> No.10961819

I want to see her roommates fat butt.

>> No.10962115

me too, buddy

>> No.10962209

Don't we all

>> No.10962222


>> No.10962296

No she hasn't she still moves around like a goblin and is always the first to get tired.

>> No.10962337

very good post, made me laugh

>> No.10962683

Kson will leak her dumper eventually

>> No.10962729

Check her recent concert

>> No.10965971

> Asian woman
> Fat butt
Pick one.

>> No.10966376

But my JAV's tho. What about my Jaaaavs?

>> No.10966538

See plenty of cosplayers and twitter girls with one.

>> No.10966551

explain me this then.

>> No.10966578

I choose the asian woman because I'm not a nigger.

>> No.10966722

I watched that. She is still unathletic and unfit. She still moves weirdly.
Watch the sankisei anouncement stream her and Rushia are embarrassingly out of shape, even midnight burger eating shut in Pekora is fitter than them.

>> No.10966783

Buddy if you think that’s a fat butt I’m sorry for you.

>> No.10967495

if you go any fatter than that you are into obese territory.... are you American per chance?

>> No.10967801

Only a SEA nigger would actually think this is a fat ass. Anon… You’re not… are you?

>> No.10968126

>if you think that is a fat ass you must be a sea nigger.
Kek what an absolute cope. For real anon anything bigger than that is just plain unattractive.

>> No.10968381

Eh I guess you’re right. If the ass suits you anon, then adopt it with pride.

>> No.10969637
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, goblin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upside to fat ass: fat ass
downside to fat ass: goblina movement

>> No.10970591

shut up marineschizo. th eonly reaso u havent been perma banned is because the meidos are en tards and secretly hate on JP

>> No.10970780

I DID imagine doing so with my chinpoko.
Then I did imagine it again, this time using a plug-in type asacoco.
I came without touching.
Thank You Anon for this transcendent experience.
Such a relief, I literally haven't for weeks.

>> No.10970851

Her hips and thighs are nice, but her ass is nothing special. No bubble to it.

>> No.10970859

I DID imagine doing so with my chinpoko.
Then I did imagine it again, this time using a plug in type asacoco.
I came without touching.
Thank You Anon for this transcendent experience.
Such a relief, I literally haven't for weeks.

>> No.10970941

Pls no bully

>> No.10978861

you guys know there is actual porn out there right? i don't get this shitty obseeions with making non lewd thigns lewd, sure marine was lewd form the get go but that was a mistake.

>> No.10981782

Was it autism?

>> No.10990549
File: 3.91 MB, 854x480, doublepalmtechnique.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't post requests but the record needs to be set straight on how fat Marine's ass is, it's stupid thicc.

>> No.10990747

I'm normal so I don't care about either

>> No.10990828
File: 1.75 MB, 1188x754, Hololive marine ass size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10991270

