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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10926761 No.10926761 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Gura have 3 million more subs than her EN2 genmates but gets only 1-2k more viewers?
If her sub to viewer ratio was the same, she should be getting 150k viewers right now. Why does she have so many dead subs?

>> No.10926968

Majority of her subs come from the initial HoloEn hype wave. People subbed who don't even follow vtubers just because of her design and past life.

>> No.10927042

The queen of dead subs.

>> No.10927532

>Solo-Gura wrapping out the end of the stream vs Kronii in the middle of streaming in a collab
Nice try

>> No.10928745
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>> No.10929190

report her channel for using bots. I did with council and now Sana shows what EN's sub count actually is.

>> No.10929467

still gets a million views in 24 hours

>> No.10929500
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Does this frustrate you, kuzunigger?

>> No.10929531

Most of her subs just want to listen to her song, same with mori

>> No.10929608

Afaik it was pretty much proved that if your using an adblocker you don't get counted as a live viewer. I am pretty sure all the EN's have much higher viewer counts.

>> No.10929610
File: 224 KB, 716x236, 684641651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try nijinigger

>> No.10929692

they're all senzawa fags who want to see her shitpost glory but left dissapointed

>> No.10929783

People live in different timezones, anon. Not everyone is a burger like (You).

>> No.10929838

They ended around the same time.

>> No.10929873

>If her sub to viewer ratio was the same, she should be getting 150k viewers right now.

Does that look like 150k to you guys? Have you not been educated?

>> No.10929942

Didnt she break 150k on a karaoke stream
Seems right to me

>> No.10929983
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Should pewdiepie have 10M CCV, retard?

>> No.10929999

She broke 100k on a single karaoke stream and then 200k on her last outfit reveal, neither will happen again.

>> No.10930000

And nijien got 1k from their 190k subs

>> No.10930346

We watch the vods. Not all of them. Just the ones we're interested in. Niji's numbers make more sense. Hololive are the ones with a cult GFE following, which is why it's strange to see their numbers so low.

>> No.10930408

>neither will happen again.
we already know you will be disappointed just like every time it happens

>> No.10930570

Do nijicope really?

>> No.10930622

their anniversary struggled to 68k and that was on Ame's channel, the supposed 3 most popular EN member

>> No.10930725
File: 814 KB, 984x973, 2021.09.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shitposting
Save them first pls

>> No.10930909

They aren't dead, check out how high Gura's VODs grow. They just don't interact with her as a livestreamer. The least popular video that will even load on Gura's page is 400k.

>> No.10931254

This is really low considering they were all visiting the JP server. The holo decline just doesn't stop.

>> No.10931556

She'll graduate any day now

>> No.10932372

most of those 3mil subs are utter casuals who barely have interest in vtubers. they only subscribed her and never watch her again after doing only once.

>> No.10932502

>morning in japan vs prime time in NA
lol, holobronies is desperate

>> No.10932650
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Here's JST primetime, move your goalpost

>> No.10932763

Without tournament your king literally is trash

>> No.10932801

>Vodview cope
Livestreamers anon-chama, do you not understand? What's the point of subbing to a LIVE streamer you won't watch LIVE.
Vod views are meaningless because only LIVE viewers can give superchats.

>> No.10932804

Based on her VOD view counts compared to the others, I'd assume that most of her viewers are casual watchers like me who don't actually care about the culture of live watching. I watch her videos on my own time, because my life doesn't revolve around following every vtuber as they air live.

>> No.10932867

>Even with the CR cup tourney shit buff still can't break 30k

>> No.10932899

LMAO, what kind of analogy is this? Braindead people are disgusting, are you a fat burger?

>> No.10932948

>this delusional cope
Too obvious, try harder

>> No.10933055

>CR cup buff
>still not enough
Oh no no no no

>> No.10933067

mc is a buff game and yet she cant even reach the live viewer numbers of pekoras shitty pot game stream.
its just a fact that most of her subscribers arent even her fans. just onlookers

>> No.10933098

I'm going to assume you are a Nijinigger but you should know that subs do not equate to live viewers at all. A good example would be the NijiEN girls that you probably love so much. Their sub totals go up every single day but their live viewership has actually decreased from last month. Pekora keeps gaining subs but she isn't seeing any sizable increase in her live viewership.

What subs do equate with is overall video views, especially on short videos. That explains why Gura's KING already has 8 million views after only a month.

>> No.10933199

pretty sad that only Selen can break 4 digits

>> No.10933285

That's more than Gura though? Why can't Gura get 30k with Minecraft buff and visiting the JP server buff?

>> No.10933366

>19k with fucking APEX of all things
Fucking how

>> No.10933391

Holy cope

>> No.10933443

That is actually low for him. Kuzuha is reclining.....

>> No.10933523

Is this the best Holo can do? Mid-tier Niji with 400k subs actually get 20-25k viewers regulary, you know?

>> No.10933615

And Gura gets more VOD views than any mid-tier Niji subscriber amount
At least bait with something you can argue with

>> No.10933614

>only LIVE viewers can give superchats
>only LIVE viewers can give superchats
Having more CCV doesn't mean you get more SC. Look at Rushia, Mori, Lamy, or Kiara. Also, VOD views on youtube can get ad revenue so it has more meaning than CCV.

>> No.10933782

>Mid-tier Niji with 400k subs actually get 20-25k viewers regulary
Wait, what? Who are you talking about here?

>> No.10933809

this is actually funny.

gen 2 live streams will beat guras live streams very soon. wonder what will happen on /vt/ then lol

>> No.10933834
File: 203 KB, 461x371, 21.09.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mid-tier Niji with 400k subs actually get 20-25k viewers
He even mogged his king hahahahahha

>> No.10933883

Oh no no no kuzu....
You has 1M subs...
How could you lose to a 400k subs

>> No.10933931

Why you called real king of niji a mid-tier niji?

>> No.10933981

He shouldn't even count. He is the Ayame of Nijisanji. A lazy fuck who can't be bothered to stream yet his braindead fans show up when he does, just like Ayame. Every stream those two do is a buff stream since you might not see another one for another month.

Streamers like Kuzuha, Pekora, Miko, and even Gura who stream a lot more frequently and still pull high viewership should be celebrated over lazy cunts like Toya and Ayame.

>> No.10933986

he mogging every holo with 1 M subs kek

>> No.10934005

I honestly don't know how the fuck Ayame gets away with it

>> No.10934026

This is why sub counts are horseshit unless chuba wants growth with diminishing engagements. Consistent live viewers that are gainfully employed and dedicated consistent clippers are what matter.

>> No.10934067
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He didn't quite lose, but his average was pretty to close to his last month indeed. What's more amusing is that he beat someone who has 9x more subs than him despite her having one of her best months due to all the Minecraft spam, anniversary celebrations, multiple karaokes, etcs.

>> No.10934069

stop samefagging

>> No.10934071


>> No.10934108

This boards definition of a good view count is also skewed to hell. Getting a thousand live viewers already puts you in the top 1% of streamers

>> No.10934147

which just means ayame has dedicated hardcore fans and gura didnt have any of them.

why would amerimutt baboons always believe a content/creator having their own fans is a bad thing? lolollolol

like amerimutt sjws always blame "fans" and ruin every established franchise like marvel and dc comics

>> No.10934163

>one of her best months
>streamed less in September than in any of the past previous 9 months
Just post your bait and go

>> No.10934207

>Ayame #1
Wow so the oni is the real queen of vtuber?

>> No.10934206

She has a lot of fans who only tune into her for her singing and couldn't give less of a fuck about her gaming streams
Not a chumbud, every holo has audience members like this, Gura has the biggest %

>> No.10934247

It literally was in terms of CCV and monthly views. She's normally much lower in both of those, but it was still not enough to beat Toya or Kuzuha.

>> No.10934271

>Kuzuha day
>New outfits reaveal
>Still can't break 30k

>> No.10934286

Per another streamer I watched that went from YouTubing to live-streaming on twitch and uploading his vods to YouTube. He said that his 20-30k (4hrs long~) view vods make a ridiculous amount more than his 300-500k (10min) view videos ever did. Said Youtube pays a lot more for them because of retention. Those 500k vods are making them bank, if you think a 10min 5million view video makes no money than your retarded.

>> No.10934370

>Minecraft spam
What will happen if the shity king not doing APEX spam?

>> No.10934372

Well seeing as Gura makes over 500k viewers per vod on the low end , Gura is MOGGING his oshi
How sad

>> No.10934400

He's a coward afraid of playing debuff game

>> No.10934760

Toya gets 25k+ doing completely random shit. Kuzuha doesn't need APEX to get past that barrier either.

>> No.10934794

Mean to quote: >>10934370

>> No.10934798
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>> No.10934810

member for 10 months, no supa and just watch vods exclusively

>> No.10934891
File: 453 KB, 461x859, 21.09.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not APEX 2

>> No.10934924
File: 130 KB, 255x739, 21.09.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not APEX 3

>> No.10934960
File: 169 KB, 461x248, 21.09.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not APEX 4

>> No.10934999

Absolutely trash without APEX

>> No.10935109
File: 210 KB, 721x878, 1607759639687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last week~, here is some OC she's had made for her. Now imagine this driving people who may never watch your stream, but still know who you are and sub to your channel.
Feel free to thank me later.

>> No.10935129
File: 1015 KB, 1000x2084, 1632153898883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Gura get near 40k playing BoTW? The autistic owl already failed to. Only got 1/4 of that.

>> No.10935145
File: 83 KB, 393x275, 1603419302187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you niggers like this?

>> No.10935146

Jp streamers also don’t have as many viewers removed by the YouTube “spam filter” since Japan has some of the lowest ad block usage world wide.
Their CCV numbers are going to be closer to the real number than EN streamers.

>> No.10935250

average vtuber fans dont use an adblocker. you overate "vtuebr fans" or yourself as a creepy nerd.

90% of them are casual nerds who dont even know how to use it.

>> No.10935301
File: 36 KB, 464x304, Tremendous Declining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10935303

Hololive fans are not average youtubers by default.

>> No.10935342
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>> No.10935393
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>> No.10935443

Holy mother of lmao

>> No.10935451

I can’t tell if this is bait or cope.
The most normie of normies uses ad block.
It requires zero technical knowledge to set up.

>> No.10935492

You're overestimating the average normie. Even opening the chrome webstore puts you in the top half of users.

>> No.10935523


>> No.10935602

its not about a "technical issue" you nerd. normies just have no interest in computer/IT stuff

most jp fans are casuals. like most jp persona game fans are casuals. this doesnt go for the west because the west still has a "weeaboo wall".

>> No.10935629

the only thing that can break that record will be her 3D debut and it MUST be on peak EOP amerifat times. If it's JST timezone, max will be less thank 200k for sure.

>> No.10935671

Yamada himself gets lower numbers than Kuzuha does now. In that stream his peak was 25k which is his within his normal APEX numbers since both of them had their own POVs. Really have to misrepresent things to make your meme shark not look pathetic, huh?

>> No.10935683

Kingposters… where did things go so wrongs…

>> No.10935711

Gotta cope harder than this, people are tired of the vampire.

>> No.10935717

In America 27% of internet users have ad block and that’s across all demographics.
The demographics watching Hololive (late teens and 20’s) are the most likely to be using it.
This means that around 40% of Americans watching are likely to have ad block.
This number is also pretty close to the percentage of viewers that suddenly dropped in December when YouTube put in the filter.

>> No.10935728

The day kuzufag disappeared and switch to Chin man Toya to shitpost

>> No.10935780
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>> No.10935788

>This means that around 40% of Americans watching are likely to have ad block.

lol its nothing but your fucking shitty baseless assumption

>> No.10935840
File: 85 KB, 1196x232, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are tired of baby shark even more. She used to get 120k+ for her karaokes. Now look at her.

You can't show any direct decline for him in comparison. He literally gets better numbers than Yamada does now.

>> No.10935841

Don't make me get the peak CCV out.

>> No.10935850

They do it specifically to confuse and irritate you, OP.

>> No.10935871

>can't show direct decline
>anon is fucking retarded
many such cases. Feel free to suck my dick anytime.

>> No.10935881

You can literally look it up. People track these things because advertisers want to know.

>> No.10935893

kuzuhabro, this honestly getting kinda sad right now. And you guys were so cocky too…

>> No.10935919

You mean to tell me the "KING" on a super buffed superchat month of hitting 1 million subs, a birthday, and a new outfit reveal barely beat a normal month for Rushia? Wow, what an accomplishment!!

>> No.10935947

I frequent the numbers thread and Kuzuhabro basically got blown the fuck out of that thread after the 17k Apex stream. He is now trying his act in different threads now since he is scared to show his face in #

>> No.10935957

huh? you are also making another stupid mistake that all holo en fans are americans

>> No.10936019

You can stop pretending to be retarded now. It's not going to change the fact that Gura has declined massively and Kuzuha didn't.

He got 25k which is his normal APEX number. Why would he get a boost from it if both had their own POVs that time?

>> No.10936046

>sees proof
>stop pretending
you've lost your mind kuzubro, you gotta move on.

>> No.10936177

You think just America has high Adblock usage?
America isn’t even among the top.
Europe and SEA beat America in Adblock usage. SEA is also a big demographic for EN.
Japan is bottom 3 for Adblock usage only getting beaten by Ghana and Morocco, even Nigeria has higher usage.

>> No.10936263
File: 188 KB, 450x364, 1610776195806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even holos are catching on to dead qiqi..

>> No.10936267

>declined massively and Kuzuha didn't
True, those 120k tourist won't comeback to him, infact anything above 30k for kuzuha is always tourist anyway

>> No.10936495

Yeah and where did all those 120k people who used to tune in for Gura's karaoke go to? Why does she only get a third of that now?

>> No.10936577

Isn't that pre-December numbers bug? 10 months ago?

>> No.10936703

Yep, it’s completely dishonest to compare pre December views to post.
I don’t think they’re getting the same live views they got back then but they didn’t lose nearly as many as it seems.

>> No.10936742

Well, at least those viewers still listen to her song tho. 2 songs hit 1 million in 11hrs

>> No.10936778
File: 267 KB, 1080x421, Screenshot_20211006-135146~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please beat kanata before comparing ghoul to queen Rushia
